IRONIC: Criminal Former FBI Director Comey Says 'Dig Deeper' After No Evidence Against Kavanaugh


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Former FBI Director James Comey spoke out the other day after the hearing on Judge Kavanaugh revealed:

NO evidence to support the accusations made about Kavanaugh
-- Sounds exactly like the proven conspiracy Comey was part of
The 'victim' could not remember where the event took place
The 'victim' could not remember when - not even the year - the event took place
The 'victim' could not remember getting there / how she got home
The 'victim' could not remember that she really DOESN'T have a fear of flying
The 'victim' could not remember taking a polygraph, that it was only TWO questions
The 'victim' could not identify witnesses besides the 4 who say it never happened
The 'victim' never pressed charges, still won't file a complaint
The 'victim' never wanted to come forward, press charges, or testify

Comey declared that in the absence of any evidence against Kavanaugh the Democrats just needed to 'DIG DEEPER' ... because that is what he, Mueller, and Rosenstein did...and what Mueller and Rosenstein are continuing to despite still not having any evidence after 2 years.

(I am sure he and the Democrats are saddened by the fact that disgraced / exposed co-conspirator Strzok is no longer with the FBI and can not step in to frame / F* Kavanaugh over from the inside as he was exposed to have tried to do against Trump.)

There have been 6 FBI investigations conducted on Judge Kavanaugh.
There has been a Security Clearance investigation conducted on Kavanaugh.
All 7 of the results ready like a report on Captain America / an Eagle Scout.

There has still been no charges filed against Kavanaugh.

There has still been no complaint filed on Kavanaugh.

Once again, just like with Trump, there is no evidence of a crime having been committed involving Kavanaugh; but once again Democrats / Comey is calling for MORE investigations / a criminal investigation.

As accurately pointed out, FBI investigations do not result in findings, recommendations, or decisions to move forward to indict or not....UNLESS COMEY IS RUNNING THE FBI.
-- Comey took it upon himself as Director of the FBI to publicly declare while crimes were found in regards to Hillary's illegal use of an unauthorized, unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET data (which was eventually accessed by China, Russia, and 4 other foreign entities & the classified material stolen, compromising our national security), HE recommended no indictment be pursued. (The US IG reported this was a violation of the Separation of Powers Act by the FBI - 'usurping the role and powers of the DOJ', as well as an abandonment of strict FBI procedures and rules.

To prevent a run-away DNC-initiated investigation of Kavanaugh, as they did / are doing with Trump, the President narrowed the focus of any FBI investigation of Kavanaugh to be specifically about the accusations of sexual impropriety...

...and Comey and the Democrats - surprised, surprise - are pissed about that. I guess they were hoping they could run an investigation of Kavanaugh dating back 30-40 years, allowing them to investigate every aspect of his life, and pull another 'witch hunt' that would, at the very least, be able to run the clock out until the mid-terms.

The only investigation / investigations I am looking forward to now is the investigations into the proven / exposed crimes perpetrated by Hillary, Holder, Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, etc....perhaps even Obama....conducted by the NEW US AG after the mid-terms, after the GOP holds the House and the President fires his current 'MIA' US AG and hires someone outside of the Washington Establishment and Swamp with the 'testicular fortitude' to go after and hold these criminals accountable.

I can't wait until a real, proper, legit investigation is done on these criminals - reveling in the calls to 'DIG DEEPER' into the past / past crimes of these a$$holes!

James Comey: The F.B.I. Can Do This

"Former FBI Director James Comeywrote that the FBI should be skeptical about comments Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh made regarding his high school yearbook, insisting they are a sign the bureau must "dig deeper."

In this call by Comey he once again reveals why he should never have been Director of the CIA, how he is completely partisan, and how he remains a 'criminal douche'...

There is NOTHING in Kavanaugh's year book that even comes close to providing any evidence that Kavanaugh committed a crime, let alone provides evidence that he attacked / gang-raped anyone....and the pathetic thing is COMEY KNOWS IT!

Comey KNOWS the hearing resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE against Kavanaugh ... but he f*ing hates Trump and so he f*ing hates Kavanaugh and wants to see Kavanaugh's confirmation go down.

'Dig Deeper'?

So he is saying that his 'highly competent' FBI - who conducted 6 investigations of Kavanaugh already and found nothing - F*ED UP the 1st 6 times but can 'get the job done' this time ('get the JOB done' - meaning take down Kavanaugh)?!
- I seriously doubt it, especially, since the criminals running the FBI - Comey, McCabe, Strzok) are gone.

Comey knows, as Graham pointed out, that the FBI does not present conclusions or do not provide recommendations, again, UNLESS HE AND HIS CRIMINAL 'A-TEAM' ARE RUNNING THE FBI.

Again, the only investigations I am looking forward to now involve HIM!
like i said - the problem is we don't know when to quit. so we don't until we get the answer WE want. not like the left is the only ones bad at that. the right set the tone w/hillary.
Former FBI Director James Comey spoke out the other day after the hearing on Judge Kavanaugh revealed:

NO evidence to support the accusations made about Kavanaugh
-- Sounds exactly like the proven conspiracy Comey was part of
The 'victim' could not remember where the event took place
The 'victim' could not remember when - not even the year - the event took place
The 'victim' could not remember getting there / how she got home
The 'victim' could not remember that she really DOESN'T have a fear of flying
The 'victim' could not remember taking a polygraph, that it was only TWO questions
The 'victim' could not identify witnesses besides the 4 who say it never happened
The 'victim' never pressed charges, still won't file a complaint
The 'victim' never wanted to come forward, press charges, or testify

Comey declared that in the absence of any evidence against Kavanaugh the Democrats just needed to 'DIG DEEPER' ... because that is what he, Mueller, and Rosenstein did...and what Mueller and Rosenstein are continuing to despite still not having any evidence after 2 years.

(I am sure he and the Democrats are saddened by the fact that disgraced / exposed co-conspirator Strzok is no longer with the FBI and can not step in to frame / F* Kavanaugh over from the inside as he was exposed to have tried to do against Trump.)

There have been 6 FBI investigations conducted on Judge Kavanaugh.
There has been a Security Clearance investigation conducted on Kavanaugh.
All 7 of the results ready like a report on Captain America / an Eagle Scout.

There has still been no charges filed against Kavanaugh.

There has still been no complaint filed on Kavanaugh.

Once again, just like with Trump, there is no evidence of a crime having been committed involving Kavanaugh; but once again Democrats / Comey is calling for MORE investigations / a criminal investigation.

As accurately pointed out, FBI investigations do not result in findings, recommendations, or decisions to move forward to indict or not....UNLESS COMEY IS RUNNING THE FBI.
-- Comey took it upon himself as Director of the FBI to publicly declare while crimes were found in regards to Hillary's illegal use of an unauthorized, unencrypted unsecured server containing TOP SECRET data (which was eventually accessed by China, Russia, and 4 other foreign entities & the classified material stolen, compromising our national security), HE recommended no indictment be pursued. (The US IG reported this was a violation of the Separation of Powers Act by the FBI - 'usurping the role and powers of the DOJ', as well as an abandonment of strict FBI procedures and rules.

To prevent a run-away DNC-initiated investigation of Kavanaugh, as they did / are doing with Trump, the President narrowed the focus of any FBI investigation of Kavanaugh to be specifically about the accusations of sexual impropriety...

...and Comey and the Democrats - surprised, surprise - are pissed about that. I guess they were hoping they could run an investigation of Kavanaugh dating back 30-40 years, allowing them to investigate every aspect of his life, and pull another 'witch hunt' that would, at the very least, be able to run the clock out until the mid-terms.

The only investigation / investigations I am looking forward to now is the investigations into the proven / exposed crimes perpetrated by Hillary, Holder, Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, etc....perhaps even Obama....conducted by the NEW US AG after the mid-terms, after the GOP holds the House and the President fires his current 'MIA' US AG and hires someone outside of the Washington Establishment and Swamp with the 'testicular fortitude' to go after and hold these criminals accountable.

I can't wait until a real, proper, legit investigation is done on these criminals - reveling in the calls to 'DIG DEEPER' into the past / past crimes of these a$$holes!

James Comey: The F.B.I. Can Do This

"Former FBI Director James Comeywrote that the FBI should be skeptical about comments Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh made regarding his high school yearbook, insisting they are a sign the bureau must "dig deeper."

In this call by Comey he once again reveals why he should never have been Director of the CIA, how he is completely partisan, and how he remains a 'criminal douche'...

There is NOTHING in Kavanaugh's year book that even comes close to providing any evidence that Kavanaugh committed a crime, let alone provides evidence that he attacked / gang-raped anyone....and the pathetic thing is COMEY KNOWS IT!

Comey KNOWS the hearing resulted in ZERO EVIDENCE against Kavanaugh ... but he f*ing hates Trump and so he f*ing hates Kavanaugh and wants to see Kavanaugh's confirmation go down.

'Dig Deeper'?

So he is saying that his 'highly competent' FBI - who conducted 6 investigations of Kavanaugh already and found nothing - F*ED UP the 1st 6 times but can 'get the job done' this time ('get the JOB done' - meaning take down Kavanaugh)?!
- I seriously doubt it, especially, since the criminals running the FBI - Comey, McCabe, Strzok) are gone.

Comey knows, as Graham pointed out, that the FBI does not present conclusions or do not provide recommendations, again, UNLESS HE AND HIS CRIMINAL 'A-TEAM' ARE RUNNING THE FBI.

Again, the only investigations I am looking forward to now involve HIM!

Dig deeper, eh?

Yea, just like with Trump.
Dig deeper, eh?

Yea, just like with Trump.
And just like with Trump they will and have attempted to set him / his associates up, manufacturing lies / BS in order to try to get what they want....

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