Is Donald Trump the greatest president ever? Many think so.

It speaks volumes when a shock jock entertainer is considered for the label of greatest President ever.
It speaks volumes when a poster ignores the incredibly long list of accomplishments of President Trump, and talks about "shock jock entertainer".
It speaks volumes when a shock jock entertainer is considered for the label of greatest President ever.


What a moron.

I agree, that’s it’s absurd to consider Trump the greatest.

Well done. :)
They believe it, I'm telling you.

Their world has become so small that this makes perfect sense to them.

Who do you consider the greatest president?

Or better yet, explain WHY you think Obamugabe was the greatest president? Was it Fast & Furious? His backing of Al Qaeda in Libya and Egypt? His creation of ISIS? His work to provide Iran with nuclear weapons? His interference in the Israeli elections? His interference in the 2016 presidential election? Benghazi?

While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.

Hmm,no, closer to the worst. A historically unfit, failed human and a global embarrassment.

“Historically unfit” LMAO. 100% subjective. Not even sure what that means. “Failed Human”. LMAO far from it. “Global embarrassment” what in the blue hell is that? You’re stupid.
Up your game, the insults are boring.


What have you offered this, or any discussion?

Another mindless Marxist with an utter void in his cranium.


That’s priceless. I’m a Marxist because I’m not a Trump myrmidon. Ok, the game needs work but the hyperbole is excellent.
Lol, the truth got you on that one? This is so amusing that you bring illegal children up to make Trump look bad, and it was Obama's policies that did this to begin with. Maybe you should just shut up about it, and quit proving yourself a fool.
Notice no lying scum Right-winger can post an Obama policy that denies children soap and toothpaste. All they can do is deflect!

Ed you lying fuck, there is no policy under Trump that denies children soap and toothpaste. You're such a fucking liar.

Running out of toothpaste because democrats have swamped the system with hundreds of thousands of new democrat voters is not a policy, you putrid pile of shit.

His DOJ argued that they were not entitled to it.

The Executive (republicans currently) runs the CBP. Blaming the democrats is false.
He's likely to be in the running for worst with Bush. So far it's been really bad.

The worst president in history is that corrupt fuck, Barack Obamugabe, America's first Potentate.
Wow you kill your credibility there. He got us out of the great recession. Deficit Donald has even increased his deficits, while expanding the power of government. We have a slowing economy.

Wow, you never had credibility to begin with.

Despite the desire of you on the left to crash the economy, it is still doing better than any time under the Mugabe regime. But beyond the economy was the use of the departments of government to rig the 2016 election. That Mugabe used the FSB (formerly FBI) to facilitate the purchase of false dirt from Russia that they leaked to the little Goebbels to try and influence the election, then the FSB engaged in perjury based on that same Russian created document to SPY on the opposition candidate, then SPY on the president elect, then SPY on the president of the United States - an act of treason. The same actors then staged an attempted COUP, straight out of a central African banana republic.

Yeah, Obama is traitor fuck, without question the worst president to ever infect the office. Jimmy Carter rigged a deal with Clinton to give North Korea nuclear weapons, an act of high treason, but Obama is even worse than Carter.
Nothing you are stating comes close to facts. The fact is deficit Donald has been great at increasing deficits and dividing the country. Nothing else has really worked. NK is still firing missiles. Still in a trade war with China. Healthcare reform failed. Market is stagnant for over a year. Economy is slowing....
Trump is a national disgrace. His DOJ argued that kids in federal custody are not entitled to soap or toothpaste. Anyone who still supports this piece of shit has serious mental issues.
Trump has used Obama's policies on keeping illegals till they can be processed. So you're admitting to Obama being a piece of shit?
Dumbass, the picture that started this outrage. Was during Obama's term. So thanks for proving you really don't care how the illegals are treated. Don't worry, when you realize this won't bring Trump down. You can forget them and move on to another outrage. Maybe like two scoops of ice cream.
There is a picture of Obama denying children soap and toothpaste? Show it liar or STFU!
Maybe you loons should check the date on pictures before you publish them. To try to make Trump look bad. Trump used the same policy as Obama. So you are admitting that Obama is just as bad as Trump. Now let your fake outrage go.

Your blob is arguing the kids detained by the feds are not entitled to soap and toothpaste:

Judge panel to Trump administration: Detained migrant kids need soap and toothpaste
Trump has used Obama's policies on keeping illegals till they can be processed. So you're admitting to Obama being a piece of shit?
Dumbass, the picture that started this outrage. Was during Obama's term. So thanks for proving you really don't care how the illegals are treated. Don't worry, when you realize this won't bring Trump down. You can forget them and move on to another outrage. Maybe like two scoops of ice cream.
There is a picture of Obama denying children soap and toothpaste? Show it liar or STFU!
Maybe you loons should check the date on pictures before you publish them. To try to make Trump look bad. Trump used the same policy as Obama. So you are admitting that Obama is just as bad as Trump. Now let your fake outrage go.

Your blob is arguing the kids detained by the feds are not entitled to soap and toothpaste:

Judge panel to Trump administration: Detained migrant kids need soap and toothpaste
They are being treated better than a lot of Americans. They get free healthcare. So you can stop your outrage. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.
It speaks volumes when a shock jock entertainer is considered for the label of greatest President ever.
It speaks volumes when a poster ignores the incredibly long list of accomplishments of President Trump, and talks about "shock jock entertainer".
It speaks volumes when a shock jock entertainer is considered for the label of greatest President ever.


What a moron.

I agree, that’s it’s absurd to consider Trump the greatest.

Well done. :)
They believe it, I'm telling you.

Their world has become so small that this makes perfect sense to them.

Who do you consider the greatest president?

Or better yet, explain WHY you think Obamugabe was the greatest president? Was it Fast & Furious? His backing of Al Qaeda in Libya and Egypt? His creation of ISIS? His work to provide Iran with nuclear weapons? His interference in the Israeli elections? His interference in the 2016 presidential election? Benghazi?

So in your mind, you just fabricate my opinion and then just run with it. Out of nowhere.

It's beginning to look as if you people can no longer distinguish between fantasy and reality.

For the record, it's a dumb question. Presidents all face profoundly different challenges.

Good gawd, you people. You've been completely conned.
Is blowing up civilians at a bus stop morally correct and the will of god?

Many think so.
That's why our great President Trump insists on pre screening prospective immigrants. That's so Muslims who like to blow shit up don't get in. In the end, Trump will be one of the greatest ever.
Is blowing up civilians at a bus stop morally correct and the will of god?

Many think so.
That's why our great President Trump insists on pre screening prospective immigrants. That's so Muslims who like to blow shit up don't get in. In the end, Trump will be one of the greatest ever.
And we suffer regular mass shootings. We should make sure ALL gun owners are pre-screened when buying a gun.
That's why our great President Trump insists on pre screening prospective immigrants it isn't. You are giving that moron way too much credit. He sees it as a way to extract applause from people like you. And that is all. If he thought you would applaud him diddling a farm animal on live tv, that's what he would do.

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