Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Yes – and again – when American citizens are denied their civil rights, when government acts in a manner repugnant to the Constitution, it is an important and significant issue, as important as any other issue facing the Nation, where government overreach must be checked every time it manifest to ensure the liberty of all Americans is preserved.

this is not a liberty issue, its a cultural or societal issue. As such the people of the culture or society should decide what is to be considered right or wrong. 9 old farts in black robes should not be deciding how over 300 million people must live. Let the people vote, let the will of the people be heard. I will accept the will of the people, will you?
It is very much a liberty issue. As in rye liberty to practice religion and whether states have the liberty to self govern
Baking cakes for a living isn't serving Jesus, and the states don't get make all their choices since the Feds matter more.
Baking cake does not give you or the government the right to interfere with his religious practice. Deal with it.
Because the law has stated that incest is illegal. Just as the law used to say gay sex is illegal. Just as the law currently says murder is illegal. INCEST IS ILLEGAL Get over it. If you want to make INCEST legal start your fight to make it legal, and get the fuck off gays accusing them of promoting incest. It's a dumb ass argument.

You do realize that the law prohibiting incestuous marriage were the result of marriage being between members of opposing sexes only. You knew that right?

Now, after the federal laws are forced upon the population, the laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable. They become just another "tradition" your side threw away.

You realize that, Right.

What legal argument is there to stop teo members of the same sex, even closely related, from the rights and benefits of marriage?

Let's see if you have guts enough to answer, or will you join Seawytch and Skylar in there bigoted avoidance of the question.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

No, please, be my guest, show me the physical or mental harm done by siblings marrying.

Let's start with same sex heterosexual males marrying so they can have a reduced tax load, multi car insurance reductions and, since one has very low cost health insurance with spousal benefits HOW THIS COUPLE IS BEING HARMED, physically or emotionally.

We will proceed with the rest as this discussion progresses.

Don't you love the irony?

Yeah... it turns out that promoting unprincipled behavior... promotes unprincipled behavior. The upsides to which are Listed Here: ___.

There's nothing 'unprincipled' about gay marriage. Try again.

LOL! Skylar, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

That's a principle nature established, setting such in stone, when it created two distinct, but complimenting genders, who join by virtue of that design, of which marriage is a natural extension and serves as the nucleus of a little thing called: CIVILIZATION.

LOL! The Reader should recall that Skylar spent last week crying about Men not taking responsibility for the Children that they conceive, despite her unapologetic support for the reasoning that stripped humanity for any responsibility regarding conception... recall her support for "THE RIGHT" TO MURDER CHILDREN THEY CONCEIVE. Which she can't understand how such separates people from responsibility for the children that they conceive.

The reason she can't put that incredibly simple equation together... is that she suffers from Mental Disorder.

And viable cultures do not allow the Mentally DISORDERED TO CHANGE PUBLIC POLICY.
You're talking nonsense. Irregardless of the fact that people have been getting married for CENTURIES, incest is against the law. Look it up yourself if you don't believe me.

SSM is also against the law in many places, but you want those laws abolished. What makes your cause more just?
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

Then why do you want to exclude millions?

its funny to watch the gay mafia get tangled up in their own rhetoric.
Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

Then why do you want to exclude millions?

How many brother/brother, sister/sister pairs are there in the United states.


and if they could legally marry they could avoid inheritence taxes and reduce their income tax rate. why do libs hate siblings?

Correct, marriage simply becomes a financial tool, no different than a 401K or a IRA.

Best is the siblings simply keep dating until they find an opposite sex mate, divorce and move on.

I can think of dozens of reasons it becomes financially beneficial. And since there won't be any stigma because the left hate stigma, it could become very accepted.
Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Yes – and again – when American citizens are denied their civil rights, when government acts in a manner repugnant to the Constitution, it is an important and significant issue, as important as any other issue facing the Nation, where government overreach must be checked every time it manifest to ensure the liberty of all Americans is preserved.

this is not a liberty issue, its a cultural or societal issue. As such the people of the culture or society should decide what is to be considered right or wrong. 9 old farts in black robes should not be deciding how over 300 million people must live. Let the people vote, let the will of the people be heard. I will accept the will of the people, will you?
It is very much a liberty issue. As in rye liberty to practice religion and whether states have the liberty to self govern
Baking cakes for a living isn't serving Jesus, and the states don't get make all their choices since the Feds matter more.
Baking cake does not give you or the government the right to interfere with his religious practice. Deal with it.
His religion is not what he does for a living.
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

Then why do you want to exclude millions?

How many brother/brother, sister/sister pairs are there in the United states.


and if they could legally marry they could avoid inheritence taxes and reduce their income tax rate. why do libs hate siblings?

Correct, marriage simply becomes a financial tool, no different than a 401K or a IRA.

Best is the siblings simply keep dating until they find an opposite sex mate, divorce and move on.


why can't libs understand that if two brothers or two sisters marry it would be a same sex wedding? Isn't that what they say they want?

Liberalism really is a mental disease.
SSM is also against the law in many places, but you want those laws abolished. What makes your cause more just?
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

Then why do you want to exclude millions?

its funny to watch the gay mafia get tangled up in their own rhetoric.

It's the paradox of our lifetime. They create the argument then have to run from them.
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

Then why do you want to exclude millions?

its funny to watch the gay mafia get tangled up in their own rhetoric.

It's the paradox of our lifetime. They create the argument then have to run from them.

Yes, they have all left this thread, :2up:
You do realize that the law prohibiting incestuous marriage were the result of marriage being between members of opposing sexes only. You knew that right?

Now, after the federal laws are forced upon the population, the laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable. They become just another "tradition" your side threw away.

You realize that, Right.

What legal argument is there to stop teo members of the same sex, even closely related, from the rights and benefits of marriage?

Let's see if you have guts enough to answer, or will you join Seawytch and Skylar in there bigoted avoidance of the question.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

No, please, be my guest, show me the physical or mental harm done by siblings marrying.

Let's start with same sex heterosexual males marrying so they can have a reduced tax load, multi car insurance reductions and, since one has very low cost health insurance with spousal benefits HOW THIS COUPLE IS BEING HARMED, physically or emotionally.

We will proceed with the rest as this discussion progresses.

Don't you love the irony?

Yeah... it turns out that promoting unprincipled behavior... promotes unprincipled behavior. The upsides to which are Listed Here: ___.

There's nothing 'unprincipled' about gay marriage. Try again.

LOL! Skylar, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Get used to the idea.

That's a principle nature established, setting such in stone, when it created two distinct, but complimenting genders, who join by virtue of that design, of which marriage is a natural extension and serves as the nucleus of a little thing called: CIVILIZATION.

Nature doesn't have marriage. Nature has fucking. We invented marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. No one is excluded from marriage because they can't procreate. Why then would we exclude gays from marriage because they fail to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

Obviously we wouldn't. As there's no rational reason to do so.
Gay marriage is not "my" cause. Liberty is my cause.

Look dude, we just disagree on this, time will tell who is right.

but as I said in the OP, is this really important enough for the country to spend so much time and effort on? Don't we have more important issues to deal with? Why do we let this take precedence over the real problems we are facing?
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

Then why do you want to exclude millions?

its funny to watch the gay mafia get tangled up in their own rhetoric.

It's the paradox of our lifetime. They create the argument then have to run from them.

Says the poor soul whose arguments against gay marriage have collapsed so completely that he won't even discuss the topic.

Try again.
Because life is pretty important, and marriage is a pretty big part of life. Do we have more important issues? I suppose if you think your marriage is insignificant...

Then why do you want to exclude millions?

How many brother/brother, sister/sister pairs are there in the United states.


and if they could legally marry they could avoid inheritence taxes and reduce their income tax rate. why do libs hate siblings?

Correct, marriage simply becomes a financial tool, no different than a 401K or a IRA.

Best is the siblings simply keep dating until they find an opposite sex mate, divorce and move on.

I can think of dozens of reasons it becomes financially beneficial. And since there won't be any stigma because the left hate stigma, it could become very accepted.

Your obsession with incest has nothing to do with gay marriage. You've abandoned the topic of same sex marriage again. While running from all your rhetorical babble about 'procreation' and 'the kind of sex that makes babies'.

If I'd been saddled with such useless nonsense in opposition to gay marriage, I'd probably try and change the topic too.

Thankfully, I picked a much more rational and defensible argument: the support of gay marriage.
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

No, please, be my guest, show me the physical or mental harm done by siblings marrying.

Let's start with same sex heterosexual males marrying so they can have a reduced tax load, multi car insurance reductions and, since one has very low cost health insurance with spousal benefits HOW THIS COUPLE IS BEING HARMED, physically or emotionally.

We will proceed with the rest as this discussion progresses.

Don't you love the irony?

Yeah... it turns out that promoting unprincipled behavior... promotes unprincipled behavior. The upsides to which are Listed Here: ___.

There's nothing 'unprincipled' about gay marriage. Try again.

LOL! Skylar, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Get used to the idea.

That's a principle nature established, setting such in stone, when it created two distinct, but complimenting genders, who join by virtue of that design, of which marriage is a natural extension and serves as the nucleus of a little thing called: CIVILIZATION.

Nature doesn't have marriage. Nature has fucking. We invented marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. No one is excluded from marriage because they can't procreate. Why then would we exclude gays from marriage because they fail to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

Obviously we wouldn't. As there's no rational reason to do so.

yes, WE invented marriage and WE should decide what it means and who can participate in it.

WE, not some minority group, not 9 old farts in robes, WE, THE PEOPLE.
I'm sick of all these people thinking that fags fucking each other is a good idea. How about all the homos go to France with all the other pussies?
No, please, be my guest, show me the physical or mental harm done by siblings marrying.

Let's start with same sex heterosexual males marrying so they can have a reduced tax load, multi car insurance reductions and, since one has very low cost health insurance with spousal benefits HOW THIS COUPLE IS BEING HARMED, physically or emotionally.

We will proceed with the rest as this discussion progresses.

Don't you love the irony?

Yeah... it turns out that promoting unprincipled behavior... promotes unprincipled behavior. The upsides to which are Listed Here: ___.

There's nothing 'unprincipled' about gay marriage. Try again.

LOL! Skylar, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Get used to the idea.

That's a principle nature established, setting such in stone, when it created two distinct, but complimenting genders, who join by virtue of that design, of which marriage is a natural extension and serves as the nucleus of a little thing called: CIVILIZATION.

Nature doesn't have marriage. Nature has fucking. We invented marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. No one is excluded from marriage because they can't procreate. Why then would we exclude gays from marriage because they fail to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

Obviously we wouldn't. As there's no rational reason to do so.

yes, WE invented marriage and WE should decide what it means and who can participate in it.

WE, not some minority group, not 9 old farts in robes, WE, THE PEOPLE.

The judiciary is part of our legal system. And they're supposed to interpret the constitution. Says who? Says Federalist Paper 78.
Then why do you want to exclude millions?

How many brother/brother, sister/sister pairs are there in the United states.


and if they could legally marry they could avoid inheritence taxes and reduce their income tax rate. why do libs hate siblings?

Correct, marriage simply becomes a financial tool, no different than a 401K or a IRA.

Best is the siblings simply keep dating until they find an opposite sex mate, divorce and move on.

I can think of dozens of reasons it becomes financially beneficial. And since there won't be any stigma because the left hate stigma, it could become very accepted.

Your obsession with incest has nothing to do with gay marriage. You've abandoned the topic of same sex marriage again. While running from all your rhetorical babble about 'procreation' and 'the kind of sex that makes babies'.

If I'd been saddled with such useless nonsense in opposition to gay marriage, I'd probably try and change the topic too.

Thankfully, I picked a much more rational and defensible argument: the support of gay marriage.

Is a marriage of two sisters incest? how about two female cousins? how about one male and two female cousins? mother/daughter?, father/son? assume all of them are over the age of majority.

Incest has been defined as male/female sexual activity within familial limits.

you fools say you want SSM, why isn't sister/sister a SSM?
There were a number of issues regarding harm done by incest. Yes, you are correct to say that one of those issues was harm done to the progeny through increased risk of birth defects. There were other issues as well. Being gay has nothing to do with incest. There are laws against incest, with or without marriage licenses to screw your child. It's not right for a number of reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with being gay.

You are incorrect to say "laws prohibiting same sex sibling marriage are no longer applicable." This statement that you keep making has no basis in fact. NONE.

If you want to study up on the harms of incest go ahead, those harms have nothing to do with gay marriage.

No, please, be my guest, show me the physical or mental harm done by siblings marrying.

Let's start with same sex heterosexual males marrying so they can have a reduced tax load, multi car insurance reductions and, since one has very low cost health insurance with spousal benefits HOW THIS COUPLE IS BEING HARMED, physically or emotionally.

We will proceed with the rest as this discussion progresses.

Don't you love the irony?

Yeah... it turns out that promoting unprincipled behavior... promotes unprincipled behavior. The upsides to which are Listed Here: ___.

There's nothing 'unprincipled' about gay marriage. Try again.

LOL! Skylar, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Get used to the idea.

That's a principle nature established, setting such in stone, when it created two distinct, but complimenting genders, who join by virtue of that design, of which marriage is a natural extension and serves as the nucleus of a little thing called: CIVILIZATION.

Nature doesn't have marriage. Nature has fucking. We invented marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. No one is excluded from marriage because they can't procreate. Why then would we exclude gays from marriage because they fail to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

Obviously we wouldn't. As there's no rational reason to do so.

^^^ brings up another excellent argument that works equally well for same sex sibling marriage
Yeah... it turns out that promoting unprincipled behavior... promotes unprincipled behavior. The upsides to which are Listed Here: ___.

There's nothing 'unprincipled' about gay marriage. Try again.

LOL! Skylar, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Get used to the idea.

That's a principle nature established, setting such in stone, when it created two distinct, but complimenting genders, who join by virtue of that design, of which marriage is a natural extension and serves as the nucleus of a little thing called: CIVILIZATION.

Nature doesn't have marriage. Nature has fucking. We invented marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. No one is excluded from marriage because they can't procreate. Why then would we exclude gays from marriage because they fail to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

Obviously we wouldn't. As there's no rational reason to do so.

yes, WE invented marriage and WE should decide what it means and who can participate in it.

WE, not some minority group, not 9 old farts in robes, WE, THE PEOPLE.

The judiciary is part of our legal system. And they're supposed to interpret the constitution. Says who? Says Federalist Paper 78.

yes, and when the constitution is silent on unclear on a matter we have constitutional amendments to clairify it.

Why aren't you calling for a constitutional amendment? afraid you couldn't get 38 states to ratify it?
I'm sick of all these people thinking that fags fucking each other is a good idea. How about all the homos go to France with all the other pussies?

How many brother/brother, sister/sister pairs are there in the United states.


and if they could legally marry they could avoid inheritence taxes and reduce their income tax rate. why do libs hate siblings?

Correct, marriage simply becomes a financial tool, no different than a 401K or a IRA.

Best is the siblings simply keep dating until they find an opposite sex mate, divorce and move on.

I can think of dozens of reasons it becomes financially beneficial. And since there won't be any stigma because the left hate stigma, it could become very accepted.

Your obsession with incest has nothing to do with gay marriage. You've abandoned the topic of same sex marriage again. While running from all your rhetorical babble about 'procreation' and 'the kind of sex that makes babies'.

If I'd been saddled with such useless nonsense in opposition to gay marriage, I'd probably try and change the topic too.

Thankfully, I picked a much more rational and defensible argument: the support of gay marriage.

Is a marriage of two sisters incest? how about two female cousins? how about one male and two female cousins? mother/daughter?, father/son? assume all of them are over the age of majority.

Incest has been defined as male/female sexual activity within familial limits.

you fools say you want SSM, why isn't sister/sister a SSM?

Incest has nothing to do with same sex marriage.

Red, if incest is the best you can come up with a deflection, then you've lost. You're done. As the best you can hope to do is change the topic. An elegant demonstration that you've conceded the topic you're abandoning.
There's nothing 'unprincipled' about gay marriage. Try again.

LOL! Skylar, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
And in 37 of 50 States, one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Get used to the idea.

That's a principle nature established, setting such in stone, when it created two distinct, but complimenting genders, who join by virtue of that design, of which marriage is a natural extension and serves as the nucleus of a little thing called: CIVILIZATION.

Nature doesn't have marriage. Nature has fucking. We invented marriage. And it is whatever we say it is. No one is excluded from marriage because they can't procreate. Why then would we exclude gays from marriage because they fail to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

Obviously we wouldn't. As there's no rational reason to do so.

yes, WE invented marriage and WE should decide what it means and who can participate in it.

WE, not some minority group, not 9 old farts in robes, WE, THE PEOPLE.

The judiciary is part of our legal system. And they're supposed to interpret the constitution. Says who? Says Federalist Paper 78.

yes, and when the constitution is silent on unclear on a matter we have constitutional amendments to clairify it.

The question facing the supreme court is about an existing constitutional amendment.

1) Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex?

2) Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-state?

Obergefell v. Hodges SCOTUSblog

Why would I call for a constitutional amendment when the 14th already covers it?

How many brother/brother, sister/sister pairs are there in the United states.


and if they could legally marry they could avoid inheritence taxes and reduce their income tax rate. why do libs hate siblings?

Correct, marriage simply becomes a financial tool, no different than a 401K or a IRA.

Best is the siblings simply keep dating until they find an opposite sex mate, divorce and move on.

I can think of dozens of reasons it becomes financially beneficial. And since there won't be any stigma because the left hate stigma, it could become very accepted.

Your obsession with incest has nothing to do with gay marriage. You've abandoned the topic of same sex marriage again. While running from all your rhetorical babble about 'procreation' and 'the kind of sex that makes babies'.

If I'd been saddled with such useless nonsense in opposition to gay marriage, I'd probably try and change the topic too.

Thankfully, I picked a much more rational and defensible argument: the support of gay marriage.

Is a marriage of two sisters incest? how about two female cousins? how about one male and two female cousins? mother/daughter?, father/son? assume all of them are over the age of majority.

Incest has been defined as male/female sexual activity within familial limits.

you fools say you want SSM, why isn't sister/sister a SSM?

You do realize that, just as some heterosexual couples can't procreate, no same sex siblings can.

So what's the big deal?

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