Is America a Christian Nation?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

No, America is not a Christian nation! What do you think?
Give us some proof.

My country tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died!
Land of the Pilgrim's pride!
From every mountain side,
Let freedom ring!

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love.
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture fills
Like that above.

Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song.
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

Our father's God to, Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King!"
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No America is not a christian nation and posting videos of songs doesn't prove it.

The United States is a fake country.
Russell Means

And Means is right. Furthermore this is not a christian country based on the works of whites who formed this country.
Of course it is a Christian Nation. One Nation under God, in God we trust.
Dude ain't even from here and he knows that! :spinner:

Hey, but my q for you is: What's up with Romania? Are Romanians Roma, or are they generally whiter than Roma?

Imo, they're whiter than Roma with dark hair. Different bone structure, too.
Supreme Court Declares America a Christian Nation
On February 29, 1892, The Supreme Court declared (in Holy Trinity v. United States) that the historical record of America overwhelmingly demonstrated that the United States "... is a Christian nation." Contrary to this historical and legal record, judges throughout the end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first centuries have repeatedly ruled against the place that Christianity has enjoyed in American life. Rather than render decisions consistent with the legal foundation of America, activist judges have taken it upon themselves to attempt to establish a new foundation for American law—that being the subjective opinions of liberal activist judges. Thousands of pieces of evidence exist that demonstrate that America was founded as a Christian nation, and Holy Trinity v. United States is only one of the many pieces of that mosaic of historical truth.
Dude ain't even from here and he knows that! :spinner:

Hey, but my q for you is: What's up with Romania? Are Romanians Roma, or are they generally whiter than Roma?

Imo, they're whiter than Roma with dark hair. Different bone structure, too.
They are not Roma, they are slavs, dacians, vlachs, and latin/romance, they are generally what people referr to as "white" or "european" romani roma "gypsies" trace back their roots to india, and they have significant indian genome in their ancestry along with european and middle eastern admixture, they are what people would referr to as "mixed race". Its not the same at all. And yes romanians are white, roma are not.
so many American presidents are burning in hell

America was originally a Christian nation that stood with God and the Holy Bible Word of God. Today America is a lost nation that has let in all manner of ungodly wickedness.
More aren't than are. America has been a fine country, full of God-fearing Americans.
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so many American presidents are burning in hell

America was originally a Christian nation that stood with God and the Holy Bible Word of God. Today America is a lost nation that has let in all manner of ungodly wickedness.
America has never been a christian nation. The nation was lost from the start. It was built on a foundation of wickedness and sin. It never stood with God or the bible.

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