Zone1 Is Black Fatherlessness caused by Racism? By the Welfare System? By Something Else?

No, that's not true.

Pew Research estimates that sixty-seven percent of black dads who do not live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to fifty-nine percent of white dads and thirty-two percent of Hispanic dads.

Yes it is true. Your own outdated source says so as well.

"Fathers’ living arrangements are strongly correlated with race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status as measured by educational attainment. Black fathers are more than twice as likely as white fathers to live apart from their children (44% vs. 21%), while Hispanic fathers fall in the middle (35%). Among fathers who never completed high school, 40% live apart from their children. This compares with only 7% of fathers who graduated from college."

No, that's not true.

Pew Research estimates that sixty-seven percent of black dads who do not live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to fifty-nine percent of white dads and thirty-two percent of Hispanic dads.

Do any of those dead beat dads support their children financially? I doubt it. What matters is that nearly 70% of black children are illegitimate. That is the highest illegitimacy rate of any race. It has gotten much worse since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed into law and the War on Poverty was declared. .
Where does the documented disparity between Black IQ and White IQ fit in with that theory?

What "documented disparity"?

How do you define "intelligence"?

The reality is there are various forms of intelligence. Some people might possess one and not the other. Einstein married his cousin. Gaudi got killed by a tram.

"Smart" people can do stupid things.

Are Asians inherently smarter than black people? Or is it just that they put more emphasis on education? Many such questions need to be asked to get a decent answer to intelligence and race.

Mostly though the people who talk about intelligence and race and push the simplistic theory of certain races being inherently less intelligent, do so in a very unintelligent manner.

How ironic.
Do any of those dead beat dads support their children financially? I doubt it. What matters is that nearly 70% of black children are illegitimate. That is the highest illegitimacy rate of any race. It has gotten much worse since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed into law and the War on Poverty was declared. .

But why in the US? Why not in all of Africa? If it's INHERENT, it'd happen all over.

But it doesn't.
But why in the US? Why not in all of Africa? If it's INHERENT, it'd happen all over.

But it doesn't.

I do not want the government to give any welfare money to single mothers and their illegitimate children. Those are transfer payments from moral tax payers to immoral welfare payments.

If illegitimacy resulted in horrible consequences it would be less frequent.
What "documented disparity"?

How do you define "intelligence"?

The reality is there are various forms of intelligence. Some people might possess one and not the other. Einstein married his cousin. Gaudi got killed by a tram.

"Smart" people can do stupid things.

Are Asians inherently smarter than black people? Or is it just that they put more emphasis on education? Many such questions need to be asked to get a decent answer to intelligence and race.

Mostly though the people who talk about intelligence and race and push the simplistic theory of certain races being inherently less intelligent, do so in a very unintelligent manner.

How ironic.

By every objective, measurable criterion Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites, and even less intelligent than East Asians.
No, that's not true.

Pew Research estimates that sixty-seven percent of black dads who do not live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to fifty-nine percent of white dads and thirty-two percent of Hispanic dads.

See them once a month? Are you freaking kidding me? That is not being a father. That's being the McRib. It only come around once in a while, but when it does, we supposed to get all excited?

From your own link:

Fathers’ living arrangements are strongly correlated with race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status as measured by educational attainment. Black fathers are more than twice as likely as white fathers to live apart from their children (44% vs. 21%), while Hispanic fathers fall in the middle (35%). Among fathers who never completed high school, 40% live apart from their children. This compares with only 7% of fathers who graduated from college.
Do any of those dead beat dads support their children financially? I doubt it. What matters is that nearly 70% of black children are illegitimate. That is the highest illegitimacy rate of any race. It has gotten much worse since 1964, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed into law and the War on Poverty was declared. .

Actually, most of those dads do support their children.

in fact, only 27% of Black families participate in any means tested assistance program. Only 14% partipate in ADFC, the one specifically designed to help families with children.


Furthermore, 40% of families on these programs have at least one family member working. Places like McDonalds and Walmart instruct their employees how to apply for these benefits.

I do not want the government to give any welfare money to single mothers and their illegitimate children. Those are transfer payments from moral tax payers to immoral welfare payments.

If illegitimacy resulted in horrible consequences it would be less frequent.

Who are these moral tax payers? The ones who happily pay for war after war, subsizide the Zionist Entity in the Middle East, but they refuse to take care of their neighbors?

You claim to respect FDR, but you know, FDR wanted a "Second Bill of Rights" that would have guaranteed every American a living wage and full health coverage.

By every objective, measurable criterion Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites, and even less intelligent than East Asians.

Again, because they have been subjected to 400 years of institutionalized racism.
What "documented disparity"?
That question annoyed me at first, because I assumed that you were playing dumb. Then I realized how carefully the informaton about the documented disparity in IQ among races is avoided in the media. The ladies on The View won't tell you, you have to look for yourself.

Here's a good place to start:

It's University of Delaware.

Currently, the 1.1 standard deviation difference in average IQ between Blacks
and Whites in the United States is not in itself a matter of empirical dispute.

If you want an introduction, start here, I guess.

But try to click on some of the links provided. They are tough reading, but if you can persist, you will learn some valuable information.

How do you define "intelligence"?
The ability to acquire knowledge and skills.

Intelligence can be measured by many different criteria, such as IQ tests, other standardized tests, success in highly G-loaded tasks, financial success, cross-generational improvement in economic conditions, and almost any other measure that even roughly correlates to what a less educated person my think of as "smarts."

The reality is there are various forms of intelligence. Some people might possess one and not the other. Einstein married his cousin. Gaudi got killed by a tram.
I had a very cute cousin, but her hillbilly accent would have driven me up the wall. I had a cute second cousin, but she was a River Oaks (Houston) girl, and I was literally from the "wrong side of the tracks."

I don't see either marrying a cousin, nor being hit by a tram as a sign of lack of intelligence. Maybe you could connect the dots on that one.

For what it's worth, the fathers of Einstein and Elsa were also cousins, so apparently, that was a cultural thing, not a sign of lack of intelligence.
"Smart" people can do stupid things.
Yes, but they are still smart. Less smart people do fewer smart things on a consistent basis and more "stupid" things. Does that describe the person you want using a robotic assistant to remove cancer from your digestive tract? The doctor that did that for me was Asian, For what it's worth, the doctor that found the cancer in the first place was a young African-American woman. Saved my life by telling me to get an endoscopy.

The disparity in IQ is real, but it does not apply to every individual. She was an excellent doctor, but thanks to progressives, her accomplishments will always be tainted by the stigma of Affirmative Action, whether she needed it or not.
Are Asians inherently smarter than black people?
Yes they are. Smarter than whites also.
Or is it just that they put more emphasis on education? Many such questions need to be asked to get a decent answer to intelligence and race.
Asked and amswered., many times.

Believe me, the psychological community is not happy having to report the IQ differences in race. The mention it as rarely as possible, and they try to explain it away if they can. They have tried in every way possible to invalidate it, but have been forced to admit that it is real.

Read up on it.

There are theories that it is nutrition, and not any genetic makeup of the brain that causes the disparity. We'd like to believe that. If true, should we be stricter with black parents - especially those on welfare - about what they feed their kids?
Mostly though the people who talk about intelligence and race and push the simplistic theory of certain races being inherently less intelligent, do so in a very unintelligent manner.

How ironic.
How could anyone ever point out this truth to you without you deeming them "unintelligent?"
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See them once a month? Are you freaking kidding me? That is not being a father. That's being the McRib. It only come around once in a while, but when it does, we supposed to get all excited?

From your own link:

Fathers’ living arrangements are strongly correlated with race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status as measured by educational attainment. Black fathers are more than twice as likely as white fathers to live apart from their children (44% vs. 21%), while Hispanic fathers fall in the middle (35%). Among fathers who never completed high school, 40% live apart from their children. This compares with only 7% of fathers who graduated from college.
And white fathers who don't live with their children see them less than blacks who don't. So just shut up with this racist narrative because:

“Trayvon Martin had a father. Jordan Davis had a father. Michael Brown had a father. Tamir Rice had a father. Having a father won’t protect black boys from America.”
- Mychal Denzel Smith

Furthermore, whites are arrested the most and are the highest number of criminal offenders. So if daddy at home is a white thing, it ain't working. In short, this argument is garbage.
And white fathers who don't live with their children see them less than blacks who don't. So just shut up with this racist narrative because:
You're literally bragging that black fathers see their kids once a month?
“Trayvon Martin had a father. Jordan Davis had a father. Michael Brown had a father. Tamir Rice had a father. Having a father won’t protect black boys from America.”
- Mychal Denzel Smith
Everyone has a father and a mother. Biological fact.

Sorry, I know biological facts trigger progressives, but it had to be said.

Take some deep breathes if you need to.

Point is are/were they at home?

I know Michael Brown's daddy jumped in front of the cameras when the "Gentle Giant" became a martyr to liberalism. Was he with his kids to count down to the new year, or did he have more pressing parties business to attend to? Besides a meme, do you have any evidence that the fathers of those boys were at-home dads?

Furthermore, whites are arrested the most and are the highest number of criminal offenders.
Not by percentage, as you well know.
So if daddy at home is a white thing, it ain't working. In short, this argument is garbage.
Just being there isn't enough.
See them once a month? Are you freaking kidding me? That is not being a father. That's being the McRib. It only come around once in a while, but when it does, we supposed to get all excited?

From your own link:

Fathers’ living arrangements are strongly correlated with race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status as measured by educational attainment. Black fathers are more than twice as likely as white fathers to live apart from their children (44% vs. 21%), while Hispanic fathers fall in the middle (35%). Among fathers who never completed high school, 40% live apart from their children. This compares with only 7% of fathers who graduated from college.
I suspect the drop by once a month to get some of the welfare money the mothers of their illegitimate children are getting. That is called "Mother's Day."
You're literally bragging that black fathers see their kids once a month?

Everyone has a father and a mother. Biological fact.

Sorry, I know biological facts trigger progressives, but it had to be said.

Take some deep breathes if you need to.

Point is are/were they at home?

I know Michael Brown's daddy jumped in front of the cameras. Was he with his kids to count down to the new year, or did he have more pressing parties business to attend to? Besides a meme, do you have any evidence that the fathers of those boys were at-home dads?

Not by percentage, as you well know.

Just being there isn't enough.

Tell that to the white father who were never around for their kids that I have seen. Or the drunk white father who lives with his children and beats his wife since whites lead every year on crimes against family and children.

Your argument is nonsense. And it's not the problem. The problem is a matter of economics and when black men and black women are paid less than whites, a black man sitting in the house on a recliner is not the solution.
Tell that to the white father who were never around for their kids that I have seen. Or the drunk white father who lives with his children and beats his wife since whites lead every year on crimes against family and children.

Your argument is nonsense. And it's not the problem. The problem is a matter of economics and when black men and black women are paid less than whites a black man sitting in the house on a recliner is not the solution.
White men are far less likely to be that way than black men.

Raising children is an awesome responsibility. People should not do that unless they are married and have the income to do it well. Otherwise they should not have children.
I suspect the drop by once a month to get some of the welfare money the mothers of their illegitimate children are getting. That is called "Mother's Day."

Yes, I did not make the "once a month" connection, but I'm sure that is it.
Blacks had a low illegitimacy rate prior to the government instituting welfare programs, though it was higher than whites and was rising.

After welfare, rates rose rapidly. So, correlation would seem to apply.

Whites have received what is now welfare since 1910. And there were programs created specifically for white women who had children with no man in the house. We don't see all the idiotic opinions about the missing white father over this 114-year time frame, but when welfare suddenly included blacks, we get this nonsense from the stupid section of the white population.
Tell that to the white father who were never around for their kids that I have seen. Or the drunk white father who lives with his children and beats his wife since whites lead every year on crimes against family and children.

Your argument is nonsense. And it's not the problem. The problem is a matter of economics and when black men and black women are paid less than whites, a black man sitting in the house on a recliner is not the solution.
Yes, there are plenty of counter-examples if you are allergic to statistics.

But the stats are still their, whether you like them or not.

Otherwise I could slam dunk your argument about black men and women getting paid less by citing all the wealthy blacks in sports, rap, government, and whatever Al Sharpton does for a living.

Whites have received what is now welfare since 1910. And there were programs created specifically for white women who had children with no man in the house. We don't see all the idiotic opinions about the missing white father over this 114-year time frame, but when welfare suddenly included blacks, we get this nonsense from the stupid section of the white population.
When Aid to Families with Dependent Children was introduce during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt during the 1930's it was specifically restricted to deserted wives, widows, and their legitimate children. Back then the Democrats refused to subsidize immoral behavior.
Again, because they have been subjected to 400 years of institutionalized racism.
If those 400 years were so terrible, why are American Negroes more affluent and in better health than Negroes living in black majority, black run countries?
Blacks had a low illegitimacy rate prior to the government instituting welfare programs, though it was higher than whites and was rising.

After welfare, rates rose rapidly. So, correlation would seem to apply.
While it is true that correlation does not equal causation, the facts you cite do show that welfare did not lift blacks up as it was supposed do.

At least that's the way it was sold. I've long suspected that it was nothing more than a vote-buying scheme.

Notice that Democrats try to buy the votes of black folks with welfare and Affirmative Action, while Republicans offer then jobs and equality of opportunity.

Two very different approaches.

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