IRS finds yet another Lois Lerner email account

"IRS finds yet another Lois Lerner email account"

And a conservative starts yet another ridiculous, inane thread on the topic.
We'll see.. It's not over for Lerner yet. Or for Hillary.

Actually, here's how it's going to play out.

HIllary will win because all your guys are clowns.

And then Obama will pardon Lerner on his way out the door.
"IRS finds yet another Lois Lerner email account"

And a conservative starts yet another ridiculous, inane thread on the topic.
We'll see.. It's not over for Lerner yet. Or for Hillary.

Actually, here's how it's going to play out.

HIllary will win because all your guys are clowns.

And then Obama will pardon Lerner on his way out the door.

To be honest, I think Hillary will win, too.
And the Grand Prize is... FREE ROOM AND BOARD FOR LIFE!!!

You do realize that candidates are chosen by Electoral vote and not by popular vote? In a district, if you win by one vote or a million, it is only worth the electoral votes for that district.

Yeah, it's a fucked up system that does all sorts of bad things to our democracy.

That said, Bush could have done the stand up thing, said, "The people have spoken and I'm not going to use some 18th century anachronism to reverse their decision".

Instead he stole the election, missed the biggest attack on America, ever, got us into a war for no good reason, brought us two recessions and pretty much proved the voters got it right. This guy never should have been president.

He stole it only in your fucked up mind. America voted and the Electoral College determined the President just like it has in every other Presidential election.
"IRS finds yet another Lois Lerner email account"

And a conservative starts yet another ridiculous, inane thread on the topic.
We'll see.. It's not over for Lerner yet. Or for Hillary.

Actually, here's how it's going to play out.

HIllary will win because all your guys are clowns.

And then Obama will pardon Lerner on his way out the door.

So Obama is going to pardon Lerner? I thought you were pardoned only if you have done something illegal. Interesting comment.
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So Obama is going to pardon Lerner? I thought you were pardoned only if you have done something illegal. Interesting comment.

I can understand your confusion, being kind of stupid.

Ford Pardoned Nixon. Nixon hadn't been convicted of anything. The Pardon, however, kept the Watergate prosecutors from going after him after he resigned.

Bush-41 pardoned Cap Weinberger. Cap hadn't been convicted of anything. (The obscenity being that he was being prosecuted for Iran-Contra, and he was the guy who said it was a stupid idea.) Lawrence Walsh had his indictment thrown out, so he filed another one. A pardon kept Walsh from continuing to screw with him.
So Obama is going to pardon Lerner? I thought you were pardoned only if you have done something illegal. Interesting comment.

I can understand your confusion, being kind of stupid.

Ford Pardoned Nixon. Nixon hadn't been convicted of anything. The Pardon, however, kept the Watergate prosecutors from going after him after he resigned.

Bush-41 pardoned Cap Weinberger. Cap hadn't been convicted of anything. (The obscenity being that he was being prosecuted for Iran-Contra, and he was the guy who said it was a stupid idea.) Lawrence Walsh had his indictment thrown out, so he filed another one. A pardon kept Walsh from continuing to screw with him.
No, wait. Why have a pardon if you didn't commit a crime? If Hillary didn't commit one (like you say), join us in NO PARDONS!!!!

What do you have to fear?
Well I guess this means she should be arrested any day now.
She should be...................but the crooks at the Dept of Justice can't frag them without fragging their bosses............

She should be in jail.........along with others...........but the elite don't have to obey the rules...............and you cheer it.

Everyone knows they targeted....................they even admitted it..............but they will not do the time...................

Your glad that's what we have in gov't.................Makes you happy............That's pathetic.
Yeah she should TOTALLY be in jail! For... uh.... something....
Well I hope the republican president, goes with your enthusiasm towards using the IRS against it's opponents. I hope he sicks the IRS on you with a vengeance. Then I want to hear you saying it's all good, even though they ruined your life, just because your a liberal. I hope I hear you say that. Thanks Obama!
Well I guess this means she should be arrested any day now.
She should be...................but the crooks at the Dept of Justice can't frag them without fragging their bosses............

She should be in jail.........along with others...........but the elite don't have to obey the rules...............and you cheer it.

Everyone knows they targeted....................they even admitted it..............but they will not do the time...................

Your glad that's what we have in gov't.................Makes you happy............That's pathetic.
Yeah she should TOTALLY be in jail! For... uh.... something....
Well I hope the republican president, goes with your enthusiasm towards using the IRS against it's opponents. I hope he sicks the IRS on you with a vengeance. Then I want to hear you saying it's all good, even though they ruined your life, just because your a liberal. I hope I hear you say that. Thanks Obama!
Wow you're a sick fuck. No lives were ruined you jerk. Just a bunch of partisan phonies getting butthurt over something they have no evidence happened.
So Obama is going to pardon Lerner? I thought you were pardoned only if you have done something illegal. Interesting comment.

I can understand your confusion, being kind of stupid.

Ford Pardoned Nixon. Nixon hadn't been convicted of anything. The Pardon, however, kept the Watergate prosecutors from going after him after he resigned.

Bush-41 pardoned Cap Weinberger. Cap hadn't been convicted of anything. (The obscenity being that he was being prosecuted for Iran-Contra, and he was the guy who said it was a stupid idea.) Lawrence Walsh had his indictment thrown out, so he filed another one. A pardon kept Walsh from continuing to screw with him.

Yep because Nixon was going to be prosecuted. Lerner hasn't done anything wrong according to left nuts, no reason to pardon. Unless you really think she is guilty, which apparently you do.
No, wait. Why have a pardon if you didn't commit a crime? If Hillary didn't commit one (like you say), join us in NO PARDONS!!!!

What do you have to fear?

I wasn't talking about Hillary, I was talking about Lerner. Do try to keep up, because we know you're stupid.

INcidently, I thought the pardons of Cap Weinberger and Scooter Libby (he got a commutation, but whatever) were perfectly okay, given their prosecutions were purely political.
Yep because Nixon was going to be prosecuted. Lerner hasn't done anything wrong according to left nuts, no reason to pardon. Unless you really think she is guilty, which apparently you do.

No, I don't. But I know you guys are probably going to keep harrassing this poor woman to the end of her days. The Pardon exists for a SPECIFIC reason. The ability of the executive branch to correct abuses by the judicial branch.

They probably taught that in the whole Civics class under "Checks and Balances".
He stole it only in your fucked up mind. America voted and the Electoral College determined the President just like it has in every other Presidential election.

No America voted, Al Gore won, and Jeb stole the election by preventing any recounts.

Do try to keep up. YOu guys gave us the worst president in a century, and you didn't even do it honestly.

which is hilarious, because today, the Electoral College gives a HUGE advantage to Democrats.
Well I hope the republican president, goes with your enthusiasm towards using the IRS against it's opponents. I hope he sicks the IRS on you with a vengeance. Then I want to hear you saying it's all good, even though they ruined your life, just because your a liberal. I hope I hear you say that. Thanks Obama!

i'm sorry, guy, whose life was "ruined" because of what Lerner did, exactly?

"Oh, my God, I can't get my fraudulent tax exemption from the IRS, my life is RUINED!!!!!"

The poor Koch Brothers, they could only buy two Dressage Horses this year. Their lives are RUINED.

If we ever have a collective brain fart and elect another Republican, what they m ight do with the IRS is the LEAST of my worries.

When I was growing up, my parents said Democrats bring us wars and Republicans bring us recessions.

Today, the Bush Crime Family brings us both.
The wonderful butterfly ballot in Palm beach county that Katherine Harris approved, gave the appearance of a tie, because ten thousand plus votes for Gore were discarded.

The people of Florida overwhelmingly voted for Gore....not even close to a tie ......
So, they found a back up TO ALL THE ORIGINAL missing emails that repubs said would prove Lerner is a crminal ..... yahdahdahdahdahdah.....

Do we hear a word about all the emails THEY DID RETRIEVE and how they PROVED learner innocent of all those fake republican accusations....OF COURSE NOT.....

SERIOUSLY, what kind of fools do you think we are....?

And now that all the missing emails were found and NOTHING was criminal in them, the Repubs are now implying it must be in these emails from a private account....


We are ON TO YOU..... and your continual partisan dog and pony shows paid for with my taxes....

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