Is Donald Trump fit to be POTUS?

Is Donald Trump fit to remain President of the United States?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Below copied from my copy of the DSM-IV, made easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, by Dr, James Morrison (pg. 461)


A lasting pattern of behavior and inner experience that markedly deviates from norms of the patient's culture; The pattern is manifested in at least two of these areas:
  • Affect (appropriateness, intensity, lability, and range of emotions
  • Cognition (how the patient perceives and interprets self, others and events)
  • Impulse control
  • Interpersonal functioning.
    • This pattern is fixed and effects many personal and social situations
    • This stable pattern has lasted a long time with roots in adolescence or young adulthood
    • The pattern isn't explained by another medical disorder
    • It isn't caused by a general medical condition or by the use of substances, including medications
***Cluster A:

Paranoid: These people are suspicious and quick to take offense. They often have few confidants and may read hidden meanings into innocent remarks.

Cluster B:

Antisocial: as adults they may default on debts, or otherwise show irresponsibility; act recklessly or impulsively; and show no remorse for their behavior.


Overly emotional, vague and attention-seeking; needing constant reassurance, self centered and sexually seductive.

Narcissistic: These people are self important and often preoccupied with envy, fantasies, or ruminations about the uniqueness of their own problems. Their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others. The vigorously reject criticism, and need constant attention and admiration.

Cluster C:


These people need the approval of other so much that they have trouble making independent decisions, or starting projects; they may even agree with others whom they know to be wrong. They fear abandonment, feel helpless when they are alone, and are miserable when relationships end. The are easily hurt by criticism and will even volunteer for unpleasant tasks to gain the favor of others.

Consider these are very general and not all bullet points will apply to The Donald, but many do. Focus now on the more comprehensive discussion on Narcissistic Personality Disorder: 301.81 (pg 485)

Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (real or fantasized), lack of empathy, and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient for only associations with (or understanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief that others envy patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior
Too many of these bullet points reflect the behavior of Donald Trump to be dismissed. The question, however, is this: is he qualified to be or remain The Most Powerful person in the world?
Your list reflects aspects of the human condition. It reminds me of a time when I asked a detective how could I be sure to never hire another embezzler for the rest of my business life. He looked at me and said "You really want to know how to tell who steals and who doesn't and how we can prevent this?" I affirmed that yes, I'd like to know. His answer? "We don't know, either."

You could take every human being on this planet, devise an elaborate narrative about them and deduct whatever you want to, but it's apparent to me you wouldn't dare do this rundown on Hillary Rodham because when she isn't doing something illegal where you can see her doing it, you don't see most of it until you have it examined by the very people Hillary controlled, because she had private information on everyone who the FBI have ever looked into, found the fault, and exploited it when beneficial to herself. Collaborators? Many of hers were worse than anyone they ever went after with their bludgeoning from the spin room. She also had in her possession dossiers on every FBI agent she could turn with false narratives. She skiied on the surface of the new information age. The only problem was, her criminal side was too well known for all the paid lawyers this side of the Atlantic to defend her rather bad reputation of betraying every good thing the conservatives of the land have done and she betrayed almost as many of her fellow Democrats as she did the rest of us.

And you are totally, completely, unequivocally disinterested in knowing bad things about Hillary Clinton from her lie, "I forget," to her most recent crime of concealment of information belonging to the American people she hid on the computer she bleach-bit and axed to smithereens when that was done. She's a liar and that was the largest obstruction of justice the entire Democrat family refused to notice on their way to the winner-takes-all wreath of roses.

The package of lies surrounding her alleged leads in the polls? Paid for phony polls to elicit a go-with-the-majority mindset of people who hadn't a clue who they were going to vote for 5 minutes before they arrived at the voting booth.

The only trouble with that must win thesis is that hypothetically, it discounted mature people who lived through her "I forget" bullshit and never trusted a Clinton even once after that. Those people in that category somehow may have accidentally on a purpose, missed getting polled for reasons only a crook pollster would know. And shill pollsters with an agenda know how to skew their own findings, because hypothetically, they're the ones who know how to omit a segment that might prevent them from earning the big bucks for their compliance with payors.

Just sayin'...

HRC is not President of the United States. Trump is, and he is unfit no matter what metric is applied.

But the point is, the left wing gave us Hillary as an option. Millions of people voted for that immoral crazy person, to be president.
Now you are complaining that Trump is unfit to be president.

Well you don't really have room to complain. You supported Hillary, did you not?

If you supported Hillary over Trump.... then you are being a hypocrite right now. Hillary was much worse than Trump.

Honestly, I hated both options. I would have much rather had someone else over either of them, which is why I voted for a 3rd party candidate.

But the lesser of the two evils was Trump. I know why people voted for Trump. It's because for most people the only other option was the detestable Hillary.

STATEMENTS: "Hillary was much worse than Trump...But the lesser of the two evils was Trump"

RESPONSE: You haven't posted any evidence, and if you did I suspect you would offer nothing as substantial as I have in re trump.

One cannot be sure how effective HRC would have been, had she been elected and not trump. However, I'm 99.9% certain the chaos created by trumps childish temperament, impulsive behaviors and flip flops will be found by historians to be the worst POTUS.

HRC was around politics for decades, served as First Lady and as a US Senator and Sect. of State. Her background alone assured me that she would not have led us into the myriad of problems trump has created.
Below copied from my copy of the DSM-IV, made easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, by Dr, James Morrison (pg. 461)


A lasting pattern of behavior and inner experience that markedly deviates from norms of the patient's culture; The pattern is manifested in at least two of these areas:
  • Affect (appropriateness, intensity, lability, and range of emotions
  • Cognition (how the patient perceives and interprets self, others and events)
  • Impulse control
  • Interpersonal functioning.
    • This pattern is fixed and effects many personal and social situations
    • This stable pattern has lasted a long time with roots in adolescence or young adulthood
    • The pattern isn't explained by another medical disorder
    • It isn't caused by a general medical condition or by the use of substances, including medications
***Cluster A:

Paranoid: These people are suspicious and quick to take offense. They often have few confidants and may read hidden meanings into innocent remarks.

Cluster B:

Antisocial: as adults they may default on debts, or otherwise show irresponsibility; act recklessly or impulsively; and show no remorse for their behavior.


Overly emotional, vague and attention-seeking; needing constant reassurance, self centered and sexually seductive.

Narcissistic: These people are self important and often preoccupied with envy, fantasies, or ruminations about the uniqueness of their own problems. Their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others. The vigorously reject criticism, and need constant attention and admiration.

Cluster C:


These people need the approval of other so much that they have trouble making independent decisions, or starting projects; they may even agree with others whom they know to be wrong. They fear abandonment, feel helpless when they are alone, and are miserable when relationships end. The are easily hurt by criticism and will even volunteer for unpleasant tasks to gain the favor of others.

Consider these are very general and not all bullet points will apply to The Donald, but many do. Focus now on the more comprehensive discussion on Narcissistic Personality Disorder: 301.81 (pg 485)

Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (real or fantasized), lack of empathy, and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient for only associations with (or understanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief that others envy patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior
Too many of these bullet points reflect the behavior of Donald Trump to be dismissed. The question, however, is this: is he qualified to be or remain The Most Powerful person in the world?
Your list reflects aspects of the human condition. It reminds me of a time when I asked a detective how could I be sure to never hire another embezzler for the rest of my business life. He looked at me and said "You really want to know how to tell who steals and who doesn't and how we can prevent this?" I affirmed that yes, I'd like to know. His answer? "We don't know, either."

You could take every human being on this planet, devise an elaborate narrative about them and deduct whatever you want to, but it's apparent to me you wouldn't dare do this rundown on Hillary Rodham because when she isn't doing something illegal where you can see her doing it, you don't see most of it until you have it examined by the very people Hillary controlled, because she had private information on everyone who the FBI have ever looked into, found the fault, and exploited it when beneficial to herself. Collaborators? Many of hers were worse than anyone they ever went after with their bludgeoning from the spin room. She also had in her possession dossiers on every FBI agent she could turn with false narratives. She skiied on the surface of the new information age. The only problem was, her criminal side was too well known for all the paid lawyers this side of the Atlantic to defend her rather bad reputation of betraying every good thing the conservatives of the land have done and she betrayed almost as many of her fellow Democrats as she did the rest of us.

And you are totally, completely, unequivocally disinterested in knowing bad things about Hillary Clinton from her lie, "I forget," to her most recent crime of concealment of information belonging to the American people she hid on the computer she bleach-bit and axed to smithereens when that was done. She's a liar and that was the largest obstruction of justice the entire Democrat family refused to notice on their way to the winner-takes-all wreath of roses.

The package of lies surrounding her alleged leads in the polls? Paid for phony polls to elicit a go-with-the-majority mindset of people who hadn't a clue who they were going to vote for 5 minutes before they arrived at the voting booth.

The only trouble with that must win thesis is that hypothetically, it discounted mature people who lived through her "I forget" bullshit and never trusted a Clinton even once after that. Those people in that category somehow may have accidentally on a purpose, missed getting polled for reasons only a crook pollster would know. And shill pollsters with an agenda know how to skew their own findings, because hypothetically, they're the ones who know how to omit a segment that might prevent them from earning the big bucks for their compliance with payors.

Just sayin'...

HRC is not President of the United States. Trump is, and he is unfit no matter what metric is applied.
Well, kiss my grits. President Trump's pro-America policies and his crusading to make America great again gets under Wry Catcher's nails and other sore losers. So Wry produces one milliliter of weaponized Skunk odor onto USMB about President Trump and wonders why nobody inhales. 'Scuse me while i chuckle a bit about Wry's hopeless cause of making a case outta what President Trump ain't become a full-blown self-fulfilling prophecy. Sorry, Wry, we conservatives also studied Psychology of politics which describes self-fulfilling prophecies as "crazy-makers." That was then. Now even typical Americans with not a minute of College Communications Psychology are totally deaf to all that leftist tongue-wagging, bragging, and gaggling on about all the bad things that Trump allegedly has done, but fortunately, never did. lolol Thanks for being so gewfy, Wry.
:tongue::twirl: :auiqs.jpg: :3: :biggrin::coffee: :laugh: :laughing0301: :D:777::laugh2: :lmao: :eusa_dance: :lol: :SMILEW~130: :razz: :eusa_whistle:

WOW! Nice rant; one of the longest ad hominems I've read. I completely understand your emotional outrage, cognitive dissonance CD) is very uncomfortable.

The long OP, if you read it, and in doing so went over trump's history, both in the long term, and since he was granted the power of the Presidency, may have raised a tiny bit of concern in your support for trump's ability to lead (especially a diverse nation of 300+ million citizens).

I hope your attack on me and my opinion gave you solace, though I didn't take anything you posted seriously, I'm sure others like you will applaud your words, even when they amount nothing thoughtful or thought provoking.
He pisses off liberals which makes him qualified in my book.
You prefer division to unity, insults to respect, childishness to responsibility and ineptitude to competence?

Well then when you signed up for Trump, you got your wish.
that sure is what Obama did--divided the country
not insults--fighting back--telling the truth
.....Trump has shown great restraint in not really going after the HATERS that attack him and his family--since 2016....attacking without justification
Without justification.

You either can't hear them, are willfully deaf or just brainwashed.
you are just braindead people just hate him because he got elected
..right after he got elected, you people CRIED and had tantrums
You really are deaf! We hate him because of his children mportment, his racism, his insults and his utter lack of empathy. Policy decisions that include separating families then displaying schadenfreude over it must not be praised but cursed. Tax cuts for the upper 10% and nothing for the masses must be decried, not embraced. Closing down science without oversight from congress must be criticized, not applauded. Telling Americans of color to go back to where they came from demands to be shouted down, not welcomed. Obstructing investigations into your own behavior calls for removal from office, not championed as justifiable. Insulting individual Americans must be shown as the bullying it is (what ever happened to Melania's anti-bullying Program?) and never ever accepted.

There are scores of reasons to hate the nastard. The election was two and a half years ago. Like Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol, Trump has labored on his chain of sins long and hard since then.'s all made up hated him BEFORE all of that now you just make up anything .....all the crap you mentioned is tainted
...they are not insults --but truth
that sure is what Obama did--divided the country
not insults--fighting back--telling the truth
.....Trump has shown great restraint in not really going after the HATERS that attack him and his family--since 2016....attacking without justification
Without justification.

You either can't hear them, are willfully deaf or just brainwashed.
you are just braindead people just hate him because he got elected
..right after he got elected, you people CRIED and had tantrums
You really are deaf! We hate him because of his children mportment, his racism, his insults and his utter lack of empathy. Policy decisions that include separating families then displaying schadenfreude over it must not be praised but cursed. Tax cuts for the upper 10% and nothing for the masses must be decried, not embraced. Closing down science without oversight from congress must be criticized, not applauded. Telling Americans of color to go back to where they came from demands to be shouted down, not welcomed. Obstructing investigations into your own behavior calls for removal from office, not championed as justifiable. Insulting individual Americans must be shown as the bullying it is (what ever happened to Melania's anti-bullying Program?) and never ever accepted.

There are scores of reasons to hate the nastard. The election was two and a half years ago. Like Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol, Trump has labored on his chain of sins long and hard since then.
You watch too much MSNBC if you believe that crap you just spewed. Either that or you are a paid Russian Shill.
Or I am a mature American citizen who never bought into the Trump playbook.

And I am, by the way, in the majority.
prove you are in the majority or your post is crap
I'll be waiting for your proof
He pisses off liberals which makes him qualified in my book.
You prefer division to unity, insults to respect, childishness to responsibility and ineptitude to competence?

Well then when you signed up for Trump, you got your wish.
that sure is what Obama did--divided the country
not insults--fighting back--telling the truth
.....Trump has shown great restraint in not really going after the HATERS that attack him and his family--since 2016....attacking without justification
Without justification.

You either can't hear them, are willfully deaf or just brainwashed.
you are just braindead people just hate him because he got elected
..right after he got elected, you people CRIED and had tantrums
You really are deaf! We hate him because of his children mportment, his racism, his insults and his utter lack of empathy. Policy decisions that include separating families then displaying schadenfreude over it must not be praised but cursed. Tax cuts for the upper 10% and nothing for the masses must be decried, not embraced. Closing down science without oversight from congress must be criticized, not applauded. Telling Americans of color to go back to where they came from demands to be shouted down, not welcomed. Obstructing investigations into your own behavior calls for removal from office, not championed as justifiable. Insulting individual Americans must be shown as the bullying it is (what ever happened to Melania's anti-bullying Program?) and never ever accepted.

There are scores of reasons to hate the nastard. The election was two and a half years ago. Like Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol, Trump has labored on his chain of sins long and hard since then.
..I can understand a few spelling mistakes, but you have many
settle down...your hate is ruining you
.....and everything you claim is leftist bullshit
What problems? Be specific as to origin.

You must be kidding: Most everything he has done can be classified as a clusterfuck.

Is that enough to enlighten you that trump is inept, inexperienced and for two years has further divided our country with his arrogance and total lack of decorum?
Below copied from my copy of the DSM-IV, made easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, by Dr, James Morrison (pg. 461)


A lasting pattern of behavior and inner experience that markedly deviates from norms of the patient's culture; The pattern is manifested in at least two of these areas:
  • Affect (appropriateness, intensity, lability, and range of emotions
  • Cognition (how the patient perceives and interprets self, others and events)
  • Impulse control
  • Interpersonal functioning.
    • This pattern is fixed and effects many personal and social situations
    • This stable pattern has lasted a long time with roots in adolescence or young adulthood
    • The pattern isn't explained by another medical disorder
    • It isn't caused by a general medical condition or by the use of substances, including medications
***Cluster A:

Paranoid: These people are suspicious and quick to take offense. They often have few confidants and may read hidden meanings into innocent remarks.

Cluster B:

Antisocial: as adults they may default on debts, or otherwise show irresponsibility; act recklessly or impulsively; and show no remorse for their behavior.


Overly emotional, vague and attention-seeking; needing constant reassurance, self centered and sexually seductive.

Narcissistic: These people are self important and often preoccupied with envy, fantasies, or ruminations about the uniqueness of their own problems. Their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others. The vigorously reject criticism, and need constant attention and admiration.

Cluster C:


These people need the approval of other so much that they have trouble making independent decisions, or starting projects; they may even agree with others whom they know to be wrong. They fear abandonment, feel helpless when they are alone, and are miserable when relationships end. The are easily hurt by criticism and will even volunteer for unpleasant tasks to gain the favor of others.

Consider these are very general and not all bullet points will apply to The Donald, but many do. Focus now on the more comprehensive discussion on Narcissistic Personality Disorder: 301.81 (pg 485)

Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (real or fantasized), lack of empathy, and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient for only associations with (or understanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief that others envy patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior
Too many of these bullet points reflect the behavior of Donald Trump to be dismissed. The question, however, is this: is he qualified to be or remain The Most Powerful person in the world?
Your list reflects aspects of the human condition. It reminds me of a time when I asked a detective how could I be sure to never hire another embezzler for the rest of my business life. He looked at me and said "You really want to know how to tell who steals and who doesn't and how we can prevent this?" I affirmed that yes, I'd like to know. His answer? "We don't know, either."

You could take every human being on this planet, devise an elaborate narrative about them and deduct whatever you want to, but it's apparent to me you wouldn't dare do this rundown on Hillary Rodham because when she isn't doing something illegal where you can see her doing it, you don't see most of it until you have it examined by the very people Hillary controlled, because she had private information on everyone who the FBI have ever looked into, found the fault, and exploited it when beneficial to herself. Collaborators? Many of hers were worse than anyone they ever went after with their bludgeoning from the spin room. She also had in her possession dossiers on every FBI agent she could turn with false narratives. She skiied on the surface of the new information age. The only problem was, her criminal side was too well known for all the paid lawyers this side of the Atlantic to defend her rather bad reputation of betraying every good thing the conservatives of the land have done and she betrayed almost as many of her fellow Democrats as she did the rest of us.

And you are totally, completely, unequivocally disinterested in knowing bad things about Hillary Clinton from her lie, "I forget," to her most recent crime of concealment of information belonging to the American people she hid on the computer she bleach-bit and axed to smithereens when that was done. She's a liar and that was the largest obstruction of justice the entire Democrat family refused to notice on their way to the winner-takes-all wreath of roses.

The package of lies surrounding her alleged leads in the polls? Paid for phony polls to elicit a go-with-the-majority mindset of people who hadn't a clue who they were going to vote for 5 minutes before they arrived at the voting booth.

The only trouble with that must win thesis is that hypothetically, it discounted mature people who lived through her "I forget" bullshit and never trusted a Clinton even once after that. Those people in that category somehow may have accidentally on a purpose, missed getting polled for reasons only a crook pollster would know. And shill pollsters with an agenda know how to skew their own findings, because hypothetically, they're the ones who know how to omit a segment that might prevent them from earning the big bucks for their compliance with payors.

Just sayin'...

HRC is not President of the United States. Trump is, and he is unfit no matter what metric is applied.
Well, kiss my grits. President Trump's pro-America policies and his crusading to make America great again gets under Wry Catcher's nails and other sore losers. So Wry produces one milliliter of weaponized Skunk odor onto USMB about President Trump and wonders why nobody inhales. 'Scuse me while i chuckle a bit about Wry's hopeless cause of making a case outta what President Trump ain't become a full-blown self-fulfilling prophecy. Sorry, Wry, we conservatives also studied Psychology of politics which describes self-fulfilling prophecies as "crazy-makers." That was then. Now even typical Americans with not a minute of College Communications Psychology are totally deaf to all that leftist tongue-wagging, bragging, and gaggling on about all the bad things that Trump allegedly has done, but fortunately, never did. lolol Thanks for being so gewfy, Wry.
:tongue::twirl: :auiqs.jpg: :3: :biggrin::coffee: :laugh: :laughing0301: :D:777::laugh2: :lmao: :eusa_dance: :lol: :SMILEW~130: :razz: :eusa_whistle:

WOW! Nice rant; one of the longest ad hominems I've read. I completely understand your emotional outrage, cognitive dissonance CD) is very uncomfortable.

The long OP, if you read it, and in doing so went over trump's history, both in the long term, and since he was granted the power of the Presidency, may have raised a tiny bit of concern in your support for trump's ability to lead (especially a diverse nation of 300+ million citizens).

I hope your attack on me and my opinion gave you solace, though I didn't take anything you posted seriously, I'm sure others like you will applaud your words, even when they amount nothing thoughtful or thought provoking.
..the OP is just more leftist babble--opinion only
Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.
He pisses off liberals which makes him qualified in my book.
You prefer division to unity, insults to respect, childishness to responsibility and ineptitude to competence?

Well then when you signed up for Trump, you got your wish.

I am tired of decades of surface sweetness masking a undermining of the US and its interests, and its people. I am tired of politicians saying one thing, and doing th e opposite. I am tired of politicians who lie out of both sides of their mouth while enriching themselves and their cronies, while screwing over the middle class.

You can choose to continue with that sort of bullshit, but i voted for trump because i am tired of the middle class being lied to, and screwed over by the billionaires who want to turn us back into serfs.

You may be stupid and ignorant of history. But I am not.

How do you feel about the Tax Reform written by the R's and signed by Trump - do you believe their rhetoric that it is reform, when the facts have proved otherwise?
Below copied from my copy of the DSM-IV, made easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, by Dr, James Morrison (pg. 461)


A lasting pattern of behavior and inner experience that markedly deviates from norms of the patient's culture; The pattern is manifested in at least two of these areas:
  • Affect (appropriateness, intensity, lability, and range of emotions
  • Cognition (how the patient perceives and interprets self, others and events)
  • Impulse control
  • Interpersonal functioning.
    • This pattern is fixed and effects many personal and social situations
    • This stable pattern has lasted a long time with roots in adolescence or young adulthood
    • The pattern isn't explained by another medical disorder
    • It isn't caused by a general medical condition or by the use of substances, including medications
***Cluster A:

Paranoid: These people are suspicious and quick to take offense. They often have few confidants and may read hidden meanings into innocent remarks.

Cluster B:

Antisocial: as adults they may default on debts, or otherwise show irresponsibility; act recklessly or impulsively; and show no remorse for their behavior.


Overly emotional, vague and attention-seeking; needing constant reassurance, self centered and sexually seductive.

Narcissistic: These people are self important and often preoccupied with envy, fantasies, or ruminations about the uniqueness of their own problems. Their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others. The vigorously reject criticism, and need constant attention and admiration.

Cluster C:


These people need the approval of other so much that they have trouble making independent decisions, or starting projects; they may even agree with others whom they know to be wrong. They fear abandonment, feel helpless when they are alone, and are miserable when relationships end. The are easily hurt by criticism and will even volunteer for unpleasant tasks to gain the favor of others.

Consider these are very general and not all bullet points will apply to The Donald, but many do. Focus now on the more comprehensive discussion on Narcissistic Personality Disorder: 301.81 (pg 485)

Beginning by early adult life, grandiosity (real or fantasized), lack of empathy, and need for admiration are present in a variety of situations and shown by at least five of these:
  • A grandiose sense of self importance (patient exaggerates own abilities and accomplishments)
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of beauty, brilliance, ideal love, power, or limitless success
  • Belief that personal uniqueness renders the patient for only associations with (or understanding by) people or institutions of rarefied status
  • Need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (patient unreasonably expects favorable treatment or automatic granting of his own wishes
  • Exploitation of others to achieve personal goals
  • Lack of empathy (patient does not recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
  • Frequent envy of others or belief that others envy patient
  • Arrogance or haughtiness in attitude or behavior
Too many of these bullet points reflect the behavior of Donald Trump to be dismissed. The question, however, is this: is he qualified to be or remain The Most Powerful person in the world?
Your list reflects aspects of the human condition. It reminds me of a time when I asked a detective how could I be sure to never hire another embezzler for the rest of my business life. He looked at me and said "You really want to know how to tell who steals and who doesn't and how we can prevent this?" I affirmed that yes, I'd like to know. His answer? "We don't know, either."

You could take every human being on this planet, devise an elaborate narrative about them and deduct whatever you want to, but it's apparent to me you wouldn't dare do this rundown on Hillary Rodham because when she isn't doing something illegal where you can see her doing it, you don't see most of it until you have it examined by the very people Hillary controlled, because she had private information on everyone who the FBI have ever looked into, found the fault, and exploited it when beneficial to herself. Collaborators? Many of hers were worse than anyone they ever went after with their bludgeoning from the spin room. She also had in her possession dossiers on every FBI agent she could turn with false narratives. She skiied on the surface of the new information age. The only problem was, her criminal side was too well known for all the paid lawyers this side of the Atlantic to defend her rather bad reputation of betraying every good thing the conservatives of the land have done and she betrayed almost as many of her fellow Democrats as she did the rest of us.

And you are totally, completely, unequivocally disinterested in knowing bad things about Hillary Clinton from her lie, "I forget," to her most recent crime of concealment of information belonging to the American people she hid on the computer she bleach-bit and axed to smithereens when that was done. She's a liar and that was the largest obstruction of justice the entire Democrat family refused to notice on their way to the winner-takes-all wreath of roses.

The package of lies surrounding her alleged leads in the polls? Paid for phony polls to elicit a go-with-the-majority mindset of people who hadn't a clue who they were going to vote for 5 minutes before they arrived at the voting booth.

The only trouble with that must win thesis is that hypothetically, it discounted mature people who lived through her "I forget" bullshit and never trusted a Clinton even once after that. Those people in that category somehow may have accidentally on a purpose, missed getting polled for reasons only a crook pollster would know. And shill pollsters with an agenda know how to skew their own findings, because hypothetically, they're the ones who know how to omit a segment that might prevent them from earning the big bucks for their compliance with payors.

Just sayin'...

HRC is not President of the United States. Trump is, and he is unfit no matter what metric is applied.
Well, kiss my grits. President Trump's pro-America policies and his crusading to make America great again gets under Wry Catcher's nails and other sore losers. So Wry produces one milliliter of weaponized Skunk odor onto USMB about President Trump and wonders why nobody inhales. 'Scuse me while i chuckle a bit about Wry's hopeless cause of making a case outta what President Trump ain't become a full-blown self-fulfilling prophecy. Sorry, Wry, we conservatives also studied Psychology of politics which describes self-fulfilling prophecies as "crazy-makers." That was then. Now even typical Americans with not a minute of College Communications Psychology are totally deaf to all that leftist tongue-wagging, bragging, and gaggling on about all the bad things that Trump allegedly has done, but fortunately, never did. lolol Thanks for being so gewfy, Wry.
:tongue::twirl: :auiqs.jpg: :3: :biggrin::coffee: :laugh: :laughing0301: :D:777::laugh2: :lmao: :eusa_dance: :lol: :SMILEW~130: :razz: :eusa_whistle:

WOW! Nice rant; one of the longest ad hominems I've read. I completely understand your emotional outrage, cognitive dissonance CD) is very uncomfortable.

The long OP, if you read it, and in doing so went over trump's history, both in the long term, and since he was granted the power of the Presidency, may have raised a tiny bit of concern in your support for trump's ability to lead (especially a diverse nation of 300+ million citizens).

I hope your attack on me and my opinion gave you solace, though I didn't take anything you posted seriously, I'm sure others like you will applaud your words, even when they amount nothing thoughtful or thought provoking.
..the OP is just more leftist babble--opinion only
Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.

Apparently you want the reader to believe you know more than a series of Ph.d. Mental Health specialists who have written 5 iterations of the DSM for Psychiatrists and Psychologists to have a road map on mental illness.

Science and scientific theories no longer matter to the anti-intellectual set who dominate this message board; most, like you(?) accept conspiracy theories over well established scientific ones.

What is DSM and why is it important?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the handbook used by health care professionals in the United States and much of the world as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders. DSM contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. It provides a common language for clinicians to communicate about their patients and establishes consistent and reliable diagnoses that can be used in the research of mental disorders. It also provides a common language for researchers to study the criteria for potential future revisions and to aid in the development of medications and other interventions.

Why was DSM revised?

DSM has been periodically reviewed and revised since it was first published in 1952. The previous version of DSM was completed nearly two decades ago; since that time, there has been a wealth of new research and knowledge about mental disorders.


What problems? Be specific as to origin.

You must be kidding: Most everything he has done can be classified as a clusterfuck.

Is that enough to enlighten you that trump is inept, inexperienced and for two years has further divided our country with his arrogance and total lack of decorum?
more babble ...keep babbling
........NOT a clusterF--that's called LEADING/cleaning house--which is what the US has needed for a long time
...Obama is the one who divided the country --NOT Trump
Your list reflects aspects of the human condition. It reminds me of a time when I asked a detective how could I be sure to never hire another embezzler for the rest of my business life. He looked at me and said "You really want to know how to tell who steals and who doesn't and how we can prevent this?" I affirmed that yes, I'd like to know. His answer? "We don't know, either."

You could take every human being on this planet, devise an elaborate narrative about them and deduct whatever you want to, but it's apparent to me you wouldn't dare do this rundown on Hillary Rodham because when she isn't doing something illegal where you can see her doing it, you don't see most of it until you have it examined by the very people Hillary controlled, because she had private information on everyone who the FBI have ever looked into, found the fault, and exploited it when beneficial to herself. Collaborators? Many of hers were worse than anyone they ever went after with their bludgeoning from the spin room. She also had in her possession dossiers on every FBI agent she could turn with false narratives. She skiied on the surface of the new information age. The only problem was, her criminal side was too well known for all the paid lawyers this side of the Atlantic to defend her rather bad reputation of betraying every good thing the conservatives of the land have done and she betrayed almost as many of her fellow Democrats as she did the rest of us.

And you are totally, completely, unequivocally disinterested in knowing bad things about Hillary Clinton from her lie, "I forget," to her most recent crime of concealment of information belonging to the American people she hid on the computer she bleach-bit and axed to smithereens when that was done. She's a liar and that was the largest obstruction of justice the entire Democrat family refused to notice on their way to the winner-takes-all wreath of roses.

The package of lies surrounding her alleged leads in the polls? Paid for phony polls to elicit a go-with-the-majority mindset of people who hadn't a clue who they were going to vote for 5 minutes before they arrived at the voting booth.

The only trouble with that must win thesis is that hypothetically, it discounted mature people who lived through her "I forget" bullshit and never trusted a Clinton even once after that. Those people in that category somehow may have accidentally on a purpose, missed getting polled for reasons only a crook pollster would know. And shill pollsters with an agenda know how to skew their own findings, because hypothetically, they're the ones who know how to omit a segment that might prevent them from earning the big bucks for their compliance with payors.

Just sayin'...

HRC is not President of the United States. Trump is, and he is unfit no matter what metric is applied.
Well, kiss my grits. President Trump's pro-America policies and his crusading to make America great again gets under Wry Catcher's nails and other sore losers. So Wry produces one milliliter of weaponized Skunk odor onto USMB about President Trump and wonders why nobody inhales. 'Scuse me while i chuckle a bit about Wry's hopeless cause of making a case outta what President Trump ain't become a full-blown self-fulfilling prophecy. Sorry, Wry, we conservatives also studied Psychology of politics which describes self-fulfilling prophecies as "crazy-makers." That was then. Now even typical Americans with not a minute of College Communications Psychology are totally deaf to all that leftist tongue-wagging, bragging, and gaggling on about all the bad things that Trump allegedly has done, but fortunately, never did. lolol Thanks for being so gewfy, Wry.
:tongue::twirl: :auiqs.jpg: :3: :biggrin::coffee: :laugh: :laughing0301: :D:777::laugh2: :lmao: :eusa_dance: :lol: :SMILEW~130: :razz: :eusa_whistle:

WOW! Nice rant; one of the longest ad hominems I've read. I completely understand your emotional outrage, cognitive dissonance CD) is very uncomfortable.

The long OP, if you read it, and in doing so went over trump's history, both in the long term, and since he was granted the power of the Presidency, may have raised a tiny bit of concern in your support for trump's ability to lead (especially a diverse nation of 300+ million citizens).

I hope your attack on me and my opinion gave you solace, though I didn't take anything you posted seriously, I'm sure others like you will applaud your words, even when they amount nothing thoughtful or thought provoking.
..the OP is just more leftist babble--opinion only
Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.

Apparently you want the reader to believe you know more than a series of Ph.d. Mental Health specialists who have written 5 iterations of the DSM for Psychiatrists and Psychologists to have a road map on mental illness.

Science and scientific theories no longer matter to the anti-intellectual set who dominate this message board; most, like you(?) accept conspiracy theories over well established scientific ones.

What is DSM and why is it important?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the handbook used by health care professionals in the United States and much of the world as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders. DSM contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. It provides a common language for clinicians to communicate about their patients and establishes consistent and reliable diagnoses that can be used in the research of mental disorders. It also provides a common language for researchers to study the criteria for potential future revisions and to aid in the development of medications and other interventions.

Why was DSM revised?

DSM has been periodically reviewed and revised since it was first published in 1952. The previous version of DSM was completed nearly two decades ago; since that time, there has been a wealth of new research and knowledge about mental disorders.


burt none of that relates to Trump----hahahahahahahah
you just WISH that it does
He pisses off liberals which makes him qualified in my book.
You prefer division to unity, insults to respect, childishness to responsibility and ineptitude to competence?

Well then when you signed up for Trump, you got your wish.
I voted for Trump because he respects our American heritage.

True respect for “American heritage” gives all honour to the Native Americans. They been here longest, and to immigrants who built the country. Trump doesn’t honour respect either Native Americans or immigrants.

In order to respect your “heritage”, you have to know your history. Trump thinks the Star-Spangled Banner was written during the revolutionary war. He said the revolutionary soldiers “captured the airports”.

But by “American Heritage” you meant white people. I don’t respect people based on the colour of their skin. I respect people based on their words and their deeds. Everything Trump says or does belittles, demeans or divides.
HRC is not President of the United States. Trump is, and he is unfit no matter what metric is applied.
Well, kiss my grits. President Trump's pro-America policies and his crusading to make America great again gets under Wry Catcher's nails and other sore losers. So Wry produces one milliliter of weaponized Skunk odor onto USMB about President Trump and wonders why nobody inhales. 'Scuse me while i chuckle a bit about Wry's hopeless cause of making a case outta what President Trump ain't become a full-blown self-fulfilling prophecy. Sorry, Wry, we conservatives also studied Psychology of politics which describes self-fulfilling prophecies as "crazy-makers." That was then. Now even typical Americans with not a minute of College Communications Psychology are totally deaf to all that leftist tongue-wagging, bragging, and gaggling on about all the bad things that Trump allegedly has done, but fortunately, never did. lolol Thanks for being so gewfy, Wry.
:tongue::twirl: :auiqs.jpg: :3: :biggrin::coffee: :laugh: :laughing0301: :D:777::laugh2: :lmao: :eusa_dance: :lol: :SMILEW~130: :razz: :eusa_whistle:

WOW! Nice rant; one of the longest ad hominems I've read. I completely understand your emotional outrage, cognitive dissonance CD) is very uncomfortable.

The long OP, if you read it, and in doing so went over trump's history, both in the long term, and since he was granted the power of the Presidency, may have raised a tiny bit of concern in your support for trump's ability to lead (especially a diverse nation of 300+ million citizens).

I hope your attack on me and my opinion gave you solace, though I didn't take anything you posted seriously, I'm sure others like you will applaud your words, even when they amount nothing thoughtful or thought provoking.
..the OP is just more leftist babble--opinion only
Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.

Apparently you want the reader to believe you know more than a series of Ph.d. Mental Health specialists who have written 5 iterations of the DSM for Psychiatrists and Psychologists to have a road map on mental illness.

Science and scientific theories no longer matter to the anti-intellectual set who dominate this message board; most, like you(?) accept conspiracy theories over well established scientific ones.

What is DSM and why is it important?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the handbook used by health care professionals in the United States and much of the world as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders. DSM contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. It provides a common language for clinicians to communicate about their patients and establishes consistent and reliable diagnoses that can be used in the research of mental disorders. It also provides a common language for researchers to study the criteria for potential future revisions and to aid in the development of medications and other interventions.

Why was DSM revised?

DSM has been periodically reviewed and revised since it was first published in 1952. The previous version of DSM was completed nearly two decades ago; since that time, there has been a wealth of new research and knowledge about mental disorders.


burt none of that relates to Trump----hahahahahahahah
you just WISH that it does

Consider this: DENIAL, "a psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality.
Well, kiss my grits. President Trump's pro-America policies and his crusading to make America great again gets under Wry Catcher's nails and other sore losers. So Wry produces one milliliter of weaponized Skunk odor onto USMB about President Trump and wonders why nobody inhales. 'Scuse me while i chuckle a bit about Wry's hopeless cause of making a case outta what President Trump ain't become a full-blown self-fulfilling prophecy. Sorry, Wry, we conservatives also studied Psychology of politics which describes self-fulfilling prophecies as "crazy-makers." That was then. Now even typical Americans with not a minute of College Communications Psychology are totally deaf to all that leftist tongue-wagging, bragging, and gaggling on about all the bad things that Trump allegedly has done, but fortunately, never did. lolol Thanks for being so gewfy, Wry.
:tongue::twirl: :auiqs.jpg: :3: :biggrin::coffee: :laugh: :laughing0301: :D:777::laugh2: :lmao: :eusa_dance: :lol: :SMILEW~130: :razz: :eusa_whistle:

WOW! Nice rant; one of the longest ad hominems I've read. I completely understand your emotional outrage, cognitive dissonance CD) is very uncomfortable.

The long OP, if you read it, and in doing so went over trump's history, both in the long term, and since he was granted the power of the Presidency, may have raised a tiny bit of concern in your support for trump's ability to lead (especially a diverse nation of 300+ million citizens).

I hope your attack on me and my opinion gave you solace, though I didn't take anything you posted seriously, I'm sure others like you will applaud your words, even when they amount nothing thoughtful or thought provoking.
..the OP is just more leftist babble--opinion only
Learn to pronounce
  1. 1.
    talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way.

Apparently you want the reader to believe you know more than a series of Ph.d. Mental Health specialists who have written 5 iterations of the DSM for Psychiatrists and Psychologists to have a road map on mental illness.

Science and scientific theories no longer matter to the anti-intellectual set who dominate this message board; most, like you(?) accept conspiracy theories over well established scientific ones.

What is DSM and why is it important?

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the handbook used by health care professionals in the United States and much of the world as the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders. DSM contains descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. It provides a common language for clinicians to communicate about their patients and establishes consistent and reliable diagnoses that can be used in the research of mental disorders. It also provides a common language for researchers to study the criteria for potential future revisions and to aid in the development of medications and other interventions.

Why was DSM revised?

DSM has been periodically reviewed and revised since it was first published in 1952. The previous version of DSM was completed nearly two decades ago; since that time, there has been a wealth of new research and knowledge about mental disorders.


burt none of that relates to Trump----hahahahahahahah
you just WISH that it does

Consider this: DENIAL, "a psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality.
YOU are not a doctor/psychologist/etc
you are just babbling
Don't you fucking parrots ever come up with another premise for a thread other than "Orange Man Bad"?

Trump's rent-free between your ears, poking your brain with a tiny pitchfork every 4 minutes. :cuckoo:
You prefer division to unity, insults to respect, childishness to responsibility and ineptitude to competence?

Well then when you signed up for Trump, you got your wish.
that sure is what Obama did--divided the country
not insults--fighting back--telling the truth
.....Trump has shown great restraint in not really going after the HATERS that attack him and his family--since 2016....attacking without justification
Without justification.

You either can't hear them, are willfully deaf or just brainwashed.
you are just braindead people just hate him because he got elected
..right after he got elected, you people CRIED and had tantrums
You really are deaf! We hate him because of his children mportment, his racism, his insults and his utter lack of empathy. Policy decisions that include separating families then displaying schadenfreude over it must not be praised but cursed. Tax cuts for the upper 10% and nothing for the masses must be decried, not embraced. Closing down science without oversight from congress must be criticized, not applauded. Telling Americans of color to go back to where they came from demands to be shouted down, not welcomed. Obstructing investigations into your own behavior calls for removal from office, not championed as justifiable. Insulting individual Americans must be shown as the bullying it is (what ever happened to Melania's anti-bullying Program?) and never ever accepted.

There are scores of reasons to hate the nastard. The election was two and a half years ago. Like Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol, Trump has labored on his chain of sins long and hard since then.'s all made up hated him BEFORE all of that now you just make up anything .....all the crap you mentioned is tainted
...they are not insults --but truth
"See the sky? It's really maroon, not blue at all!"
Without justification.

You either can't hear them, are willfully deaf or just brainwashed.
you are just braindead people just hate him because he got elected
..right after he got elected, you people CRIED and had tantrums
You really are deaf! We hate him because of his children mportment, his racism, his insults and his utter lack of empathy. Policy decisions that include separating families then displaying schadenfreude over it must not be praised but cursed. Tax cuts for the upper 10% and nothing for the masses must be decried, not embraced. Closing down science without oversight from congress must be criticized, not applauded. Telling Americans of color to go back to where they came from demands to be shouted down, not welcomed. Obstructing investigations into your own behavior calls for removal from office, not championed as justifiable. Insulting individual Americans must be shown as the bullying it is (what ever happened to Melania's anti-bullying Program?) and never ever accepted.

There are scores of reasons to hate the nastard. The election was two and a half years ago. Like Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol, Trump has labored on his chain of sins long and hard since then.
You watch too much MSNBC if you believe that crap you just spewed. Either that or you are a paid Russian Shill.
Or I am a mature American citizen who never bought into the Trump playbook.

And I am, by the way, in the majority.
prove you are in the majority or your post is crap
I'll be waiting for your proof
Trump never polled above 50%!
You prefer division to unity, insults to respect, childishness to responsibility and ineptitude to competence?

Well then when you signed up for Trump, you got your wish.
that sure is what Obama did--divided the country
not insults--fighting back--telling the truth
.....Trump has shown great restraint in not really going after the HATERS that attack him and his family--since 2016....attacking without justification
Without justification.

You either can't hear them, are willfully deaf or just brainwashed.
you are just braindead people just hate him because he got elected
..right after he got elected, you people CRIED and had tantrums
You really are deaf! We hate him because of his children mportment, his racism, his insults and his utter lack of empathy. Policy decisions that include separating families then displaying schadenfreude over it must not be praised but cursed. Tax cuts for the upper 10% and nothing for the masses must be decried, not embraced. Closing down science without oversight from congress must be criticized, not applauded. Telling Americans of color to go back to where they came from demands to be shouted down, not welcomed. Obstructing investigations into your own behavior calls for removal from office, not championed as justifiable. Insulting individual Americans must be shown as the bullying it is (what ever happened to Melania's anti-bullying Program?) and never ever accepted.

There are scores of reasons to hate the nastard. The election was two and a half years ago. Like Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol, Trump has labored on his chain of sins long and hard since then.
..I can understand a few spelling mistakes, but you have many
settle down...your hate is ruining you
.....and everything you claim is leftist bullshit
There's a penetrating insight
you are just braindead people just hate him because he got elected
..right after he got elected, you people CRIED and had tantrums
You really are deaf! We hate him because of his children mportment, his racism, his insults and his utter lack of empathy. Policy decisions that include separating families then displaying schadenfreude over it must not be praised but cursed. Tax cuts for the upper 10% and nothing for the masses must be decried, not embraced. Closing down science without oversight from congress must be criticized, not applauded. Telling Americans of color to go back to where they came from demands to be shouted down, not welcomed. Obstructing investigations into your own behavior calls for removal from office, not championed as justifiable. Insulting individual Americans must be shown as the bullying it is (what ever happened to Melania's anti-bullying Program?) and never ever accepted.

There are scores of reasons to hate the nastard. The election was two and a half years ago. Like Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol, Trump has labored on his chain of sins long and hard since then.
You watch too much MSNBC if you believe that crap you just spewed. Either that or you are a paid Russian Shill.
Or I am a mature American citizen who never bought into the Trump playbook.

And I am, by the way, in the majority.
prove you are in the majority or your post is crap
I'll be waiting for your proof
Trump never polled above 50%!
I knew you would say some dumbshit--you fell into my trap:
they don't ''poll'' EVERYBODY---not even half the country
you just fked up
and not even everyone votes in the elections!!!!
  • Around 138 million Americans voted in the 2016 presidential election. From Business Insider.

  • However, those 138 million Americans only make up 58.1% of our voting-eligible population (those American citizens over 18). From United States Elections Project.
58% TOTAL voters!!!!
Library Guides: Post-Election 2016 Recap & Resources: Voter Turnout

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