Is FOX News trying to incite a race riot?

Every black leader is a race divider until they die then white people claim they were republicans and loved by everyone.
I can't think of one Republican who ever accused MLK of being a race divider.

Who said Republican? It clearly says "white people"
Nobody will ever claim Jesse Hackson and Al Charlatan were loved by everyone. When they die off it will be good riddance for Blacks and Whites alike. Fuck those two clowns.
Every black leader is a race divider until they die then white people claim they were republicans and loved by everyone.
That's a fucking lie.

Well please provide proof he wasn't?

Told ya!! lol
Did I say he was a Republican Did I say he wasn't a Republican?
I know for sure he wasn't a democrat in the early 60's
Prove he wasn't a Republican.
I think he's a former Detective or investigator . He just has years of experience in a big city cop shop I'd 'GUESS' Bodecea . FOX appreciates his expertise enough to ignore his past racial words and they appreciate him enough to pay him . I think that FOX pays him . Anyway , looks to me that Fuhrman has a good job !!
Boy, that's race riot material for sure even though in the ensuing days no riots. How inconvenient, huh?

It would certainly give anyone who's Black a reason to believe that they were intentionally being taunted by the White establishment power structure.

I'm sure all the blacks watching Fox felt that way.
Because poor innocent OJ was hassled all those years ago.

Frankly, I always thought that OJ was guilty as sin.

But that doesn't change the fact that hundreds of thousands of Black people have experienced racial profiling and police harassment several times over a period of years, AND the fact that the criminal justice system metes out more severe prison sentences for Black defendants than White ones. The stats back that up. So, what it all boils down to is that the see 'the system' as being systematically stacked against them before they're even pulled over for what supposedly is a minor traffic violation.
Boy, that's race riot material for sure even though in the ensuing days no riots. How inconvenient, huh?

It would certainly give anyone who's Black a reason to believe that they were intentionally being taunted by the White establishment power structure.

I'm sure all the blacks watching Fox felt that way.
Because poor innocent OJ was hassled all those years ago.

Frankly, I always thought that OJ was guilty as sin.

But that doesn't change the fact that hundreds of thousands of Black people have experienced racial profiling and police harassment several times over a period of years, AND the fact that the criminal justice system metes out more severe prison sentences for Black defendants than White ones. The stats back that up. So, what it all boils down to is that the see 'the system' as being systematically stacked against them before they're even pulled over for what supposedly is a minor traffic violation.

hundreds of thousands of Black people have experienced racial profiling and police harassment several times over a period of years

And spotting Mark Fuhrman is going to cause them to riot. Right.
But that doesn't change the fact that hundreds of thousands of Black people have experienced racial profiling and police harassment several times over a period of years, AND the fact that the criminal justice system metes out more severe prison sentences for Black defendants than White ones. The stats back that up. So, what it all boils down to is that the see 'the system' as being systematically stacked against them before they're even pulled over for what supposedly is a minor traffic violation.

The same has held true for years about long haired white men, seems like those dope smoking fuckers seem to always have shit loads of pot around and well profiling for it and other drugs ares standard fair for LEO's in the I-20 Cocaine corridor. They profile but it aint race related, drug runners have tell's and experienced LEO's have insight.

Want the blacks to quit being profiled?? Change the mass stereo typical images about the race and the statistics. Lower your crime rates, return to the family model and accept that police are there to enforce societal law not just to harass your perceived persecuted ass!!
Before I get started, let me say for the record that I don't normally watch Fox News. That's not necessarily due to any animus regarding Fox. I just don't watch TV, period. That hasn't been the case all my life. It's a recent occurrence dating back about 4 years. And let me add that I'm glad I broke myself of the habit.

With all that said, I stopped in to a local restaurant a couple of nights ago. While there, I noticed that the station was tuned to Fox News, and Hannity's show was on. And who did Hannity have on to comment on the events going on in Ferguson, MO? It was none other than Mark Fuhrman. For anyone who may have missed the 1990s, Fuhrman just so happens to be the LA Police Detective who's testimony was tainted due to his use of the N word which came to light when he was on the witness stand.

Now, how can anyone see having Fuhrman on as being anything but intentionally provocative given his past history?
He has been on FOX hundreds of times and has not provoked a riot yet?
Before I get started, let me say for the record that I don't normally read the OPs posts. The OPs claim makes spandex look unstretchable..........
When the start off with "I don't normally listen to Rush", you know they listen to every word he says!!
provoking a riot......:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


From the mouth of, well kinda

This guy has it down pat!

The entire interview is what I like to call the "look at the anger" technique. For example:

You go up to a bear cage and poke the bear with a stick 50 - 100 times. Then drop the stick and invite this guy in and ask "What do you think about the bears anger?" and he goes on and on about it and never has one word or even ask "Why is the bear angry?"...Shhhhhh

Just look at the bear...He's angry aint he?

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