Zone1 Is Black Fatherlessness caused by Racism? By the Welfare System? By Something Else?

I do not want the government to give any welfare money to single mothers and their illegitimate children. Those are transfer payments from moral tax payers to immoral welfare payments.

If illegitimacy resulted in horrible consequences it would be less frequent.

Huh? You literally start talking about something completely different.
By every objective, measurable criterion Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites, and even less intelligent than East Asians.

And you've just started right back at the beginning of the conversation. We've moved on from that.

I'd expect a post a little more intelligent from someone trying to prove they're more intelligent than black people than using words like "Negroes" and not containing a single piece of evidence.
And you've just started right back at the beginning of the conversation. We've moved on from that.

I'd expect a post a little more intelligent from someone trying to prove they're more intelligent than black people than using words like "Negroes" and not containing a single piece of evidence.
Here is some of the evidence I have posted about different intelligence averages between whites and Negroes:

That question annoyed me at first, because I assumed that you were playing dumb. Then I realized how carefully the informaton about the documented disparity in IQ among races is avoided in the media. The ladies on The View won't tell you, you have to look for yourself.

Here's a good place to start:

It's University of Delaware.

Currently, the 1.1 standard deviation difference in average IQ between Blacks
and Whites in the United States is not in itself a matter of empirical dispute.

If you want an introduction, start here, I guess.

But try to click on some of the links provided. They are tough reading, but if you can persist, you will learn some valuable information.

The ability to acquire knowledge and skills.

Intelligence can be measured by many different criteria, such as IQ tests, other standardized tests, success in highly G-loaded tasks, financial success, cross-generational improvement in economic conditions, and almost any other measure that even roughly correlates to what a less educated person my think of as "smarts."

I had a very cute cousin, but her hillbilly accent would have driven me up the wall. I had a cute second cousin, but she was a River Oaks (Houston) girl, and I was literally from the "wrong side of the tracks."

I don't see either marrying a cousin, nor being hit by a tram as a sign of lack of intelligence. Maybe you could connect the dots on that one.

For what it's worth, the fathers of Einstein and Elsa were also cousins, so apparently, that was a cultural thing, not a sign of lack of intelligence.

Yes, but they are still smart. Less smart people do fewer smart things on a consistent basis and more "stupid" things. Does that describe the person you want using a robotic assistant to remove cancer from your digestive tract? The doctor that did that for me was Asian, For what it's worth, the doctor that found the cancer in the first place was a young African-American woman. Saved my life by telling me to get an endoscopy.

The disparity in IQ is real, but it does not apply to every individual. She was an excellent doctor, but thanks to progressives, her accomplishments will always be tainted by the stigma of Affirmative Action, whether she needed it or not.

Yes they are. Smarter than whites also.

Asked and amswered., many times.

Believe me, the psychological community is not happy having to report the IQ differences in race. The mention it as rarely as possible, and they try to explain it away if they can. They have tried in every way possible to invalidate it, but have been forced to admit that it is real.

Read up on it.

There are theories that it is nutrition, and not any genetic makeup of the brain that causes the disparity. We'd like to believe that. If true, should we be stricter with black parents - especially those on welfare - about what they feed their kids?

How could anyone ever point out this truth to you without you deeming them "unintelligent?"

Thing is, you haven't really proven anything.

Saying something has "been answered many times" doesn't aid this conversation. "Read up on it" doesn't aid this conversation.

What is an IQ test? Does it test "intelligence"? What types of intelligence?

What types of intelligence are there?

"The 12 types of intelligence, which one do you have?"


So this claims 12 intelligence types. Which types does an IQ test test? Not creative, note interapersonal, not linguistic, not musical, not body kinesthetic.

They usually measure logical-mathematical...

The wiki page say the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is the most common.

It seems to do a few things, but certainly doesn't go all the way. It tests things that are more like what we learn at school.

"Verbal IQ (VIQ)[edit]
Included seven tests and provided two sub-indices; verbal comprehension and working memory."

Verbal comprehension, memory.

"Performance IQ (PIQ)[edit]
Included six tests and it also provided two sub-indices; perceptual organization and processing speed."

Processing speed perceptual organization.

There are plenty more types of intelligence.

However we teach things, and then we test the things we teach, and then we decide that learning these things are what makes someone smart.

Ever done one of these online tests that's like "your IQ is 150 if you can answer all these questions" and they're questions about which year this pop star came out with this song. Just general knowledge.
Here is some of the evidence I have posted about different intelligence averages between whites and Negroes:

View attachment 908548

Yeah, we've done that already.

Post 76 of mine talks about that. I went back. It was YOU I was responding to.

Seriously dude, what are you doing? You're going back over what we're already spoken about. I'm not doing this. If you can't keep up with this conversation, you really shouldn't be disparaging others for supposedly not being intelligent.
Yeah, we've done that already.

Post 76 of mine talks about that. I went back. It was YOU I was responding to.

Seriously dude, what are you doing? You're going back over what we're already spoken about. I'm not doing this. If you can't keep up with this conversation, you really shouldn't be disparaging others for supposedly not being intelligent.
Everyone knows that what I post about average racial difference in intelligence is true. Nothing else needs to be said.

I see no reason to wade through a bunch of insults.
Look, the premise of black unwed births or the fatherless home was debunked almost immediately after the Moynihan report in 1965. Therefore any argument making such a claim in regard to the things blacks face is just an unworthy argument.
How was it debunked, when we know it to be fact?
Everyone knows that what I post about average racial difference in intelligence is true. Nothing else needs to be said.

I see no reason to wade through a bunch of insults.

Then is "everyone knows" there's no point in having this conversation.

That you're coming up with "Everyone knows" in place of an argument when discussing INTELLIGENT is fucking hilarious.

Also, if you think calling someone unintelligent is an insult, then you're insulting all black people. Well done.

Bye bye I can't be bothered.
Thing is, you haven't really proven anything.

Saying something has "been answered many times" doesn't aid this conversation. "Read up on it" doesn't aid this conversation.

What is an IQ test? Does it test "intelligence"? What types of intelligence?

What types of intelligence are there?

"The 12 types of intelligence, which one do you have?"

View attachment 908549

So this claims 12 intelligence types. Which types does an IQ test test? Not creative, note interapersonal, not linguistic, not musical, not body kinesthetic.

They usually measure logical-mathematical...

The wiki page say the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is the most common.

It seems to do a few things, but certainly doesn't go all the way. It tests things that are more like what we learn at school.

"Verbal IQ (VIQ)[edit]
Included seven tests and provided two sub-indices; verbal comprehension and working memory."

Verbal comprehension, memory.

"Performance IQ (PIQ)[edit]
Included six tests and it also provided two sub-indices; perceptual organization and processing speed."

Processing speed perceptual organization.

There are plenty more types of intelligence.

However we teach things, and then we test the things we teach, and then we decide that learning these things are what makes someone smart.

Ever done one of these online tests that's like "your IQ is 150 if you can answer all these questions" and they're questions about which year this pop star came out with this song. Just general knowledge.
Yes, you have done a great job of naming some of the ways that people have tried to explain away the disparities in IQ scores among the races, or disparage the value of IQ test. No test of any kind can measure everything or "go all the way," as you put it.

An IQ test measures fluid and crystalized reasoning. High scores on IQ tests are heavily correlated with economic success in the United States. There may be many explanations for that correlation other than the obvious, but that does not mean that the correlation is not there.

For example, suppose motivation to do well on the test were to turn out to be the key predictor of success on that test. Fine. Motivation to do well on things is also logically a key predictor of economic success.

Therefore, ascribing systemic racism to the relative lack of success attained by member of a race which has lower average IQ scores is a fallacy.
Yes, you have done a great job of naming some of the ways that people have tried to explain away the disparities in IQ scores among the races.

No test of any kind can measure everything or "go all the way," as you put it.

An IQ test measures fluid and crystalized reasoning. High scores on IQ tests are heavily correlated with economic success in the United States. There may be many explanations for that correlation other than the obvious, but that does not mean that the correlation is not there.

For example, suppose motivation to do well on the test were to turn out to be the key predictor of success on that test. Fine. Motivation to do well on things is also logically a key predictor of economic success.

Therefore, ascribing systemic racism to the relative lack of success attained by member of a race which has lower average IQ scores is a fallacy.

Yeah, what we need to "prove" black people are fucking stupid is a bunch of white people making simplistic arguments....
The widespread contempt for welfare recipients and hatred for criminals has always benefited Republican politicians.

I have only voted for two Republicans in my life. I forget their names, but I remember that they advocated harsher treatment of criminals.

When Ronald Reagan convinced Republicans that tax cuts for the rich are more important than balanced budgets he gave me additional reasons to vote against the G.O.P.
As you know, everyone benefited from the lower taxes AND our revenues doubled that decade. In exchange, Democrats promised to cut spending but...they lied.

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As you know, everyone benefited from the lower taxes AND our revenues doubled that decade. In exchange, Democrats promised to cut spending but...they lied.

Just because John Kennedy said it does not make it true. Reagan's tax cuts for the rich did not lead to balanced budgets. They increased the national debt from $908 billion in 1980 to $2,602 billion in 1980. When Trump left office in 2020 Republican tax cuts for the rich has led to an increase in the national debt to $30,824 billion.

US National Debt by Year

Now Congressional Republicans are using the rise in the national debt for which they are responsible in efforts to cut popular domestic spending items.
Just because John Kennedy said it does not make it true. Reagan's tax cuts for the rich did not lead to balanced budgets. They increased the national debt from $908 billion in 1980 to $2,602 billion in 1980. When Trump left office in 2020 Republican tax cuts for the rich has led to an increase in the national debt to $30,824 billion.

US National Debt by Year

Now Congressional Republicans are using the rise in the national debt for which they are responsible in efforts to cut popular domestic spending items.
Biden should have raised taxes on the rich and corporations to pay for all that.
Specifically, please tell me who provides every dollar a corporation pays in Federal Income Taxes.

How much more should the "rich" pay in Federal Income Taxes?

Yeah, what we need to "prove" black people are fucking stupid is a bunch of white people making simplistic arguments....
There are some who make that argument. I'm not one of them.

I believe IQ came up because I asked a white person who is fucking stupid if the disparity in IQ's has anything to do with the problem of fatherlessness in blacks.
"In 1965, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, attributed racial inequality as well as poverty and crime in the black community to family structure, particularly the prevalence of families headed by single mothers. Not only did research at the time cast doubt on this causality, but evidence over the last the 50 years demonstrates that rates of child poverty, educational attainment, and crime do not track rates of single parenthood. Thus, even though the share of children living with a single mother rose for all racial and ethnic groups through the mid-1990s and has remained high since then, school completion and youth arrests for violent crimes have declined significantly, while poverty rates have fluctuated according to economic conditions. Family structure does not drive racial inequity, and racial inequity persists regardless of family structure.”
-Amy Traub, Laura Sullivan, Tatjana Meschede and Thomas Shapiro, DEMOS, “The Asset Value of Whiteness: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap."
Specifically, please tell me who provides every dollar a corporation pays in Federal Income Taxes.

How much more should the "rich" pay in Federal Income Taxes?

I will let the voters decide how much the rich and corporations should pay. For years popular opinion surveys have indicated popular support for a more progressive tax system.

When the top tax rate never got below 70%, and when it was often much higher, the national debt as a percentage of the gross domestic product declined form 119% in 1946, to 32% in 1980.


I have done this before but I’ll do it again for your edification, from (1963). It will do for our purposes. Anyone (a single person) earning $4,000 per year or less paid income tax at the rate of 20%. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $31,800.00 per year today. That translates to everyone earning LESS THAN $31,800 PER YEAR TODAY WOULD PAY 20% INCOME TAX. Gosh, that sure would eliminate that 48% that pay no income tax today! Way to go!

As for the top rate of your beloved 91% in 1963, that was paid by those earning over $400,000.00 Adjusted for inflation, that would be $3,186,770.00 today. Do you want to tell us that 1% of the nation earns of 3.2 MILLION PER YEAR? Really?

In the same year, employees paid 3.625% for Social Security and the employer paid nothing. Not quite the 15.2% of today.

Now, do you really want to go back to those rates? Are you aware of the long, long list of deductions in 1963? All interest on everything and the list goes on.

Federal Income Tax Brackets for Tax Year 1963 (Filed April 1964)

FICA & SECA Tax Rates

The Inflation Calculator

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