IRS?Lerner scandal grows

Immaterial. She gave an oath of office to uphold the laws of the US and to do her job to the best of her abilities...without passion or prejudice.
As much as you libs and the Obama administration would like, there will be NO impeachment.....
Question......If Lerner had targeted liberal groups and referred to them as assholes, what say you then?
I already can smell the wood burning....
Nope...don't go there. Just answer the question.

Except you haven't proven she 'targeted" anyone.

Here's what you guys like to gloss over about Lerner. She was appointed by George W. Bush.

And frankly, other things in the same e-mail conversation sound a lot like things an Establishment Republican would say.

IRS official Lois Lerner called conservatives 'crazies' and 'a**holes' | Mail Online

The November 9, 2012 email exchange with an unnamed colleague – the person's name was redacted in the copy Camp's staff released publicly – took place while Lerner was in the United Kingdom.

'Overheard some ladies talking about American today,' Lerner wrote. 'According to them we've bankrupted ourselves and a[re] through. We'll never be able to pay off our debt and are going down the tubes.'

Turning sarcastic, Lerner pounced on her British acquaintances.

'They don't seem to see that they can't afford to keep up their welfare state either,' she wrote. 'Strange.'

Wow. That sounds like something our board conservatives would say.

And there's more.

'Ha[d] work this morning. Got to talk to their internal "spooks",' she wrote.

I was going to take the train to windsor Castle, but stuff closes early in winter so it wasn't going to work. Instead, went [to] Hempstead –an Edwardian English village, full of beautiful, huge houses – which have been ruined by letting the hoi paloi [sic] live there! These people have ruined everything with their equality push!'


Hey, how's this for an alternative theory. Lerner is an establishment Republican who doesn't like what the Bubba Rednecks have done to her party.
There's Joe pushing narrative instead of facts. Hey, Joe. The IRS apologized for targeting conservative groups. Even the IRS does not agree with you.
Lois Lerner, former IRS Chief has had her left leanings exposed in new releases of emails where she refers to conservatives as "assholes" and "crazies"..
Now, as a federal official sworn with the duty of leading a federal dept where by which all are treated equally, Lerner permitted here political bias to influence the manner in which she did her job.
She is well on her way to being prosecuted by Congress and perhaps even faces many civil suits from her victims.
After all the denials by Obama and the circling of the wagons by the complicit media, the commentary of "there is no there there", it seems Lerner and the IRS have a BIG problem.
Ex-IRS Official Called Conservatives 'Crazies - ABC News

Did you ever consider perhaps they were being "assholes"?

Just call it what it is, an Asshole Tax!

Maybe they can arrest her for that.

How does her calling some asshole an asshole tie a targeting scheme to the President? You guys going to impeach him now?

So it would be okay to have a ****** tax?

NO !! just a muslime mulatto commie motherfucker tax.., better called a hangmans noose. .............. :lmao:
Immaterial. She gave an oath of office to uphold the laws of the US and to do her job to the best of her abilities...without passion or prejudice.
As much as you libs and the Obama administration would like, there will be NO impeachment.....
Question......If Lerner had targeted liberal groups and referred to them as assholes, what say you then?
I already can smell the wood burning....
Nope...don't go there. Just answer the question.

Except you haven't proven she 'targeted" anyone.

Here's what you guys like to gloss over about Lerner. She was appointed by George W. Bush.

And frankly, other things in the same e-mail conversation sound a lot like things an Establishment Republican would say.

IRS official Lois Lerner called conservatives 'crazies' and 'a**holes' | Mail Online

The November 9, 2012 email exchange with an unnamed colleague – the person's name was redacted in the copy Camp's staff released publicly – took place while Lerner was in the United Kingdom.

'Overheard some ladies talking about American today,' Lerner wrote. 'According to them we've bankrupted ourselves and a[re] through. We'll never be able to pay off our debt and are going down the tubes.'

Turning sarcastic, Lerner pounced on her British acquaintances.

'They don't seem to see that they can't afford to keep up their welfare state either,' she wrote. 'Strange.'

Wow. That sounds like something our board conservatives would say.

And there's more.

'Ha[d] work this morning. Got to talk to their internal "spooks",' she wrote.

I was going to take the train to windsor Castle, but stuff closes early in winter so it wasn't going to work. Instead, went [to] Hempstead –an Edwardian English village, full of beautiful, huge houses – which have been ruined by letting the hoi paloi [sic] live there! These people have ruined everything with their equality push!'


Hey, how's this for an alternative theory. Lerner is an establishment Republican who doesn't like what the Bubba Rednecks have done to her party.

Deflecting again?....Nice try...It doesn't wash.
Lerner did what she did. Those emails are somewhere. Those hard drives were never "disabled"....Eventually all of this will come to the surface for public scrutiny.
You're just pissed because one of yours got soooooooooooooo busted.
Oh, you misused "alternative".....The proper term is "alternate"..As in "other"....
She targeted conservative 501c-4's...It got so thick, she was forced to assign blame. So she kicked the can to Cincinnati. When those people spoke up, Lerner got canned.
Like I said, she is busted and you're just pissed that it can longer be swept under the rug.
It is unfortunate when the any administration is as low brow as scummiest supporter. This sleaze was president of the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL).

You couldn't make this stuff up!
enlighten me. What part have I imagined, and who do you think she was talking abou
Or did you think she was naking a blanket statement about conservatives?

You're kidding, right? The words "end of world" and "survivalist" appear nowhere. You simply made those up.
You are literally too stupid to engage.

you're right, i chose to take the description of the people she was talking about and apply new labels to it.

i guess i could or should have said "end of the united states" rather than "end of the world"

but if people who are stocking up on guns, ammo, and food in preparation for some disaster (in this case the collapse of the united states) and advocate that others do the same aren't survivalists what would you call them?

and can you at least admit that Lerner called a very specific set of people assholes and crazies?

And I assume it would be foolish to think that most in the media and on the left relate the Tea Party with the far right.

Give me a fucking break. Until now, there was plenty of circumstantial evidence, but the proof was "lost forever"...

But now we see "motive"...

And folks like you STILL don't see it.

Which makes you a blind ideologue not worth the sweat that drips between my ass and my balls.
You're kidding, right? The words "end of world" and "survivalist" appear nowhere. You simply made those up.
You are literally too stupid to engage.

you're right, i chose to take the description of the people she was talking about and apply new labels to it.

i guess i could or should have said "end of the united states" rather than "end of the world"

but if people who are stocking up on guns, ammo, and food in preparation for some disaster (in this case the collapse of the united states) and advocate that others do the same aren't survivalists what would you call them?

and can you at least admit that Lerner called a very specific set of people assholes and crazies?

And I assume it would be foolish to think that most in the media and on the left relate the Tea Party with the far right.

Give me a fucking break. Until now, there was plenty of circumstantial evidence, but the proof was "lost forever"...

But now we see "motive"...

And folks like you STILL don't see it.

Which makes you a blind ideologue not worth the sweat that drips between my ass and my balls.
the people that were discussed in the email were described as the radical wing of the GOP, and they were described as people full of doom and gloom, the type with a hard-on for the collapse of america so they can start shooting their neighbors, trading in gold coin, and eat mre's all day.

plenty of them probably post on this forum.

but they weren't identified as the tea party or as tea party extremists. generalities were not made about the gop or the tea party. it was a very specific conversation.
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you're right, i chose to take the description of the people she was talking about and apply new labels to it.

i guess i could or should have said "end of the united states" rather than "end of the world"

but if people who are stocking up on guns, ammo, and food in preparation for some disaster (in this case the collapse of the united states) and advocate that others do the same aren't survivalists what would you call them?

and can you at least admit that Lerner called a very specific set of people assholes and crazies?

And I assume it would be foolish to think that most in the media and on the left relate the Tea Party with the far right.

Give me a fucking break. Until now, there was plenty of circumstantial evidence, but the proof was "lost forever"...

But now we see "motive"...

And folks like you STILL don't see it.

Which makes you a blind ideologue not worth the sweat that drips between my ass and my balls.
the people that were discussed in the email were described as the radical wing of the GOP, and they were described as people full of doom and gloom, the type with a hard-on for the collapse of america so they can start shooting their neighbors, trading in gold coin, and eat mre's all day.

plenty of them probably post on this forum.

but they weren't identified as the tea party or as tea party extremists. generalities were not made about the gop or the tea party. it was a very specific conversation.

I would ask how you know that but since you tend to post what the voices in your head tell you I wont bother.
You are literally too stupid to engage.
you're right, i chose to take the description of the people she was talking about and apply new labels to it.

i guess i could or should have said "end of the united states" rather than "end of the world"

but if people who are stocking up on guns, ammo, and food in preparation for some disaster (in this case the collapse of the united states) and advocate that others do the same aren't survivalists what would you call them?

and can you at least admit that Lerner called a very specific set of people assholes and crazies?

And I assume it would be foolish to think that most in the media and on the left relate the Tea Party with the far right.

Give me a fucking break. Until now, there was plenty of circumstantial evidence, but the proof was "lost forever"...

But now we see "motive"...

And folks like you STILL don't see it.

Which makes you a blind ideologue not worth the sweat that drips between my ass and my balls.
the people that were discussed in the email were described as the radical wing of the GOP, and they were described as people full of doom and gloom, the type with a hard-on for the collapse of america so they can start shooting their neighbors, trading in gold coin, and eat mre's all day.

plenty of them probably post on this forum.

but they weren't identified as the tea party or as tea party extremists. generalities were not made about the gop or the tea party. it was a very specific conversation.

and the Tea Party are described by many on the left and in the media as the radical wing of the GOP and are described as people full of doom and gloom..

The fact that you continue to try to smooth this over is mind boggling.

I have had enough of your excuse making.
And I assume it would be foolish to think that most in the media and on the left relate the Tea Party with the far right.

Give me a fucking break. Until now, there was plenty of circumstantial evidence, but the proof was "lost forever"...

But now we see "motive"...

And folks like you STILL don't see it.

Which makes you a blind ideologue not worth the sweat that drips between my ass and my balls.
the people that were discussed in the email were described as the radical wing of the GOP, and they were described as people full of doom and gloom, the type with a hard-on for the collapse of america so they can start shooting their neighbors, trading in gold coin, and eat mre's all day.

plenty of them probably post on this forum.

but they weren't identified as the tea party or as tea party extremists. generalities were not made about the gop or the tea party. it was a very specific conversation.

I would ask how you know that but since you tend to post what the voices in your head tell you I wont bother.
You are literally too stupid to engage.
you keep saying that, and yet you keep responding to my posts.

not with any counterargument, mind you, just calling me stupid.

so, was Lerner, in your opinion, talking about all of the GOP?
And I assume it would be foolish to think that most in the media and on the left relate the Tea Party with the far right.

Give me a fucking break. Until now, there was plenty of circumstantial evidence, but the proof was "lost forever"...

But now we see "motive"...

And folks like you STILL don't see it.

Which makes you a blind ideologue not worth the sweat that drips between my ass and my balls.
the people that were discussed in the email were described as the radical wing of the GOP, and they were described as people full of doom and gloom, the type with a hard-on for the collapse of america so they can start shooting their neighbors, trading in gold coin, and eat mre's all day.

plenty of them probably post on this forum.

but they weren't identified as the tea party or as tea party extremists. generalities were not made about the gop or the tea party. it was a very specific conversation.

and the Tea Party are described by many on the left and in the media as the radical wing of the GOP and are described as people full of doom and gloom..

The fact that you continue to try to smooth this over is mind boggling.

I have had enough of your excuse making.

oh yeah. a lot of those assholes are also tea party members.
the people that were discussed in the email were described as the radical wing of the GOP, and they were described as people full of doom and gloom, the type with a hard-on for the collapse of america so they can start shooting their neighbors, trading in gold coin, and eat mre's all day.

plenty of them probably post on this forum.

but they weren't identified as the tea party or as tea party extremists. generalities were not made about the gop or the tea party. it was a very specific conversation.

I would ask how you know that but since you tend to post what the voices in your head tell you I wont bother.
You are literally too stupid to engage.
you keep saying that, and yet you keep responding to my posts.

not with any counterargument, mind you, just calling me stupid.

so, was Lerner, in your opinion, talking about all of the GOP?

She was talking about the radical right of the GOP.

The left refers to the tea party as the radical right of the GOP.

Lois Lerner is accused of targeting the tea party groups.

You still don't see a pattern?

Of course not. You are an ideologue.
I would ask how you know that but since you tend to post what the voices in your head tell you I wont bother.
You are literally too stupid to engage.
you keep saying that, and yet you keep responding to my posts.

not with any counterargument, mind you, just calling me stupid.

so, was Lerner, in your opinion, talking about all of the GOP?

She was talking about the radical right of the GOP.

The left refers to the tea party as the radical right of the GOP.

Lois Lerner is accused of targeting the tea party groups.

You still don't see a pattern?

Of course not. You are an ideologue.
no, i get it. you think that because she made those comments she ordered that tea party groups be targeted. maybe she did.

this no more proves that than any of the other "evidence" we've been told was the smoking gun.

in fact, this email really adds nothing, since we already knew that politically she was opposed to republicans as evidenced by her donations.
you keep saying that, and yet you keep responding to my posts.

not with any counterargument, mind you, just calling me stupid.

so, was Lerner, in your opinion, talking about all of the GOP?

She was talking about the radical right of the GOP.

The left refers to the tea party as the radical right of the GOP.

Lois Lerner is accused of targeting the tea party groups.

You still don't see a pattern?

Of course not. You are an ideologue.
no, i get it. you think that because she made those comments she ordered that tea party groups be targeted. maybe she did.

this no more proves that than any of the other "evidence" we've been told was the smoking gun.

in fact, this email really adds nothing, since we already knew that politically she was opposed to republicans as evidenced by her donations.

At lest were beyond the pretense that Lerner was apolitical and appointed by Bush.

Do you think there's a difference between writing a check to a political party and referring to the opposite party as assholes and crazies?
She was talking about the radical right of the GOP.

The left refers to the tea party as the radical right of the GOP.

Lois Lerner is accused of targeting the tea party groups.

You still don't see a pattern?

Of course not. You are an ideologue.
no, i get it. you think that because she made those comments she ordered that tea party groups be targeted. maybe she did.

this no more proves that than any of the other "evidence" we've been told was the smoking gun.

in fact, this email really adds nothing, since we already knew that politically she was opposed to republicans as evidenced by her donations.

At lest were beyond the pretense that Lerner was apolitical and appointed by Bush.

Do you think there's a difference between writing a check to a political party and referring to the opposite party as assholes and crazies?

that she was appointed by bush is a fact, not a pretense.

as to the second part, no, i don't. those members of extreme groups referenced are assholes and crazies. even apolitical people should think so.
or are we pretending those views are mainstream now?
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no, i get it. you think that because she made those comments she ordered that tea party groups be targeted. maybe she did.

this no more proves that than any of the other "evidence" we've been told was the smoking gun.

in fact, this email really adds nothing, since we already knew that politically she was opposed to republicans as evidenced by her donations.

At lest were beyond the pretense that Lerner was apolitical and appointed by Bush.

Do you think there's a difference between writing a check to a political party and referring to the opposite party as assholes and crazies?

that she was appointed by bush is a fact, not a pretense.

as to the second part, no, i don't. those members of extreme groups referenced are assholes and crazies. even apolitical people should think so.
or are we pretending those views are mainstream now?

Missed the point. Again.
Lerner is a Democratic operative. That she was initially appointed by Bush is irrelevant.

So you dont see any difference between someone who writes a check and someone who calls members of the opposition assholes and crazies? Do you think Lindsay Graham is an asshole and a crazy? What about Boehner? How about Mitch McConnell?
At lest were beyond the pretense that Lerner was apolitical and appointed by Bush.

Do you think there's a difference between writing a check to a political party and referring to the opposite party as assholes and crazies?

that she was appointed by bush is a fact, not a pretense.

as to the second part, no, i don't. those members of extreme groups referenced are assholes and crazies. even apolitical people should think so.
or are we pretending those views are mainstream now?

Missed the point. Again.
Lerner is a Democratic operative. That she was initially appointed by Bush is irrelevant.

So you dont see any difference between someone who writes a check and someone who calls members of the opposition assholes and crazies? Do you think Lindsay Graham is an asshole and a crazy? What about Boehner? How about Mitch McConnell?
what makes her an "operative?"
that's what makes her bush appointment relevant. if we are to believe she was maliciously targeting tea party groups because she disagreed with them we have to believe that she somehow kept her bias to herself for 30+ years of government employment and was able to disregard all sense of personal and professional ethics, based on nothing more than political donations and an email where she calls assholes assholes.
and yes, i think there is a difference. there is much more commitment in giving money than there is calling someone an asshole in an email.
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that she was appointed by bush is a fact, not a pretense.

as to the second part, no, i don't. those members of extreme groups referenced are assholes and crazies. even apolitical people should think so.
or are we pretending those views are mainstream now?

Missed the point. Again.
Lerner is a Democratic operative. That she was initially appointed by Bush is irrelevant.

So you dont see any difference between someone who writes a check and someone who calls members of the opposition assholes and crazies? Do you think Lindsay Graham is an asshole and a crazy? What about Boehner? How about Mitch McConnell?
what makes her an "operative?"
that's what makes her bush appointment relevant. if we are to believe she was maliciously targeting tea party groups because she disagreed with them we have to believe that she somehow kept her bias to herself for 30+ years of government employment and was able to disregard all sense of personal and professional ethics, based on nothing more than political donations and an email where she calls assholes assholes.
and yes, i think there is a difference. there is much more commitment in giving money than there is calling someone an asshole in an email.

She didnt keep her bias to herself. That's the point of this thread.

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