Is biden threatened by amendment #twenty five?

ROTFLMAO!!!! You have really hitched your wagon to Pedo Joe and you are trying to "build him up" like a fight promoter per Don King. You both have the same bullshit rhetoric down and believe that the louder you proclaim it? Then the truer it must be....ROTFLMAO!!!!!!
You are such a fucking joke and you take your postings here so serious as if you are changing hearts and minds one boring, fool-fueled rant at a time........hey, it's your cyber dime, are being laughed at.
I'm not building him up. You guys have created a trump that does not exist as well as an imaginary Biden. Biden is a master policy maker and trump is a bullshit artist. Biden is going to destroy trump at every level. He's going to stammer and fight the stammering while doing so. Nutjobs will think that show decline. Meanwhile you have an idiot on the other side who thinks that we would have fewer cases of COVID if we tested less. No matter what kind of context you try putting that is, it is and idiotic claim.

I'm really not too concerned with what racists think about me.
Dude, for once in your little pathetic life be honest.
Biden's brain has checked out -
He may win - I can't see into the future.
I can see the present.
He can't put a complete sentence together -
(His taped commercials are fine - the beauty of editing)
If he was a regular person the grandkids would have taken the car keys away from him, awhile ago.
Biden is going to take word slurring can't speak complete sentences donald trump to the woodshed.
For our Nation's sake, I pray to God that is not the case, Yidnar..... I'm sick and tired of the lies, spin, divisiveness, and incompetence.
you are correct the left has stepped up the lies ,spin, and racial divisiveness into overdrive ! i have never seen o much violence and hate directed at people that love this country by those that hate this history and the founders !
Yeah, that's what Trump said! And you believed his bull crap...

Cognitive tests don't have a "score", but of course Trump has the most "tremendous" one......


Come on!!! Surely you can spot when he's bullshitting you, by now?
What say you about Biden?
You two are deflecting away from Biden, strange that
For our Nation's sake, I pray to God that is not the case, Yidnar..... I'm sick and tired of the lies, spin, divisiveness, and incompetence.
Get the 95% media/entertainers Prog fiefdom off his azz then. They are not doing 4th estate issues with Trump. They hate his guts. They are the fifth column for the deep state. I can barely watch films anymore. Watching men play in war films that are near car carrying Progressive socialist communists who would wear a nazi or red army uniform easily when that form of government comes here totally, is disgusting.
I'm not building him up. You guys have created a trump that does not exist as well as an imaginary Biden. Biden is a master policy maker and trump is a bullshit artist. Biden is going to destroy trump at every level. He's going to stammer and fight the stammering while doing so. Nutjobs will think that show decline. Meanwhile you have an idiot on the other side who thinks that we would have fewer cases of COVID if we tested less. No matter what kind of context you try putting that is, it is and idiotic claim.

I'm really not too concerned with what racists think about me.

How many brain surgeries did you say biden has had?

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Say he is elected and the republicans insist he be given a cognitive test and he flunks......what would be the procedure for removing him?

Would it not make more sense to require him to take a cognitive test before the election?

try asking him what his name is and we'll work out from there.

who's your daddy would be next. that one usually loses him.
Joe Biden is smarter and has far better cognitive ability than trump. You right wing rags have been repeating this lie since the first democratic debate. He's going to waste trump this fall and it's not going to be pretty.

How many brain surgeries did you say biden has undergone?

Biden had nothing to do with winning the nomination.
The Party Apparatus installed him as the candidate .
Just as they installed the previously one.

Hillary is very angry that she will not be biden's running mate.

It is finally over for her for good. No matter how the election turns out that is a big plus.

The wickked witch of the west is dead, dead, dead. Can you imagine how much she must rag on Bill, if he is around.

I doubt if he spends many nights if any in the same house as hillary.

Huma would probably not allow it even if bubba bill wanted to.

That is where hillary made a huge mistake. She should have divorced bill and married huma. She would have then been 'so cool' with the democrats they would have chose her again.
I'd love to have Trump's cognitive testing analyzed...

His Rose Garden campaign speech mumbo jumbo the past 2 days in a row has been really really bizarre! :eek-52:
He'd fair a hell of a lot better than Joe "Alzheimer's" Biden.
And, Biden would definitely need his VP choice to be ready to be president on day one, because old Joe ain't gonna be able to do it.
What say you about Biden?
You two are deflecting away from Biden, strange that
Biden is not a divider, he's a peacemaker.....

He won't wake every day to tweeting lies about you, he won't wake every day to start a fight with you.... He won't wake every day to tweet pure divisiveness, to divide this nation... by demeaning and discarding you....

If Biden wins.....You all should count your blessings that it's Biden, and not some other less nice democrat.... that has vengeance rotting on the brain, on the level of Trump!!!!
He'd fair a hell of a lot better than Joe "Alzheimer's" Biden.
And, Biden would definitely need his VP choice to be ready to be president on day one, because old Joe ain't gonna be able to do it.
Trump' s father died of Altzheimers... it runs in Trump's family blood, not Biden's....
Say he is elected and the republicans insist he be given a cognitive test and he flunks.....

Biden has already failed that test. Republicans don't have the stones to make Biden take any test. They had Obama dead to rights on his illegality as not natural born and they hasd Hillary on a myriad of felony crimes and liers and let it all slip through their fingers.
Trump' s father died of Altzheimers... it runs in Trump's family blood, not Biden's....
Whether someone develops Alzheimer's depends on different factors, not necessarily genetics. It can run in families, but is not specifically that. Lifestyle/diet is also a contributor.
So far the most likely of the two main candidates to be exhibiting the likelihood of early onset Alzheimer's, is Joe Biden.

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