IRS finds yet another Lois Lerner email account

Al Gore got more votes. Al gore won the election. You stole the election and fucked up the country. why we will never have another republican president.
15 years later, Joe is still whining about the election. It was not "stolen", it was legal and legit. You'd think Joe would have figured that out by now. Sorry Joe, Algore lost legally. All your continued whining will not change that. Bush won, twice, and that drives you nuts. Enjoy...
the left is still whining about everything period. Ironic for people that insist they are intellectually, ethically, and morally superior to others to constantly whine that the "dumb" people took their lunch money
You mean votes that would have never been counted if Florida wasn't close? Ones that were mailed in AFTER the election?

Yes, i'm cool with following established rules.

you dont even believe the BULLSHIT you're saying leftard. the "ESTABLISHED RULES" CALLED FOR THROWING OUT ALL BALLOTS IN QUESTION. Yes loon the DEMOCRAT THAT INVENTED THAT "BUTTERFLY BALLOT" never envisioned HANGING CHADS, PREGNANT CHADS, dimpled chads...ETC, ALL of that was MADE UP BY DEMOCRATS it's your contention that Democrats established Florida's voting laws that say that ballots postmarked after Election Day are not counted (which is the rule in like all 50 states)? You, naturally, can provide evidence of that, right?
Can you establish that they were postmarked after election day, since the military doesn't postmark overseas mail?

It has been established that ballots postmarked after election day were counted when they would have normally been rejected. It has also been well established that they accepted ballots without a witnessing signature. I would argue that it is a ridiculous requirement, but it was still Florida's requirement. These are well established facts. I'm asking the trollboy to support his claim that these laws were all made up by Democrats...especially since every state I know of doesn't accept ballots postmarked after Election Day.

From your link...

State law says that ballots from other countries must be postmarked. But Ms. Harris issued a statement earlier this week saying that they did not have to be postmarked by Election Day, as long as they were signed and dated by Election Day. In other words, a ballot that was filled out on Election Day but mailed the next day would still be valid.

They were just waiting for the military to process them.

So the SOS decided to change state law on a whim. And who was that SOS? Co-chair of GW Bush's election campaign.

The majority of overseas ballots don't come from military voters, BTW.
you dont even believe the BULLSHIT you're saying leftard. the "ESTABLISHED RULES" CALLED FOR THROWING OUT ALL BALLOTS IN QUESTION. Yes loon the DEMOCRAT THAT INVENTED THAT "BUTTERFLY BALLOT" never envisioned HANGING CHADS, PREGNANT CHADS, dimpled chads...ETC, ALL of that was MADE UP BY DEMOCRATS it's your contention that Democrats established Florida's voting laws that say that ballots postmarked after Election Day are not counted (which is the rule in like all 50 states)? You, naturally, can provide evidence of that, right?
Can you establish that they were postmarked after election day, since the military doesn't postmark overseas mail?

It has been established that ballots postmarked after election day were counted when they would have normally been rejected. It has also been well established that they accepted ballots without a witnessing signature. I would argue that it is a ridiculous requirement, but it was still Florida's requirement. These are well established facts. I'm asking the trollboy to support his claim that these laws were all made up by Democrats...especially since every state I know of doesn't accept ballots postmarked after Election Day.

From your link...

State law says that ballots from other countries must be postmarked. But Ms. Harris issued a statement earlier this week saying that they did not have to be postmarked by Election Day, as long as they were signed and dated by Election Day. In other words, a ballot that was filled out on Election Day but mailed the next day would still be valid.

They were just waiting for the military to process them.

So the SOS decided to change state law on a whim. And who was that SOS? Co-chair of GW Bush's election campaign.

The majority of overseas ballots don't come from military voters, BTW.

But the issue was the military vote.

COUNTING THE VOTE: THE ABSENTEE BALLOTS; Military Ballots Merit a Review, Lieberman Says

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Nov. 19—Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, the Democratic candidate for vice president, said today that Florida election officials should reconsider their rejection of hundreds of military ballots from overseas, even if they might not comply with the law.

Mr. Lieberman's comments, a retreat from the position the Democrats had taken since Friday, came after they were stung by Republican charges that they had made a concerted effort to disenfranchise members of the military. While Republicans painted their opponents as being willing to use any means to manipulate vote totals in the extraordinary, tense and prolonged Florida count, Democrats complained that they were losing a nasty public relations battle for simply insisting on following the law as it has been applied in the past.

''My own point of view, if I was there, I would give the benefit of the doubt to ballots coming in from military personnel, generally,'' Mr. Lieberman said on NBC's ''Meet the Press.'' Of the local canvassing boards, he said, ''If they have the capacity, I'd urge them to go back and take another look, because again, Al Gore and I don't want to ever be part of anything that would put an extra burden on the military personnel abroad.''
Republicans didnt manipulate the Florida vote, they wanted their votes counted, but the "count every vote" people on the Left didnt want that

Oh, bullshit, both sides tried to manipulate the vote their way. Which is why you needed a complete count.

Or Bush could have conceded when he realized AMERICA rejected him.

You see, the thing was, no one in 112 years had tried to claim that we should ignore the will of the people and manipulate the electoral vote to get the presidency. It's something that never should have happened in the modern era.
Republicans didnt manipulate the Florida vote, they wanted their votes counted, but the "count every vote" people on the Left didnt want that

Oh, bullshit, both sides tried to manipulate the vote their way. Which is why you needed a complete count.

Or Bush could have conceded when he realized AMERICA rejected him.

You see, the thing was, no one in 112 years had tried to claim that we should ignore the will of the people and manipulate the electoral vote to get the presidency. It's something that never should have happened in the modern era.

Who rejected the results and started filing lawsuits??? GORE!!!!!


Bedwetter, the rules state that if a vote is close, you attempt to check every ballot. No one was making new things up. you have a machine count, but it it's close, you hand check every ballot.

But again- Bush lost the national vote. THAT should have been the end of the matter before his moron brother and Cruella DeVille tried to manipulate the vote.


Bedwetter, the rules state that if a vote is close, you attempt to check every ballot. No one was making new things up. you have a machine count, but it it's close, you hand check every ballot.

But again- Bush lost the national vote. THAT should have been the end of the matter before his moron brother and Cruella DeVille tried to manipulate the vote.
Then why did Gore fight counting the MILITARY vote? Hell, even Lieberman (his VP candidate) said that was wrong of Gore to do that!!!!
Then why did Gore fight counting the MILITARY vote? Hell, even Lieberman (his VP candidate) said that was wrong of Gore to do that!!!!

Lieberman (D-Israel) said a lot of s tupid shit, but the rules were pretty clear. If an absentee ballot was postmarked after the election, it wasn't counted.
If you are actually a veteran, you know that the military isn't always prompt about post marking mail, especially when it goes through channels. What do you have against the military and our troops, since you are always condemning them or acting like our troops shouldn't have basic rights??? Did you spend all of your time peeling taters or in the stockade????
Al Gore got more votes. Al gore won the election. You stole the election and fucked up the country. why we will never have another republican president.
You do realize that candidates are chosen by Electoral vote and not by popular vote? In a district, if you win by one vote or a million, it is only worth the electoral votes for that district.
Every time it seems that Hillary clears a hurdle with her emails another leak comes. It kind of makes me wonder if this is happening on purpose. Why doesn't Obama order them to stop reporting those leaks to the public? Why didn't Obama give Hillary his "blessing"?
ing mail, especially when it goes through channels. What do you have against the military and our troops, since you are always condemning them or acting like our troops shouldn't have basic rights??? Did you spend all of your time peeling taters or in the stockade????

That's why you mail in your ballot WHEN YOU GET IT, not the day after the polls close.

Point is, there's a rule. The guys who voted knew what the rules were. Some of them figured, "Wow, my vote might acutally count for something this time" and mailed them in AFTER polls had closed.

I condemn the military when it fucks up. So should you.
You do realize that candidates are chosen by Electoral vote and not by popular vote? In a district, if you win by one vote or a million, it is only worth the electoral votes for that district.

Yeah, it's a fucked up system that does all sorts of bad things to our democracy.

That said, Bush could have done the stand up thing, said, "The people have spoken and I'm not going to use some 18th century anachronism to reverse their decision".

Instead he stole the election, missed the biggest attack on America, ever, got us into a war for no good reason, brought us two recessions and pretty much proved the voters got it right. This guy never should have been president.
You do realize that candidates are chosen by Electoral vote and not by popular vote? In a district, if you win by one vote or a million, it is only worth the electoral votes for that district.

Yeah, it's a fucked up system that does all sorts of bad things to our democracy.

That said, Bush could have done the stand up thing, said, "The people have spoken and I'm not going to use some 18th century anachronism to reverse their decision".

Instead he stole the election, missed the biggest attack on America, ever, got us into a war for no good reason, brought us two recessions and pretty much proved the voters got it right. This guy never should have been president.
And then......and then...........and then we got the Messiah and we all lived happily ever after.
ing mail, especially when it goes through channels. What do you have against the military and our troops, since you are always condemning them or acting like our troops shouldn't have basic rights??? Did you spend all of your time peeling taters or in the stockade????

That's why you mail in your ballot WHEN YOU GET IT, not the day after the polls close.

Point is, there's a rule. The guys who voted knew what the rules were. Some of them figured, "Wow, my vote might acutally count for something this time" and mailed them in AFTER polls had closed.

I condemn the military when it fucks up. So should you.
More than half the overseas ballots were rejected, but the judge allowed the ballots that were properly signed and dated.

Face it, Gore lost. Then he sued in federal court, and lost again. So he took it to the SCOTUS, and LOST AGAIN!!!!

Now you're mad because Bush wouldn't just hand the office of POTUS over to a sniveling little brat. Too bad.....
More than half the overseas ballots were rejected, but the judge allowed the ballots that were properly signed and dated.

Face it, Gore lost. Then he sued in federal court, and lost again. So he took it to the SCOTUS, and LOST AGAIN!!!!

Now you're mad because Bush wouldn't just hand the office of POTUS over to a sniveling little brat. Too bad.....

At the time, I voted for Bush.

Then he fucked up the war, the economy, the response to Katrina, America's international reputation, the education system and just about anything else he and his corrupt cronies touched.

The American People got it right. They rejected this fool.

He stole the election in the courts, stacked by his cronies and family.

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