Zone1 Is Black Fatherlessness caused by Racism? By the Welfare System? By Something Else?

All your studies are horesecrap, so we shouldn't waste our time on them.
How is this data from the United States Department of Justice unreliable?


African-Americans are roughly six times as likely as white Americans to die at the hands of a murderer, and roughly seven times as likely to murder someone; their victims are black 82% of the time.1

1 US Bureau of Justice Statistics (2007). The comparison is for 2004


Where is there evidence that blacks and whites have comparable levels of intelligence, and comparable rates of crime and illegitimacy?
Dr. Phil: "You never, ever, reward bad behavior."

There is no denying the correlation between the failed "War on Poverty" and the collapse of the black family unit.

There is little or no difference in the poverty rate since it went into effect. That would be the late 60's. People may be poor, but they're not stupid. Hmmm...let's see, I get more taxpayer money if I'm a single parent than married.k What should I do?

What changed? Easy question to answer.

LBJ deciding to buy the Black vote by putting them on welfare.

Unfortunately it worked because with that brilliant political strategy came some very devastating unintended consequences.
Which proves the SAT is culturally biased..

WHich is why universities are abandoning them.

Yale Reinstates Standardized Test Scores for Admissions​

Update On Dartmouth's Standardized Testing Policy

Informed by new research, Dartmouth will reactivate the standardized testing requirement for undergraduate admission beginning with applicants to the Class of 2029

What changed? Easy question to answer.

LBJ deciding to buy the Black vote by putting them on welfare.

Unfortunately it worked because with that brilliant political strategy came some very devastating unintended consequences.
For every black welfare recipient who began to vote Democrat, many more white working class people began to vote Republican.
Then why did white illegitimacy also rise?
More things happened in the 1960s than welfare.

More women filed for divorce as women no longer “needed a man” to support them.
A pregnancy used to force a Shotgun Wedding to save the woman from the embarrassment of an illegitimate child
So, for you, it boils down to the immorality of Democrats.

Thank you!
lack of marriage does not mean fatherless.
Well, that's pretty logical. I've not seen nor heard of any cases of Immaculate conception.

Two people shacking up together doesn't make for a secure family unit.
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Anyone can claim impressive achievements on the internet. If their arguments rarely rise above insults, name calling, and obscene words, others will be prone to doubt those achievements.
Except I can prove all of mine.

ON the other hand, you seem to be a very sad racist who must claim membership in a larger group to feel better about yourself.

Dr. Phil: "You never, ever, reward bad behavior."

There is no denying the correlation between the failed "War on Poverty" and the collapse of the black family unit.

There is little or no difference in the poverty rate since it went into effect. That would be the late 60's. People may be poor, but they're not stupid. Hmmm...let's see, I get more taxpayer money if I'm a single parent than married.k What should I do?

The problem is your meme isn't true.

First, let's look at the black poverty rate. Before the war on Poverty, it was 55%. By 1970, it decreased to 32%. Today it is down to 17%. By any measure, the war on Poverty has been a resounding success.


Now, let's move on to your claim that 87% of black families were two-parent in 1964, and today that number is down to 25%

In 1964, the OOW birth rate for blacks was 30%. If you factor in divorce, the two-parent family percentage was a LOT lower than 87%


Now let's take your lie about black owned businesses.

In 1972, the number of Black Owned Businesses was only 187K. Today that number is close to 2.6 million.

How is this data from the United States Department of Justice unreliable?


For every black welfare recipient who began to vote Democrat, many more white working class people began to vote Republican.

That was pretty stupid of them. Republicans have been fucking white working people hard with no lube since the 1970's.

It's also not entirely true.

The number of white people voting Repblican has kind of fluctuated all along. For instance Ike won huge majorities of white folks in 1952 and 1956, while he also did decently with black folks (getting about 35% of the black vote). And despite your claims to the contrary, even after signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, LBJ Still got 65% of the white vote. The high water mark for Republicans was 1972, but that was because McGovern was a crank who advocated "Acid, Amnesty, and Abortion", which went against where his own party was at that point.

Lower income whites score better on the SAT than upper income blacks.

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Well, there are issues here.

"The discrepancy in average SAT scores among the states is mostly due to differences in states’ educational budgets, which affect the quality of student education."

Also there are issues with who takes the test and who doesn't take the test. I'm finding statistics hard to come by, though it seems Washington DC has 100% participation (whatever that means).

DC has 100% participation as does Delaware, and a lot of black kids. Iowa has 3%, North Dakota has 2%.

So we're seeing a manipulation of the statistics by states. Some states are trying to stop the lowest students from participating to bump up their scores.

So this isn't necessarily and issue of black students doing badly, but some states pushing kids to take it other others pushing them not to take it. This is clearly going to have an impact on the scores.

Again, I point to the UK where black African do BETTER than white kids, and Black Caribbean kids do WORSE. Is it about ethnicity? No, not directly.
What is the reason for this seeming epidemic of black or mixed children growing up without a father?

This article from UCLA Law argues that requiring fathers to pay child support is the cause:

This one argues that it is the welfare system:

Historically, federal and state laws and welfare regulations have created barriers and disincentives for the involvement of fathers in the lives of their children. Federal assistance for the poor often focused on children and custodial parents, elderly persons, and disabled persons. Able-bodied men, including noncustodial fathers, were not eligible for benefits such as public or subsidized housing, Medicare, or food stamps. These policies lead to situations in which fathers were too poor to support their children financially and subsequently too ashamed to maintain contact or involvement with them.

Rather than a linear process that ascribes the blame for Black plight to Black fathers, this Comment posits that socially constructed notions of race and stringent welfare-child support laws perpetuate the absent Black father stereotype. This cycle begins with a Black father being absent from the home; he then has child support enforced against him, irrespective of his ability to pay; consequently, the child takes on the identity of being fatherless and the father who cannot pay child support is rendered deadbeat.
This interview argues that it is the child welfare system, i.e. CPS and other family investigation agencies:

quickly discovered that Black children were grossly over-represented in the system. There was this huge racial disparity, which I then came to see as Black communities being targeted by what I’m now calling “family policing.”

In other words, it’s not just that there are statistical disparities. There are Black communities—especially segregated, impoverished Black neighborhoods—where there is intense concentration of child-welfare-agency involvement, and children are at high risk of being subjected to investigation, to being removed from their homes, to spending a long time in foster care, and for their parents rights to be terminated.

Honestly, I found a hard time reading anything from a reputable source that blamed racism. Yet that seems to be the go-to when the issue is discussed.

What say you?
There is no epidemic. And that's why racism is presented. I lived with a divorced white female for several years. Her white ex-husband would consistently refuse to send his alimony check. Before that, I was with one who left her white husband with their child because he beat the hell out of her 3-4 times a week. These have been repeated scenarios I have seen whenever I dated white females. And their kids never saw their father. So...
Well, there are issues here.

"The discrepancy in average SAT scores among the states is mostly due to differences in states’ educational budgets, which affect the quality of student education."

Also there are issues with who takes the test and who doesn't take the test. I'm finding statistics hard to come by, though it seems Washington DC has 100% participation (whatever that means).

DC has 100% participation as does Delaware, and a lot of black kids. Iowa has 3%, North Dakota has 2%.

So we're seeing a manipulation of the statistics by states. Some states are trying to stop the lowest students from participating to bump up their scores.

So this isn't necessarily and issue of black students doing badly, but some states pushing kids to take it other others pushing them not to take it. This is clearly going to have an impact on the scores.

Again, I point to the UK where black African do BETTER than white kids, and Black Caribbean kids do WORSE. Is it about ethnicity? No, not directly.

Without your working links, what do you have?
Fuck, let's bring back Debt Peonage!!!

Yeah, that's going to really help our manpower shortage in the military, that they are going to give you a dodgy DNA test and make you pay for a kid that isn't yours.

I'm sure (which by the way, is a scam) really wants to give up their data to the government, too!

And those pesky 4th Amendment rights? Silly Darkie, Rights are for WHITE people.
Making a father support his children isn’t debt peonage. But I’m not surprised that you would see it that way. We certainly don’t need the kind of dishonorable man that wouldn’t support his own child in the military.
There is no epidemic. And that's why racism is presented. I lived with a divorced white female for several years. Her white ex-husband would consistently refuse to send his alimony check. Before that, I was with one who left her white husband with their child because he beat the hell out of her 3-4 times a week. These have been repeated scenarios I have seen whenever I dated white females. And their kids never saw their father. So...
Sounds like there's some women who consistently make poor choices in men.

If the point of your apocryphal (made up) story is that white children are often fatherless also, of course that is true. But by percent, black fathers are far more likely to abandon their offspring.
Well, there are issues here.

"The discrepancy in average SAT scores among the states is mostly due to differences in states’ educational budgets, which affect the quality of student education."

Also there are issues with who takes the test and who doesn't take the test. I'm finding statistics hard to come by, though it seems Washington DC has 100% participation (whatever that means).

DC has 100% participation as does Delaware, and a lot of black kids. Iowa has 3%, North Dakota has 2%.

So we're seeing a manipulation of the statistics by states. Some states are trying to stop the lowest students from participating to bump up their scores.

So this isn't necessarily and issue of black students doing badly, but some states pushing kids to take it other others pushing them not to take it. This is clearly going to have an impact on the scores.

Again, I point to the UK where black African do BETTER than white kids, and Black Caribbean kids do WORSE. Is it about ethnicity? No, not directly.
Where does the documented disparity between Black IQ and White IQ fit in with that theory?
Sounds like there's some women who consistently make poor choices in men.

If the point of your apocryphal (made up) story is that white children are often fatherless also, of course that is true. But by percent, black fathers are far more likely to abandon their offspring.
No, that's not true.

Pew Research estimates that sixty-seven percent of black dads who do not live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to fifty-nine percent of white dads and thirty-two percent of Hispanic dads.


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