Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

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i wonder about the culture which makes police officers think it's okay to assign themselves judge, jury and executioner of criminals.

no matter the culture or color of the criminal, unless there is an imminent threat, deadly force is uncalled for...
It's called society looking the other way.

Yes, law and order conservatives only defend the police when they try to arrest a black, you got them
I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Whites have responsibility for a lot of it. Many in the white community keep the idea of black victim hood alive and well. They get votes and personally profit from it.

Note to Black America: If a white person tells you you're a victim and you cannot succeed due to racism or history....please tell that white person to go fuck them self. They are not trying to help you or your community.
I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Whites have responsibility for a lot of it. Many in the white community keep the idea of black victim hood alive and well. They get votes and personally profit from it.

Note to Black America: If a white person tells you you're a victim and you cannot succeed due to racism or history....please tell that white person to go fuck them self. They are not trying to help you or your community.

That is so true
I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Whites have responsibility for a lot of it. Many in the white community keep the idea of black victim hood alive and well. They get votes and personally profit from it.

Note to Black America: If a white person tells you you're a victim and you cannot succeed due to racism or history....please tell that white person to go fuck them self. They are not trying to help you or your community.
It's cons that tell them that. Do you actually read threads on this forum?
I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Whites have responsibility for a lot of it. Many in the white community keep the idea of black victim hood alive and well. They get votes and personally profit from it.

Note to Black America: If a white person tells you you're a victim and you cannot succeed due to racism or history....please tell that white person to go fuck them self. They are not trying to help you or your community.

Hence the 90% support for the DNC. But they want that entitlement mentality. They promote it. They will call you racist if you deny them entitlements. Blacks want unearned privileges and the tell tell sign that this is true is their support from the party of unearned privileges.
I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Whites have responsibility for a lot of it. Many in the white community keep the idea of black victim hood alive and well. They get votes and personally profit from it.

Note to Black America: If a white person tells you you're a victim and you cannot succeed due to racism or history....please tell that white person to go fuck them self. They are not trying to help you or your community.
It's cons that tell them that. Do you actually read threads on this forum?

Cons preach victimhood to blacks?

I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Which culture do you associate "thug culture" with? "thug culture" has found its home primarily among the black community.

There is a thug culture among all races.

Who said anything about race? And one culture promotes thug culture more than any other in the United States. Just like Asian culture promotes education more than most cultures, black culture promotes deviance more than most cultures. There is a reason MIT is 25% Asian.
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I wouldn't say Black culture per say Urban thug culture yes.

Whites have responsibility for a lot of it. Many in the white community keep the idea of black victim hood alive and well. They get votes and personally profit from it.

Note to Black America: If a white person tells you you're a victim and you cannot succeed due to racism or history....please tell that white person to go fuck them self. They are not trying to help you or your community.
It's cons that tell them that. Do you actually read threads on this forum?

Bullshit. Turn on MSNBC any time 24/7. :(

The brush of thuggery is larger in the black community.

I disagree.

And the FBI Uniform Crime Report together with the National Victimization Survey disagrees with you. Blacks are much more prone to act like thugs. Behavior and a propensity toward deviance is a cultural attribute.
Is Black Culture the Primary Cause of the ills that plague the Black Community?

The left often wants to blame racism as the primary cause of the ill's experienced by the black community. This issue has worked its way deep into policy decisions to help "level the playing field." So I ask the question, is it really racism that plagues the black community or black culture?

Of course they are, even Bill Cosby and others have acknowledged that. The ones that don't are the most dangerous ones and they exist on the far left like Obama, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, etc.

If you make your community a burden of crime, then who's fault is it?

However this is not endemic to just those of color. All those COPS shows have shown it can exist in the "white" areas as well.

The far left is to blame for a lot of it. Trying to tell people that they deserve their equal share even if they do nothing.

The far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

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