Is being black a right?

I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -

No, Dolezal does not have a right to be black. She has a right to be a white woman. That's it. She shouldn't be ashamed of what she is.

So, I'd assume the same is true of a black person. You are born black, you can't be white. Well, I must note one very famous exception, in Micheal Jackson. He was pretty white before he died.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -
You have as much right to be black as you do to chop your dick off and be a girl. None.

I sure hope we are at the end of this appeasement of fucking idiots and their bullshit. All of this crap needs to end. Time for normal people to make fun of these idiots and ridicule them on an hourly basis. Play some Smear the Queer and call the white girl a whigger. This shit needs to stop.
No. Being black is not a right, and I wish black people would quit shoving their perverse choices down our throats. :thup:
We have resorted to selling ourselves to the highest bidder.
And sadly that highest bidder is offering nothing but chop your dick off or go black face for fame. That really shouldn't be sell your soul kind of opening bid shit anyone would even consider. Yet here we are.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -

No, Dolezal does not have a right to be black. She has a right to be a white woman. That's it. She shouldn't be ashamed of what she is.

So, I'd assume the same is true of a black person. You are born black, you can't be white. Well, I must note one very famous exception, in Micheal Jackson. He was pretty white before he died.

But what if she has always felt black deep down in her heart since she was a child???? :blsmile:
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -

No, Dolezal does not have a right to be black. She has a right to be a white woman. That's it. She shouldn't be ashamed of what she is.

So, I'd assume the same is true of a black person. You are born black, you can't be white. Well, I must note one very famous exception, in Micheal Jackson. He was pretty white before he died.

But what if she has always felt black deep down in her heart since she was a child???? :blsmile:

LOL. My response to Dolezal and the former Bruce Jenner:

I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -
what is race?

Aye, there's the rub. Race is fairly straightforward but when we speak of "black" and "white" -- in this country at least -- we may mean a biological category, or a culture, or often, both.

Is being "black" a right? Culturally, sure.

Weird how many people here see it only in terms of skin color.
I agree with this... But, I think it's a good thing that all this shit happened. It's putting 'transracism' on the map and hopefully it'll end racism that the media seems to be covering so much recently. Like they all got together and agree on talking about the same shit.

I'm afraid I don't see it ending any time soon. As long as media gets its Pavlovian response it'll keep milking that cow, to mix an animalistic metaphor. Judging how many people are still surprisingly hung up on skin color -- 1200 posts in the thread here -- Pavlov is very much alive. That sensitive spot won't go unnoticed by the commercial puppetmasters that be.
I swear you're referring to a concept in the field of psychology. Could you explain what you mean by the media getting their 'Pavlovian response' and what you mean by 'milking the cow' in this regard.
I hate humanity a little more every day. So, gender is a choice, race is now a choice. That transanimal thread is starting to look like a real thing.

Rachel Dolezal has a right to be black Opinion -

The commentary writer has some very nice thoughts:

>> Dolezal's case forces us to examine our society, which made her feel that passing for a black woman was her best choice in her advocacy for African American issues. She forces us to consider whether our biology or our action is more important to identity, and should we act in ways that honor our chosen identity in meaningful ways. We should not have to be slaves to the biological definition of identity, and we should not use race or gender identities as weapons to punish one another. <<

I haven't seen this transanimal thing yet but hell, kids play at that, and kids are wiser in ways than we are. And totems have been a part of human culture as long as humans have. For what it's worth.

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