Zone1 Is Christianity just an outlier sect of Judaism?

lol how do you think scholars, scribes, and rabbis were taught, by mail order courses and online websites? They were taught by people. Your weird obsession with Da Evul Catlicks' is just bizarre, by the way/
I have no obsessions with "EVUL CATLICKS"----you seem to have a guilty conscience. As to
"STUDENTS OF" you make an interesting point. INTERESTINGLY you got it right with the
MAIL ORDER COURSE. Literacy has been prevalent amongst jewish males for some
25 centuries------the word got around-----thru WRITING. Jesus never met Hillel who died about
the time legend has it that Jesus was born----but Jesus quotes HILLEL verbatim. I have a personal
anecdote----but why bore you?
I know who he was, and I know he was a fraud. I never said I thought he was a prophet, just another politician who set himself and hsis fellow Babylonians up as local rulers and a special race with the help of a foreign king and excluded most other Jews from having any status and importance other than as suckers to be extorted by their fake Temple racket.
I am fascinated ----how did your sunday school Madam describe the Temple Racket?
The British paid for most of it; they wanted a closer source for citrus fruits and a friendly port on that end of the Med, near the Canal Zone. After WW II came French and American support.
Perfidious Albion

The Jewish Homeland was supported as a decoy to the predicted Arab jihad after the Turkish one ended with World War I. By 1948, the Nazi-appeasing faction of the British ruling class had returned to power and was pro-Arab.

Only the Jordanians were able to stop the Israelis, and that was only because they had British officers. The bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 showed whose side the Israelis correctly believed the British were on. The American ruling class has often betrayed Israel, too.

The Two-State solution is as unworkable, insulting, and provocative as the same thing done by the King of England in 1763. He wanted to coop up the White colonists on the coast, decreeing that the Midwest and the South would be for Indians only (Royal Proclamation of 1763) So White Replacement was the real cause of the Revolutionary War. America needs to follow in the tradition of its forefathers, this time against its own ruling class, which includes the perfidious Conservatives.
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I don't know what OT Judaism is. Please enlighten me.
The Globalist Love These Agents-Provocateurs

He's trying to reconstruct the Bible in order to say that there aren't any "real Jews" left. That narrative started with Esau being cheated out of his birthright and ends with all his "true-Jew" descendants becoming the first Christians.
The Globalist Love These Agents-Provocateurs

He's trying to reconstruct the Bible in order to say that there aren't any "real Jews" left. That narrative started with Esau being cheated out of his birthright and ends with all his "true-Jew" descendants becoming the first Christians.

You don't know shit either. I never said all Jews were fake, in fact I said the opposite. Christians are the largest Jewish sect by far, one of the three largest sects in the world. You're just some superstitious pagan.

I'm not 'reconstructing anything. I read it as written. Don't need fake rubbish like Talmuds to obfuscate frauds.
I have no obsessions with "EVUL CATLICKS"----you seem to have a guilty conscience. As to
"STUDENTS OF" you make an interesting point. INTERESTINGLY you got it right with the
MAIL ORDER COURSE. Literacy has been prevalent amongst jewish males for some
25 centuries------the word got around-----thru WRITING. Jesus never met Hillel who died about
the time legend has it that Jesus was born----but Jesus quotes HILLEL verbatim. I have a personal
anecdote----but why bore you?

You bring them up constantly, especially when you run out of bullshit. You don't even know Jewish history.

The Peanut Gallery can note that 'Hillel' and 'Shammai' were Houses, i.e. schools of thought, something Rosie is oblivious to.

When people don't know basic history and would rather babble bullshit, they make stupid mistakes and give away the fact they're just trolling and hoping to censor or bury the real facts.
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You bring them up constantly, especially when you run out of bullshit. You don't even know Jewish history.

The Peanut Gallery can note that 'Hillel' and 'Shammai' were Houses, i.e. schools of thought, something Rosie is oblivious to.

When people don't know basic history and would rather babble bullshit, they make stupid mistakes and give away the fact they're just trolling and hoping to censor or bury the real facts.
It is my earnest and heartfelt hope that you aren't presenting the information in this Wikipedia link as "basic history" required to understand the Christian religion. It does give a window on the ridiculousness of Judaism however.
It is my earnest and heartfelt hope that you aren't presenting the information in this Wikipedia link as "basic history" required to understand the Christian religion. It does give a window on the ridiculousness of Judaism however.

And of course you need to make up nonsense. Please cite where I said any such thing. I linked to background info on what Rosie has no clue about. See, you don't have any idea what is going on.
And of course you need to make up nonsense. Please cite where I said any such thing. I linked to background info on what Rosie has no clue about. See, you don't have any idea what is going on.
So, my earnest and heartfelt hope has been realized. :) But thanks for posting the link, as I said it gives a window into Judaism, which is the question you refused to answer.
So, my earnest and heartfelt hope has been realized. :) But thanks for posting the link, as I said it gives a window into Judaism, which is the question you refused to answer.

You mean the answers you refused to read, because you don't have a clue. There, corrected that for you. And, obviously you didn't read that link either.

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