Is Donald Trump the greatest president ever? Many think so.

Notice when the poster referred to soap and toothpaste the worthless lying scum Right create a Straw Man to attack!!!
Lol, the truth got you on that one? This is so amusing that you bring illegal children up to make Trump look bad, and it was Obama's policies that did this to begin with. Maybe you should just shut up about it, and quit proving yourself a fool.
Notice no lying scum Right-winger can post an Obama policy that denies children soap and toothpaste. All they can do is deflect!

Ed you lying fuck, there is no policy under Trump that denies children soap and toothpaste. You're such a fucking liar.

Running out of toothpaste because democrats have swamped the system with hundreds of thousands of new democrat voters is not a policy, you putrid pile of shit.

His DOJ argued that they were not entitled to it.

The Executive (republicans currently) runs the CBP. Blaming the democrats is false.

Wrong Comrade, ICE argued that if they had shortages it was not sufficient reason to release detainees.

You commies are such fucking liars.
Up your game, the insults are boring.


What have you offered this, or any discussion?

Another mindless Marxist with an utter void in his cranium.


That’s priceless. I’m a Marxist because I’m not a Trump myrmidon. Ok, the game needs work but the hyperbole is excellent.

Are you NOT a democrat? :dunno:

Remember, your party isn't pretending anymore....

True. A Blue Dog to be precise. Not all Democrats embrace progressive ideas. Some of us are actual centrists.
Nothing you are stating comes close to facts. The fact is deficit Donald has been great at increasing deficits and dividing the country. Nothing else has really worked. NK is still firing missiles. Still in a trade war with China. Healthcare reform failed. Market is stagnant for over a year. Economy is slowing....

Everything I posted is absolute, verified fact, as you know.

Market stagnant?


Fucking liar.

And what do you mean "still a trade war with China?" Mugabe was giving away the store, he was Beijing's little bitch. He NEVER stood up to Xi, spent his whole term on his knees.
While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.

Only internet trolls and people paid by Russia think so. Ijit
It speaks volumes when a shock jock entertainer is considered for the label of greatest President ever.
It speaks volumes when a poster ignores the incredibly long list of accomplishments of President Trump, and talks about "shock jock entertainer".
It speaks volumes when a shock jock entertainer is considered for the label of greatest President ever.


What a moron.

I agree, that’s it’s absurd to consider Trump the greatest.

Well done. :)
They believe it, I'm telling you.

Their world has become so small that this makes perfect sense to them.

Who do you consider the greatest president?

Or better yet, explain WHY you think Obamugabe was the greatest president? Was it Fast & Furious? His backing of Al Qaeda in Libya and Egypt? His creation of ISIS? His work to provide Iran with nuclear weapons? His interference in the Israeli elections? His interference in the 2016 presidential election? Benghazi?

So in your mind, you just fabricate my opinion and then just run with it. Out of nowhere.

It's beginning to look as if you people can no longer distinguish between fantasy and reality.

For the record, it's a dumb question. Presidents all face profoundly different challenges.

Good gawd, you people. You've been completely conned.

I asked you a question. Not surprised you ducked it.
Up your game, the insults are boring.


What have you offered this, or any discussion?

Another mindless Marxist with an utter void in his cranium.


That’s priceless. I’m a Marxist because I’m not a Trump myrmidon. Ok, the game needs work but the hyperbole is excellent.

Are you NOT a democrat? :dunno:

Remember, your party isn't pretending anymore....

True. A Blue Dog to be precise. Not all Democrats embrace progressive ideas. Some of us are actual centrists.

That was true 10 years ago. No one can associate with the democrats now who is not a Marxist.
While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.


About 10% of the US population worship Trump like he's a god.

So yes, many believe he's the best President ever.
While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.

Only internet trolls and people paid by Russia think so. Ijit

You Hamas creeps are still mad that Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved America's embassy..
Is blowing up civilians at a bus stop morally correct and the will of god?

Many think so.

Are you planning something commie?
You should probably learn what a communist is, psychopath

You should learn what a lawyer is, fraud.

What is it about worn-out socialist “worker paradises” like the old Soviet Union and Cuba that bring out the romantic in American radical politicians?

After Vermont senator Bernie Sanders announced his run for president, Britain’s Guardian newspaper pawed through old archives in his home town of Burlington, Vermont where he served as mayor in the 1980s. They discovered that Sanders really did practice the socialist solidarity he preached about rhetorically.

During Bernie’s mayoral tenure, Burlington formed an alliance with the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, 160 miles northeast of Moscow. When in 1988 he married his wife, Jane, the mayor decided it would be a perfect place for his honeymoon. In a tape of his interview with Yaroslavl’s mayor, Alexander Riabkov, Sanders acknowledges that housing and health care appear to be “significantly better” in the U.S. than in the socialist paradise. “However,” he added, “the cost of both services is much, much, higher in the United States.”}

Bernie Sanders' Socialist USSR Honeymoon | [site:name] | National Review
Tramp supporters, like dogs, drink out of toilets so they see nothing wrong with it.
Oh my, lol. Thank you for proving my point. So you think they are drinking out of toilets?
According to sworn testimony the sinks were broken and never fixed forcing them to drink from toilets.
Notice how the Right NEVER tells the whole truth when they lie!!!!
Oh bullshit, the toilet and the sink are in one unit. If one is broke, so is the other. But let' get to the facts with you lies. So if they are drinking out of toilets because democrats wouldn't give them the money to fix them. See how that works?
Nope, you actually believed aoc's lies. That's comedy gold. Tell me where was your outrage when these children were suffering so bad under Obama? They are getting treated the same way. I'd say better now because of this fake outrage.
I don't believe YOUR lies and the the FACT that children had to drink out of toilets came from SWORN TESTIMONY and not AOC, remember Tramp was taken to court over this, and he lost!
Is blowing up civilians at a bus stop morally correct and the will of god?

Many think so.

Are you planning something commie?
No, Nazi. So don't bother suggesting i do it to brown people or jews.

It's you filthy fucks who are the Antisemites, stupid.

Say, did the holocaust denying NY Times ever fire the Antisemite chief editor?

Of course not, you commie fucks are some JOOOOO hating bastards.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told Breitbart News exclusively in response to the first piece exposing Wright-Piersanti that she and the White House were “disgusted” by the comments he made about Jews and others.

“I am disgusted but not surprised by this latest revelation out of the New York Times,” Grisham said in a statement provided exclusively to Breitbart News. “Will there be consequences? Doubtful. The New York Times is too busy weaponizing journalism to harass this President and the people who work for him to bother holding their own people accountable.”

Wright-Piersanti has been criticized from all sides in the wake of these revelations, as has the New York Times. In a phone interview on Thursday, Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) president Mort Klein called on the Times to fire him immediately and launch an internal review of the newspaper’s hiring practices and editorial processes.

“First of all, the New York Times should fire this editor immediately,” Klein, a leading pro-Israel voice in America, said. Klein continued:

If he had come out with tweets making these types of remarks against blacks or gays or women, he’d be gone in a nanosecond. Why is there a different standard when you attack Jewish people? So he should be fired immediately. With respect to the New York Times, the newspaper who for decades has been biased against and hostile to the Jewish state of Israel in article after article, editorial after editorial—a newspaper that only recently had the most vicious antisemitic cartoon, it should be a newspaper that is overly sensitive to refrain from appearing hostile to Jews and immediately take action against an antisemitic editor and make a public statement concerning this issue.

New York Times: Antisemitic, Racist Tweets from Politics Editor Violate Standards, Considering Next Steps | Breitbart
While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.


ILMAO at trying to support this with 4% GDP, it hasn't happened.

Otherwise I agree, he's a great POTUS, especially at this time in history.
While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.



not only is he the worst president ever but he is also one of the 40 million worst Americans!
While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.



not only is he the worst president ever but he is also one of the 40 million worst Americans!

Worst POTUS ever because [fill in the blank]

I can do it for you, save you some time. Cuz liberal "news media" told you so.

not only is he the worst president ever but he is also one of the 40 million worst Americans!

Yeah, I mean the way he sold guns to Mexican drug cartels. The way he supported Al Qaeda in the take over of the Middle East (which the little Goebbels calls an "Arab Spring"). The way he interfered in the presidential election, using the DOJ and FBI, the way he gave pallet loads of cash to Iran to support their efforts to become a nuclear power. What a pile of shit.

Oh wait, all of that was your little tin god Obama...
It's you filthy fucks who are the Antisemites, stupid.
Hmm, sorry, your specious conflation holds no weight, Nazi,nor is it a defense of your Nazism.

The Nazis are you filthy fucks.

I mean, which side has Brown Shirts out on Kristalnacht, shit fer brains?


Which side is Antisemitic?

Here's a List of Racist, Jew-Hating Statements Made By the Democrat Jihad-Squad - Geller Report News

See, you're a fucking liar, but you're WAY too stupid to pull it off. You just look like a fool.

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