Is a state funded education a right?

Just pray for knowledge and it will be delivered to you

anyone who needs a school does not have enough faith.
It wouldn't.

And the result of that, the US quickly descending to third world status, would not violate my Constitutional rights, either.

In fact, we are rapidly achieving that, in any case. China is graduating 10 times the engineers that we are. South Korea, 3 times.

In both nations, the growth of manufacturing and inovations is demonstrating the folly of failing to educate our population.
That is a problem. But that's because we're to busy fucking around playing political indoctrination and social feel good engineering on our kids, instead of pushing for the basics to be learned.

The kids leaving our high schools often hit college not learning enough to succeed, and then filter into useless degrees that have little to no use in the work place (Liberal arts, psychology, philosophy, english) unless you become a teacher/professor. Too many are left basically re-taking the courses in High School to get up to where most foreign school systems are before leaving for college.

And most of this is due to apathy in the education system, brought on by monopolization. Go to private schools and the home schoolers, and you see little to none of this.

Those on the right want it both ways. They want our kids to excel at math and science and at the same time push an insane agenda of "magical creation", thereby delegitimizing the very science they want them to excel at.
How would the state not paying for your education violate any of your constitutional rights?

Reading the paper the other day I thought of this thread! :lol:

I guess in Washington State it is a right, a Superior Court just ruled on his very subject this last week. :D
Good Point! But what does it mean?

It means "stupid is better", obviously.
It means 'disobedience was dumber'.

See. It's all in how you look at it.

Disobedience to who? Please nothing mystical.

I get so tire of Americans pretending they have all this, I can't even put words to it, for some Middle Eastern desert religion that started with primitive people thousands of years ago.

The so-called "Christian religion" has been whitened and Americanized. And the symbols are a mystery. Truly, I'm surprised their Jesus hasn't been updated to wearing a suit, flying the Confederate Flag, carrying an Uzi, with dollar signs instead of a "happy face".

To me, it's no more real than Greek or Roman "mythology". Many of the stories are obviously the same.

And the fact that people want to teach this in public schools is both a shame and a tragedy.

I get really tired of the religious complaining that their religion is attacked. To me, gays have never put it "in your face" the same way the religious have. No gays have come to my house going door to door pushing their lifestyle. They may want teachers to teach acceptance and not hate, but none have ever tried to replace or question one of the foundations of science. Religions promote violence and hate, but no gays do. Religions are fixated on gays, but I would rather have gays around than religious people, for sure. At least I wouldn't have to, pardon the expression, watch my back.

It means "stupid is better", obviously.
It means 'disobedience was dumber'.

See. It's all in how you look at it.

Disobedience to who? Please nothing mystical.

I get so tire of Americans pretending they have all this, I can't even put words to it, for some Middle Eastern desert religion that started with primitive people thousands of years ago.

The so-called "Christian religion" has been whitened and Americanized. And the symbols are a mystery. Truly, I'm surprised their Jesus hasn't been updated to wearing a suit, flying the Confederate Flag, carrying an Uzi, with dollar signs instead of a "happy face".

To me, it's no more real than Greek or Roman "mythology". Many of the stories are obviously the same.

And the fact that people want to teach this in public schools is both a shame and a tragedy.

I get really tired of the religious complaining that their religion is attacked. To me, gays have never put it "in your face" the same way the religious have. No gays have come to my house going door to door pushing their lifestyle. They may want teachers to teach acceptance and not hate, but none have ever tried to replace or question one of the foundations of science. Religions promote violence and hate, but no gays do. Religions are fixated on gays, but I would rather have gays around than religious people, for sure. At least I wouldn't have to, pardon the expression, watch my back.

I see.

You wish knowledge, but only if it agrees with your view of the world.

You cannot be taught, for you do not desire to learn.

Funny thing. The only one spewing hate is you, towards Christians just because I said I would like to see the option of prayer put back in school.

Your hate blinds you.
It means 'disobedience was dumber'.

See. It's all in how you look at it.

Disobedience to who? Please nothing mystical.

I get so tire of Americans pretending they have all this, I can't even put words to it, for some Middle Eastern desert religion that started with primitive people thousands of years ago.

The so-called "Christian religion" has been whitened and Americanized. And the symbols are a mystery. Truly, I'm surprised their Jesus hasn't been updated to wearing a suit, flying the Confederate Flag, carrying an Uzi, with dollar signs instead of a "happy face".

To me, it's no more real than Greek or Roman "mythology". Many of the stories are obviously the same.

And the fact that people want to teach this in public schools is both a shame and a tragedy.

I get really tired of the religious complaining that their religion is attacked. To me, gays have never put it "in your face" the same way the religious have. No gays have come to my house going door to door pushing their lifestyle. They may want teachers to teach acceptance and not hate, but none have ever tried to replace or question one of the foundations of science. Religions promote violence and hate, but no gays do. Religions are fixated on gays, but I would rather have gays around than religious people, for sure. At least I wouldn't have to, pardon the expression, watch my back.

I see.

You wish knowledge, but only if it agrees with your view of the world.

You cannot be taught, for you do not desire to learn.

Funny thing. The only one spewing hate is you, towards Christians just because I said I would like to see the option of prayer put back in school.

Your hate blinds you.

The "OPTION" of prayer IS in school. You can PRAY to yourself WHENEVER YOU WANT. See how easy that is?
It means 'disobedience was dumber'.

See. It's all in how you look at it.

Disobedience to who? Please nothing mystical.

I get so tire of Americans pretending they have all this, I can't even put words to it, for some Middle Eastern desert religion that started with primitive people thousands of years ago.

The so-called "Christian religion" has been whitened and Americanized. And the symbols are a mystery. Truly, I'm surprised their Jesus hasn't been updated to wearing a suit, flying the Confederate Flag, carrying an Uzi, with dollar signs instead of a "happy face".

To me, it's no more real than Greek or Roman "mythology". Many of the stories are obviously the same.

And the fact that people want to teach this in public schools is both a shame and a tragedy.

I get really tired of the religious complaining that their religion is attacked. To me, gays have never put it "in your face" the same way the religious have. No gays have come to my house going door to door pushing their lifestyle. They may want teachers to teach acceptance and not hate, but none have ever tried to replace or question one of the foundations of science. Religions promote violence and hate, but no gays do. Religions are fixated on gays, but I would rather have gays around than religious people, for sure. At least I wouldn't have to, pardon the expression, watch my back.

I see.

You wish knowledge, but only if it agrees with your view of the world.

You cannot be taught, for you do not desire to learn.

Funny thing. The only one spewing hate is you, towards Christians just because I said I would like to see the option of prayer put back in school.

Your hate blinds you.

Let me say it again:

I get really tired of the religious complaining that their religion is attacked. To me, gays have never put it "in your face" the same way the religious have. No gays have come to my house going door to door pushing their lifestyle.

It's the religious doing the attacking. Simply attempting to push mysticism in science class is an attack on reason.
There is no "Freedom FROM religion" in the constitution. There is freedom from a STATE religion by the non-establishment clause.

The default position of religion in the public square is not atheism, which is a religion unto itself.
I have no idea if this answer has been given yet, but here's mine:

Is a state funded education a right?

No. It is not a right. However, it is in the best interest of a country to have an educated populace. So it is in the best interest of the country to have state funded education.

(I have no idea what the OP is and don't care. I'm just going off of the thread title)
I get really tired of the religious complaining that their religion is attacked.

Yet you wish to silence it in all arenas. Yet you wish to not be considered hateful towards any religion. You can't have it both ways no matter how hard you try.
I have no idea if this answer has been given yet, but here's mine:

Is a state funded education a right?

No. It is not a right. However, it is in the best interest of a country to have an educated populace. So it is in the best interest of the country to have state funded education.

(I have no idea what the OP is and don't care. I'm just going off of the thread title)
Probably wise. The thread has devolved mightily.

I will probably have to unsubscribe from the foolishness for going through the motions is not entertaining.
I get really tired of the religious complaining that their religion is attacked.

Yet you wish to silence it in all arenas. Yet you wish to not be considered hateful towards any religion. You can't have it both ways no matter how hard you try.

Never have I called for the closing of churches or insisting religious programs be banned from TV or Radio or the Religious section from the paper.

But I will stand up and fight to keep mysticism out of "science classes". Allowing the supernatural to contaminate science is pure "Taliban". Until you can point to a single positive invention or scientific development based on spirits, then it needs to stay in churches for those that believe in such stuff.

You aren't wanted everywhere and neither is the occult, no matter how hard YOU try.
I have no idea if this answer has been given yet, but here's mine:

Is a state funded education a right?

No. It is not a right. However, it is in the best interest of a country to have an educated populace. So it is in the best interest of the country to have state funded education.

(I have no idea what the OP is and don't care. I'm just going off of the thread title)

Depends on how you define an "educated populace". If it includes mysticism and the occult in science class, then the "education" is less than "quality".
I have no idea if this answer has been given yet, but here's mine:

Is a state funded education a right?

No. It is not a right. However, it is in the best interest of a country to have an educated populace. So it is in the best interest of the country to have state funded education.

(I have no idea what the OP is and don't care. I'm just going off of the thread title)

Depends on how you define an "educated populace". If it includes mysticism and the occult in science class, then the "education" is less than "quality".

-2 points for trying to steer the conversation back to mindless babble.
I get really tired of the religious complaining that their religion is attacked.

Yet you wish to silence it in all arenas. Yet you wish to not be considered hateful towards any religion. You can't have it both ways no matter how hard you try.

Never have I called for the closing of churches or insisting religious programs be banned from TV or Radio or the Religious section from the paper.

But I will stand up and fight to keep mysticism out of "science classes". Allowing the supernatural to contaminate science is pure "Taliban". Until you can point to a single positive invention or scientific development based on spirits, then it needs to stay in churches for those that believe in such stuff.

You aren't wanted everywhere and neither is the occult, no matter how hard YOU try.
Yeah, well.

I wanna learn about chemistry, but don't start with all those atoms and microscopic junk. Who beleives in those anyway? I mean, have YOU ever seen an atom? I sure haven't.

Redacto in absurdum.
You aren't wanted everywhere and neither is the occult, no matter how hard YOU try.

Nor is your hate for the supernatural (meaning unprovable by logic or science) and atheism.


regardless, your entrenched stupidity on this exceeds the entertainment value. Samson was right, I should have ignored you long ago.

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