Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

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So much for the ignorant theory no whites rioted in the past year!


Sorry to make your butt hurt, Publius.

I've already addressed this topic in the race relations forum with the same subject matter. No need to address it again in this thread of a differing subject matter. 11 Moronic Reasons why White People Riot US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Wait, wait, wait. Let me guess.

You didn't blame white rioters on "white culture".

What do I win?
Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?

Some yes...some no.

I encourage all who see no racism to look into how the criminal justice system treats blacks insofar as sentencing and verdicts.

On the other side of the coin, when your role models are absentee fathers, women who sing about the virtues of spouse abuse, and the music is consistently profanity laced, that isnt racism, that is culture self fulfillment.

Indeed, repetitive criminals get longer sentences.

True but blacks and whites with similar backgrounds criminally get drastically different sentences. When blacks are represented on juries, the sentencing levels out. I can find some graphics for you to back that up. But that's not the question at hand.

Your poll question was about the culture's effect on the race as a whole. The effect is unmistakable. I think anyone looking at the thug culture or rap music that glorifies violence and the rough language can't honestly say that the culture has nothing to do with the situation blacks find themselves in.

But is it the primary reason for the ills in the black community? I agree with you, I just don't know to what extent we can blame culture. Although, my vote above is clear.

Hard to say.
So much for the ignorant theory no whites rioted in the past year!


Sorry to make your butt hurt, Publius.

I've already addressed this topic in the race relations forum with the same subject matter. No need to address it again in this thread of a differing subject matter. 11 Moronic Reasons why White People Riot US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Wait, wait, wait. Let me guess.

You didn't blame white rioters on "white culture".

What do I win?

You boil it down to a riot to make the point that we're all the same, but when African Americans, compared to other ethnicities in the US, have an elevated per capita rate of violent crime, an elevated percentage of single parent households, an elevated unemployment rate, an elevated poverty rate, you're being intentionally dense to posit that the problems in African American communities are just par for the course here in the US.

Also, I have a nagging feeling that if the question was whether or not white racism was the primary contributing factor to the problems in the African American community, suddenly you would be willing to acknowledge said problems. Of course this is just a hunch, pardon the misconception if it is that. ;)

So, you could either demagogue the guy and call him a racist for asking the question, or you could formulate an answer, as I'm willing to bet you've got your own opinions on what contributes to these factors.
A minority of "that population" excuses or supports the looters and hooligans perpetrating those acts.
You have yet to define "Black culture", though in a sense the so-called "Black culture" is American culture and the byproduct thereof. The majority of Black people I know and am related to are employed, want to get ahead on their own and support their families. My Black maternal grandfather put five daughters through college and had one son as a great Jazz musician and then a catholic priest. The offspring of those daughters all went through college except one, the Black husbands of those daughters were and are professionals and entrepreneurs. Others include lawyers, professors, neurosurgeons, teachers , police, bus drivers, postal workers etc.

That's the so-called "Black culture" I know. If you and others choose to focus on the minority that is fucking up and try to make them as representatives of "the Blacks", what does that say about you? :)

It's the left that says minorities can make it without government help. They must not be aware of all the successful blacks that are living the American dream and didn't buy into the hype that they are too stupid to get an ID, finish school or get a job without affirmation action.

There are a lot of poor people of all races and they do have things in common. Many were raised by uneducated, poor parents and never learned the skills to achieve anything. If parents and grandparents were high school drop outs, did time in jail, lived on welfare or were raised in single parent homes, they never had role models. It's a vicious cycle and making them comfortable in poverty isn't working. Unless we nudge them from the nest, the cycle will never be broken. And the race baiters can shut the hell up and stop teaching people that they are doomed because of all the racists.
Black culture is as healthy as any other culture from the Irish to the Italians to the Hispanics. The problem is the modern democrat party plantation culture that keeps Black culture in bondage to poverty pimps appointed by democrat administrations going back to LBJ.
I disagree. I don't believe all cultures are equal. Black culture in this country is inferior to nearly all others. Who voluntarily lives among them who has other options? Black culture could improve but too many of them are content to be victims and vote Democrat. Until that changes, black culture will continue to be inferior.
So much for the ignorant theory no whites rioted in the past year!


Sorry to make your butt hurt, Publius.

I've already addressed this topic in the race relations forum with the same subject matter. No need to address it again in this thread of a differing subject matter. 11 Moronic Reasons why White People Riot US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Wait, wait, wait. Let me guess.

You didn't blame white rioters on "white culture".

What do I win?

Here you are In The 21st Century Leftists Blacks and College Students Have a Monoply on Rioting US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?

Another race-baiting thread brought to you by a Stormfront Troll.

Troll away, little troll.
I know, it sucks. Remember the movie Office Space and the skinny white nerdy guy listening to rap and rapping with the song? Then it was a joke, now my white, upper middle class daughters actually do that. Where have you gone, Joe Walsh?

Yeah, because Joe Walsh was such a role model... :cool-45:

LOL, no, he doesn't fit that part of the lyric, but he was a rocker and his name is Joe and at least he's not a gansta
I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Whites have responsibility for a lot of it. Many in the white community keep the idea of black victim hood alive and well. They get votes and personally profit from it.

Note to Black America: If a white person tells you you're a victim and you cannot succeed due to racism or history....please tell that white person to go fuck them self. They are not trying to help you or your community.
It's cons that tell them that. Do you actually read threads on this forum?

Cons preach victimhood to blacks?


You are an idiot
Black culture is as healthy as any other culture from the Irish to the Italians to the Hispanics. The problem is the modern democrat party plantation culture that keeps Black culture in bondage to poverty pimps appointed by democrat administrations going back to LBJ.
I disagree. I don't believe all cultures are equal. Black culture in this country is inferior to nearly all others. Who voluntarily lives among them who has other options? Black culture could improve but too many of them are content to be victims and vote Democrat. Until that changes, black culture will continue to be inferior.

You suck the dick of bigotry.

What doth that hate-cum taste like?
Black culture is as healthy as any other culture from the Irish to the Italians to the Hispanics. The problem is the modern democrat party plantation culture that keeps Black culture in bondage to poverty pimps appointed by democrat administrations going back to LBJ.
I disagree. I don't believe all cultures are equal. Black culture in this country is inferior to nearly all others. Who voluntarily lives among them who has other options? Black culture could improve but too many of them are content to be victims and vote Democrat. Until that changes, black culture will continue to be inferior.

You suck the dick of bigotry.

What doth that hate-cum taste like?
Question. Can you have your gay wedding at your mosque? It seems to me that such a tolerant religion should have no problem accommodating your lifestyle choice. Maybe you can have a destination wedding in Islamabad and invite all your gay Muslim friends to the heart of your tolerant religion.
So much for the ignorant theory no whites rioted in the past year!


Sorry to make your butt hurt, Publius.

I've already addressed this topic in the race relations forum with the same subject matter. No need to address it again in this thread of a differing subject matter. 11 Moronic Reasons why White People Riot US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Wait, wait, wait. Let me guess.

You didn't blame white rioters on "white culture".

What do I win?
Well, since you're ignoring the fact that white people also act like feral chimps on a regular basis....

You seem like an ignorant racist who doesn't have much to contribute.

I'm kinda a statistically minded person. The blacks are deviant at a much higher rate per proportion of their population than whites. Name calling will not refute that fact. But I will agree that the riots by whites have a lot t do with white culture.

See above.
I spend quite a bit of time in the burbs. Imagine my surprise to find oodles of black middle class people acting just like normal people.
And that is the entire point.

Those middle class black Americans act like other middle class Americans. Those that are acting like thugs are not middle class.

It is that culture that brings them down – not their race or racists.

And........why has that culture developed?
Utterly irrelevant to be honest. There are a lot of reasons but I am not really going to get into it because you do not solve problems that way. You solve them by identifying the problem and the formulating solutions around it. Get your head out of the fact that we used to have slavery in this nation over a hundred years ago and get it into dealing with the effects that it has left.

If you want to talk about current causes, that is a different story but I have a strong feeling that you want to focus on the past. If you were interested in current drivers you would have simply stated them rather than ask a loaded question.
I spend quite a bit of time in the burbs. Imagine my surprise to find oodles of black middle class people acting just like normal people.
And that is the entire point.

Those middle class black Americans act like other middle class Americans. Those that are acting like thugs are not middle class.

It is that culture that brings them down – not their race or racists.

And........why has that culture developed?
Utterly irrelevant to be honest. There are a lot of reasons but I am not really going to get into it because you do not solve problems that way. You solve them by identifying the problem and the formulating solutions around it. Get your head out of the fact that we used to have slavery in this nation over a hundred years ago and get it into dealing with the effects that it has left.

If you want to talk about current causes, that is a different story but I have a strong feeling that you want to focus on the past. If you were interested in current drivers you would have simply stated them rather than ask a loaded question.

I assure you...I was not referring to slavery. I find it odd that you would think I was.

We won't solve he problems until their causes are identified.

You seem to have some thoughts. Why are you unwilling to share them?
Black culture is as healthy as any other culture from the Irish to the Italians to the Hispanics. The problem is the modern democrat party plantation culture that keeps Black culture in bondage to poverty pimps appointed by democrat administrations going back to LBJ.
I disagree. I don't believe all cultures are equal. Black culture in this country is inferior to nearly all others. Who voluntarily lives among them who has other options? Black culture could improve but too many of them are content to be victims and vote Democrat. Until that changes, black culture will continue to be inferior.

You suck the dick of bigotry.

What doth that hate-cum taste like?
Wow, you are a special kind of nasty.

I wonder if this post of yours will be deleted by the mods, like one of yours to me this morning.

I also wonder what it's like to walk around with this amount of nasty inside you every day.

I spend quite a bit of time in the burbs. Imagine my surprise to find oodles of black middle class people acting just like normal people.
And that is the entire point.

Those middle class black Americans act like other middle class Americans. Those that are acting like thugs are not middle class.

It is that culture that brings them down – not their race or racists.

And........why has that culture developed?
Utterly irrelevant to be honest. There are a lot of reasons but I am not really going to get into it because you do not solve problems that way. You solve them by identifying the problem and the formulating solutions around it. Get your head out of the fact that we used to have slavery in this nation over a hundred years ago and get it into dealing with the effects that it has left.

If you want to talk about current causes, that is a different story but I have a strong feeling that you want to focus on the past. If you were interested in current drivers you would have simply stated them rather than ask a loaded question.

I assure you...I was not referring to slavery. I find it odd that you would think I was.

We won't solve he problems until their causes are identified.

You seem to have some thoughts. Why are you unwilling to share them?
I am willing to share them. I am just not going to get dragged into the asinine racism and calling others racists that tend to permeate threads on race based subjects or the constant focus on slavery when that is no longer a base cause. It set the stage but has nothing to do with current solutions.

If you are looking at the here and now, what do you think contributes?

I could certainly cite current law enforcement sentencing and the drug war as one such cause that I think you might agree with. Another would be rampant poverty. The single greatest problem IMHO lies in the single motherhood rate or, more precisely, the complete lack of family values that it represents. We can go on but it will boil down to the chicken or the egg here - are those causes or are they EFFECTS of the underlying sub culture that so many black Americans embrace. I would say they are effects of that sub culture - a sub culture that does not value education but does value the quick buck. A culture that values sex but does not value family. A culture that does not value temperance but values violence. I see it as quite pervasive within black communities. It is the core problem and I believe the reality that those who reject those cultural values can and do succeed but those that do not simply do not succeed.

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