IRS: Yeah, It's A Scandal

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
How many times must I hear from Obama apologists that 'there isn't a smidgen of evidence against Obama in the IRS scandal???

Let's begin today's lesson with "Cui bono," the Latin phrase meaning "to whose benefit?"

And, keep in mind, that, just as in most cases presented to a jury, circumstantial evidence is dispositive, meaning that a confession is not necessary.

1. White House Visitors Log :March 31, 2010.
According to the White House Visitors Log, provided here in searchable form by U.S. News and World Report, the president of the anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union, Colleen Kelley, visited the White House at 12:30pm that Wednesday noon time of March 31st.

a. "For me, it's about collaboration." -- National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley on the relationship between the anti-Tea Party IRS union and the Obama White House

b. The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees -- the same employees who belong to the NTEU -- set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America.
The IG report wrote it up this way: April 1-2, 2010: The new Acting Manager, Technical Unit, suggested the need for a Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party cases. The Determinations Unit Program Manager Agreed."
Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun? | The American Spectator

Because the White House understood what was coming in the mid term elections, 2010.

2. What did Obama foresee in the 2010 midterm elections, and the 2012 re-election campaign, that could necessitate such illegality?

"Due to the attention that the Tea Party focused on his policies, he received a terrible defeat in the 2010 midterm elections. "President Obama had a blunt response when asked Wednesday to explain how it felt to watch the Democratic Party suffer the worst electoral defeat in the House in more than half a century."
Obama admits he got a ?shellacking,? but shows no sign of budging on core agenda | The Daily Caller

3. "The obvious question instantly arises with the revelation that Kelley was meeting with the President personally -- the day before the IRS kicked into high gear with its “Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party”.

The NTEU, through its political action committee, raised $613,633 in the 2010 cycle, giving 98% of its contributions to anti-Tea Party Democrats. In 2012 the figure was $729,708, with 94% going to anti-Tea Party candidates. One NTEU candidate after another, as discussed last week in this space, campaigned vigorously against the Tea Party.

So the motivations here -- defeating the Tea Party in 2010, and failing at that, making sure that the news of the metastasizing cancer in the IRS was kept quiet until after the 2012 presidential election was over -- are clear."
Wondering.....if it had been known in advance that Barack Obama would use the Internal Revenue Service against political enemies.... many who voted for him, wouldn't have?

BTW....comparing Obama to the Left's bête noire, Richard Nixon...

Nixon talked about using the IRS against his enemies....but never did.

Obama did.

The clues and warnings about this thug in the White House were there.....
Chic- the truth is irrelevant unless journalists are going to do their job and hunt down the players and moves, but that's not going to happen because the MSM remains Obama's ball fluffers.
Wondering.....if it had been known in advance that Barack Obama would use the Internal Revenue Service against political enemies.... many who voted for him, wouldn't have?

BTW....comparing Obama to the Left's bête noire, Richard Nixon...

Nixon talked about using the IRS against his enemies....but never did.

Obama did.

The clues and warnings about this thug in the White House were there.....

Just look at all the leftists here that demand this is ‘nothing’ and that there really aren’t any scandals.

No one cares anymore as long as they get to ‘win.’
Chic- the truth is irrelevant unless journalists are going to do their job and hunt down the players and moves, but that's not going to happen because the MSM remains Obama's ball fluffers.

More and more, what you say about the irrelevance of truth, proves to be the case.

Funny, but here is a Leftwing media outlet that warned all.....

" What's past is prologue"
Hardly the first time Chicago style political thuggery was on display.....

"WGN-AM again target of Obama campaign

Posted September 15, 2008 9:42 PM

by John McCormick and Steven Schmadeke, updated

Chicago radio station WGN-AM is again coming under attack from the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama for offering airtime to a controversial author.
It is the second time in recent weeks the station has been the target of an "Obama Action Wire" alert to supporters of the Illinois Democrat.

Monday night's target was David Freddoso, who the campaign said was scheduled to be on the station from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Chicago time.
"The author of the latest anti-Barack hit book is appearing on WGN Radio in the Chicagoland market tonight, and your help is urgently needed to make sure his baseless lies don't gain credibility," an e-mail sent Monday evening to Obama supporters reads.

"David Freddoso has made a career off dishonest, extreme hate mongering," the message said. "And WGN apparently thinks this card-carrying member of the right-wing smear machine needs a bigger platform for his lies and smears about Barack Obama -- on the public airwaves."

The Tribune-owned station was flooded with calls and e-mails about an hour before an Aug. 27 interview with Stanley Kurtz, a conservative writer who examined Obama's ties to former 1960s radical William Ayers.
A WGN producer said Monday night's response was about the same as when Kurtz was on the station."
Obama Vs. WGN, Take Two

"Obama's behavior is very revealing and frightening.
As when Kurtz was on the show, Obama and his staff could not dispute the facts so instead he calls on a bunch of thugs to shout down anyone questioning him.

You'll notice that none of the callers will state what is incorrect, what lies are in the book. They just want the questioning of Obama stopped.

Unfortunately for Obama it only draws more attention to those questions and vividly demonstrates that he'll viciously smear anyone who dares to look into his background, votes, record and associations.
So much for hope and change."
Posted by: SAM | September 16, 2008 10:32 AM

Was the handwriting on the wall....or what?
Chic- the truth is irrelevant unless journalists are going to do their job and hunt down the players and moves, but that's not going to happen because the MSM remains Obama's ball fluffers.

the multiple investigations conducted by Republicans that have yet to turn up squat are ball fluffers ?

I knew it.

Has Lois been arrested YET ?

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Leftist authoritarians like Siete are happy that the IRS was used as a weapon against Obama's political enemies. To them, the ends justify the means.

They believe they'll be in power forever.
Chic- the truth is irrelevant unless journalists are going to do their job and hunt down the players and moves, but that's not going to happen because the MSM remains Obama's ball fluffers.

the multiple investigations conducted by Republicans that have yet to turn up squat are ball fluffers ?

I knew it.

Has Lois been arrested YET ?


This is the sort of post that illustrates the "the heck with honesty, winning is all that counts" tenet that I have come to expect from bottom-feeding low-lifes that support the Alinsky-Ayers-Obama types.

It goes beyond the stupidity that the poster generally provides, to a kind of disreputable character that, at one time, was found in only the most loathsome of creatures.

Sadly, many easily led, find it acceptable today....and explains the 40% approval rating of this President.
How many times must I hear from Obama apologists that 'there isn't a smidgen of evidence against Obama in the IRS scandal???

Let's begin today's lesson with "Cui bono," the Latin phrase meaning "to whose benefit?"

And, keep in mind, that, just as in most cases presented to a jury, circumstantial evidence is dispositive, meaning that a confession is not necessary.

1. White House Visitors Log :March 31, 2010.
According to the White House Visitors Log, provided here in searchable form by U.S. News and World Report, the president of the anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union, Colleen Kelley, visited the White House at 12:30pm that Wednesday noon time of March 31st.

a. "For me, it's about collaboration." -- National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley on the relationship between the anti-Tea Party IRS union and the Obama White House

b. The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees -- the same employees who belong to the NTEU -- set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America.
The IG report wrote it up this way: April 1-2, 2010: The new Acting Manager, Technical Unit, suggested the need for a Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party cases. The Determinations Unit Program Manager Agreed."
Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun? | The American Spectator

Because the White House understood what was coming in the mid term elections, 2010.

2. What did Obama foresee in the 2010 midterm elections, and the 2012 re-election campaign, that could necessitate such illegality?

"Due to the attention that the Tea Party focused on his policies, he received a terrible defeat in the 2010 midterm elections. "President Obama had a blunt response when asked Wednesday to explain how it felt to watch the Democratic Party suffer the worst electoral defeat in the House in more than half a century."
Obama admits he got a ?shellacking,? but shows no sign of budging on core agenda | The Daily Caller

3. "The obvious question instantly arises with the revelation that Kelley was meeting with the President personally -- the day before the IRS kicked into high gear with its “Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party”.

The NTEU, through its political action committee, raised $613,633 in the 2010 cycle, giving 98% of its contributions to anti-Tea Party Democrats. In 2012 the figure was $729,708, with 94% going to anti-Tea Party candidates. One NTEU candidate after another, as discussed last week in this space, campaigned vigorously against the Tea Party.

So the motivations here -- defeating the Tea Party in 2010, and failing at that, making sure that the news of the metastasizing cancer in the IRS was kept quiet until after the 2012 presidential election was over -- are clear."

I believe We The People will win in the end. It will take longer than usual but I believe we will be victorious. And when we do take power back, I keep wracking my brain to think of a way to hold the corrupt press accountable.

I know that's hard to do without stomping on freedom of speech and justify targeting one media outlet over another. But because the "press" gets special protection under the Constitution, I'd think they would have the opposite as well - special responsibilities.

Responsibilities they not only abdicated, but actively stomped on to become the PR wing of one political party. (And yes I know they've always done to some degree.)

Given the level to which certain press outlets have engaged in such serious suppression of information, I think data can easily be brought to a hearing that could prove that case. I watch it on CNN all the time.

Our Founders envisioned the press as a watchdog of our government, not the lapdog of any president.

Maybe nothing can be done about their almost lawless level of corruption, but if you folks have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

The media should never be allowed to get away with the damage they've done to our democracy caused by abdicating their watchdog role in the past 6 years. Fuckers. :D
Chic- the truth is irrelevant unless journalists are going to do their job and hunt down the players and moves, but that's not going to happen because the MSM remains Obama's ball fluffers.

the multiple investigations conducted by Republicans that have yet to turn up squat are ball fluffers ?

I knew it.

Has Lois been arrested YET ?


This is the sort of post that illustrates the "the heck with honesty, winning is all that counts" tenet that I have come to expect from bottom-feeding low-lifes that support the Alinsky-Ayers-Obama types.

It goes beyond the stupidity that the poster generally provides, to a kind of disreputable character that, at one time, was found in only the most loathsome of creatures.

Sadly, many easily led, find it acceptable today....and explains the 40% approval rating of this President.

because the Republicans haven't found anything after investigation after investigation I'm dishonest, disreputable, and found loathsome?

uh huh ....:lol:
Just a point of fact that may be neither here, n'or there - > White house visitor logs are not a log of who actually visits.

Sounds funky duddn't it?

Do the research.
the multiple investigations conducted by Republicans that have yet to turn up squat are ball fluffers ?

I knew it.

Has Lois been arrested YET ?


This is the sort of post that illustrates the "the heck with honesty, winning is all that counts" tenet that I have come to expect from bottom-feeding low-lifes that support the Alinsky-Ayers-Obama types.

It goes beyond the stupidity that the poster generally provides, to a kind of disreputable character that, at one time, was found in only the most loathsome of creatures.

Sadly, many easily led, find it acceptable today....and explains the 40% approval rating of this President.

because the Republicans haven't found anything after investigation after investigation I'm dishonest, disreputable, and found loathsome?

uh huh ....:lol:

Hard to uncover a smoking gun when the chief witness refuses to testify and all her emails have evaporated like some magical faggot dust.

Most people don't mind partisanship; what we loathe is dirty scumbags such as yourself who will take any advantage available, whether righteous or through lies and obfuscation. Your moral compass is frozen at zero. Go fuck yourself. :eusa_clap:
I'll have to see some more compelling evidence before I make up my mind. I think it is very possible that some criminal lines were crossed, but I just haven't seen any compelling evidence of that yet. We'll see.
I'll have to see some more compelling evidence before I make up my mind. I think it is very possible that some criminal lines were crossed, but I just haven't seen any compelling evidence of that yet. We'll see.

Wondering.....if it had been known in advance that Barack Obama would use the Internal Revenue Service against political enemies.... many who voted for him, wouldn't have?

BTW....comparing Obama to the Left's bête noire, Richard Nixon...

Nixon talked about using the IRS against his enemies....but never did.

Obama did.

The clues and warnings about this thug in the White House were there.....

Of course it's a scandal.

In the case of Nixon, the IRS refused to cooperate with him to attack his enemies.
It is not a scandal.
It is a national disgrace that is unfortunately more likely to occur again because they will get away with it.
And make no mistake about it - they will get away with it..whether Lerner is made the scape goat or not - those involved will get away with it.
It is also likely to occur again because the media has given Obama a complete pass on his "there is no scandal" comments and hand-in-hand repeat the White House and Democrat theme that this is a "witch hunt".
The most powerful branch of government that has the greatest effect and authority over the citizenry knowingly/willingly and in a concerted manner used their power to harm those they disagree with.
That is not just a scandal.
I'll have to see some more compelling evidence before I make up my mind. I think it is very possible that some criminal lines were crossed, but I just haven't seen any compelling evidence of that yet. We'll see.


In light of the tragedy of the ballad of the lost hard-drives, and Lerner's 5th, chances are now close to zero. I guess that doesn't factor into the equation for you two patriots.
I'll have to see some more compelling evidence before I make up my mind. I think it is very possible that some criminal lines were crossed, but I just haven't seen any compelling evidence of that yet. We'll see.


In light of the tragedy of the ballad of the lost hard-drives, and Lerner's 5th, chances are now close to zero. I guess that doesn't factor into the equation for you two patriots.

The lost hard drives make it look bad, but appearances do not a case make, especially not beyond a reasonable doubt which is in accordance with being a Patriot.

Shall we throw ppl in prison based on assumptions, or really suspicious appearing situations? That makes no sense.
I'm all for putting Lois behind bars if anything criminal surfaces and she is found guilty.

Either the Republicans are incompetent investigators or there's nothing criminal to find.

Pretty simple.
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