CDZ Is anything being done to improve race relations?

There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than .....
Oh brother...

View attachment 511103
My opinion of myself is not inflated, or bragging - it is truth.

You are violating the rules of this CDZ. You are not offering solutions to the topic. You are determined to ridicule me. My description that "I am the only one working on it," is an answer to the opening poster's inquiry.
And an amazing position given that on a planet with population very near to 7.9 billion people, you are "THE ONLY ONE" "working on it". "It" having plagued humanity for hundreds of thousands of years.
It amazes me as well, but what is it that you have to offer that would "distract" from my claim- bitch.
Well "professor", you and your claim, not to mention "solution", just lost credibility when you fail to see sarcasm and add ad hominem insult ~"bitch"~ into the mix.

As pointed out by others, racism is not something that can be solved by laws, legislation or top down edict of guv'mint. It can only be solved at a person, individual level and maybe local community action.

Adding to my earlier post of a former wife whom was half Black and two sons whom are quarter black, those two sons have also provide one grandson whom is quarter Chinese (along with eighth(?) black) and two granddaughters whom are quarter Korean, along with their 'eighth' black. Throw in the Armenian and Sikh addition to the family mix and we have our own solution to racism, we just don't do it.
oh it was implied? you sound like IM2.....what he has no answer for he says it is implied 2 are a lot alike.....
we understand motives perhaps when people write, you're dishonest if your post #12 wasn't intended to get a reaction from the implied statement, that inferred a question.
all it implied was what i said liberals do.....was i right or wrong?....
you implied how many whites want blacks living in their neighborhood. It was a jab at whites. In of itself, it was a racial slur.
Both sides of the isle are an embarrassment when it comes to the problems of minorities.
how so? Tell me how the republicans affect the plantations controlled by demofks?
it seems to me that demofks always want to push the blame of their racism onto others. Come on dems, stop hiding behind your shame and come out of the closet. You all love watching the blacks suffer. If you didn't, you'd actually talk about their issues. I'm open for any demofk in here willing to step out! I see none of you are in this thread however. Hilarious and sad together.
Both sides of the isle are an embarrassment when it comes to the problems of minorities.
how so? Tell me how the republicans affect the plantations controlled by demofks?
I am curious myself about Republican wrongdoing, to just put a date out there, since the 2000's. I am also curious why 'minority' problems are different than just American Problems. How are they different? To get two hurdles out of the way in discussion of racial problems, I do not think saying that America isn't racist in today's age is the same as saying racism doesn't exist. I find it frustrating when people call you a racism denier because you do not think the country is racist. Racism can and does exist, while at the same time, it is also true that the US is not a racist country. Also, I do not believe it should be considered racist to point out cultural problems. It should be easy to understand that it is not a broad brush attack saying all black people are the same to point out that it is messed up that jail gives you credit, but marriage does not, and that learning gets you picked on by people who look like you. If you want to fix that problem, it should at least be brought up, and honestly, the government can't fix cultural issues.
I’m going to start with my usual caveat on the topic of race: Race is an artificial construct that is used to divide people. There is only one race, the human race. However, because so many people have accepted the concept of different races amongst human beings and it drives much of our political discussion, one is forced to talk about this divisive concept of race.

As far as race goes today, we all know the history of slavery in America, and the struggle to bring and enforce equal protection under the law, in voting, in civil rights.

So many years with achievement after achievement, the narrative has decidedly pointed the opposite way. “Things are as bad as they ever were, and getting worse.” “The oppressors vs the oppressed.” “institutionalized racism” and all that jazz. Examine who is feeding the narrative and exposing what their agenda is, to divide people, to put people into identity politic boxes and feed us against each other for their own quest for power or whatever sick pleasure they are getting out of it. The narrative needs to change! The narrative is holding people back and getting people killed!

Booker T. Washington said this in 1911: "There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public… Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs… There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well."

That narrative has only gotten worse, from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to Louis Farrakhan and his ilk, with the media feeding into a permanent grievance mentality. What has that done for black folk?

Alan Keyes, in his book Masters of the Dream, said this:

“As long as people see the black identity as a purely negative consequence of external oppression, this criticism of the pursuit of black autonomy may be justified. As a negative fact, black ethnicity is defined in opposition to the oppressor, the racial enemy. Louis Farrakhan, or militant rappers like Sister Souljah and Public Enemy represent this kind of thinking. They appear to accept the ultimately self-degrading view that the only thing black Americans have in common is their heritage of oppression. This naturally leads to the belief that the only reliable passion we share in common is hatred of the oppressor.

“Hatred sustains two possible responses: avoidance or destruction of the hated object. So this negative view of the black ethnicity culminates in strategies that envisage violent conflict and, eventually, physical separation from “white dominated” American society. Of course, from a black viewpoint, both these outcomes are self-destructive delusions. If we define the enemy as nonblack American society, it is clearly an enemy blacks aren’t strong enough to defeat by violence. So the impulse stirred by the rhetoric of hate feeds black-on-black violence instead. Physical separation, even if it were possible, would most likely mean confinement to a racial ghetto with all the disadvantages of today’s predominately black urban centers, but no avenue of distraction or hope of eventual escape.

“For all their seeming militancy, therefore, those who base their actions on the negative view of black ethnicity aren’t true militants at all. The most militant approach is the one that works, not one that leads to self-defeat and self-destruction. But the negative view of black ethnicity is not the only alternative.

“In the course of this work, we have come to see the black moral identity as a positive reality, based on values that sustain both individual achievement and community cooperation. The idea of black autonomy need not, therefore, entail violence, or an effort to separate ourselves from “the enemy.” It can mean, instead, an effort to develop communities that reflect and preserve the moral character that emerged from black-American experience. In pursuing this goal, black Americans can act out of respect for ourselves, not hatred of others.”

So where are we going? Forward and unity? Or destruction (including self-destruction) and dis-harmony?

Now let’s examine the “Anatomy of a Racist. There are three common characteristics of racists:

1) They don’t see individuals; they only see groups (the collective)

2) They are unable to judge a situation fairly or objectively

3) They seek power by creating conflict and dividing people for personal gain

Now Mac1958, let’s examine your first line where you say you’re someone who “sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue,” I suspect you’re talking about left/right; Democrat/Republican; etc., the usual simplistic two-party duopoly that’s often offered in political discussions (Correct me if I’m mistaken). The true contrasting “ends” are those who seek racial harmony and unity versus those who seek disharmony and divisiveness. But if any party has and always has been the driving force of civil rights, racial harmony and unity, yes, it’s been the Republicans. But that doesn’t fit the narrative of the dishonest government-media complex, so they name-call and twist facts, putting the blame on the helpers and healers instead of the perpetrators. It's quite a slight-of-hand trick.

As for “a national discussion on race,” yeah, often those who say that aren’t really interested in a dialogue, they’re interested in a monologue and any disagreement will result in the usual name-calling. If only there was true dialogue with open minds to hear facts and truly seek unity instead of division.

“Has anything been done to actually improve race relations?” As many have said, it’s really up to individuals to treat each other with respect regardless of racial identity. Most people I’m sure really want that. But there does seem to be an increasing number of those who don’t. People have profited from racial conflict (look at the so-called “Black Lives Matter” group, that raked in the money big-time, plus racial huckster Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition). So whatever I and my like-minded friends (Christian or not) attempt to do in loving one another and treating others with respect is constantly overridden by the narrative which justifies outrage and hatred and thefts and riots.

At the point where people put aside the false narrative, only then can racial healing take place.

A common tactic amongst the intellectually dishonest is to label somebody who is in a racial minority and doesn’t toe a particular political world view a “race traitor.” It is preposterous that a person is suppose to adopt a group-think that matches every single person in that racial category. One cannot even find a spouse who espouses 100% of your philosophy, so what makes one think that all person of a racial category are supposed to think alike? People of a racial majority do not think alike, so likewise a racial minority has diverse thoughts, even those who have been historically discriminated against. We need to break mindless group-think.

“Blexit” (Black folk rejecting and exiting the left-wing narrative) was a good start, freeing oneself from the false narrative that comes from the Democratic-Media complex and thinking for oneself. We need more of that, starve the beast of divisiveness and identity politics.

When the grievance manipulators and finally ousted from all sources of power, political, education, and the media, only then will racial harmony take place. Kill your television, demand school choice or take part in home schooling curriculum, don’t vote for racial agitators, don’t give them money, don’t even listen to them, block them, pay them no heed. Vote for unity (but I don’t mean mindless conformity), not division. Yeah we’re a loooong way from that. But remember, the journey begins with that first step. If you’re not-a-steppin’, you’re not part of the solution.
its the same as it has always been.....lots of talking.....very little doing....its going to take a few more decades to get racism and bigotry out of this society......

Racism is a part of the human psyche.........there is no getting rid of it.

Besides, it's not the majority of peoples that are racist, it's the Dementorats and their brainless sheep legions that believe anything they say, that are doing all this race baiting and propaganda shoveling.

Sorry, but I think you're projecting. Racism is NOT a part of the human psyche. Tribalism is, perhaps, but that doesn't have to be racial. And noticeably, children are not racist until someone teaches them to be.

There actually are people to whom race has no more meaning than height, hair color, or eye color; it's just a descriptor.

Everything in fact is being done to make certain folks angrier than ever.


A "national conversation" would make things only worse.

We should return to the days when most people ignored the issue as the American elephant in the room.

There is NO solution.

When certain folks were forced to come here to work unpaid, that sealed the fate of this nation.

It's true: A person (or nation) reaps what it sows.
There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than a peace treaty - a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that the previous generations could not gather. To reorder the inadequate government that was established in compromise with antiquated information and racist slave owners.
Do I sign both sides of the peace treaty?

An excellent question. What happens to all the mixed-race people, like my kids and grandkids?
There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than a peace treaty - a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that the previous generations could not gather. To reorder the inadequate government that was established in compromise with antiquated information and racist slave owners.
Do I sign both sides of the peace treaty?
Although, it is possible that a part of the modern incarnation of fanfare, everybody will be allowed the opportunity to sign their constituent charters; I do not know how many political factions the individuals will be allowed to identify.

The first goal is to inspire the people who are inclined, talented, and skilled, at composing directive systems. Very few people will probably be qualified.

An excellent question. What happens to all the mixed-race people, like my kids and grandkids?
It is a real shame that you cannot figure that out, but not unusual. As I described, I am the only one at the forefront of the ambition.

There are many aspects to be considered and negotiated. I definitely anticipate that there will be racially segregated states, religious segregated states, economically segregated states, unsegregated states, and various combinations, thereof. Black people definitely need a state of their own to be responsible for - that is what is missing in their history/evolution in free society.
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There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than a peace treaty - a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that the previous generations could not gather. To reorder the inadequate government that was established in compromise with antiquated information and racist slave owners.
Do I sign both sides of the peace treaty?
Although, it is possible that a part of the modern incarnation of fanfare, everybody will be allowed the opportunity to sign their constituent charters; I do not know how many political factions the individuals will be allowed to identify.

The first goal is to inspire the people who are inclined, talented, and skilled, at composing directive systems. Very few people will probably be qualified.

An excellent question. What happens to all the mixed-race people, like my kids and grandkids?
It is a real shame that you cannot figure that out, but not unusual. I like I described, I am the only one at the forefront of the ambition.

There are many aspects to be considered and negotiated. I definitely anticipate that there will be racially segregated states, religious segregated states, economically segregated states, unsegregated states, and various combinations, thereof. Black people definitely need a state of their own to be responsible for.

Pretty sure I was addressing my question to the more sane elements.
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There is no one else, and you cannot describe a better solution than a peace treaty - a constitutional convention that gathers the diversity of people that the previous generations could not gather. To reorder the inadequate government that was established in compromise with antiquated information and racist slave owners.
Do I sign both sides of the peace treaty?
Although, it is possible that a part of the modern incarnation of fanfare, everybody will be allowed the opportunity to sign their constituent charters; I do not know how many political factions the individuals will be allowed to identify.

The first goal is to inspire the people who are inclined, talented, and skilled, at composing directive systems. Very few people will probably be qualified.

An excellent question. What happens to all the mixed-race people, like my kids and grandkids?
It is a real shame that you cannot figure that out, but not unusual. I like I described, I am the only one at the forefront of the ambition.

There are many aspects to be considered and negotiated. I definitely anticipate that there will be racially segregated states, religious segregated states, economically segregated states, unsegregated states, and various combinations, thereof. Black people definitely need a state of their own to be responsible for.

Pretty sure I was addressing my question to the more sane elements.

I apologize. I forgot which forum I was in, and edited my post to be more fitting.

Pretty sure I was addressing my question to the more sane elements.
Sanity and reason - I am sure you'll find it.

The end-game to critical race theory is that non-whites were not at the Philadelphia Convention, and that they need to be allowed to offer their brilliant contributions to self-governance and social justice. What do you have to offer - white people need to be shamed into submission???
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oh it was implied? you sound like IM2.....what he has no answer for he says it is implied 2 are a lot alike.....
we understand motives perhaps when people write, you're dishonest if your post #12 wasn't intended to get a reaction from the implied statement, that inferred a question.
all it implied was what i said liberals do.....was i right or wrong?....
you implied how many whites want blacks living in their neighborhood. It was a jab at whites. In of itself, it was a racial slur.
never mentioned how many.....sure you got the right poster?....
Let me tell you what's REALLY being done to improve race relations in this country: children like my kids and grandkids are being born, more and more of them every year.

I am the whitest white person who ever whited (our heritage DNA test came back and said we were 75% British, 20% Scandinavian, and 5% random trace elements); my husband is Chinese. Our children together are both races, and in a curious way, neither. Because they just don't really care. "Racial identity" is a nonsense phrase to them.

The father of my grandchildren is half-black and half-Hispanic, which makes my grandkids an amalgam of four different "races/ethnicities" and, judging by my oldest grandchild (who is 13), even more indifferent to the question of race than my kids are. At least among my children's friends, this appears to increasingly be the norm, and US Census data bears that out. According to them, multi-race populations are growing exponentially faster than populations identifying with just one race.

That means that my descendants and people like them are the future of this country, and they aren't going to take well to being told they have to "pick one or the other" or that part of them is "evil". These fools gabbling on about racial divisions and nursing their grievances over how "oppressed" they are by something that happened 100 years ago to an ancestor they can't even name are the last gasp of unevolved primitivism, like someone gassing away about the best type of horse-drawn carriage to buy after the automobile has been invented.

The future has no race but the human race. Of course, I'm quite sure those contentious bastards will just find something else to fight about.
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?
'I'm not a racist. My first hint of racism was at 5 years old when I brought a Black friend home to play after school in kindergarten. I have crossed paths with tens of thousands of people in my life and do you know none of them were the same so how anyone can believe a whole race is the same is mind bending making a racist one of the bottom crawling sub human full of ignorance. These democRats tell me I'm a racist because I'm White and would vote for a democrat no matter what color because one thing for sure ALL democRats are all bat shit crazy and need the crap kicked out of them, sent to an island, then nuked them.
As someone who sees PLENTY of room for improvement on BOTH ends of this issue, I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated (and, full disclosure, confused) about it.

With regards to "race relations" and/or "a national conversation on race", I'm seeing neither. What I am seeing is precisely the same kinds of behaviors on both ends of the issue: Continued airing/droning of grievances and efforts to gain any advantage over the other side, from voting laws to statue removal (?).

I'm starting this thread in the CDZ because I'd really like to see if we can have a (relatively) civil and (far more importantly) interesting conversation here.

So: Is anything being done to actually improve race relations? If so, how's that working out?
I AM NOT A RACIST. After crossing paths with tens of thousands of people in my life and never two being a like it would take a drooling idiot KKK member or BLM member to be racist. I'm not talking about the founder of BLM just the ones running it now who have done nothing for race relations. Floyd was no goodie two shoes to worship. He was a criminal who raped and beat women trying to pass funny money he made on his computer while having enough drugs in him to kill three people.
Multicultural societies NEVER work.
Blacks particularly, AS A GROUP, will never be happy until they have racial/political superiority in America.

We see examples of it daily with CRT. 5he white man is evil, and has no right to an opinion. Whites are the reason life is miserable for Africans and as soon as whites are eliminated, or at least neutered, the better.

There can be no utopia until white people are exterminated from the face of the earth
So far, just about all we're seeing here is more grievance.

This is the rut we're stuck in.

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