Is Donald Trump the greatest president ever? Many think so.

I already posted in this very thread the link to the court's decision on the Tramp law suit that he lost. Don't you retain anything you read. BTW, you defended the poster who denied Tramp sued to keep soap and toothpaste from asylum seekers and sided with Tramp. Don't you remember?
1. I deny it too. Trump never tried to keep soap and toothpaste from asylum seekers. Children did not have to drink out of toilets, and they never did any such thing, and asylum seekers could avoid nay any and all problems at the border, just by not going there.

2. None of this BS at the border has any validity. If everything were done right, the first invaders reaching the border would have been eaten by alligators, and the crisis never would have became one.

Obama never had a GDP above 2.3%

2015 - 2.9% GDP growth

Which is higher than any Trump's year so far.
2015 was still recession recoil. Not attributable to Obama.

lol yes, I know, according to thoughtless rightwing politico hacks like you only bad things are attributable to Obama.

But thats NOT AN ECONOMIC FACT, thats just your opinion.

When it comes to facts Trump never had a better growth year than Obama.

Never had a higher quarterly growth to match Obama's 5.1% in 2014 Q3 either.
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Maybe the BLS was lying about the 4.2%, if they are liars as you say, why ASSume the 4.2% is not a lie?
Because all the changes are Trump down, and Obama up. Anyone who has ever studies statistics, knows this is inconsistent with true variation. If the BEA has not been lying, and the numbers were real, there would have been some Obama reductions, and some Trump increases, mixed in Obviously, it's a deliberate distortion, with a pro-Obama, anti-Trump design.
lol yes, I know, according to thoughtless rightwing politico hacks like you only bad things are attributable to Obama.

But thats NOT A ECONOMIC FACT, thats just your opinion.

When it comes to facts Trump never had a better growth year than Obama.

Never had a higher quarterly growth to match Obama's 5.1% in 2014 Q3 either.
Extensive post recession recoils are economic fact, which I taught in college as an economics teacher, other economics teachers taught it, and my economics teachers taught it when I was a student.

If you wish to deny it, there's no law against that. Feel free.

Again, Obama's pitiful best was 2.3. (and that sunk). Trump's was 4.2.

U.S. second-quarter GDP growth raised to 4.2 percent - Reuters

US economy grew 4.2% in second quarter, faster than first reported

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Again - pure fabrication.

The first and most relevant thing to notice about this chart is how the GDP's are all ovr the place. Sure post recession economies surge upward as natural rebound occurs, but Obama couldn't even keep THAT intact. His GDPs sunk to zero and below, repeatedly.

Looking at Trump's GDPs, show a stark contrast, with well above zero consistent stability, after January 2017. >>>

Yes. Trump had a 4.2% GDP in the 2nd quarter of 2018, as the BEA reported, before they started lying and slashing down Trump's GDP's and pumping Obama's up.

2009-2015 were recession rebound yours not attributable to any president. Obama never had a GDP above 2.3%. His only recordable year was 2016
Hold on there a minute Slick, I remember you saying Tramp inherited a recession so that would make 2017 a rebound year and "recordable" year 2018 a new Tramp recession year with a receding GDP for Q3 and Q4, and it looks like "recordable" year 2019 will be another Tramp recession year with a receding GDP in Q2 if it is followed by a receding Q3.


Obama handed trump a record number of employed (and growing). You know, what you idiotically call a "sinking ship." :eusa_doh:
You idiot. He handed Trump a recession. That is when GDP growth is falling (receding) and Obama's was just that.
Again - pure fabrication.

The first and most relevant thing to notice about this chart is how the GDP's are all ovr the place. Sure post recession economies surge upward as natural rebound occurs, but Obama couldn't even keep THAT intact. His GDPs sunk to zero and below, repeatedly.

Looking at Trump's GDPs, show a stark contrast, with well above zero consistent stability, after January 2017. >>>

Your own fake chart shows 3 receding quarters in a row, Q3, Q4 2017 and Q1 2018, a Tramp recession by your own definition of a recession. and another Tramp recession in 2018 Q3 and Q4.
I already posted in this very thread the link to the court's decision on the Tramp law suit that he lost. Don't you retain anything you read. BTW, you defended the poster who denied Tramp sued to keep soap and toothpaste from asylum seekers and sided with Tramp. Don't you remember?
1. I deny it too. Trump never tried to keep soap and toothpaste from asylum seekers. Children did not have to drink out of toilets, and they never did any such thing, and asylum seekers could avoid nay any and all problems at the border, just by not going there.
Then why did Tramp LOSE in court????
Hold on there a minute Slick, I remember you saying Tramp inherited a recession so that would make 2017 a rebound year and "recordable" year 2018 a new Tramp recession year with a receding GDP for Q3 and Q4, and it looks like "recordable" year 2019 will be another Tramp recession year with a receding GDP in Q2 if it is followed by a receding Q3.
That (what should have been OBVIOUS)was a different meaning of the word "recession" It wont do you any favors to pose that 2009was equivalent to 2017.

Quantities create qualities.

I've shattered your silly attempts to smear Trump's economy (wanna run on that in 2020 ? :laugh:) enough. I only have internet for a few hours, twice a WEEK, and this thread doesn't rate, to get any more of my LIMITED time.

I now move on to other threads. Until next Saturday.
Hold on there a minute Slick, I remember you saying Tramp inherited a recession so that would make 2017 a rebound year and "recordable" year 2018 a new Tramp recession year with a receding GDP for Q3 and Q4, and it looks like "recordable" year 2019 will be another Tramp recession year with a receding GDP in Q2 if it is followed by a receding Q3.
That (what should have been OBVIOUS)was a different meaning of the word "recession" It wont do you any favors to pose that 2009was equivalent to 2017.
I used YOUR very definition of a recession which I cited with a link to YOU saying it, SUCKER!!!!!
Again - pure fabrication.

The first and most relevant thing to notice about this chart is how the GDP's are all ovr the place.

Umm noooo, first thing to notice is that your previous conspiratorial claim was total bullshit - revisions under Obama were sometimes up and sometimes down, exactly as it has been under Trump (2017 was revised up) and exactly as you would expect to see as more economic data comes in.
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Standing up to China and for our manufacturing jobs. No President has done that in my lifetime.

OUR manufacturing jobs? More like Taiwanese and Vietnamese manufacturing jobs, because thats where jobs are moving to.

OUR manufacturing jobs have been flat for the last half a year.

And by the way, when is Trump going to stand up to robots for our manufacturing jobs?

So you are for raising tariffs on those countries too, I agree.

Robots have to be maintained and built too, which requires people. Some automation jobs should be banned though, like self driving trucks. Way too many jobs would be lost if we allowed that.
Standing up to China and for our manufacturing jobs. No President has done that in my lifetime.

OUR manufacturing jobs? More like Taiwanese and Vietnamese manufacturing jobs, because thats where jobs are moving to.

OUR manufacturing jobs have been flat for the last half a year.

And by the way, when is Trump going to stand up to robots for our manufacturing jobs?

So you are for raising tariffs on those countries too, I agree.

Robots have to be maintained and built too, which requires people. Some automation jobs should be banned though, like self driving trucks. Way too many jobs would be lost if we allowed that.

We got to full unemployment just fine without any trade wars. Crazy concept, right?

Anything we can make much more efficient, we should, self-driving trucks is close to the top of that list.

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