Is Donald Trump the greatest president ever? Many think so.

Just incredible. And the Trumpsters really believe this.

His only good economic number is the unemployment rate, which is merely a continuation of what he inherited. Just one look at any chart clearly illustrates this, and would so to even a CHILD of just average intelligence.

His big, beautiful wall? North Korea? China? Race relations? Bipartisanship? The deficit? The bond markets? International relations? Domestic terrorism? The GDP? His daily, non-stop, embarrassing, insulting and childish behaviors? Zero there. Or worse.

His one lasting effect will be the courts.

This is what happens when you create and nurture an entirely closed circuit alternate informational universe. The echo chamber takes over, the cacophony eliminates all other sounds, no light gets in, and this happens. You have a separate population that is simply not connected to reality, and there is simply nothing you can say to them.
Absolutely goddamn right. Well said!
Oh my, lol. Thank you for proving my point. So you think they are drinking out of toilets?
According to sworn testimony the sinks were broken and never fixed forcing them to drink from toilets.
Notice how the Right NEVER tells the whole truth when they lie!!!!
Oh bullshit, the toilet and the sink are in one unit. If one is broke, so is the other. But let' get to the facts with you lies. So if they are drinking out of toilets because democrats wouldn't give them the money to fix them. See how that works?
Nope, you actually believed aoc's lies. That's comedy gold. Tell me where was your outrage when these children were suffering so bad under Obama? They are getting treated the same way. I'd say better now because of this fake outrage.
I don't believe YOUR lies and the the FACT that children had to drink out of toilets came from SWORN TESTIMONY and not AOC, remember Tramp was taken to court over this, and he lost!
I know you are lying, because if that happened. The media would be on it 24/7. They would have experts on. Instead of reporting about him with a Sharpe pen.
I know you are lying, because if that happened. The media would be on it
They were. The wingnut bubble sources you prefer ignored it, thus your misconception:
I'm talking 24/7. I find it amusing that you don't really care about how these children are treated on the way here. Girls are continually raped and killed, but liberals still offer them the world if they come. They get free healthcare, stay in air conditioning. Get three meals a day. That's more than a lot of American children get. Hell that's more than most of our veterans get. Keep up with your bullshit, fake outrage about these kids. You didn't care at all when they were treated the same under obama.
Is blowing up civilians at a bus stop morally correct and the will of god?

Many think so.

Are you planning something commie?
No, Nazi. So don't bother suggesting i do it to brown people or jews.

It's you filthy fucks who are the Antisemites, stupid.

Say, did the holocaust denying NY Times ever fire the Antisemite chief editor?

Of course not, you commie fucks are some JOOOOO hating bastards.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told Breitbart News exclusively in response to the first piece exposing Wright-Piersanti that she and the White House were “disgusted” by the comments he made about Jews and others.

“I am disgusted but not surprised by this latest revelation out of the New York Times,” Grisham said in a statement provided exclusively to Breitbart News. “Will there be consequences? Doubtful. The New York Times is too busy weaponizing journalism to harass this President and the people who work for him to bother holding their own people accountable.”

Wright-Piersanti has been criticized from all sides in the wake of these revelations, as has the New York Times. In a phone interview on Thursday, Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) president Mort Klein called on the Times to fire him immediately and launch an internal review of the newspaper’s hiring practices and editorial processes.

“First of all, the New York Times should fire this editor immediately,” Klein, a leading pro-Israel voice in America, said. Klein continued:

If he had come out with tweets making these types of remarks against blacks or gays or women, he’d be gone in a nanosecond. Why is there a different standard when you attack Jewish people? So he should be fired immediately. With respect to the New York Times, the newspaper who for decades has been biased against and hostile to the Jewish state of Israel in article after article, editorial after editorial—a newspaper that only recently had the most vicious antisemitic cartoon, it should be a newspaper that is overly sensitive to refrain from appearing hostile to Jews and immediately take action against an antisemitic editor and make a public statement concerning this issue.

New York Times: Antisemitic, Racist Tweets from Politics Editor Violate Standards, Considering Next Steps | Breitbart
Tlaib was just preserving the right of people to boycott whomever they please: not anti-semitic.

If criticising Israel is anti-Semitic then is criticising the US anti-christian? Is criticising Pakistan anti-muslim? Where is the line?

Trump said jews that dont vote republican are not loyal,

The racist tweets from NYT editor are old, and was demoted.
Dumbass, the picture that started this outrage. Was during Obama's term. So thanks for proving you really don't care how the illegals are treated. Don't worry, when you realize this won't bring Trump down. You can forget them and move on to another outrage. Maybe like two scoops of ice cream.
There is a picture of Obama denying children soap and toothpaste? Show it liar or STFU!
Maybe you loons should check the date on pictures before you publish them. To try to make Trump look bad. Trump used the same policy as Obama. So you are admitting that Obama is just as bad as Trump. Now let your fake outrage go.

Your blob is arguing the kids detained by the feds are not entitled to soap and toothpaste:

Judge panel to Trump administration: Detained migrant kids need soap and toothpaste
They are being treated better than a lot of Americans. They get free healthcare. So you can stop your outrage. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Actually no they do not. Your blob has apparently denied kids in his custody (who broke no law) access to the flu shot.

Opinion: We Are Risking Health And Life

Really…if you applaud this bullshit, you have a screw loose and should be ashamed.

As for being treated better than a lot of Americans…are you for extending public assistance to those Americans? Of course you’re not.
Notice when the poster referred to soap and toothpaste the worthless lying scum Right create a Straw Man to attack!!!
Lol, the truth got you on that one? This is so amusing that you bring illegal children up to make Trump look bad, and it was Obama's policies that did this to begin with. Maybe you should just shut up about it, and quit proving yourself a fool.
Notice no lying scum Right-winger can post an Obama policy that denies children soap and toothpaste. All they can do is deflect!

Ed you lying fuck, there is no policy under Trump that denies children soap and toothpaste. You're such a fucking liar.

Running out of toothpaste because democrats have swamped the system with hundreds of thousands of new democrat voters is not a policy, you putrid pile of shit.

His DOJ argued that they were not entitled to it.

The Executive (republicans currently) runs the CBP. Blaming the democrats is false.

Wrong Comrade, ICE argued that if they had shortages it was not sufficient reason to release detainees.

You commies are such fucking liars.

Oh…huge <sarcasm> difference there….NOT!

The end result is that your blob denied kids in his custody soap and toothpaste. Piece of shit doesn’t begin to describe him or his supporters. In fact the phrase might be too charitable.
I'm talking 24/7.
Well, the crazy old man emits such a constant stream of abnormality and stupidity, that this just isn't possible.

For example: just a week ago the mentally ill old man put on a historically bizarre and dishonest performance on the world stage at G7. He embarrassed our entire country and made himself the laughingstock of our allies and the entire, civilized world.

Yet nobody can talk about that anymore. Because minutes later the old freak did something else abnormal. And so on and so on....
Dumbass, the picture that started this outrage. Was during Obama's term. So thanks for proving you really don't care how the illegals are treated. Don't worry, when you realize this won't bring Trump down. You can forget them and move on to another outrage. Maybe like two scoops of ice cream.
There is a picture of Obama denying children soap and toothpaste? Show it liar or STFU!
Maybe you loons should check the date on pictures before you publish them. To try to make Trump look bad. Trump used the same policy as Obama. So you are admitting that Obama is just as bad as Trump. Now let your fake outrage go.

Your blob is arguing the kids detained by the feds are not entitled to soap and toothpaste:

Judge panel to Trump administration: Detained migrant kids need soap and toothpaste
They are being treated better than a lot of Americans. They get free healthcare. So you can stop your outrage. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Actually no they do not. Your blob has apparently denied kids in his custody (who broke no law) access to the flu shot.

Opinion: We Are Risking Health And Life

Really…if you applaud this bullshit, you have a screw loose and should be ashamed.

As for being treated better than a lot of Americans…are you for extending public assistance to those Americans? Of course you’re not.
How many illegals are you supporting? How much time do you donate to illegals. How much of your after taxed income do you give for toothpaste and soap?
There is a picture of Obama denying children soap and toothpaste? Show it liar or STFU!
Maybe you loons should check the date on pictures before you publish them. To try to make Trump look bad. Trump used the same policy as Obama. So you are admitting that Obama is just as bad as Trump. Now let your fake outrage go.

Your blob is arguing the kids detained by the feds are not entitled to soap and toothpaste:

Judge panel to Trump administration: Detained migrant kids need soap and toothpaste
They are being treated better than a lot of Americans. They get free healthcare. So you can stop your outrage. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Actually no they do not. Your blob has apparently denied kids in his custody (who broke no law) access to the flu shot.

Opinion: We Are Risking Health And Life

Really…if you applaud this bullshit, you have a screw loose and should be ashamed.

As for being treated better than a lot of Americans…are you for extending public assistance to those Americans? Of course you’re not.
How many illegals are you supporting? How much time do you donate to illegals. How much of your after taxed income do you give for toothpaste and soap?

We pay taxes so that the accused are not treated in such conditions. In the case of 5 year old kids, they didn’t even commit a crime and are being abused.

That you’re proud of this and trying to justify it just confirms what a dreadful human being you are.
Lol, the truth got you on that one? This is so amusing that you bring illegal children up to make Trump look bad, and it was Obama's policies that did this to begin with. Maybe you should just shut up about it, and quit proving yourself a fool.
Notice no lying scum Right-winger can post an Obama policy that denies children soap and toothpaste. All they can do is deflect!

Ed you lying fuck, there is no policy under Trump that denies children soap and toothpaste. You're such a fucking liar.

Running out of toothpaste because democrats have swamped the system with hundreds of thousands of new democrat voters is not a policy, you putrid pile of shit.

His DOJ argued that they were not entitled to it.

The Executive (republicans currently) runs the CBP. Blaming the democrats is false.

Wrong Comrade, ICE argued that if they had shortages it was not sufficient reason to release detainees.

You commies are such fucking liars.

Oh…huge <sarcasm> difference there….NOT!

The end result is that your blob denied kids in his custody soap and toothpaste. Piece of shit doesn’t begin to describe him or his supporters. In fact the phrase might be too charitable.
I'm glad your kind is no considered crazy now. If you don't win the next election. Liberalism is dead!
Notice no lying scum Right-winger can post an Obama policy that denies children soap and toothpaste. All they can do is deflect!

Ed you lying fuck, there is no policy under Trump that denies children soap and toothpaste. You're such a fucking liar.

Running out of toothpaste because democrats have swamped the system with hundreds of thousands of new democrat voters is not a policy, you putrid pile of shit.

His DOJ argued that they were not entitled to it.

The Executive (republicans currently) runs the CBP. Blaming the democrats is false.

Wrong Comrade, ICE argued that if they had shortages it was not sufficient reason to release detainees.

You commies are such fucking liars.

Oh…huge <sarcasm> difference there….NOT!

The end result is that your blob denied kids in his custody soap and toothpaste. Piece of shit doesn’t begin to describe him or his supporters. In fact the phrase might be too charitable.
I'm glad your kind is no considered crazy now. If you don't win the next election. Liberalism is dead!

Try again…in English this time
While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.

He has his cheerleaders who think he is the greatest ever.
He has his detractors who think he is a deranged, maniacal demon.
Both groups belong in the nuthouse.

Trump is just the natural result of the downhill slope that US politics has been careening down since the opening of the twentieth century. The decline will be continued and accelerated by his successors.

Bring it on.
There is a picture of Obama denying children soap and toothpaste? Show it liar or STFU!
Maybe you loons should check the date on pictures before you publish them. To try to make Trump look bad. Trump used the same policy as Obama. So you are admitting that Obama is just as bad as Trump. Now let your fake outrage go.

Your blob is arguing the kids detained by the feds are not entitled to soap and toothpaste:

Judge panel to Trump administration: Detained migrant kids need soap and toothpaste
They are being treated better than a lot of Americans. They get free healthcare. So you can stop your outrage. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024.

Actually no they do not. Your blob has apparently denied kids in his custody (who broke no law) access to the flu shot.

Opinion: We Are Risking Health And Life

Really…if you applaud this bullshit, you have a screw loose and should be ashamed.

As for being treated better than a lot of Americans…are you for extending public assistance to those Americans? Of course you’re not.
How many illegals are you supporting? How much time do you donate to illegals. How much of your after taxed income do you give for toothpaste and soap?
All very stupid questions. We are talking about policy.

How many housefires did you put out today? None? Well don't preach to me about needing firefighters, then. It's my money, you communist.
I'm talking 24/7.
Well, the crazy old man emits such a constant stream of abnormality and stupidity, that this just isn't possible.

For example: just a week ago the mentally ill old man put on a historically bizarre and dishonest performance on the world stage at G7. He embarrassed our entire country and made himself the laughingstock of our allies and the entire, civilized world.

Yet nobody can talk about that anymore. Because minutes later the old freak did something else abnormal. And so on and so on....
He didn't do a world apology tour of the bad things we have done to the world. Like the transgender dumbass you supported. We were the laughing stock of the world then. Just behind our backs.
I'm talking 24/7.
Well, the crazy old man emits such a constant stream of abnormality and stupidity, that this just isn't possible.

For example: just a week ago the mentally ill old man put on a historically bizarre and dishonest performance on the world stage at G7. He embarrassed our entire country and made himself the laughingstock of our allies and the entire, civilized world.

Yet nobody can talk about that anymore. Because minutes later the old freak did something else abnormal. And so on and so on....
He didn't do a world apology tour of the bad things we have done to the world. Like the transgender dumbass you supported. We were the laughing stock of the world then. Just behind our backs.
Reflexive whataboutism

While I haven't been alive to see all the US presidents I would have to say he's the greatest president I've ever seen. Perfect human being? Hell no. But one hell of a president.

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.


Donald Trump is the greatest president ever. That is established.

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