Is cortez the laughing stock of the Democratic Party

AOC thread no. 7213929213 ....

Just so that I'm on topic, I don't think about her much at all. I liked her roof dance though. That was cute.

I just watched that video. I wanted to bone her so hard.

She needs the bad boy convict cock. I'll fuck the socialism straight out of her.
I th8nk shes a nut job .
What do you think of her.
I think she's the product of a sick and unbalanced college education.

My guess is she never attended a single class.

She was granted a degree because she is a radical Marxist, not for any course work she did.
I heard her speak. She has an uncanny iq I am sure. I'm sorry she's on the side that lies and engages in mythical institutions of persuasion such as self-fulfilling prophecies that have now been so overused, people on the street are smart to that communications artifice. If she hasn't figured out the corruption she is into, and she hasn't protested it, she's got her goals set on the identical path downhill Hillary Clinton took the day she took a picture of that AK-47 in her hands to show she was the one demanding the Administration building be a place she could order around. Like a future killer starts with torturing animals, Hillary got her start right there, enjoying the notoriety and co-conspiring with pushover friends in the school press doing her bidding "for the good of mankind," her story. If you don't know about who Hillary Clinton was, you don't know about David Horowitz's revelations, as he was part of that until he saw the light of bullying people politically did not result in a very peaceful world, and he got out of it and lived to write about her carryings on. He was painted so negatively by the Clinton team in the 90s I'm surprised he survived.
Her poll numbers suggest shes a moron.
Cortex and her muslim candidates may as wanted as much as the Black Plague

Her district is 50% Hispanic......
Well hopefully race will not influence the next election .

Be serious.

Next largest segment is white....20%

No, re-election is the least of her problems. If she becomes a burden to the party.....and hard to see that in a party that is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…where she fits right in....

.....the money-bags party, the Democrats, will put her in a well-paying position elsewhere to keep her quiet.

Let's hope she stays around so none can deny what the Democrats stand for.
That would be lovely. Unfortunately, this one's a bright bulb, even though she has made some youthful mistakes. In my mind, her future is a crapshoot, because she's intelligent enough to know wrongdoing when she sees it. The question is, she's right at that level where she might decide the American people are worth a hoot, that there is a merciful God, and that she could convert to conservatism if she matures to that level. I'm saying this, as it could happen, though I am still smarting from the last time she spit into the wind over the environment, as it seems she has been listening to the flat-earthers of the leftist scientific community that bases its findings on the amount of money they can draw for future research. It doesn't negate the facts of good environmentalists--people who might take a tissue and pick up a burnt-out cigarette butt and toss it into the appropriate receptacle in memory of an aesthetics of sport professor whose memory they cherish about going out of one's way to quietly beautify the earth so that other people may enjoy its natural and uncluttered beauty also.
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I th8nk shes a nut job .
What do you think of her.
I think Cortez and that Muslim bitch are there just to make the rest of the democratic nut cases look not as bad. However, I don't think it's working. It's just dragging the whole kit and caboodle down to ever lower levels. As they say, you can't fix stupid and boy are they ever stupid. Shooting your own foot off is a sure sign of stupidity if there ever was one.
Cortez and that Muslim bitch

That muslim raghead bitch is from Minnesota, just across the river from me. Minnesota is one of the poor states where our gubmint sends immigrunts, instead of tard cities that say they want them until Trump says he will send them some, then they don't want them.
I th8nk shes a nut job .
What do you think of her.

Most Democrats do not take her New Green Deal seriously. But she is a bright gal...just living in a dream world. She is a product of the last ten years of stifled growth for the middle/lower classes thanks to world, central bank manipulation.

Extremist lefties have embraced BIG government. Extremist righties have re-embraced the 1950's. Both are wrong.

Trumpbots/Republicans are desperately trying to pretend that Cortez's ideas are Democrat mainstream. They ain't...not even close.

Though, if both parties continue to utterly fail the day - *gulp* - they might be.

They are not main stream ideas. The truth is that we are decades and maybe a century or more from being able to get away from oil & gas. In the developing world, it will be longer than that for sure.

Some say we need to go back to a pre industrial living standard. I know that is impossible. If you think getting guns away from gun owners would be tough, just try to take away peoples Facebook and air conditioning.
Her poll numbers suggest shes a moron.
Cortex and her muslim candidates may as wanted as much as the Black Plague

Her district is 50% Hispanic......
Well hopefully race will not influence the next election .

Be serious.

Next largest segment is white....20%

No, re-election is the least of her problems. If she becomes a burden to the party.....and hard to see that in a party that is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…where she fits right in....

.....the money-bags party, the Democrats, will put her in a well-paying position elsewhere to keep her quiet.

Let's hope she stays around so none can deny what the Democrats stand for.
That would be lovely. Unfortunately, this one's a bright bulb, even though she has made some youthful mistakes. In my mind, her future is a crapshoot, because she's intelligent enough to know wrongdoing when she sees it. The question is, she's right at that level where she might decide the American people are worth a hoot, that there is a merciful God, and that she could convert to conservatism if she matures to that level. I'm saying this, as it could happen, though I am still smarting from the last time she spit into the wind over the environment, as it seems she has been listening to the flat-earthers of the leftist scientific community that bases its findings on the amount of money they can draw for future research. It doesn't negate the facts of good environmentalists--people who might take a tissue and pick up a burnt-out cigarette butt and toss it into the appropriate receptacle in memory of an aesthetics of sport professor whose memory they cherish about going out of one's way to quietly beautify the earth so that other people may enjoy its natural and uncluttered beauty also.

She's dumb as a turnip.
Her poll numbers suggest shes a moron.
Cortex and her muslim candidates may as wanted as much as the Black Plague

Her district is 50% Hispanic......
Well hopefully race will not influence the next election .

Be serious.

Next largest segment is white....20%

No, re-election is the least of her problems. If she becomes a burden to the party.....and hard to see that in a party that is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…where she fits right in....

.....the money-bags party, the Democrats, will put her in a well-paying position elsewhere to keep her quiet.

Let's hope she stays around so none can deny what the Democrats stand for.
That would be lovely. Unfortunately, this one's a bright bulb, even though she has made some youthful mistakes. In my mind, her future is a crapshoot, because she's intelligent enough to know wrongdoing when she sees it. The question is, she's right at that level where she might decide the American people are worth a hoot, that there is a merciful God, and that she could convert to conservatism if she matures to that level. I'm saying this, as it could happen, though I am still smarting from the last time she spit into the wind over the environment, as it seems she has been listening to the flat-earthers of the leftist scientific community that bases its findings on the amount of money they can draw for future research. It doesn't negate the facts of good environmentalists--people who might take a tissue and pick up a burnt-out cigarette butt and toss it into the appropriate receptacle in memory of an aesthetics of sport professor whose memory they cherish about going out of one's way to quietly beautify the earth so that other people may enjoy its natural and uncluttered beauty also.

She's dumb as a turnip.
Make that dumb as a fox and I'd agree. Remember Christine Blasey-Ford the smoothe, poor little me liar's club? It ain't that simple.
Cortez and that Muslim bitch

That muslim raghead bitch is from Minnesota, just across the river from me. Minnesota is one of the poor states where our gubmint sends immigrunts, instead of tard cities that say they want them until Trump says he will send them some, then they don't want them.
NoVote, if I remember reading Ilhan's bio, I'm pretty sure her family went to Minnesota on a purpose, and it's no accident she wound up there. Let me recheck, this could take some time...
Cortez and that Muslim bitch

That muslim raghead bitch is from Minnesota, just across the river from me. Minnesota is one of the poor states where our gubmint sends immigrunts, instead of tard cities that say they want them until Trump says he will send them some, then they don't want them.
That's not the reason, NoVote. Minnesotans are among the world's best cold-weather farmers and ranchers. They're basically good, intelligent folk. They're so good, they see little bad in anyone else. And if anything is broke, Minnesotans will eventually get around to fixing it in their own way.

Back to Ilhan - she is raised in a culture that is almost opposite of the Judeo-Christian makeup of early America. She may not know Jews funded the American Revolution and could not have beaten back the Brits without funds, because the Brits knew how little they earned and exactly how high of taxes they could collect to keep us down. Haim Solomon organized his pals in the banking industry to fund the Revolutionary Army after he ran out of money to give--he gave all he had. You may also not know that Ms. Omar's mother's maiden name is Hussein. It could be no accident that many people in that part of the world are Husseins. There was Saddam Hussein, there was Barack Hussein Obama, and they're all proud of it.

Ms. Omar may seem repugnant to you, but she comes from a long line of Mid-East movers and shakers, and when push comes to shove, they shove a little bit harder. Now, let's take the Democrat Party. They fell for one Hussein, and they think that by letting Sharia law take over, they can take any vestige of power the Founders' prodigy have left, because the focus on winner takes all has them in their grip, and they're gonna take all those rich people's money on the right away and pocket it by means of hoodwinking the very people who voted them in in the first place. They just don't know how extensive the relationships are in the Middle East through Africa, and when you add that up with the way they obfuscate every detail of their involvement in bad stuff, it gives them a calculated enough amount of time to fool the base into thinking they're the good guys. They're just not because as our nation's founder, George Washington who was likely a pretty open fellow and rumor/legend says he once told his father "I cannot tell a lie.." was probably just like him, considering if you have read a lot of his presidential papers, you would be certain of it like I am.

Anyhow, our history is a no never mind in Ms. Omar's view. Her view is to stick it to her benefactors (and she already has done that to the Jewish people who funded her family), and have Sharia law be made more important than the Constitution in 30 years, give or take 20 years. Don't think she doesn't have old world loyalties. Her family will not let her forget it. And while we don't want it, it will be our future if you don't beat the Muslim caucus that is now functioning in the House out of there. If there are 3 in there now, in half a generation that number will double, and in the same amount of time, that will be doubled again. And on and on progressively. About 10 years or so ago, there were 2 million Muslims in America. Now there are 4 million. They grew in numbers faster than any other minority group, which is what happens when stupid people allow them into their country. Trust me, they have a goal, they must keep their ways until they get 20%. That will be as I calculate it under 30 years. AT 20% ask any European country that has lost its Caucasian majority, sharia starts to take precedence over existing constitutions and traditional laws set up by people in Europe. And 10 years later, their numbers are 40%, and 10 years later, they're 60%. So in 50 years, we will be potentially speaking in Arabic and starting to know what it's like to see people nailed to fences and tortured to death over a week's time to let the other people in the area know how important it is to join the killer's religion. There will not be any laws, and instead of a president, we will have an Ayatollah. This is 2019. By 2070, that's how it works out when stupid people give power over to the people who believe in jihad. And they will enjoy jihadding families of those who give them any sass right now, because the 10x revenge is all that sates the blood appetite of the Husseinites. Got that? Good . Now you know what your grandchildren are up against.

Of course, if America turns back to Pilgrim godliness any time soon, we have a chance. People just don't learn from other people's mistakes until the blood is squirting from their necks as the muhaddab (Arabian curved sword) sinks into the beheading process. Ms. Omar keeps her perspective by the inkling in her brain of her enemies' fate in her lifetime. And she is thrilled by the thought of us bleeding, dying.

God punishes the disobedient to his laws. I just leave the net when too many do chest thumping about being atheists. Murder is very bad. But it's #2 after obedience to God's commands. It's not too hard to figure. There are only 10 of them that kill the soul, according to Mosaic law. And only 2 commandments for Christ's followers. Don't be mad at the Muslims. Their Jihad ways are just part of their lot. Our only recourse now is to renew faith if we've lost it and improve our faith.

My goodness, there is a regular nightingale outside. Havta go and check it out. Pray for our enemies, do not kill them.
I th8nk shes a nut job .
What do you think of her.

AOC is one of the new breed of premier leaders of the Democrat Party without a doubt, along with Rep. Tlaib and Omar.

Pelosi is an octogenarian, can't last forever, and the next generation is ready to take over real soon.

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