Is Free Speech now a Crime?

Speech can be criminalized ... like yelling "fire, fire, fire" in a crowded message board forum ... in some jurisdictions, lawyers are not allowed to lie ... lying for financial gain will land you in prison ... maybe for a very long time ...

You're thinking about lying for political gain ... that's completely lawful ... Joe Biden has sex with a donkey every other night ... so sue me ... or shutting down the approaches to a bridge to punish the local town's liberal mayor ... there was no financial gain by Gov. Christie, so no crime was committed ... the gain was strictly political ...

Why isn't the OP afraid to post this? ... he must not believe a word of it ... I certainly don't ... my bullet-riddled "Go Joe" sign in my front yard is STAYING ... goddamit
Does Joe Biden’s FBI NOW CONSIDER Miss-information a CRIME?
In other words is Free Speech now no longer Free, and a Crime instead?

Do you have some examples of people that have been arrested for this new crime?
Does Joe Biden’s FBI NOW CONSIDER Miss-information a CRIME?
In other words is Free Speech now no longer Free, and a Crime instead?
The outrages are coming thick and fast. Wray and his apparatchiks are coming against all opposition to the Democrat machine in DC. Every time another one of these power grabs goes unanswered, they will only become more and more bold. IMO, the DOJ/FBI has become an American equivalent of the Nazi Schutzstaffel. They are enforcers and all the proof needed for that label, can be found in their raids on political figures who've committed no violent crimes, yet a dozen armed tactical types go crashing in at daybreak or earlier, then cuff and perp walk some guy who at worst is a white collar criminal if he's a criminal at all. This is done in front of cameras that have been tipped off by FBI. IOW, information warfare that slanders whole groups of Americans as traitors.

That agency is irredeemably corrupt and it needs to be put under an extensive investigation by a committee of former judges and former directors of FBI. Those prior directors should be chosen from a period of time when the agency still had the trust and respect of the country. They shouldn't tap any director after GW Bush's term.

The agency was probably becoming corrupt even then but it fell apart altogether during Obama's terms. The man weaponized the levers of power in the form of the alphabet agencies, against political opponents, and the chaos has increased to the point where these people believe they are untouchable. I think they may be trying to cause such a level of anger and outrage that Americans would eventually be triggered to fight back.
Of course, at that point they'd have an excuse to act in very unconstitutional ways due to the "Constitutional Crisis emergency" that the media propaganda mill can spin into some bullchit narrative of "insurrection" by domestic terrorists and white supremacists, yada, yada, yada.

The January 6th protest at the capitol was the Dem's Reichstag fire. Going forward, any kind of protest against Democrat fraud in elections will see the same template used to demonize average citizens and shut them down so that no one questions electoral results no matter how blatant the steal might be. I smell a storm in the wind...
Do you have some examples of people that have been arrested for this new crime?
Arrested? Not yet but they've damned sure used social media platforms to silence the speech of citizens they disagree with. The Twitter files have made all of their schemes transparent now. THAT is a crime. When a private company or individual decides to silence people who are on their platform, there is no recourse but when the Federal government does it, the Constitution tends to frown a bit. The point is that these thugs at DOJ/FBI are increasingly out of control and there is no telling where they go in the end.
Arrested? Not yet but they've damned sure used social media platforms to silence the speech of citizens they disagree with. The Twitter files have made all of their schemes transparent now. THAT is a crime. When a private company or individual decides to silence people who are on their platform, there is no recourse but when the Federal government does it, the Constitution tends to frown a bit. The point is that these thugs at DOJ/FBI are increasingly out of control and there is no telling where they go in the end.
Kicked off social media.

You poor thing. How on earth will you go on?
Do you have some examples of people that have been arrested for this new crime?
There are people in Western Europe who are in jail. There are people in our nation blacklisted due to what is/was known as bloviating remarks at one time. Progs are dictators. They get many chances or what they say is schmoozed over. Joe has made many remarks. Joe also has called half the nation "DREGS".

Is Free Speech now a Crime?​

Well, obviously.

Surrender to your local precinct immediately.
Speech can be criminalized ... like yelling "fire, fire, fire" in a crowded message board forum ... in some jurisdictions, lawyers are not allowed to lie ... lying for financial gain will land you in prison ... maybe for a very long time ...

You're thinking about lying for political gain ... that's completely lawful ... Joe Biden has sex with a donkey every other night ... so sue me ... or shutting down the approaches to a bridge to punish the local town's liberal mayor ... there was no financial gain by Gov. Christie, so no crime was committed ... the gain was strictly political ...

Why isn't the OP afraid to post this? ... he must not believe a word of it ... I certainly don't ... my bullet-riddled "Go Joe" sign in my front yard is STAYING ... goddamit
First of all, you misread the whole situation as others. You are free to yell "fire, fire, fire," but there are consequences. The issue with FBI / MSM and Big Tech (Twitter, FB ....) is that authorities suppressed unfavourable opinions or information where no crime was committed.
Kicked off social media.

You poor thing. How on earth will you go on?
SCOTUS said social media was part of the Free speech deal. Don't believe me, ask Trump. He could not block people on twitter.
First of all, you misread the whole situation as others. You are free to yell "fire, fire, fire," but there are consequences. The issue with FBI / MSM and Big Tech (Twitter, FB ....) is that authorities suppressed unfavourable opinions or information where no crime was committed.

The consequences of yelling fire is it's a CRIME ... duh ... that's ALL I said, it's A CRIME to yell fire (unless there is a fire)

Twitter, FB and USMB enjoy 1st Amendment rights themselves ... they can suppress all the speech they want to ... the government can't stop them generally ... you must not be from the United States to think you can force me to take down my "Go Joe" sign ... I know, bullet holes, but it said "Go Joe" when I put it out there ...

In the United States ... NAZIS are allowed to MARCH through JEWISH neighborhoods full of HOLOCAST survivors ... Free Speech buck-o ... try that in your God-forsaken shithole Povertonia ...
The consequences of yelling fire is it's a CRIME ... duh ... that's ALL I said, it's A CRIME to yell fire (unless there is a fire)

Twitter, FB and USMB enjoy 1st Amendment rights themselves ... they can suppress all the speech they want to ... the government can't stop them generally ... you must not be from the United States to think you can force me to take down my "Go Joe" sign ... I know, bullet holes, but it said "Go Joe" when I put it out there ...

In the United States ... NAZIS are allowed to MARCH through JEWISH neighborhoods full of HOLOCAST survivors ... Free Speech buck-o ... try that in your God-forsaken shithole Povertonia ...
It is not a crime to yell fire even in a crowded room.

What is illegal is inciting a panic. Which might mean yelling something or just pulling activating a fire alarm or any number of other things which may or may not involve saying something.
It is not a crime to yell fire even in a crowded room.

What is illegal is inciting a panic. Which might mean yelling something or just pulling activating a fire alarm or any number of other things which may or may not involve saying something.

Which is a LIMIT on Free Speech ... you can go to prison for something you said ...

"Inducing panic is when a person causes the evacuation of any public place, or otherwise cause serious public inconvenience or alarm, by doing any of the following:
  1. Initiating or circulating a report or warning of an alleged or impending fire, explosion, crime, or other catastrophe, knowing that such report or warning is false;
  2. Threatening to commit any offense of violence;
  3. Committing any offense, with reckless disregard of the likelihood that its commission will cause serious public inconvenience or alarm.
Laws governing inducing panic vary from state to state. Inducing panic is usually defined as a misdemenaor, but local laws should be consulted for specific requirements."
Does Joe Biden’s FBI NOW CONSIDER Miss-information a CRIME?
In other words is Free Speech now no longer Free, and a Crime instead?

Having had the insight to pose the question, I am confident you already know the answer.

Furthermore, the greatest irony of all is those who would shut down free speech in the name of eliminating "disinformation" - well they are "disinformation's" most avid disseminators.
Which is a LIMIT on Free Speech ... you can go to prison for something you said ...

"Inducing panic is when a person causes the evacuation of any public place, or otherwise cause serious public inconvenience or alarm, by doing any of the following:
  1. Initiating or circulating a report or warning of an alleged or impending fire, explosion, crime, or other catastrophe, knowing that such report or warning is false;
  2. Threatening to commit any offense of violence;
  3. Committing any offense, with reckless disregard of the likelihood that its commission will cause serious public inconvenience or alarm.
Laws governing inducing panic vary from state to state. Inducing panic is usually defined as a misdemenaor, but local laws should be consulted for specific requirements."
It is the action not the speech.

There is no specific law against yelling fire.
The left is showing their hand. They are anti free speech, anti first amendment. Look what evil democrat pols are saying. It is their obligation and right to tell media what to if the US media has a problem with THAT!! Some of them tell media giants to censor their own journalists. These leftists are the enemy.

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