IRS Employees claim lives in danger over Tea Party Bias Case

Should their testimony be secret?

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Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Yup. The same ones that targeted over 400 Conservative Groups are now claiming their testimony must remain secret for fear of their life. After they audited them, harassed them.....tried to shut down their businesses..............and USED THE IRS AS A WEAPON.

They won a stay to testify in Secret. Poor things.

Lois Lerner’s tea party-targeting testimony can stay secret: Judge

U.S. District Judge Michael R. Barrett had originally ordered their depositions be sealed, but on Thursday he removed that prohibition and instead said the testimony should be deemed “confidential,” keeping it secret until he can see what the women had to say and what effect releasing it to the public would have.

He said the parties in the case can eventually ask to make the information public, and at that point the burden will be on Ms. Lerner and Ms. Paz to explain why it should be kept secret.

“Good cause exists to maintain the confidentiality of the depositions during the discovery phase,” Judge Barrett ruled.

IRS Officials Claim Lives in Danger Over Tea Party Bias Case - Really? - Citizens for Self-Governance

But now, the officials are hiding behind the apron of Big Government to save them. Yes, really. The FreeBeacon reports:

Current and former IRS officials are asking not to publicly testify about the agency’s alleged bias against Tea Party and other conservative organizations, claiming they are in danger if they do so.

Former official Lois Lerner and Holly Paz both argued in recent filings under seal in the U.S. District Court in Cincinnati that the death threats and other harassment they have faced take precedence over the public’s right to hear their testimony on the case of IRS bias against conservative groups…
IRS Officials Claim Lives in Danger Over Tea Party Bias Case - Really? - Citizens for Self-Governance

This is a joke, and they continue to hide behind the government. Tea partiers were subjected to scorn, ridicule, abuse and threats precisely because of what people like Lois Lerner did to us. They tried to make us look like criminals. I and my family, and many other tea partiers received death threats. I was forced to take safety precautions including wearing body armor for public appearances. The idea that Lois Lerner, Holly Paz and others could hide from public scrutiny of their crimes by saying that people post mean things about them on blogs is an outrage.

However, the outrage should not be reserved only for them. The IRS and the DOJ continue to stonewall the tea party groups’ pursuit of justice. Even under the Trump administration there has been absolutely no change in the outrageous, obnoxious, expensive, time consuming, foot dragging of the government in this case. Nothing has changed. There seems to be no difference, not one iota, between Obama and Trump on this and I don’t understand why under the Trump Administration they are still fighting us.
The Battle Goes on...........Those targeted refusing to stand down or SUBMIT to the ABUSES OF THE IRS......

Check this out. From one of those targeted.

True The Vote

Last week, House Republicans said they plan to file criminal charges against Lois Lerner. Their willingness to push forward in the investigation, together with our stunning win of court-ordered discovery and deposition of key IRS staff, means that we are closer than ever to revealing all the players involved in the IRS Targeting Scandal and securing policies and penalties to ensure IRS viewpoint based discrimination can NEVER happen again.

We are still aggregating data and laying the groundwork for the forensic audit of the 2016 election. Now - in addition to that epic project - we also need to raise additional support for legal efforts in our IRS case. We desperately need financial resources to keep both these groundbreaking efforts moving forward.

The testimony must be in the open.

The threats and who made them must be made public so that those back home can deal with the threat makers.
I hope everyone learns all that they did and the rats have to live out their lives in obscurity, after getting fired. They were probably following orders but you have no duty to obey unlawful orders. Too many in government act like thugs overseeing us.
And this
and other trumpers have much to hide

This thread is about those targeted not giving up and continuing the fight against the ABUSES of POWER in Gov't. REFUSING to BOW...........STANDING UP FOR WHAT IS WRONG...........

Lerner and others are still having to fight.....................The ones targeted don't no how to give up.........and they will fight them til the end.

PROUD OF THEM...........GOD BLESS AMERICA.........Now put your DNC buttons back on your boring me.
Are to feel bad for these assholes who are the lowest form of life.

This puts a smile on my face first thing in the morning
The testimony must be in the open.

The threats and who made them must be made public so that those back home can deal with the threat makers.
yep. no more hiding. someone threatens you then maybe others will stop doing this bullshit to other people.

you fuck with someone's living, they will come after you. that was going on as long as people were whacking women with clubs and had a 3 sound vocabulary.

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