IRS gate AP gate Benghazi gate


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
You know what ticks me off the most about these White House scandals? The economy still sucks. People are losing their jobs and unemployment benefits. Independent contractors are out of work and are charging their labor at what it was 10 years ago. Food and Gas prices are still through the roof. Insurance is way out of affordability for many people. We have Americans being jailed in Iran, North Korea, Egypt, and no one at the White House cares. All of this is happening while Obama is playing political games. He is trying to wipe out the GOP. He's not happy with just winning he wants to slam dunk his oposition. He has the time to send the IRS after his foes and plenty of time to work up lies about his failings in Benghazi. He has time to send his attack dog Holder after the once free press, but no time to do the work for the American people.
Shame on whomever pulled the lever for this fool.

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