Irresponsible politicians and their disregard for American freedoms

Never has a party so fulfilled the worst criticism of their opposition as now when "let them die" is the entire republican coronavirus strategy.
As that is not the strategy, all that has been fulfilled is your fantasies of hate for half the nation. Nice.
Republicans are making a bet that recklessly reopening the economy will benefit them more than the damage they will take for the resulting death toll of these decisions.
Except that is, again, only in your head. No one want to reopen recklessly. You may think their plans are reckless but those coming up with them do not.

Disagreement does not equate to evil. This is why politics is broken, get out of your damn echo chamber and stop demonizing the opposition because it suits your narrative.
My county has had zero known community transmissions so far. The known cases have stood at 2 for a couple of weeks. We are uniquely isolated here. They "loosened restrictions" here in Florida but they might as well have just thrown open the doors because the tourists are piling in already. It seems they are also taking a vacation from social distancing as well. They are going to bring that shit here and it is going to tear us a new asshole. Republicans made these decisions, they will never be allowed to trivialize what it will cost.
And yet it is only blue areas that have been plagued by the virus. Maybe you've put your trust in the wrong people
Nothing to do with them being blue and everything to do with the simple fact that the more urban an area is the more blue it is likely to be.

Urban areas run real risk of pandemic outbreaks. Rural areas have very little risk.

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