IRS finds yet another Lois Lerner email account

So, they found a back up TO ALL THE ORIGINAL missing emails that repubs said would prove Lerner is a crminal ..... yahdahdahdahdahdah.....

Do we hear a word about all the emails THEY DID RETRIEVE and how they PROVED learner innocent of all those fake republican accusations....OF COURSE NOT.....

SERIOUSLY, what kind of fools do you think we are....?

And now that all the missing emails were found and NOTHING was criminal in them, the Repubs are now implying it must be in these emails from a private account....


We are ON TO YOU..... and your continual partisan dog and pony shows paid for with my taxes....
Then why did Obama replace that old white woman?

I swear, he must be RACIST!
Well I guess this means she should be arrested any day now.
She should be...................but the crooks at the Dept of Justice can't frag them without fragging their bosses............

She should be in jail.........along with others...........but the elite don't have to obey the rules...............and you cheer it.

Everyone knows they targeted....................they even admitted it..............but they will not do the time...................

Your glad that's what we have in gov't.................Makes you happy............That's pathetic.
Yeah she should TOTALLY be in jail! For... uh.... something....
Well I hope the republican president, goes with your enthusiasm towards using the IRS against it's opponents. I hope he sicks the IRS on you with a vengeance. Then I want to hear you saying it's all good, even though they ruined your life, just because your a liberal. I hope I hear you say that. Thanks Obama!
Wow you're a sick fuck. No lives were ruined you jerk. Just a bunch of partisan phonies getting butthurt over something they have no evidence happened.
Like I said if it happens to you, shut the fuck up and smile. Then thank your boy Obama.
Then why did Obama replace that old white woman?

I swear, he must be RACIST!

People get replaced for political reasons all the time, guy.

Here's what the real IRS scandal is. We the People decided, through our legislators, that we didn't want rich people buying our elections. We passed laws like the post-Watergate reforms and McCain-Feingold to keep the rich from dumping a shitload of money into elections and corrupting the process.

And then along comes the Supreme Court saying, "Nah, fuck that. We're passing Citizen's United and the Rich can just dump a shitload of money into the system through fake 'charities'."

And then they left it to the IRS to separate the political groups from the real charities.

So you guys aren't upset that Koch Brothers and Adelson and Soros are buying our elections.

You are upset that Lois Lerner questioned some fake charity called "Tea Party Patriots for Truth on 9/12" might not really be a social welfare agency like they were claiming.
Well I hope the republican president, goes with your enthusiasm towards using the IRS against it's opponents. I hope he sicks the IRS on you with a vengeance. Then I want to hear you saying it's all good, even though they ruined your life, just because your a liberal. I hope I hear you say that. Thanks Obama!

i'm sorry, guy, whose life was "ruined" because of what Lerner did, exactly?

"Oh, my God, I can't get my fraudulent tax exemption from the IRS, my life is RUINED!!!!!"

The poor Koch Brothers, they could only buy two Dressage Horses this year. Their lives are RUINED.

If we ever have a collective brain fart and elect another Republican, what they m ight do with the IRS is the LEAST of my worries.

When I was growing up, my parents said Democrats bring us wars and Republicans bring us recessions.

Today, the Bush Crime Family brings us both.
If it happens to you, remember smile and thank your man Obama.
If it happens to you, remember smile and thank your man Obama.

Guy, in 2000, I voted for George W. Bush.

At the end of it, I had an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 25% less than the one I had previously had.

The least of my worries if you guys get back into office is that the IRS will reject my attempts to apply for fraudelent tax exemptions.

I'm sorry this doesn't compute with you or you've got some talking point that because Lerner abused the system (not really) it's now okay for a Republican to do so.

Trust me, the least of my worries. I'd be more worried about the Wars and Recessions you guys bring with you.
He stole it only in your fucked up mind. America voted and the Electoral College determined the President just like it has in every other Presidential election.

No America voted, Al Gore won, and Jeb stole the election by preventing any recounts.

Do try to keep up. YOu guys gave us the worst president in a century, and you didn't even do it honestly.

which is hilarious, because today, the Electoral College gives a HUGE advantage to Democrats.

Sorry, you recount the whole state not just a couple counties to get the results you want. The rest of your post is just more Joey bullshit stupidity.
Sorry, you recount the whole state not just a couple counties to get the results you want. The rest of your post is just more Joey bullshit stupidity.

But that was the point, guy. The Florida Supreme Court ORDERED a statewide recount.

SCOTUS overruled them.

The point is, you guys didn't want a state-wide recount. You m ight not have gotten the result you wanted.

YOu felt it was more important to impose a president that the people had rejected on them.

And as a result, we got wars, we got disasters, we got recessions.

Are you proud of yourself?
Sorry, you recount the whole state not just a couple counties to get the results you want. The rest of your post is just more Joey bullshit stupidity.

But that was the point, guy. The Florida Supreme Court ORDERED a statewide recount.

SCOTUS overruled them.

The point is, you guys didn't want a state-wide recount. You m ight not have gotten the result you wanted.

YOu felt it was more important to impose a president that the people had rejected on them.

And as a result, we got wars, we got disasters, we got recessions.

Are you proud of yourself?
And Al Gore had every court up to and including the SCOTUS slap down his efforts to steal the election. Get over it, loser.
The wonderful butterfly ballot in Palm beach county that Katherine Harris approved, gave the appearance of a tie, because ten thousand plus votes for Gore were discarded.

The people of Florida overwhelmingly voted for Gore....not even close to a tie ......

Yeah, more liberal myths. It was very close according to six major newspapers and to this day, no one knows for sure.

The Florida Recount of 2000
Sorry, you recount the whole state not just a couple counties to get the results you want. The rest of your post is just more Joey bullshit stupidity.

But that was the point, guy. The Florida Supreme Court ORDERED a statewide recount.

SCOTUS overruled them.

The point is, you guys didn't want a state-wide recount. You m ight not have gotten the result you wanted.

YOu felt it was more important to impose a president that the people had rejected on them.

And as a result, we got wars, we got disasters, we got recessions.

Are you proud of yourself?

First off dumb shit, I didn't have a fucking thing to do with the recount. Secondly, I'm not going to rehash liberal bullshit, it is pointless. Gore lost. Bush didn't lie. It wasn't just a Republican recession. Anyone with common sense and a working brain understands that. You are not a sane person because you got fired years ago and still cry about being a victim because you were a poor worker with a bad attitude.
And Al Gore had every court up to and including the SCOTUS slap down his efforts to steal the election. Get over it, loser.

Well, that's not true, because the Florida Supreme Court ordered a complete recount.

Yeah, more liberal myths. It was very close according to six major newspapers and to this day, no one knows for sure.

Isn't that a good enough reason to have a recount, or better yet, if you can't be sure, split the electors evenly?

But having your brother certify the results you want, despite what the country said nationally...

Yeah, that doesn't make a lot of sense in an advanced democracy.
And Al Gore had every court up to and including the SCOTUS slap down his efforts to steal the election. Get over it, loser.

Well, that's not true, because the Florida Supreme Court ordered a complete recount.

Yeah, more liberal myths. It was very close according to six major newspapers and to this day, no one knows for sure.

Isn't that a good enough reason to have a recount, or better yet, if you can't be sure, split the electors evenly?

But having your brother certify the results you want, despite what the country said nationally...

Yeah, that doesn't make a lot of sense in an advanced democracy.

Yeah because Jeb controlled the whole election in the entire United States. You get nuttier by the damn minute. We are a republic, not a democracy.
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And Al Gore had every court up to and including the SCOTUS slap down his efforts to steal the election. Get over it, loser.

Well, that's not true, because the Florida Supreme Court ordered a complete recount.

Yeah, more liberal myths. It was very close according to six major newspapers and to this day, no one knows for sure.

Isn't that a good enough reason to have a recount, or better yet, if you can't be sure, split the electors evenly?

But having your brother certify the results you want, despite what the country said nationally...

Yeah, that doesn't make a lot of sense in an advanced democracy.
You do realize that had Algore won his home state of Tennessee, he would have actually won the Presidency, right? Oh, and what the rest of the country decides does not change what the voters in a state have to say. Just doesn't work that way. If you don't like the Electoral College, work on changing it, not just whining about it.

Give it up, Joe. Algore lost, fair and square. You just need to learn to accept it.
You do realize that had Algore won his home state of Tennessee, he would have actually won the Presidency, right? Oh, and what the rest of the country decides does not change what the voters in a state have to say. Just doesn't work that way. If you don't like the Electoral College, work on changing it, not just whining about it.

Give it up, Joe. Algore lost, fair and square. You just need to learn to accept it.

I'll get over it right after the 4500 guys who died in Iraq do.

Oh, wait.

Okay, I'll get over it after the 1800 people who died in Katrina do...

Oh, wait, that's not going to happen, either.

Point was, Al Gore got more votes. The people spoke. The courts said, "Fuck you" And then Bush really did fuck the country.
You do realize that had Algore won his home state of Tennessee, he would have actually won the Presidency, right? Oh, and what the rest of the country decides does not change what the voters in a state have to say. Just doesn't work that way. If you don't like the Electoral College, work on changing it, not just whining about it.

Give it up, Joe. Algore lost, fair and square. You just need to learn to accept it.

I'll get over it right after the 4500 guys who died in Iraq do.

Oh, wait.

Okay, I'll get over it after the 1800 people who died in Katrina do...

Oh, wait, that's not going to happen, either.

Point was, Al Gore got more votes. The people spoke. The courts said, "Fuck you" And then Bush really did fuck the country.
Algore lost. Period. And just how is President Bush responsible for those who died in Katrina? Please do tell. Just because Algore got more votes nationally, does not change the fact that Bush won Florida.

There's no way to determine how Algore would have handled the economic collapse that started before Bush took office, 9/11, or Katrina. For all you know, it could have been far worse. Ever think about that?
You do realize that had Algore won his home state of Tennessee, he would have actually won the Presidency, right? Oh, and what the rest of the country decides does not change what the voters in a state have to say. Just doesn't work that way. If you don't like the Electoral College, work on changing it, not just whining about it.

Give it up, Joe. Algore lost, fair and square. You just need to learn to accept it.

I'll get over it right after the 4500 guys who died in Iraq do.

Oh, wait.

Okay, I'll get over it after the 1800 people who died in Katrina do...

Oh, wait, that's not going to happen, either.

Point was, Al Gore got more votes. The people spoke. The courts said, "Fuck you" And then Bush really did fuck the country.
You are ignoring the Electoral system. Popular votes do not outweigh Electoral votes. It's possible to lose the popular votes in a state and still win the states Electoral votes. That's what happened in Florida that you seem to be confused about.
You do realize that had Algore won his home state of Tennessee, he would have actually won the Presidency, right? Oh, and what the rest of the country decides does not change what the voters in a state have to say. Just doesn't work that way. If you don't like the Electoral College, work on changing it, not just whining about it.

Give it up, Joe. Algore lost, fair and square. You just need to learn to accept it.

I'll get over it right after the 4500 guys who died in Iraq do.

Oh, wait.

Okay, I'll get over it after the 1800 people who died in Katrina do...

Oh, wait, that's not going to happen, either.

Point was, Al Gore got more votes. The people spoke. The courts said, "Fuck you" And then Bush really did fuck the country.

Not in Florida.
Not in Florida.

We don't know that because the SCOTUS stopped the count.

Algore lost. Period. And just how is President Bush responsible for those who died in Katrina? Please do tell. Just because Algore got more votes nationally, does not change the fact that Bush won Florida.

First, Bush was responsible because he created this huge federal bureaucracy to handle disasters, and it ended up HOBBLING relief efforts.

Second, it does matter if Al Gore got more votes nationally. Most people don't understand the electoral college system. They are voting for PRESIDENT, not electors. The people elected Al Gore. Bush used legal trickery to cheat them. He then proceeded to be the worst president in history.

Third, as stated above, we will never know who won Florida because we never did a complete count.

There's no way to determine how Algore would have handled the economic collapse that started before Bush took office, 9/11, or Katrina. For all you know, it could have been far worse. Ever think about that?

No, actually, I don't. Simply put, Gore knew what he was doing. Bush has been a failure at everything he ever tried. The man could fuck up mashed potatoes.

You are ignoring the Electoral system. Popular votes do not outweigh Electoral votes. It's possible to lose the popular votes in a state and still win the states Electoral votes. That's what happened in Florida that you seem to be confused about.

I'm not confused at all. They used an anachronistic device to cheat the people out of their mandate. something no one has done in 112 years for a good reason. there were a lot of cases where someone could have disputed vote counts and won an electoral victory when the popular vote said something else. Nixon in 1960 comes to mind.

When you show less integrity than Tricky Dick, that says a lot.

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