IRS?Lerner scandal grows


Deflecting again?....Nice try...It doesn't wash.
Lerner did what she did. Those emails are somewhere. Those hard drives were never "disabled"....Eventually all of this will come to the surface for public scrutiny.
You're just pissed because one of yours got soooooooooooooo busted.
Oh, you misused "alternative".....The proper term is "alternate"..As in "other"....
She targeted conservative 501c-4's...It got so thick, she was forced to assign blame. So she kicked the can to Cincinnati. When those people spoke up, Lerner got canned.
Like I said, she is busted and you're just pissed that it can longer be swept under the rug.

NO, guy, I'm not worried about this. The fact you are leaking blackberry texts of private conversations kinds of smells of desperation. It's like a little kid waving his arms up and down trying to get attention.

Because most people don't really care.

You can pout all day, but unless Holder has a brain fart and appoints a special prosecutor, you got nothing.
Missed the point. Again.
Lerner is a Democratic operative. That she was initially appointed by Bush is irrelevant.

So you dont see any difference between someone who writes a check and someone who calls members of the opposition assholes and crazies? Do you think Lindsay Graham is an asshole and a crazy? What about Boehner? How about Mitch McConnell?
what makes her an "operative?"
that's what makes her bush appointment relevant. if we are to believe she was maliciously targeting tea party groups because she disagreed with them we have to believe that she somehow kept her bias to herself for 30+ years of government employment and was able to disregard all sense of personal and professional ethics, based on nothing more than political donations and an email where she calls assholes assholes.
and yes, i think there is a difference. there is much more commitment in giving money than there is calling someone an asshole in an email.

She didnt keep her bias to herself. That's the point of this thread.
yes. she shared her opinion in a private conversation.

so... what's the point of the thread? that she had an opinion?
Did Lois get arrested today ?

no? well chite.

At lest were beyond the pretense that Lerner was apolitical and appointed by Bush.

Do you think there's a difference between writing a check to a political party and referring to the opposite party as assholes and crazies?

that she was appointed by bush is a fact, not a pretense.

as to the second part, no, i don't. those members of extreme groups referenced are assholes and crazies. even apolitical people should think so.
or are we pretending those views are mainstream now?

Missed the point. Again.
Lerner is a Democratic operative. That she was initially appointed by Bush is irrelevant.

So you dont see any difference between someone who writes a check and someone who calls members of the opposition assholes and crazies? Do you think Lindsay Graham is an asshole and a crazy? What about Boehner? How about Mitch McConnell?

THose weren't the people she was describing.

SHe was describing the people stocking up on guns and ammo because Obama just won.

Deflecting again?....Nice try...It doesn't wash.
Lerner did what she did. Those emails are somewhere. Those hard drives were never "disabled"....Eventually all of this will come to the surface for public scrutiny.
You're just pissed because one of yours got soooooooooooooo busted.
Oh, you misused "alternative".....The proper term is "alternate"..As in "other"....
She targeted conservative 501c-4's...It got so thick, she was forced to assign blame. So she kicked the can to Cincinnati. When those people spoke up, Lerner got canned.
Like I said, she is busted and you're just pissed that it can longer be swept under the rug.

NO, guy, I'm not worried about this. The fact you are leaking blackberry texts of private conversations kinds of smells of desperation. It's like a little kid waving his arms up and down trying to get attention.

Because most people don't really care.

You can pout all day, but unless Holder has a brain fart and appoints a special prosecutor, you got nothing.

And most people don't care because there's nothing to 'care' about – there are no facts, no evidence, nothing documented that the president was in any way 'involve' or authorized a 'cover up.'

Deflecting again?....Nice try...It doesn't wash.
Lerner did what she did. Those emails are somewhere. Those hard drives were never "disabled"....Eventually all of this will come to the surface for public scrutiny.
You're just pissed because one of yours got soooooooooooooo busted.
Oh, you misused "alternative".....The proper term is "alternate"..As in "other"....
She targeted conservative 501c-4's...It got so thick, she was forced to assign blame. So she kicked the can to Cincinnati. When those people spoke up, Lerner got canned.
Like I said, she is busted and you're just pissed that it can longer be swept under the rug.

NO, guy, I'm not worried about this. The fact you are leaking blackberry texts of private conversations kinds of smells of desperation. It's like a little kid waving his arms up and down trying to get attention.

Because most people don't really care.

You can pout all day, but unless Holder has a brain fart and appoints a special prosecutor, you got nothing.

And most people don't care because there's nothing to 'care' about – there are no facts, no evidence, nothing documented that the president was in any way 'involve' or authorized a 'cover up.'

Straw man.
what makes her an "operative?"
that's what makes her bush appointment relevant. if we are to believe she was maliciously targeting tea party groups because she disagreed with them we have to believe that she somehow kept her bias to herself for 30+ years of government employment and was able to disregard all sense of personal and professional ethics, based on nothing more than political donations and an email where she calls assholes assholes.
and yes, i think there is a difference. there is much more commitment in giving money than there is calling someone an asshole in an email.

She didnt keep her bias to herself. That's the point of this thread.
yes. she shared her opinion in a private conversation.

so... what's the point of the thread? that she had an opinion?

An opinion she is not permitted to have.
THAT is the point.
Her bias precluded her from doing her job to the best of her ability.
Had she been a conservative, she would have been dismissed from her job and terminated from ALL federal employment
And STILL not one of you libs had dared to answer the question put to you. That is "if Lerner had targeted liberal groups, what say you?"....
She didnt keep her bias to herself. That's the point of this thread.
yes. she shared her opinion in a private conversation.

so... what's the point of the thread? that she had an opinion?

An opinion she is not permitted to have.
THAT is the point.
Her bias precluded her from doing her job to the best of her ability.
Had she been a conservative, she would have been dismissed from her job and terminated from ALL federal employment

Well you're just ignorant. Nothing about being a federal employee precludes someone from having any opinion they want.

Now, if they allow that view to color their work you have a point
She obviously did exactly that.
It is absurd to say, We know she had nothing but contempt for conservative Republicans. We know she was under pressure to "do something" about such groups after Citizens United. We know that she had a BOLO list of such groups to subject to extra scrutiny, but there is no evidence it was a politically motivated attempt to suppress such groups.
It boggles the mnd anyone would believe that. It is obvious that is what happened.
The only thing they've proven is that like most of the people Bush appointed, Lerner wasn't a particularly good manager.

A least she didn't manage to lose any major cities.

IF she was so bad why didnt Obama fire her?

I think his ability to fire IRS officials is limited by the post-watergate reforms.

But even if that werent' the case, Obama kept a lot of the clowns Bush left in the bureaucracy that he probably shouldn't have.
She obviously did exactly that.
It is absurd to say, We know she had nothing but contempt for conservative Republicans. We know she was under pressure to "do something" about such groups after Citizens United. We know that she had a BOLO list of such groups to subject to extra scrutiny, but there is no evidence it was a politically motivated attempt to suppress such groups.
It boggles the mnd anyone would believe that. It is obvious that is what happened.

NO, what was obvious that when Citizen's United was ruled on, you had a bunch of conservative groups all smacking their lips about how they were going to get all this money from rich people to keep stupid people like you voting against your own economic interests.

Sadly, you nominated a Weird Mormon Robot who blurted out shit like "I likes to fire people".
And STILL not one of you libs had dared to answer the question put to you. That is "if Lerner had targeted liberal groups, what say you?"....

If my Aunt had balls, she'd be my Uncle.

If liberal groups were abusing this exemption, they should be scrutinized and targeted, too.

Let's be clear what you are arguing for. You are arguing for the right of rich people to funnel money into elections with no accountability or disclosure.
Lois Lerner, former IRS Chief has had her left leanings exposed in new releases of emails where she refers to conservatives as "assholes" and "crazies"..
Now, as a federal official sworn with the duty of leading a federal dept where by which all are treated equally, Lerner permitted here political bias to influence the manner in which she did her job.
She is well on her way to being prosecuted by Congress and perhaps even faces many civil suits from her victims.
After all the denials by Obama and the circling of the wagons by the complicit media, the commentary of "there is no there there", it seems Lerner and the IRS have a BIG problem.
Ex-IRS Official Called Conservatives 'Crazies - ABC News

Obviously you and others on the right are oblivious to how desperate and ridiculous you sound.
Lois Lerner, former IRS Chief has had her left leanings exposed in new releases of emails where she refers to conservatives as "assholes" and "crazies"..
Now, as a federal official sworn with the duty of leading a federal dept where by which all are treated equally, Lerner permitted here political bias to influence the manner in which she did her job.
She is well on her way to being prosecuted by Congress and perhaps even faces many civil suits from her victims.
After all the denials by Obama and the circling of the wagons by the complicit media, the commentary of "there is no there there", it seems Lerner and the IRS have a BIG problem.
Ex-IRS Official Called Conservatives 'Crazies - ABC News

Obviously you and others on the right are oblivious to how desperate and ridiculous you sound.

Throwing out facts and logical theories now is sounding desperate? No, I think it is Democrats desperate to make the whole mess go away. It wont. The more that comes out the harder it is to deny what is obvious: Lerner was operating under orders from Democrats to kneecap conservative drives in the upcoming election by delaying their tax free status applications and subjecting them to unusual levels of scrutiny. That is illegal, btw.
But once it comes out, liberals will be saying, Well these tea party groups are terrorists. We should be suppressing them!
She obviously did exactly that.
It is absurd to say, We know she had nothing but contempt for conservative Republicans. We know she was under pressure to "do something" about such groups after Citizens United. We know that she had a BOLO list of such groups to subject to extra scrutiny, but there is no evidence it was a politically motivated attempt to suppress such groups.
It boggles the mnd anyone would believe that. It is obvious that is what happened.

you theorize that's what she did. nobody, despite their best efforts, has been able to prove that.

and again, since when are the end of america gun and food hoarders representative of conservative republicans?

and shouldn't everyone have contempt for people hoping for the collapse of the united states?
Lois Lerner, former IRS Chief has had her left leanings exposed in new releases of emails where she refers to conservatives as "assholes" and "crazies"..
Now, as a federal official sworn with the duty of leading a federal dept where by which all are treated equally, Lerner permitted here political bias to influence the manner in which she did her job.
She is well on her way to being prosecuted by Congress and perhaps even faces many civil suits from her victims.
After all the denials by Obama and the circling of the wagons by the complicit media, the commentary of "there is no there there", it seems Lerner and the IRS have a BIG problem.
Ex-IRS Official Called Conservatives 'Crazies - ABC News

Obviously you and others on the right are oblivious to how desperate and ridiculous you sound.

Throwing out facts and logical theories now is sounding desperate? No, I think it is Democrats desperate to make the whole mess go away. It wont. The more that comes out the harder it is to deny what is obvious: Lerner was operating under orders from Democrats to kneecap conservative drives in the upcoming election by delaying their tax free status applications and subjecting them to unusual levels of scrutiny. That is illegal, btw.
But once it comes out, liberals will be saying, Well these tea party groups are terrorists. We should be suppressing them!

the conspiracy grows! now it's not just her own contempt and decision to disregard personal and professional ethics - now she's taking orders from "democrats" to do so.
Obviously you and others on the right are oblivious to how desperate and ridiculous you sound.

Throwing out facts and logical theories now is sounding desperate? No, I think it is Democrats desperate to make the whole mess go away. It wont. The more that comes out the harder it is to deny what is obvious: Lerner was operating under orders from Democrats to kneecap conservative drives in the upcoming election by delaying their tax free status applications and subjecting them to unusual levels of scrutiny. That is illegal, btw.
But once it comes out, liberals will be saying, Well these tea party groups are terrorists. We should be suppressing them!

the conspiracy grows! now it's not just her own contempt and decision to disregard personal and professional ethics - now she's taking orders from "democrats" to do so.

When she stated she was under tremendous pressure to do something, who do you think was exerting tremendous pressure? We know Democrat Senators were pressuring her, like Schumer, and Reps like Cummings.

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