Is Donald Trump the greatest president ever? Many think so.

Trump is a national disgrace. His DOJ argued that kids in federal custody are not entitled to soap or toothpaste. Anyone who still supports this piece of shit has serious mental issues.
You are a lying baby killing monster.
This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.
Tramp has NEVER reached 4% GDP not even for one quarter!
So much for that asshole's "great points."

Wrong. He exceeded it 2nd quarter of 2018.

U.S. second-quarter GDP growth raised to 4.2 percent - Reuters

Are you man enough to concede every one of his points is right?
As you can clearly see Q2 2018 is well below 4% according to the BLS who measure such data officially. Your source Reuters used Tramp's Commerce Dept. who simply parrot Tramp's FAKE NEWS.

Gross Domestic Product, Second Quarter 2019 (Second Estimate); Corporate Profits, Second Quarter 2019 (Preliminary Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

You linked to 2Q 2019, not 2018, dumbass.

Here using the BEA which is what you used, I'm right.

Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Feel stupid yet? You should. Because you are.

Gross Domestic Product, 2nd quarter 2018 (advance estimate), and comprehensive update | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
The chart included Q2 2018 FINAL ESTIMATE after ALL the data was in. Your link is to the most inaccurate estimate (on purpose).
Feeling dishonest yet? You should. Because you are.
Tramp has NEVER reached 4% GDP not even for one quarter!
So much for that asshole's "great points."

Wrong. He exceeded it 2nd quarter of 2018.

U.S. second-quarter GDP growth raised to 4.2 percent - Reuters

Are you man enough to concede every one of his points is right?
As you can clearly see Q2 2018 is well below 4% according to the BLS who measure such data. Your source is Tramp's Commerce Dept. who simply parrot Tramp's FAKE NEWS.

Gross Domestic Product, Second Quarter 2019 (Second Estimate); Corporate Profits, Second Quarter 2019 (Preliminary Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Wow, Obama sucked....
Notice when you prove the Right are WRONG, they desperately try to deflect, "But Obama."

You have to admit that chart shows that your god really sucked. :thup:
But Obama.
Tlaib was born in Detroit Michigan.

Sad, isn't it? Detroit was once Motown, now it's Somalia..

She is as american as anybody.

Hardly, she is a Muzzie Beast that holds Islam FAR above America, She is a traitor in every sense of the word.

She was born to palestinian refugees, but she lived here her entire life. That doesnt make her hamas.

What made her Hamas is irrelevant, the FACT is that she IS Hamas, and we ALL know it.

Pete Hegseth was once considered for VA secretary, but was too scummy. Dont believe anything that spews from his mouth.

Better yet, don't believe anything from the mouth of Tlaib or other radical Islamists.
Islam above america?

Who is selling weapons to Muslim countries?

If these "muzzie beasts" are so bad, why sell them weapons?

It's interesting that as Saudi Arabia liberalized, allowed more freedom for women and more tolerance for other religions, suddenly you Stalinists hate them.

As long as they fly jet liners into American buildings you love them, but letting women drive is going too far for you Marxists....

Saudi Arabia's youth embrace crown prince’s desire for liberalisation

You leftist will stop it by Allah.....
Nothing you are stating comes close to facts. The fact is deficit Donald has been great at increasing deficits and dividing the country. Nothing else has really worked. NK is still firing missiles. Still in a trade war with China. Healthcare reform failed. Market is stagnant for over a year. Economy is slowing....

Everything I posted is absolute, verified fact, as you know.

Market stagnant?


Fucking liar.

And what do you mean "still a trade war with China?" Mugabe was giving away the store, he was Beijing's little bitch. He NEVER stood up to Xi, spent his whole term on his knees.
Notice the market is about where it was a year ago,

China has been sending us all their resources and keeping the pollution. What is the problem?

Up 3% and up about 20% over the Mugabe years.

And lest we forget, Mugabe agreed to the transfer of America's most sensitive and vital to those he really worked for in China...

Forced Technology Transfer and the WTO

The absolute worst in my lifetime and likely our Nation's history.

America is in a war for survival. Trump is the last, best hope for America to survive, hence you hate him. Trump embodies America, thus is your enemy.
Seriously? You actually believe this deceitful, self dealing, crooked, corrupt, embodied in darkness president and swamp creature administration is America's last hope for survival?

YOU have lost your bonkers!!! :cuckoo:

If you Stalinists had succeeded in stealing the election as you tried under Mugabe, America as we know it would ALREADY be over. Mob Boss Hillary would have put another Marxist on the court, a series of 5-4 decisions would have made "hate speech laws" allowed, ending the right to free speech, a MAJOR goal for you . Obviously the "Masterpiece Cake" case would have gone the other way, ending freedom of religion. The Mugabe legacy of putting reporters who reported negative stories on the regime in prison would have continued, ending freedom of the press - such as that may be - given that you Marxists openly assault opposition press as it is.

Obviously a Hillary court would have ended the 2nd in days and expanded the role of the NSA in spying on enemies of the state (Republicans and other conservatives.)

Which of these do you deny?
If you Stalinists had succeeded in stealing the election as you tried under Mugabe, America as we know it would ALREADY be over. Mob Boss Hillary would have put another Marxist on the court, a series of 5-4 decisions would have made "hate speech laws" allowed, ending the right to free speech, a MAJOR goal for you . Obviously the "Masterpiece Cake" case would have gone the other way, ending freedom of religion. The Mugabe legacy of putting reporters who reported negative stories on the regime in prison would have continued, ending freedom of the press - such as that may be - given that you Marxists openly assault opposition press as it is.

Obviously a Hillary court would have ended the 2nd in days and expanded the role of the NSA in spying on enemies of the state (Republicans and other conservatives.)

Which of these do you deny?
All of them, of course. They are all just the insane ravings of the Nazi mind.
If you Stalinists had succeeded in stealing the election as you tried under Mugabe, America as we know it would ALREADY be over. Mob Boss Hillary would have put another Marxist on the court, a series of 5-4 decisions would have made "hate speech laws" allowed, ending the right to free speech, a MAJOR goal for you . Obviously the "Masterpiece Cake" case would have gone the other way, ending freedom of religion. The Mugabe legacy of putting reporters who reported negative stories on the regime in prison would have continued, ending freedom of the press - such as that may be - given that you Marxists openly assault opposition press as it is.

Obviously a Hillary court would have ended the 2nd in days and expanded the role of the NSA in spying on enemies of the state (Republicans and other conservatives.)

Which of these do you deny?
All of them, of course. They are all just the insane ravings of the Nazi mind.

So, you deny that a Marxist dominated court would have found "Hate Speech laws" constitutional?

Poll: 51% of Democrats support criminalizing hate speech
Half of Democrats support a ban on hate speech | YouGov
Why do so many Democrats embrace hate speech?

Now look, you're a shameless fucking liar, everyone here knows that. You have zero integrity and post anything you think will further your filthy party and the cause of Marxism.

But you're stupid Ed, you don't do the work and check out the issues before you lie.

Obama's Escalating War on Freedom of the Press | HuffPost

This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent, a record level for any sitting presidents first year in office.
Tramp has NEVER reached 4% GDP not even for one quarter!
So much for that asshole's "great points."

Wrong. He exceeded it 2nd quarter of 2018.

U.S. second-quarter GDP growth raised to 4.2 percent - Reuters

Are you man enough to concede every one of his points is right?
As you can clearly see Q2 2018 is well below 4% according to the BLS who measure such data officially. Your source Reuters used Tramp's Commerce Dept. who simply parrot Tramp's FAKE NEWS.

Gross Domestic Product, Second Quarter 2019 (Second Estimate); Corporate Profits, Second Quarter 2019 (Preliminary Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

You linked to 2Q 2019, not 2018, dumbass.

Here using the BEA which is what you used, I'm right.

Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Feel stupid yet? You should. Because you are.

Gross Domestic Product, 2nd quarter 2018 (advance estimate), and comprehensive update | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
The chart included Q2 2018 FINAL ESTIMATE after ALL the data was in. Your link is to the most inaccurate estimate (on purpose).
Feeling dishonest yet? You should. Because you are.

Really? Then why does your link have the title "preliminary estimate?"

Might want to read your shit before you post it.

Tlaib was born in Detroit Michigan.

Sad, isn't it? Detroit was once Motown, now it's Somalia..

She is as american as anybody.

Hardly, she is a Muzzie Beast that holds Islam FAR above America, She is a traitor in every sense of the word.

She was born to palestinian refugees, but she lived here her entire life. That doesnt make her hamas.

What made her Hamas is irrelevant, the FACT is that she IS Hamas, and we ALL know it.

Pete Hegseth was once considered for VA secretary, but was too scummy. Dont believe anything that spews from his mouth.

Better yet, don't believe anything from the mouth of Tlaib or other radical Islamists.
Islam above america?

Who is selling weapons to Muslim countries?

If these "muzzie beasts" are so bad, why sell them weapons?

It's interesting that as Saudi Arabia liberalized, allowed more freedom for women and more tolerance for other religions, suddenly you Stalinists hate them.

As long as they fly jet liners into American buildings you love them, but letting women drive is going too far for you Marxists....

Saudi Arabia's youth embrace crown prince’s desire for liberalisation

You leftist will stop it by Allah.....
Funny to see you guys supporting liberalism.

Saudi Arabia still exports radical Islam.

The senate voted to block arms sales to them, but Trump wants give the muslims weapons anyways.

Yet, Tlaib is radical Islam?
Tlaib was born in Detroit Michigan.

Sad, isn't it? Detroit was once Motown, now it's Somalia..

She is as american as anybody.

Hardly, she is a Muzzie Beast that holds Islam FAR above America, She is a traitor in every sense of the word.

She was born to palestinian refugees, but she lived here her entire life. That doesnt make her hamas.

What made her Hamas is irrelevant, the FACT is that she IS Hamas, and we ALL know it.

Pete Hegseth was once considered for VA secretary, but was too scummy. Dont believe anything that spews from his mouth.

Better yet, don't believe anything from the mouth of Tlaib or other radical Islamists.
Islam above america?

Who is selling weapons to Muslim countries?

If these "muzzie beasts" are so bad, why sell them weapons?

It's interesting that as Saudi Arabia liberalized, allowed more freedom for women and more tolerance for other religions, suddenly you Stalinists hate them.

As long as they fly jet liners into American buildings you love them, but letting women drive is going too far for you Marxists....

Saudi Arabia's youth embrace crown prince’s desire for liberalisation

You leftist will stop it by Allah.....
Funny to see you guys supporting liberalism.

Saudi Arabia still exports radical Islam.

The senate voted to block arms sales to them, but Trump wants give the muslims weapons anyways.

Yet, Tlaib is radical Islam?

Say Comrade, didn't Mugabe sell weapons to the Kingdom?

Obama’s Final Arms-Export Tally More than Doubles Bush’s

In fact, FAR more than Bush and Trump combined.

BUT they didn't let women drive then, which clearly outrages you Marxists...
It is funny how the right applauds failure. Don't you guys get tired of polishing turds? Look at how long you had to do it with bush.
It is funny how the right applauds failure. Don't you guys get tired of polishing turds? Look at how long you had to do it with bush.

You have some of Obama's Jism running down your chin, you might want to see to that....
Tramp has NEVER reached 4% GDP not even for one quarter!
So much for that asshole's "great points."

Wrong. He exceeded it 2nd quarter of 2018.

U.S. second-quarter GDP growth raised to 4.2 percent - Reuters

Are you man enough to concede every one of his points is right?
As you can clearly see Q2 2018 is well below 4% according to the BLS who measure such data officially. Your source Reuters used Tramp's Commerce Dept. who simply parrot Tramp's FAKE NEWS.

Gross Domestic Product, Second Quarter 2019 (Second Estimate); Corporate Profits, Second Quarter 2019 (Preliminary Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

You linked to 2Q 2019, not 2018, dumbass.

Here using the BEA which is what you used, I'm right.

Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Feel stupid yet? You should. Because you are.

Gross Domestic Product, 2nd quarter 2018 (advance estimate), and comprehensive update | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
The chart included Q2 2018 FINAL ESTIMATE after ALL the data was in. Your link is to the most inaccurate estimate (on purpose).
Feeling dishonest yet? You should. Because you are.

Really? Then why does your link have the title "preliminary estimate?"

Might want to read your shit before you post it.

The link has MORE than just "preliminary estimate" in the title, pinhead.
It says, "corporate profits, second quarter 2019 preliminary estimate," so not only is the preliminary estimate NOT for 2018, it isn't even for GDP!!!!!!
Where the fuck does someone as STUPID as you get to call anyone in the universe a dumbass?????? :asshole:
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Wrong. He exceeded it 2nd quarter of 2018.

U.S. second-quarter GDP growth raised to 4.2 percent - Reuters

Are you man enough to concede every one of his points is right?
As you can clearly see Q2 2018 is well below 4% according to the BLS who measure such data officially. Your source Reuters used Tramp's Commerce Dept. who simply parrot Tramp's FAKE NEWS.

Gross Domestic Product, Second Quarter 2019 (Second Estimate); Corporate Profits, Second Quarter 2019 (Preliminary Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

You linked to 2Q 2019, not 2018, dumbass.

Here using the BEA which is what you used, I'm right.

Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Feel stupid yet? You should. Because you are.

Gross Domestic Product, 2nd quarter 2018 (advance estimate), and comprehensive update | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
The chart included Q2 2018 FINAL ESTIMATE after ALL the data was in. Your link is to the most inaccurate estimate (on purpose).
Feeling dishonest yet? You should. Because you are.

Really? Then why does your link have the title "preliminary estimate?"

Might want to read your shit before you post it.

The link has MORE than just "preliminary estimate" in the title, pinhead.
It says, "corporate profits, second quarter 2019 preliminary estimate," so not only is the preliminary estimate NOT for 2018, it isn't even for GDP!!!!!!
Where the fuck does someone as STUPID as you get to call anyone in the universe a dumbass?????? :asshole:

Dumbfuck. As of 3-29-2019 it was 4.2%. Multiple sources say it. YOUR source said it.

Eat shit and die dumbfuck.

Another source shows the same thing. Kinda funny it shows 5% under Obama LOL Of course Obama owned 3 quarters of negative GDP growth, something Trump hasn't touched.

U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2019 | Statista
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Is Donald Trump the greatest president ever? Many think so.
Then "many people" have some really low standards.
And some just have a really bad case of TDS and/or political partisanship.

That said, it seems like intellectual masturbation to try to rate our presidents. Each has strong points and weak ones, wins and losses.

What is important to me may not be so for you. Oh well.
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