IRS?Lerner scandal grows


Yikes. Add this to the delightfully coincidental and perfectly targeted string of hard drive crashes and stuff is getting pretty obvious.

The Left has to deflect and divert and downplay this, of course, and they'll get away with it.

Everything is now politicized. The end justifies the means. You can't believe anything. I wonder how long a society can last like that.

Lerner calls a spade a spade and we're supposed to be upset?

You dont think it's unprofessional for a government worker who is supposed to be non partisan to use epithets like that to describe people who are basically her boss?

Hoo boy, the left is gunning for some major payback under Pres Cruz' administration. I cant wait to see them all go ballistic when he has the IRS suppress etc.
Lerner calls a spade a spade and we're supposed to be upset?

You dont think it's unprofessional for a government worker who is supposed to be non partisan to use epithets like that to describe people who are basically her boss?

Hoo boy, the left is gunning for some major payback under Pres Cruz' administration. I cant wait to see them all go ballistic when he has the IRS suppress etc.

gee, she called end of days survivalist shouting about the end of the united states assholes and crazies.

i'm okay with that.
She is well on her way to being prosecuted by Congress and perhaps even faces many civil suits from her victims.

Yep. Any day now... aaaaaaaaaaaaannnyy day now....

We should start a pool. Which comes first?

A. Obama impeachment.

B. Lois Lerner jailed.

C. Issa ends Benghazi hearings.

D Obamacare repealed.

E. Gizmos end of days finally happens.

I go with "E".

That is a FANTASTIC idea!!! Do it!

Changing the narrative gets you nowhere with me.
Stay on point or be silent.

What point? You don't have one.

The ABC piece doesn't say anything about anything that can actually incriminate her over what has already been established.

My god, if they start arresting and convicting politicians for calling each other and everybody else "assholes" then we're going to need a very big prison.

Where's Trey Gowdy, your hero in this story? How come he hasn't had that big knock out punch you all said he was going to have?

Besides, Lois Lerner is right. The Tea Baggers ARE assholes.
Nice try...Lerner is NOT an elected official.
As a person in charge of a non partisan dept of the US Govt, she is in violation of her oath of office.
I put a question to blind boo..I put the same to you..
What say you if Lerner were targeting liberals?
Lois Lerner, former IRS Chief has had her left leanings exposed in new releases of emails where she refers to conservatives as "assholes" and "crazies"..
Now, as a federal official sworn with the duty of leading a federal dept where by which all are treated equally, Lerner permitted here political bias to influence the manner in which she did her job.
She is well on her way to being prosecuted by Congress and perhaps even faces many civil suits from her victims.
After all the denials by Obama and the circling of the wagons by the complicit media, the commentary of "there is no there there", it seems Lerner and the IRS have a BIG problem.
Ex-IRS Official Called Conservatives 'Crazies - ABC News

Did you ever consider perhaps they were being "assholes"?

Just call it what it is, an Asshole Tax!

Maybe they can arrest her for that.

How does her calling some asshole an asshole tie a targeting scheme to the President? You guys going to impeach him now?

Doesn't matter. You can't be a head of a department and allow your personal feelings to color the way you run your department. That leads to abuse of power. Now....what do they call that????

Oh yeah... Denial of Civil Rights Under Color of Authority, Title 18 Section 243 of the Federal Code. Look it up and educate yourself.
Changing the narrative gets you nowhere with me.
Stay on point or be silent.

What point? You don't have one.

The ABC piece doesn't say anything about anything that can actually incriminate her over what has already been established.

My god, if they start arresting and convicting politicians for calling each other and everybody else "assholes" then we're going to need a very big prison.

Where's Trey Gowdy, your hero in this story? How come he hasn't had that big knock out punch you all said he was going to have?

Besides, Lois Lerner is right. The Tea Baggers ARE assholes.
Nice try...Lerner is NOT an elected official.
As a person in charge of a non partisan dept of the US Govt, she is in violation of her oath of office.
I put a question to blind boo..I put the same to you..
What say you if Lerner were targeting liberals?
actaully, she's not. she's allowed to have political opinions and even express them.
Lois Lerner, former IRS Chief has had her left leanings exposed in new releases of emails where she refers to conservatives as "assholes" and "crazies"..
Now, as a federal official sworn with the duty of leading a federal dept where by which all are treated equally, Lerner permitted here political bias to influence the manner in which she did her job.
She is well on her way to being prosecuted by Congress and perhaps even faces many civil suits from her victims.
After all the denials by Obama and the circling of the wagons by the complicit media, the commentary of "there is no there there", it seems Lerner and the IRS have a BIG problem.
Ex-IRS Official Called Conservatives 'Crazies - ABC News

Did you ever consider perhaps they were being "assholes"?

Just call it what it is, an Asshole Tax!

Maybe they can arrest her for that.

How does her calling some asshole an asshole tie a targeting scheme to the President? You guys going to impeach him now?

Doesn't matter. You can't be a head of a department and allow your personal feelings to color the way you run your department. That leads to abuse of power. Now....what do they call that????

Oh yeah... Denial of Civil Rights Under Color of Authority, Title 18 Section 243 of the Federal Code. Look it up and educate yourself.

Are they going to arrest her for referring to someone as an asshole now?
Lois Lerner, former IRS Chief has had her left leanings exposed in new releases of emails where she refers to conservatives as "assholes" and "crazies"..
Now, as a federal official sworn with the duty of leading a federal dept where by which all are treated equally, Lerner permitted here political bias to influence the manner in which she did her job.
She is well on her way to being prosecuted by Congress and perhaps even faces many civil suits from her victims.
After all the denials by Obama and the circling of the wagons by the complicit media, the commentary of "there is no there there", it seems Lerner and the IRS have a BIG problem.
Ex-IRS Official Called Conservatives 'Crazies - ABC News

Did you ever consider perhaps they were being "assholes"?

Just call it what it is, an Asshole Tax!

Maybe they can arrest her for that.

How does her calling some asshole an asshole tie a targeting scheme to the President? You guys going to impeach him now?

Doesn't matter. You can't be a head of a department and allow your personal feelings to color the way you run your department. That leads to abuse of power. Now....what do they call that????

Oh yeah... Denial of Civil Rights Under Color of Authority, Title 18 Section 243 of the Federal Code. Look it up and educate yourself.

so, did she allow her personal feelings to color the way she ran her department?

all this release does is establish she had personal feelings - something we already knew since she donates money to political causes and candidates.
Did you ever consider perhaps they were being "assholes"?

Just call it what it is, an Asshole Tax!

Maybe they can arrest her for that.

How does her calling some asshole an asshole tie a targeting scheme to the President? You guys going to impeach him now?

Doesn't matter. You can't be a head of a department and allow your personal feelings to color the way you run your department. That leads to abuse of power. Now....what do they call that????

Oh yeah... Denial of Civil Rights Under Color of Authority, Title 18 Section 243 of the Federal Code. Look it up and educate yourself.

so, did she allow her personal feelings to color the way she ran her department?

all this release does is establish she had personal feelings - something we already knew since she donates money to political causes and candidates.

Based on the information that HAS been released I think it's pretty obvious to a normal, thinking person, that she very clearly allowed her personal opinions to color the way she ran the department. Further it is pretty obvious that the WH had a hand in directing her actions.
Doesn't matter. You can't be a head of a department and allow your personal feelings to color the way you run your department. That leads to abuse of power. Now....what do they call that????

Oh yeah... Denial of Civil Rights Under Color of Authority, Title 18 Section 243 of the Federal Code. Look it up and educate yourself.

so, did she allow her personal feelings to color the way she ran her department?

all this release does is establish she had personal feelings - something we already knew since she donates money to political causes and candidates.

Based on the information that HAS been released I think it's pretty obvious to a normal, thinking person, that she very clearly allowed her personal opinions to color the way she ran the department. Further it is pretty obvious that the WH had a hand in directing her actions.
sure. now supply the proof - because without it you have a conspiracy theory.

a much investigated, still not proven, conspiracy theory.

Yikes. Add this to the delightfully coincidental and perfectly targeted string of hard drive crashes and stuff is getting pretty obvious.

The Left has to deflect and divert and downplay this, of course, and they'll get away with it.

Everything is now politicized. The end justifies the means. You can't believe anything. I wonder how long a society can last like that.


There's no doubt that the computer crashes are suspicious, but the fact remains that none of the Tea Baggers were denied their 501(c)(4) status. None. Even though the IRS received a tsunami of applications from these so called conservative "social services" organizations as opposed to liberal groups who were fat n' happy in 2010 because their guy won and filed very few.
Doesn't matter. You can't be a head of a department and allow your personal feelings to color the way you run your department. That leads to abuse of power. Now....what do they call that????

Oh yeah... Denial of Civil Rights Under Color of Authority, Title 18 Section 243 of the Federal Code. Look it up and educate yourself.

so, did she allow her personal feelings to color the way she ran her department?

all this release does is establish she had personal feelings - something we already knew since she donates money to political causes and candidates.

Based on the information that HAS been released I think it's pretty obvious to a normal, thinking person, that she very clearly allowed her personal opinions to color the way she ran the department. Further it is pretty obvious that the WH had a hand in directing her actions.

Then why did all conservative groups seeking 501(c)(4) status get what they wanted? There goes your conspiracy bullshit.
so, did she allow her personal feelings to color the way she ran her department?

all this release does is establish she had personal feelings - something we already knew since she donates money to political causes and candidates.

Based on the information that HAS been released I think it's pretty obvious to a normal, thinking person, that she very clearly allowed her personal opinions to color the way she ran the department. Further it is pretty obvious that the WH had a hand in directing her actions.
sure. now supply the proof - because without it you have a conspiracy theory.

a much investigated, still not proven, conspiracy theory.

Yup. Based on the information.....pretty obvious.....very clearly.....pretty obvious.....

So much bullshit. Where is the evidence?
Yep. Any day now... aaaaaaaaaaaaannnyy day now....

We should start a pool. Which comes first?

A. Obama impeachment.

B. Lois Lerner jailed.

C. Issa ends Benghazi hearings.

D Obamacare repealed.

E. Gizmos end of days finally happens.

I go with "E".

That is a FANTASTIC idea!!! Do it!


Lois Lerner, former IRS Chief has had her left leanings exposed in new releases of emails where she refers to conservatives as "assholes" and "crazies"..
Now, as a federal official sworn with the duty of leading a federal dept where by which all are treated equally, Lerner permitted here political bias to influence the manner in which she did her job.
She is well on her way to being prosecuted by Congress and perhaps even faces many civil suits from her victims.
After all the denials by Obama and the circling of the wagons by the complicit media, the commentary of "there is no there there", it seems Lerner and the IRS have a BIG problem.
Ex-IRS Official Called Conservatives 'Crazies - ABC News

Did you ever consider perhaps they were being "assholes"?

Just call it what it is, an Asshole Tax!

Maybe they can arrest her for that.

How does her calling some asshole an asshole tie a targeting scheme to the President? You guys going to impeach him now?

Doesn't matter. You can't be a head of a department and allow your personal feelings to color the way you run your department. That leads to abuse of power. Now....what do they call that????

Oh yeah... Denial of Civil Rights Under Color of Authority, Title 18 Section 243 of the Federal Code. Look it up and educate yourself.

Based on the information that HAS been released I think it's pretty obvious to a normal, thinking person, that she very clearly allowed her personal opinions to color the way she ran the department. Further it is pretty obvious that the WH had a hand in directing her actions.
sure. now supply the proof - because without it you have a conspiracy theory.

a much investigated, still not proven, conspiracy theory.

Yup. Based on the information.....pretty obvious.....very clearly.....pretty obvious.....

So much bullshit. Where is the evidence?

Yeah...but according to the teabaggers like [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] you don't need evidence to call anyone names. Like Kenyan, socialist, communist, Obummer, Muslim, and countless other tired sophmoric terms.

So when Cruz, Palin, Bachmann, and all the other crazies out there say something about the niggrah in charge, you just know they're not allowing their personal feelings to color the way the republican party is run.

Cuz ya know they gots the proof. Sheriff Joe, FOX News and Sarah told them!!!
so, did she allow her personal feelings to color the way she ran her department?

all this release does is establish she had personal feelings - something we already knew since she donates money to political causes and candidates.

Based on the information that HAS been released I think it's pretty obvious to a normal, thinking person, that she very clearly allowed her personal opinions to color the way she ran the department. Further it is pretty obvious that the WH had a hand in directing her actions.

Then why did all conservative groups seeking 501(c)(4) status get what they wanted? There goes your conspiracy bullshit.

ah, the question that turned idiots into crickets. chirp chirp ch___ zzzzzzzz
Lerner calls a spade a spade and we're supposed to be upset?

You dont think it's unprofessional for a government worker who is supposed to be non partisan to use epithets like that to describe people who are basically her boss?

Hoo boy, the left is gunning for some major payback under Pres Cruz' administration. I cant wait to see them all go ballistic when he has the IRS suppress etc.

gee, she called end of days survivalist shouting about the end of the united states assholes and crazies.

i'm okay with that.
Where did you get the information that she limited her comments to end of days survivalists, which was nowhere in the linked article?
IOW, you're making shit up.

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