Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

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Trump are a master of magic and he will maybe 50 / 100 border into Mexico.

Who is the bigger sociopath? Is it the person who lets American soldiers die in Benghazi or Trump?
hummm lets see here ... who was the persons who let soldiers die here under their watch??? 60 people died under the republican watch and 4 people died under her watch ... I say I would rather have her watching our back then I would have any republican watching my back
let me see here
people who died under bush.jpg
Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

The closest thing to psychopathy or sociopathy in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)—the book that defines every mental illness and outlines how mental-health professionals should make the diagnosis—is either Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Other analysts have focused on the applicability of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which the Mayo Clinic defines by “an inflated sense of [one’s] own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.” One psychologist, Ben Michaelis, called Trump “textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Psychologist George Simon called Trump “so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics.”

To more wholly assess the claim of sociopathy, then, it may be more illustrative at this point to consider the Antisocial Personality Disorder side of the picture, which focuses on deceit, manipulation, disregard for the rights of others, and failure to take responsibility for one’s actions.

According to the DSM, Antisocial Personality Disorder should be diagnosed in a person who meets two criteria about the way they function in the world, and criteria about their personal traits. In the realm of the latter, the person must also demonstrate two other traits: antagonism and disinhibition.

Is Donald Trump a Sociopath?

I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.

THis just described nearly every lefty on this site.

Their need to demonize Trump and his supporters, because of political disagreements shows a complete inability of empathy.

They literally cannot imagine a reason for anyone to think differently than themselves, other than Evulness or stupidity, of course.

More and more I have been seeing liberals who insist on phrasing questions as though their opinions were the ONLY POSSIBLE objective reality.

And what about all the lefties who insist that Trump has NO chance of winning despite the polls showing him well within striking distance?

As for Trump he is a New York Businessman with a long career of public speaking and a brash and even vulgar public persona.

For someone to assume that that is all there is to this Ivy League Graduate is to be a fool who is judging a book by it's cover.

ok-----you are right----EXCEPT---you have no idea as to what constitutes a psychopath------its ok----do not worry

You are the one that has no idea.

No idea about what I do or do not know.

I made a serious and honest reply to the OP.

You made a stupid snarky quip.

That made no point, and addressed nothing I said.

BUT expressed disagreement.

That is a standard lefty tactic.

They know that they cannot let the Truth be spoken without challenge, because the Truth is so dangerous to them and their agenda.

But, more and more Americans are refusing to be afraid of being called Racist, or refusing to take the "high road" and just let the lefties smear them and get away with it.

SO, they do the "Drive by" where they disagree, but obscurely or vaguely so as to give nothing for the Right to show it untrue, or to demand that the lefties support or defend.

Lefties are dishonest scum like that.
no you didn't you stated and opinion and a bad one at that


If there is something wrong with my opinion then point it out. Don't expect me to waste 6 minutes listening to some lefty comedian based on your suggestion that there is something valid in there.

There are two lefties on this site who have the cred with me to get me to do that. You are not one of them.

Otherwise, if YOU are not prepared to address my post, THEN DON'T WASTE OUR TIME BY HITTING THE REPLY BUTTON.
dies rush limp balls do your thinking for you???
No. I've never quoted or even referenced him. Billy Mahr owns your pea brain.
not really the fact that he made fools of you, your best is Bill Mahr owns me ???/ BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAH !!!!don't ya love it when you make these fools thoughtless when can't think of a good come back ... or you're a real one to make a fool of
Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

Is Donald Trump a Sociopath?

I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.

THis just described nearly every lefty on this site.

Their need to demonize Trump and his supporters, because of political disagreements shows a complete inability of empathy.

They literally cannot imagine a reason for anyone to think differently than themselves, other than Evulness or stupidity, of course.

More and more I have been seeing liberals who insist on phrasing questions as though their opinions were the ONLY POSSIBLE objective reality.

And what about all the lefties who insist that Trump has NO chance of winning despite the polls showing him well within striking distance?

As for Trump he is a New York Businessman with a long career of public speaking and a brash and even vulgar public persona.

For someone to assume that that is all there is to this Ivy League Graduate is to be a fool who is judging a book by it's cover.

ok-----you are right----EXCEPT---you have no idea as to what constitutes a psychopath------its ok----do not worry

You are the one that has no idea.

No idea about what I do or do not know.

I made a serious and honest reply to the OP.

You made a stupid snarky quip.

That made no point, and addressed nothing I said.

BUT expressed disagreement.

That is a standard lefty tactic.

They know that they cannot let the Truth be spoken without challenge, because the Truth is so dangerous to them and their agenda.

But, more and more Americans are refusing to be afraid of being called Racist, or refusing to take the "high road" and just let the lefties smear them and get away with it.

SO, they do the "Drive by" where they disagree, but obscurely or vaguely so as to give nothing for the Right to show it untrue, or to demand that the lefties support or defend.

Lefties are dishonest scum like that.
no you didn't you stated and opinion and a bad one at that


If there is something wrong with my opinion then point it out. Don't expect me to waste 6 minutes listening to some lefty comedian based on your suggestion that there is something valid in there.

There are two lefties on this site who have the cred with me to get me to do that. You are not one of them.

Otherwise, if YOU are not prepared to address my post, THEN DON'T WASTE OUR TIME BY HITTING THE REPLY BUTTON.
I've addressed your types many times ...where it now has become redundant ... if you don't want your time wasted then try to come up with something that hasn't been debunked many times ... I hate wasting my time, only to have you or you ilk come back and talk about blow jobs or some sour of sexual innuendo thinking ya got me ... as for me having cred with you I could care less ... you are ignorant!!! you keep posting the same inaccurate bull shit ...
Looking at the definitions - the definition of sociopath, the definition of psychopath, there are some clear markers in his behaviors. Whether is he or isn't is academic, though.

What he is for sure, however, is remarkably self-centered and shallow. He owns a clear, if significantly limited, set of skills that allow him to essentially maul people through the sheer force of his will. That can work in a vacuum, such as commercial real estate, but not on any kind of macro scale. On a macro scale, it simply makes him an embarrassing buffoon.

He's just the right guy at just the right time with just the right skills to be attractive to many, unfortunately.

He had the skill set to pick out a policy platform that took off like a rocket.

And a nation wide primary is a pretty macro setting.

Are you old enough to remember the way liberals said similar things about Reagan? And then he won and took this nation to new heights?
Well, he found out pretty early what worked and he ran with it, that's for sure. He struck a nerve with about 40% of the GOP and jumped all over it.

Reagan, issues aside, was a dignified, articulate, respectful, pragmatic man. He and Trump, in terms of temperament, are on different planets.
I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.
But liberals define insanity as disagreement with them. It's unbelievable that anyone could disagree with their beliefs, they aren't just wrong, they are evil. If you look at the responses the left treats Trump like they did with Bush and Reagan, they are evil incarnate.

now heres the typical uneducated response for a right wing nut job ... every dem/liberal has said on these boards many times, but this one fails to comprehend ... the have defines insanity as some one who keeps doing the same thing over and over thing they will get a different result ... I have never seen or heard any Dem/liberals say they define insanity as disagreement with them ... never !!!
Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

The closest thing to psychopathy or sociopathy in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)—the book that defines every mental illness and outlines how mental-health professionals should make the diagnosis—is either Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Other analysts have focused on the applicability of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which the Mayo Clinic defines by “an inflated sense of [one’s] own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.” One psychologist, Ben Michaelis, called Trump “textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Psychologist George Simon called Trump “so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics.”

To more wholly assess the claim of sociopathy, then, it may be more illustrative at this point to consider the Antisocial Personality Disorder side of the picture, which focuses on deceit, manipulation, disregard for the rights of others, and failure to take responsibility for one’s actions.

According to the DSM, Antisocial Personality Disorder should be diagnosed in a person who meets two criteria about the way they function in the world, and criteria about their personal traits. In the realm of the latter, the person must also demonstrate two other traits: antagonism and disinhibition.

Is Donald Trump a Sociopath?

I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.

Narcissist ? Yes. Sociopath, no. Obama and Cruz I do believe to be sociopaths. Probably Clinton too.
I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.
But liberals define insanity as disagreement with them. It's unbelievable that anyone could disagree with their beliefs, they aren't just wrong, they are evil. If you look at the responses the left treats Trump like they did with Bush and Reagan, they are evil incarnate.

now heres the typical uneducated response for a right wing nut job ... every dem/liberal has said on these boards many times, but this one fails to comprehend ... the have defines insanity as some one who keeps doing the same thing over and over thing they will get a different result ... I have never seen or heard any Dem/liberals say they define insanity as disagreement with them ... never !!!
Are you stoned? Your English is hurting. Libs never tell the truth, why would they be honest about what they are?
Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

The closest thing to psychopathy or sociopathy in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)—the book that defines every mental illness and outlines how mental-health professionals should make the diagnosis—is either Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Other analysts have focused on the applicability of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which the Mayo Clinic defines by “an inflated sense of [one’s] own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.” One psychologist, Ben Michaelis, called Trump “textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Psychologist George Simon called Trump “so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics.”

To more wholly assess the claim of sociopathy, then, it may be more illustrative at this point to consider the Antisocial Personality Disorder side of the picture, which focuses on deceit, manipulation, disregard for the rights of others, and failure to take responsibility for one’s actions.

According to the DSM, Antisocial Personality Disorder should be diagnosed in a person who meets two criteria about the way they function in the world, and criteria about their personal traits. In the realm of the latter, the person must also demonstrate two other traits: antagonism and disinhibition.

Is Donald Trump a Sociopath?

I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.

THis just described nearly every lefty on this site.

Their need to demonize Trump and his supporters, because of political disagreements shows a complete inability of empathy.

They literally cannot imagine a reason for anyone to think differently than themselves, other than Evulness or stupidity, of course.

More and more I have been seeing liberals who insist on phrasing questions as though their opinions were the ONLY POSSIBLE objective reality.

And what about all the lefties who insist that Trump has NO chance of winning despite the polls showing him well within striking distance?

As for Trump he is a New York Businessman with a long career of public speaking and a brash and even vulgar public persona.

For someone to assume that that is all there is to this Ivy League Graduate is to be a fool who is judging a book by it's cover.

ok-----you are right----EXCEPT---you have no idea as to what constitutes a psychopath------its ok----do not worry

You are the one that has no idea.

No idea about what I do or do not know.

I made a serious and honest reply to the OP.

You made a stupid snarky quip.

That made no point, and addressed nothing I said.

BUT expressed disagreement.

That is a standard lefty tactic.

They know that they cannot let the Truth be spoken without challenge, because the Truth is so dangerous to them and their agenda.

But, more and more Americans are refusing to be afraid of being called Racist, or refusing to take the "high road" and just let the lefties smear them and get away with it.

SO, they do the "Drive by" where they disagree, but obscurely or vaguely so as to give nothing for the Right to show it untrue, or to demand that the lefties support or defend.

Lefties are dishonest scum like that.

wrong again----by virtue of your REASON WHY YOU BELIEVE THAT TRUMP IS A PSYCHOPATH ---you have demonstrated that you know nothing about that specific designation in the field of Psychiatry. I would suggest that you check the DSM V-----but that will not work out for you. The manual cannot be used by persons not familiar with the field of psychiatry----it will just confuse you
Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

The closest thing to psychopathy or sociopathy in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)—the book that defines every mental illness and outlines how mental-health professionals should make the diagnosis—is either Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Other analysts have focused on the applicability of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which the Mayo Clinic defines by “an inflated sense of [one’s] own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.” One psychologist, Ben Michaelis, called Trump “textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Psychologist George Simon called Trump “so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics.”

To more wholly assess the claim of sociopathy, then, it may be more illustrative at this point to consider the Antisocial Personality Disorder side of the picture, which focuses on deceit, manipulation, disregard for the rights of others, and failure to take responsibility for one’s actions.

According to the DSM, Antisocial Personality Disorder should be diagnosed in a person who meets two criteria about the way they function in the world, and criteria about their personal traits. In the realm of the latter, the person must also demonstrate two other traits: antagonism and disinhibition.

Is Donald Trump a Sociopath?

I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.
Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

The closest thing to psychopathy or sociopathy in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)—the book that defines every mental illness and outlines how mental-health professionals should make the diagnosis—is either Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Other analysts have focused on the applicability of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which the Mayo Clinic defines by “an inflated sense of [one’s] own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.” One psychologist, Ben Michaelis, called Trump “textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Psychologist George Simon called Trump “so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics.”

To more wholly assess the claim of sociopathy, then, it may be more illustrative at this point to consider the Antisocial Personality Disorder side of the picture, which focuses on deceit, manipulation, disregard for the rights of others, and failure to take responsibility for one’s actions.

According to the DSM, Antisocial Personality Disorder should be diagnosed in a person who meets two criteria about the way they function in the world, and criteria about their personal traits. In the realm of the latter, the person must also demonstrate two other traits: antagonism and disinhibition.

Is Donald Trump a Sociopath?

I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.

No, but you are.
Let see

Trump is very social
Trump does have a conscience when he is not fighting.

No, he is not a sociopath, he realizes what he has done afterwards and it effects him.

Trump is a bit narcissistic. He is able to shut others off when pursuing a goal. That is necessary in business. Required in many leadership roles as well.
Looking at the definitions - the definition of sociopath, the definition of psychopath, there are some clear markers in his behaviors. Whether is he or isn't is academic, though.

What he is for sure, however, is remarkably self-centered and shallow. He owns a clear, if significantly limited, set of skills that allow him to essentially maul people through the sheer force of his will. That can work in a vacuum, such as commercial real estate, but not on any kind of macro scale. On a macro scale, it simply makes him an embarrassing buffoon.

He's just the right guy at just the right time with just the right skills to be attractive to many, unfortunately.

As compared to Jeb Bush.


Come on. Trump's appeal is simple. He's not "one of them".

Oh but he is "one of them".
Trump are a master of magic and he will maybe 50 / 100 border into Mexico.

Who is the bigger sociopath? Is it the person who lets American soldiers die in Benghazi or Trump?
hummm lets see here ... who was the persons who let soldiers die here under their watch??? 60 people died under the republican watch and 4 people died under her watch ... I say I would rather have her watching our back then I would have any republican watching my back
let me see here View attachment 83879

Bush is NOT running for President, you dim witted idiot.
Trump is a genius. I've known a few in my lifetime. One was Mickey De Sadist. Brilliant punk rocker. Hilly from CBGB's. Joey Ramone briefly. We are talking individuals who are so far above the average that all you can do is revel truly in their greatness.

The Donald is just that. The awesomeness of awesomeness and he knows it and he sells it.

But underneath the bravado and the bullshit is a real man with great skills who I believe with a passion will bring America back from the brink of the third world Obama and Hillary were driving her into.

Trump will seize America back from being Merkled.

Not sure even a guy like Trump can keep this country from being Merkled. The enemy from within has infected the body politic too much already but yes, Trump is the only hope. America as we know it can't survive another four or eight years of obama in a skirt.
Little early to be smoking crack.
thats your best well litter early for you doing heroine .., you can't stand it that you support a bigger liar then Hillary ever could be
have more coffee before you post, you sound retarded as your spelling and grammar is worse then mine.

no one is a bigger liar than hillary, she lies when she doesn't even need to.

and your trump defense is pointless as I don't support him and I certainly won't support the tyrannical **** that stole democracy to get the nomination, unlike you, who chooses party over everything
and you spelling is atroshist ...not to mention your grammar ... so far Trump has told more lies in the press then hillary has ever done...
that's is the dumbest fucking thing ever posted.
you being the boards idiot, we really can't take your posting serious ... but its fun making a fool of you you're so easy
You made it clear that you have the IQ of a turnip and the reasoning ability of a rabid dog
Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

The closest thing to psychopathy or sociopathy in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)—the book that defines every mental illness and outlines how mental-health professionals should make the diagnosis—is either Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Other analysts have focused on the applicability of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which the Mayo Clinic defines by “an inflated sense of [one’s] own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.” One psychologist, Ben Michaelis, called Trump “textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Psychologist George Simon called Trump “so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics.”

To more wholly assess the claim of sociopathy, then, it may be more illustrative at this point to consider the Antisocial Personality Disorder side of the picture, which focuses on deceit, manipulation, disregard for the rights of others, and failure to take responsibility for one’s actions.

According to the DSM, Antisocial Personality Disorder should be diagnosed in a person who meets two criteria about the way they function in the world, and criteria about their personal traits. In the realm of the latter, the person must also demonstrate two other traits: antagonism and disinhibition.

Is Donald Trump a Sociopath?

I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.
No, I think he is a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is a very different condition.
Is Donald Trump a sociopath?

The closest thing to psychopathy or sociopathy in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)—the book that defines every mental illness and outlines how mental-health professionals should make the diagnosis—is either Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Other analysts have focused on the applicability of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which the Mayo Clinic defines by “an inflated sense of [one’s] own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.” One psychologist, Ben Michaelis, called Trump “textbook Narcissistic Personality Disorder.” Psychologist George Simon called Trump “so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics.”

To more wholly assess the claim of sociopathy, then, it may be more illustrative at this point to consider the Antisocial Personality Disorder side of the picture, which focuses on deceit, manipulation, disregard for the rights of others, and failure to take responsibility for one’s actions.

According to the DSM, Antisocial Personality Disorder should be diagnosed in a person who meets two criteria about the way they function in the world, and criteria about their personal traits. In the realm of the latter, the person must also demonstrate two other traits: antagonism and disinhibition.

Is Donald Trump a Sociopath?

I think it is very clear that Trump is a sociopath and completely insane.
No, I think he is a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is a very different condition.
I don't like Obama either...
No, I think he is a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is a very different condition.
After looking up the definition (Narcissistic personality disorder - Mayo Clinic) I would agree:

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.

This pretty much describes him perfectly, across the board.

The key here is "fragile self-esteem". I don't know if he really does think that highly of himself, he clearly has a terrible need to impress and receive positive attention and IMMEDIATELY attacks if he does not.
No, I think he is a textbook case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is a very different condition.
After looking up the definition (Narcissistic personality disorder - Mayo Clinic) I would agree:

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.

This pretty much describes him perfectly, across the board.

The key here is "fragile self-esteem". I don't know if he really does think that highly of himself, he clearly has a terrible need to impress and receive positive attention and IMMEDIATELY attacks if he does not.
Thanks....that describes Obama to a T......Trump is the exact opposite of Obama...

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