Is biden just a figurehead?

Newt is a strange case. Yes, he's kind of nuts and lost in general now. Still I cannot help but think of his balancing influence on Bill Clinton, back in the day. Bill, while being Bill and unable to control his glands, letting the little head think for the big head, actually had a great 8 year run of being president (as presidents go) and the last successful presidency we've had. Much of the success of those 8 years was equally if not more the result of Newt. Newt was great, and often the smartest man in the room at the time, believe it or not, it's up to you. If you actually saw it back in the day, he becomes like a kind of war hero that later fell to mediocrity or worse, after his day in the battle was done and is now trotted out for appearances only. It was a different time. Both sides still played it cleaner, before all national politician went to sh#t back in 2021 and political/cultural warfare became the leading game of the day.

Oddly, WJC's universal care gambit failed when the dems revolted against HMOs. He had to morph into an Eisenhower republican (his term). Gingrich's "contract with America" won the gop the House. We got the first child tax credit, the balanced budget laws, but also increased incarceration.

I dunno that I agree that 2000 was a watershed. But W's invasion of Iraq changed America's politics. Oddly both Obama and Trump ran as sort of "peace candidates." Neither were, of course. And Biden harkens back to BushI and WJC.
Yep, the last time this economy was really purring, with no help from Momma Fed, was the 90's.

And yeah, that's back when the two parties were allowed to be in the same room and communicate like normal adults, even if it could be contentious. Worked out pretty well.

That's no longer allowed, and we're seeing the predictable result.
And Greenspan kept the fed out of BushI's economy, yet he fueled the home mortgage debacle of 2008.
And Greenspan kept the fed out of BushI's economy, yet he fueled the home mortgage debacle of 2008.
And he refused to regulate the derivatives that damn near killed us.

But yeah, right now the Fed is as important to the economy as the freakin' consumer. That's not the way it's supposed to work.
And Greenspan kept the fed out of BushI's economy, yet he fueled the home mortgage debacle of 2008.

Clinton fuekd the mortgage debacle, you uninformed little clown. Bush warned Congress an implosion was going to happen
Yep, the last time this economy was really purring, with no help from Momma Fed, was the 90's.

And yeah, that's back when the two parties were allowed to be in the same room and communicate like normal adults, even if it could be contentious. Worked out pretty well.

That's no longer allowed, and we're seeing the predictable result.
Newt was totally responsible for the balanced budget thing (that worked, by the way) the Republicans promptly got rid of and without anywhere near the nasty attacks, cheap shots and finger pointing for cheap shot and finger pointing sake. Back in the day, they actually came together to benefit the whole country.
The lack of self-awareness from Trumpers is astounding....

The number of times his staff and you morons had to rush to explain away something stupid he the point it became a meme...

View attachment 648887

And let us not forget the usual excuse for every Trump failure......whenever one of his own cabinet members had to resign.....the excuse was always "they were Deep State plants" instead of the obvious reason, which is...Trump is a moron and he hired other morons just because they catered to his fragile ego....

I cannot disagree with you there. When it comes to politics, Trump did stick his foot in it, on the regular. Or, at least, that is what it appeared to his opponents and the media.

I lot of that was intended for the better, not for the worse though.

I believe. . . it had to do habits learned in negotiating tactics in the private sector, so, he was a bit of a neophyte when it came to being diplomatic.

In business, he always over-promised, this is true, but, when the final deal is done. . . he would deliver. . . SOMETHING. This, seems to be much different than what we are getting now.


(. . and p.s., I think you are aware, I am not a Trumper, I didn't vote for him, he is a puppet of global capital, just the same as Biden. Neither gives a shit about small folks.)

I cannot disagree with you there. When it comes to politics, Trump did stick his foot in it, on the regular. Or, at least, that is what it appeared to his opponents and the media.

I lot of that was intended for the better, not for the worse though.

I believe. . . it had to do habits learned in negotiating tactics in the private sector, so, he was a bit of a neophyte when it came to being diplomatic.

In business, he always over-promised, this is true, but, when the final deal is done. . . he would deliver. . . SOMETHING. This, seems to be much different than what we are getting now.


(. . and p.s., I think you are aware, I am not a Trumper, I didn't vote for him, he is a puppet of global capital, just the same as Biden. Neither gives a shit about small folks.)
Why is it, when Trump sticks his foot in his mouth -- your reflexive response is to try to rationalize it and claim there was some 4-D chess being played??

But when Biden sticks his foot in his mouth...he is just a moron and everyone around him are morons??

While leaving out the fact that still to this day...the only one whining about an election being stolen -- without providing one shred of proof is the guy you claim is some 4-D chess genius??

How is Biden and the morons around him so shrewd and powerful that they basically bitch-slapped Trump and took the election....and not so much as a single person in his admin has been charged with so much as a traffic ticket...Trump sounds like a weak cuck compared to Biden and the people he had the ability to hire...

This is also the time I like to remind you Trumpers that in less than 2 years after their terms...the guy you picked to be president and VP -- are both blatantly taking jabs at each other....and you folks say nothing

If this happened between Obama and Biden, yall would have a totally different opinion...
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Why is it, when Trump sticks his foot in his mouth -- your reflexive response is to try to rationalize it and claim there was some 4-D chess being played??

But when Biden sticks his foot in his mouth...he is just a moron and everyone around him are morons??

While leaving out the fact that still to this day...the only whining about an election being stolen -- without providing one shred of proof is the guy you claim is some 4-D chess genius??

How is Biden and the morons around him so shrewd and powerful that they basically bitch-slapped Trump and took the election....and not so much as a single person in his admin has been charged with so much as a traffic ticket...Trump sounds like a weak cuck compared to Biden and the people he had the ability to hire...

This is also the time I like to remind you Trumpers that in less than 2 years after their terms...the guy you picked to be president and VP -- are both blatantly taking jabs at each other....and you folks say nothing

If this happened between Obama and Biden, yall would have a totally different opinion...

,o1 a-2.jpg

. . . I already told ya Biff, I'm not a Trumper, just a disinterested observer. Time to divorce your ego from the game before it gets smashed.
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Gingrich: Biden is right and his staff is nuts​

Biden was asked in Japan if the US will defend Taiwan snd he said yes

But back in the States at the white house creepy figures behind the curtain tell the public a different story

Leading to the question is biden in control of his own presidency?

There should never be a "One China" policy. Whoever said that should be shot.

View attachment 648975

. . . I already told ya Biff, I'm not a Trumper, just a disinterested observer. Time to divorce your ego from the game before it gets smashed.

I already told ya Biff, I'm not a Trumper, just a disinterested observer.

But you spent the last 92837273 comments trying to convince us that Trump is a genius.....

I'd hate to see what you would do if you were interested.....but I am sure it would probably involve knee pads and no gag reflex
Why is it, when Trump sticks his foot in his mouth -- your reflexive response is to try to rationalize it and claim there was some 4-D chess being played??

But when Biden sticks his foot in his mouth...he is just a moron and everyone around him are morons??

While leaving out the fact that still to this day...the only whining about an election being stolen -- without providing one shred of proof is the guy you claim is some 4-D chess genius??

How is Biden and the morons around him so shrewd and powerful that they basically bitch-slapped Trump and took the election....and not so much as a single person in his admin has been charged with so much as a traffic ticket...Trump sounds like a weak cuck compared to Biden and the people he had the ability to hire...

This is also the time I like to remind you Trumpers that in less than 2 years after their terms...the guy you picked to be president and VP -- are both blatantly taking jabs at each other....and you folks say nothing

If this happened between Obama and Biden, yall would have a totally different opinion...
yeah, but Biden's always been a gaffe machine. Today it seems that he's pretty disconnected from reality though. We're going to defend Taiwan?

jmo but the Trumpers actally liked it when Trump said crazy shit. And they may have agreed with him. Why not let Putin reconquer all of the former Soviet Union. This makes sense to them.
yeah, but Biden's always been a gaffe machine. Today it seems that he's pretty disconnected from reality though. We're going to defend Taiwan?

jmo but the Trumpers actally liked it when Trump said crazy shit. And they may have agreed with him. Why not let Putin reconquer all of the former Soviet Union. This makes sense to them.
So when Trumpers go on and on about how Biden or as they call him "Xiden" is under the control of China....that was bullshit right??

And when Trumpers went on and on about how China was going to invade Taiwan any minute, and Biden won't stop it.....did you forget that too??

But when Biden decides to not be purposely ambiguous about or commitment to defend Taiwan, suddenly its a problem?

Because if Biden said...Hey, if China takes Taiwan, that's fine with us...then went on to talk about how impressive it was that President Xi made himself a dictator for life.......I am sure Republicans will be apoplectic...even tho, their cult leader did exactly that with regards to Xi

Looks like Biden is damned if does..damned if he doesn't
The lack of self-awareness from Trumpers is astounding....

The number of times his staff and you morons had to rush to explain away something stupid he the point it became a meme...

View attachment 648887

And let us not forget the usual excuse for every Trump failure......whenever one of his own cabinet members had to resign.....the excuse was always "they were Deep State plants" instead of the obvious reason, which is...Trump is a moron and he hired other morons just because they catered to his fragile ego....
He talked yeah. His agendas worked because he tried to bring it back to the country. You will end up with a despot who talks like Biden about the so called White Supremacists. Only it will be other groups. And you will bring it by your actions.
So when Trumpers go on and on about how Biden or as they call him "Xiden" is under the control of China....that was bullshit right??

And when Trumpers went on and on about how China was going to invade Taiwan any minute, and Biden won't stop it.....did you forget that too??

But when Biden decides to not be purposely ambiguous about or commitment to defend Taiwan, suddenly its a problem?

Because if Biden said...Hey, if China takes Taiwan, that's fine with us...then went on to talk about how impressive it was that President Xi made himself a dictator for life.......I am sure Republicans will be apoplectic...even tho, their cult leader did exactly that with regards to Xi

Looks like Biden is damned if does..damned if he doesn't
Biden is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't, with the Trumpers.

Trump simply was never consistent in anything, and he may actually have believed bs one day and not the next. I think that entertained his fans. I was not one. LOL

Imo that's the comparison.

As for Biden, imo, we have an existential interest in making sure on one country in europe is aggressive to alter borders. It's interesting about whether Ukraine should give up territory for "peace." I suppose that depends on what Russia sees as peace. Crimea was unique Russia had a history of governing Crimea independent from any claim to or by Ukraine.

I don't see a existential interest in Taiwan being separate from China. It was a civil war, and the differences relate back to that. And at one time, Taiwan was not chinese. I'm all for giving them all amnesty here. I don't think a president should be ambiguous as to whether we'll go to war over an existential interest.

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