Is Donald Trump the greatest president ever? Many think so.

It is funny how the right applauds failure. Don't you guys get tired of polishing turds? Look at how long you had to do it with bush.
You're kidding, right? You would have Americans ignore our success and prosperity because 34 months after Shrillary's humiliating defeat your leftarded butt still hurts?
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Trump has always been one thing.....

Only for the 2016 Prez race did he change that.

So what Leftists are really saying is the Democrats Suck. Ok, that's a fair analysis.

That said, it's quite unusual for a NewYork DEMOCRAT to aspire to do ANYTHING good for America or the American he is an oddity for sure.
Dave Chapell says he voted for Hillary.....HATES Trump.....

Used to love the guy......
Idiot Commies come in Chocolate too.
Trump has always been one thing.....

Only for the 2016 Prez race did he change that.

So what Leftists are really saying is the Democrats Suck. Ok, that's a fair analysis.
I don't care how he became an America-Firster, only that clearly he is. The Dems have found that to express their rabid hatred for the POTUS they've had to fully expose their hate for America, Americans, our flag, anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, our history, Founding Fathers, etc, etc, etc...

Bill Maher, for instance, doesn't even try to hide his disdain & disloyalty. Like so many on the left, he doesn't care who gets hurt as long as his mindless hatred is served:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
As you can clearly see Q2 2018 is well below 4% according to the BLS who measure such data officially. Your source Reuters used Tramp's Commerce Dept. who simply parrot Tramp's FAKE NEWS.

Gross Domestic Product, Second Quarter 2019 (Second Estimate); Corporate Profits, Second Quarter 2019 (Preliminary Estimate) | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

You linked to 2Q 2019, not 2018, dumbass.

Here using the BEA which is what you used, I'm right.

Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Feel stupid yet? You should. Because you are.

Gross Domestic Product, 2nd quarter 2018 (advance estimate), and comprehensive update | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
The chart included Q2 2018 FINAL ESTIMATE after ALL the data was in. Your link is to the most inaccurate estimate (on purpose).
Feeling dishonest yet? You should. Because you are.

Really? Then why does your link have the title "preliminary estimate?"

Might want to read your shit before you post it.

The link has MORE than just "preliminary estimate" in the title, pinhead.
It says, "corporate profits, second quarter 2019 preliminary estimate," so not only is the preliminary estimate NOT for 2018, it isn't even for GDP!!!!!!
Where the fuck does someone as STUPID as you get to call anyone in the universe a dumbass?????? :asshole:

Dumbfuck. As of 3-29-2019 it was 4.2%. Multiple sources say it. YOUR source said it.

Eat shit and die dumbfuck.

Another source shows the same thing. Kinda funny it shows 5% under Obama LOL Of course Obama owned 3 quarters of negative GDP growth, something Trump hasn't touched.

U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2019 | Statista
ALL your sources are OUTDATED, the correct highest quarter of GDP growth for Tramp NOW is 3.5%. The phony numbers Tramp tried to pass off have been caught and corrected.
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
Funny how you Nazi-lovers had no problem when YOUR side was rooting for America's failure with exactly the words you now condemn!!!!!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
It's you filthy fucks who are the Antisemites, stupid.

Say, did the holocaust denying NY Times ever fire the Antisemite chief editor?

Of course not, you commie fucks are some JOOOOO hating bastards.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told Breitbart News exclusively in response to the first piece exposing Wright-Piersanti that she and the White House were “disgusted” by the comments he made about Jews and others.

“I am disgusted but not surprised by this latest revelation out of the New York Times,” Grisham said in a statement provided exclusively to Breitbart News. “Will there be consequences? Doubtful. The New York Times is too busy weaponizing journalism to harass this President and the people who work for him to bother holding their own people accountable.”

Wright-Piersanti has been criticized from all sides in the wake of these revelations, as has the New York Times. In a phone interview on Thursday, Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) president Mort Klein called on the Times to fire him immediately and launch an internal review of the newspaper’s hiring practices and editorial processes.

“First of all, the New York Times should fire this editor immediately,” Klein, a leading pro-Israel voice in America, said. Klein continued:

If he had come out with tweets making these types of remarks against blacks or gays or women, he’d be gone in a nanosecond. Why is there a different standard when you attack Jewish people? So he should be fired immediately. With respect to the New York Times, the newspaper who for decades has been biased against and hostile to the Jewish state of Israel in article after article, editorial after editorial—a newspaper that only recently had the most vicious antisemitic cartoon, it should be a newspaper that is overly sensitive to refrain from appearing hostile to Jews and immediately take action against an antisemitic editor and make a public statement concerning this issue.

New York Times: Antisemitic, Racist Tweets from Politics Editor Violate Standards, Considering Next Steps | Breitbart
America's top anti-semites >>>



If Tramp had actually accomplished something you wouldn't have to lie right out of the gate!
The last 4 quarters ending before May 2019 did NOT exceed 3%, they did not even reach 3%. And Tramp NEVER had a Quarter of 4.2%, His best Quarter was 3.5% as opposed to Obama's best of 5.1%.
My time is too valuable to debunk the rest of your lies.
About every 2 days I get a post from some leftist airhead claiming Trump >> "NEVER had a Quarter of 4.2%. His best Quarter was 3.5% as opposed to Obama's best of 5.1%"

Yes. Trump had a 4.2% GDP in the 2nd quarter of 2018, as the BEA reported, before they started lying and slashing down Trump's GDP's and pumping Obama's up.


© Statista 2019

2009-2015 were recession rebound yours not attributable to any president. Obama never had a GDP above 2.3%. His only recordable year was 2016, and best was 2.3, which sunk to 0.8.

Obama did nothing for 7 years, then fumbled the ball in all 4 quarters. :doubt:

Last edited:
I don't believe YOUR lies and the the FACT that children had to drink out of toilets came from SWORN TESTIMONY and not AOC, remember Tramp was taken to court over this, and he lost!
I already posted in this very thread the link to the court's decision on the Tramp law suit that he lost. Don't you retain anything you read. BTW, you defended the poster who denied Tramp sued to keep soap and toothpaste from asylum seekers and sided with Tramp. Don't you remember?
This guy makes great points and points out what Trump has accomplished. Like GDP exceeding 4 percent

Bullshit - full year GDP growth has NEVER been over 2.7% Trump inherited in 2017. For comparison GDP growth was 2.9% for 2015, at a time when you probably were calling Obama'a economy a disaster.
Standing up to China and for our manufacturing jobs. No President has done that in my lifetime.

OUR manufacturing jobs? More like Taiwanese and Vietnamese manufacturing jobs, because thats where jobs are moving to.

OUR manufacturing jobs have been flat for the last half a year.

And by the way, when is Trump going to stand up to robots for our manufacturing jobs?
Yes. Trump had a 4.2% GDP in the 2nd quarter of 2018, as the BEA reported, before they started lying and slashing down Trump's GDP's and pumping Obama's up.
Maybe the BLS was lying about the 4.2%, if they are liars as you say, why ASSume the 4.2% is not a lie?

As you well know Tramp NEVER had a quarter above 3.5%. Most likely Tramp got his fellow lying GOP governors to send inflated numbers to the BLS to make themselves and Tramp look good and eventually they got caught and the BEA corrected Tramp's FAKE NUMBERS. Tramp and the GOP governors also got caught inflating the employment numbers by half a million and the BLS corrected those fake numbers. Each state sends preliminary data to the BEA and BLS, but afterward the BEA and BLS try to confirm the numbers and then correct any "errors." That is why scum like Tramp got caught cooking the books.

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