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Is anyone else not voting?

I am so glad for New Zealand. :eusa_liar: Now instead of two parties fucking them over they have the same faction represented by many different parties.

Whoopee. You changed a corrupt system for a corrupt system. :cuckoo: I'm so glad for New Zealand. It must be so awesome to live there. Whether it is two or eight it doesn't matter. I am just as easily able to find someone who agrees with me and have them represent me indirectly in a two-party system as I am in an eight party system. Instead, I would whether see a system that allows me to be directly represented. This is the big difference. Is an eight party system an improvement? I don't think so but at least people may be more likely to vote because of it.

It sounds to me like Bolger is as much of an ass as you are and that is why you agree with him. I'm not whining like a little child when I complain about the system. You suggest that I do something about it. How would you suggest I do this? Get a petition going? Wow! I must do something I disagree with or be whining like a little child. A petition isn't what we need to do at all. The solution to this must come from the same source that supports the Constitution or it wouldn't be right. Ironically, I acknowledge this even though I believe they are motherfuckers. The problem with me doing something about it is that what needs to be done would require me to take part in something I disagree with and to do something I find to be repugnant. I won't become what I detest in order to change it. :cuckoo:

As you can see from this post Edward has no intention of doing anything except make idiotic claims on a message board. Further he has no solution other than a limited form of anarchy that he knows full well can not work. He wants to cry and belly ache about how every system out there does not work and how he is just a slave to the Government and his fellow citizens.

Read his drivel, it is not that the system is bad, it is that he doesn't get his way. He rants about how others deny him rights and then in the same breath talks about how if he could he would deny those rights and MORE to those that disagree with him.
Edward, so long as you use the infrastructure that is this country, we (they) will tax you fairly and properly. When you are gone that will stop. Fair enough I think.
I never complained about us not being a "straight democracy" nor do I care that we aren't one. In fact, I do not support "straight democracy." As I have repeatedly noted. I believe in a representative government which we aren't.

The Constitution doesn't work well at all. The only reason you say that is because it is your factions document written by your faction. You can call yourself a Democrat, Republican or anything else for that matter but you belong to the faction that supported the Constitution.

So if you don't belong to the King's Court in a monarchy you have no right to complain about the outcome of decisions made by his court? Wow, I just love you for saying that Queen Jillian of the Voterdom of Retardsville. I will bear in mind that unless I become as you are and take part in your sick system that I have no right to complain when you fuck me over with your vote. Unless I put someone up for a candidate and go along when YOU VOTING AWAY MY FUCKING VOICE I have no right to complain. I will bear that in mind you fucking dictator and I will bear in mind that you want me to join your Court. But I will continue to complain and I will continue to say what needs to be said about your kind of person. Now fuck off Queen Jillian and go vote in your fucking elections. Go vote this way: I VOTE THAT I WILL HAVE A VOTE IN THE SENATE AND I VOTE THAT THOSE WHO DON'T VOTE FOR MY CANDIDATE WILL NOT. God bless America where we have no say in our government and aren't represented unless we belong to the faction that elects a person. Ironically, it is the same faction. I can vote for candidate A who is a Democrat or candidate B who is a Republican but I would still be voting for your faction. :cuckoo:

I will not become like you bitch to win. I will not take part in a system so evil to stop it or change it. I will no more do what you say than I would to join a fucking King's Court so that I can change it. I will continue to insult you bitch because that is what you are. You are nothing more than pond scum and so is your family. I don't care if you don't like me saying that either. I don't want my views out there so badly that I WOULD JOIN A KING. I am sure that you would tell those who complained about Saddam Hussein that if they didn't join Saddam Hussein they had no right to complain. I will not become as you are so that I can stop you. That would be wrong. To do evil to stop evil isn't right. That is what you are telling me to do. Because I have an issue with our system of government you tell me I have no right to complain unless I do the very things I complain about. Wow! That is just great. I have no right to complain about the things that you do unless I do them too. I shouldn't be on here insulting you when you are fucking me over in the ballot and acting like a dictator instead I should be out there fucking you over in the ballot and acting like a dictator. :eusa_boohoo: :lol:

So tell me, what's your answer? Change the system from inside... which is always doable with enough time, patience and well-reasoned argument? Or will you persist in ranting and raving on a messageboard about how your elected officials don't vote the way you want them to?
Edward, so long as you use the infrastructure that is this country, we (they) will tax you fairly and properly. When you are gone that will stop. Fair enough I think.

There is NOTHING fair about the way we are taxed. Let's tell it like it is, so long as you live in this country, the government will dip into your pocket to fund itself and handout, nanny state programs as the mood strikes.
2008 was supposed to be the first election in which I am old enough to vote. I'm pissed because I was really looking forward to it!

A lot of my nerdy airhead friends are trying to convince me to vote for Ron Paul. Okay, besides the fact that he's a cut-and-run reactionary, nobody ever even heard of him until literally ten seconds ago, so what's the point? Mit Romney is a waffler, and the rest of them...well, same issue as with Paul.

I really do think that bitchy skank Hillary will win, not because she got A LOT of votes, but because everybody else stayed home to watch the Family Guy or something. That's what I'll be doing.

If you think "bitchy skank Hillary will win" then maybe you SHOULD stay home. Now, if you don't believe in Senator Clinton's views and want to express your opinion, please do vote.
Originally posted by RetiredGySgt
This board is a board where even conspiracy whackos and SENILE OLD FOOLS can try and get support.

LOL sergeant.:rofl:

Sorry, people...

I know my post is completely off topic, adds nothing to the debate but I almost choked to death while reading this.
Edward, so long as you use the infrastructure that is this country, we (they) will tax you fairly and properly. When you are gone that will stop. Fair enough I think.

If I could I wouldn't use your fucking infrastructure. In fact, I wouldn't speak with you or deal with you or your fucking family but that is impossible. It is one thing to tax someone but when you do it I have every fucking right to complain and to say whatever the hell I want whether I vote in your retarded elections where you vote to deny others a vote and to get yourself a vote in the making of the laws. I oppose anarchy and RGS is a fucking liar for saying that I do. What I have advocated is a system of government where everyone is represented equally and fairly. This is the opposite of anarchy. I have put forward basically the same proposal that Thomas Jefferson did with minor differences. Of course, RGS thinks Jefferson was an anarchist too. :rofl:
So tell me, what's your answer? Change the system from inside... which is always doable with enough time, patience and well-reasoned argument? Or will you persist in ranting and raving on a messageboard about how your elected officials don't vote the way you want them to?

Changing the system from the inside is to do what you detest. Now that is an unreasonable premise and this is why I have said that if anything is going to change it will have to be as a result of those who agree with our system and the Constitution. For me to do so would be to become what I detest and I for one won't do it. For the last two centuries this has been going on. To claim that with enough patiences and well-reasoned argument things will change is simply incorrect. That has been going on since you bastards wrote the Constitution and it hasn't worked. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM MAKING THE DECISIONS I WANT THEM TO AND HAS TO DO WITH ME HAVING MY CHOICE OF A REPRESENTATIVE DENIED ME AND FOR ME TO HAVE MY REPRESENTATION VOTED AWAY. I DO NOT CONSENT TO THIS AND THOSE WHO SUPPORT THIS SYSTEM ARE WRONG TO DO SO. I wouldn't care if my representative made a different decision than I would because that isn't my issue. My issue is that only those who vote for a specific person who wins get to be represented. There is no discussion or direct representation. The person of my choice doesn't get to have a vote on the fucking laws. Instead, someone voted for by someone else gets a vote and therefore they and those they voted for get a vote on the laws while ME AND THOSE I VOTED FOR ARE TAXED WITHOUT REPRESENTATION BY YOU AND THOSE WHOM YOU VOTE FOR AND THAT IS MORALLY WRONG AND REPUGNANT. I DEMAND A VOTE IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE AND THAT MY CHOICE OF REPRESENTATIVE GETS A VOTE TOO AND NOT JUST YOURS. THIS IS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. IT IS ABOUT FREEDOM AND LIBERTY AND THOSE OF YOU FUCKERS WHO HATE IT AND SUPPORT THE TYRANTS WHO WROTE THE CONSTITUTION. It's never about how my representative votes because I wouldn't mind if my choice of representative votes differently than I would have him vote but I do object when your fucking choice of representative votes a way that I wouldn't vote while I and the person whom I would vote for don't even get to vote on the fucking laws of this country and yet we are taxed by you and your representative without representation. I say as loudly as I can NO TAXATION BY YOU AND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. :wtf:
While I'm not a believer in the old "none of our votes count so why bother" theory, I can't say that I think people who don't vote have no "right" to complain.

Wrong. We live in the US where every America has the right to say whatever they like, whether they vote or not, as long as they aren't actually causing monetary or physical harm to others by their outspokenness.

Freedom of speech. We have the right to say what we want, loudly if we like. And rights of those who don't vote are protected just as the rights of those who do.

America's great that way.
While I'm not a believer in the old "none of our votes count so why bother" theory, I can't say that I think people who don't vote have no "right" to complain.

Wrong. We live in the US where every America has the right to say whatever they like, whether they vote or not, as long as they aren't actually causing monetary or physical harm to others by their outspokenness.

Freedom of speech. We have the right to say what we want, loudly if we like. And rights of those who don't vote are protected just as the rights of those who do.

America's great that way.

Those here who hate liberty don't agree with you. They have this twisted belief that if you don't vote in an election than you don't have the right to complain. The only problem with that argument is that it is no different than saying that if you don't join a King's Court if you have the opportunity or join Saddam Hussein's regime if given the opportunity that you have no right to complain. Indeed, those of us who complain about the system of government itself and how we conduct ourselves have even more right to complain if we do not vote because it shows that we are willing to live up to our principles.

There are only a few exceptions where those of us who love liberty will vote and that is when the threat to us posed by not voting is greater than us not voting in a corrupt system. For example, if we don't want our children to be murdered by our neighbors because of their votes for those who support the Iraq war than we must get out and vote to defend our loved ones from them and their families. Like I have said many times and which RGS disagrees with. If and when I feel that me and my family are threatened by the tyrants who support the Constitution I will use their fucking Constitution against them in order to defend myself. If this upsets people than so be it. People who loved liberty lost in 1789 but their sacrifices have not been forgotten and men like Alexander Hamilton and James Madison will burn in hell for their acts of tyranny and treason. :eusa_naughty:
I already gave the reason...because I don't like any of them. Hillary is probably the worst, but they all suck. Maybe in 2012, we'll see.

Why choose between the lessor of two evils? I commend you for not settling for the lessor of two evils and choosing not to vote. It shows true character which many in this country lack.
Those here who hate liberty don't agree with you. They have this twisted belief that if you don't vote in an election than you don't have the right to complain. The only problem with that argument is that it is no different than saying that if you don't join a King's Court if you have the opportunity or join Saddam Hussein's regime if given the opportunity that you have no right to complain. Indeed, those of us who complain about the system of government itself and how we conduct ourselves have even more right to complain if we do not vote because it shows that we are willing to live up to our principles.

There are only a few exceptions where those of us who love liberty will vote and that is when the threat to us posed by not voting is greater than us not voting in a corrupt system. For example, if we don't want our children to be murdered by our neighbors because of their votes for those who support the Iraq war than we must get out and vote to defend our loved ones from them and their families. Like I have said many times and which RGS disagrees with. If and when I feel that me and my family are threatened by the tyrants who support the Constitution I will use their fucking Constitution against them in order to defend myself. If this upsets people than so be it. People who loved liberty lost in 1789 but their sacrifices have not been forgotten and men like Alexander Hamilton and James Madison will burn in hell for their acts of tyranny and treason. :eusa_naughty:

I know exactly what you mean. They believe they have the right to limit the rights of others who don't think as they do.

Typically they're libs.
There are only a few exceptions where those of us who love liberty will vote and that is when the threat to us posed by not voting is greater than us not voting in a corrupt system. For example, if we don't want our children to be murdered by our neighbors because of their votes for those who support the Iraq war than we must get out and vote to defend our loved ones from them and their families. Like I have said many times and which RGS disagrees with. If and when I feel that me and my family are threatened by the tyrants who support the Constitution I will use their fucking Constitution against them in order to defend myself. If this upsets people than so be it. People who loved liberty lost in 1789 but their sacrifices have not been forgotten and men like Alexander Hamilton and James Madison will burn in hell for their acts of tyranny and treason. :eusa_naughty:

I've never understood your 'evil tyrants' rants to be honest. You say you aren't for the constitution. What exactley is it that you want (or don't want) out of government?

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