Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Yes- it is legally justifiable discrimination.

Really a particularly idiotic comparison- since marriage is an actual right recognized by the Supreme Court, while driving is of course a privilage- not a right.

That being said- blind people are not denied the right to drive just because they are blind- people who cannot pass the vision test are not allowed to drive- just as people who cannot pass the driving test or the written test.

You still can't come up with an equivelent reason why homosexuals should not be able to marry.

Other than human biology and anatomy.

So you think human biology and anatomy is a reason to deny marriage to homosexuals?


That is the best you can come up with?

No wonder your side keeps losing in courts.

Yes, biology, anatomy and over 3000 years of human history. A union of two people of the same sex is not a marriage.

they should be able to legally commit to each other, but their union is not a marriage.

You are welcome to your doomed opinion.

I will instead argue for actual equality with my wife and I- rather than separate but equal.

why is it "separate" if the rights are equal. How does the word make it separate?

is a synagoge equal to a church or mosque? Just because they have different names does not make one better than the other.
You don't know why men are different than women?
the laws defining gay civil unions and man/woman marriage should be exactly the same, convey the same rights, and be recognized as equal in every way.

But thats not what you want is it?
Why two sets of laws one for civil unions and one for marriage that are the "same thing?" All this so you don't have to admit gays are "married?"

If a civil union gives you all of the rights, priviledges, and "cash and prizes" that married couples get, what is your objection?

I thought your crusade was for equal rights, but its not really is it? You want the govenment to mandate societal acceptance of your aberant lifestyle by calling your gay union a marriage.

This is not about rights with you fools, its all about the word. your hypocrisy is noted.
Why are you such an lying bitch?

Marriage is not about cash and prizes. A civil union is not a marriage. Why should government mandate that gay marriage is a civil union only?

If you want to change the thousands of laws in this country regarding marriage to state civil unions, by all means go ahead and do it. I'm not stopping you. That said, you can't deny gays the right to life, that would be against the constitution. Get over it.

It's not? What is it then? Specifically
Please speak in full sentences.

If you don't know, just say so.
13 days after Redfish whined about all the focus on gay marriage and how he was no longer going to post on it- he continues to whine about gay marriage.

LOL......this thread is hilarious.

You, and the other posters confirmed my hypothesis, that gay marriage is a dividing issue in this country today. People on both sides have good arguments and feel strongly about them.

We just disagree----------------------

Now, what do people in a representative democracy do when they disagree about a societal issue? They, or their elected representatives, vote on it and the side getting the most votes prevails.

The will of the people should decide this. Will you accept the will of the people? I will, but I want the people to have their say on it.
No, ya dumb ass. We live in a constitutional republic, not a representative democracy.

its the same thing, you fricken moron.
Incorrect. It's not the same thing.
Other than human biology and anatomy.

So you think human biology and anatomy is a reason to deny marriage to homosexuals?


That is the best you can come up with?

No wonder your side keeps losing in courts.

Yes, biology, anatomy and over 3000 years of human history. A union of two people of the same sex is not a marriage.

they should be able to legally commit to each other, but their union is not a marriage.

You are welcome to your doomed opinion.

I will instead argue for actual equality with my wife and I- rather than separate but equal.

why is it "separate" if the rights are equal. How does the word make it separate?

is a synagoge equal to a church or mosque? Just because they have different names does not make one better than the other.
You don't know why men are different than women?

Ironic posts are ironic.
Other than human biology and anatomy.

So you think human biology and anatomy is a reason to deny marriage to homosexuals?


That is the best you can come up with?

No wonder your side keeps losing in courts.

Yes, biology, anatomy and over 3000 years of human history. A union of two people of the same sex is not a marriage.

they should be able to legally commit to each other, but their union is not a marriage.

You are welcome to your doomed opinion.

I will instead argue for actual equality with my wife and I- rather than separate but equal.

why is it "separate" if the rights are equal. How does the word make it separate?

is a synagoge equal to a church or mosque? Just because they have different names does not make one better than the other.
You don't know why men are different than women?

duh, yeah. what does that have to do with this topic?
Why two sets of laws one for civil unions and one for marriage that are the "same thing?" All this so you don't have to admit gays are "married?"

If a civil union gives you all of the rights, priviledges, and "cash and prizes" that married couples get, what is your objection?

I thought your crusade was for equal rights, but its not really is it? You want the govenment to mandate societal acceptance of your aberant lifestyle by calling your gay union a marriage.

This is not about rights with you fools, its all about the word. your hypocrisy is noted.
Why are you such an lying bitch?

Marriage is not about cash and prizes. A civil union is not a marriage. Why should government mandate that gay marriage is a civil union only?

If you want to change the thousands of laws in this country regarding marriage to state civil unions, by all means go ahead and do it. I'm not stopping you. That said, you can't deny gays the right to life, that would be against the constitution. Get over it.

It's not? What is it then? Specifically
Please speak in full sentences.

If you don't know, just say so.

"it's not?" with zero context means nothing. "What is it then?" with zero context means specifically nothing.
So you think human biology and anatomy is a reason to deny marriage to homosexuals?


That is the best you can come up with?

No wonder your side keeps losing in courts.

Yes, biology, anatomy and over 3000 years of human history. A union of two people of the same sex is not a marriage.

they should be able to legally commit to each other, but their union is not a marriage.

You are welcome to your doomed opinion.

I will instead argue for actual equality with my wife and I- rather than separate but equal.

why is it "separate" if the rights are equal. How does the word make it separate?

is a synagoge equal to a church or mosque? Just because they have different names does not make one better than the other.
You don't know why men are different than women?

duh, yeah. what does that have to do with this topic?
Sorry thought it was obvious. Here ya go:

male separate from female but with equal rights... separate but equal...

gay marriage separate from heterosexual marriage but with equal rights... separate but equal...
Fascism is horrible for all you idiot. Go praise your government gods and maybe they won't slaughter you in Thier utopia

A lot of words that said nothing. Are you calling your congresscritter to have them get rid of your FEDERAL protections?
Being a pervert isn't a constitutional protected right

Where does the Constitution say "... except gays ..."

where does the constitution use the words "gay marriage" ?

I notice you duck the question- where does the Constitution say 'except gays'?

ROFLMNAO... Now how precious is THAT?

They're down to framing their inanities in the negative.
A lot of words that said nothing. Are you calling your congresscritter to have them get rid of your FEDERAL protections?
Being a pervert isn't a constitutional protected right

Where does the Constitution say "... except gays ..."

where does the constitution use the words "gay marriage" ?

I notice you duck the question- where does the Constitution say 'except gays'?

what constitutional rights are not given to gays? answer: none.
What do you think this thread is about? Nothing? ROFL
Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

18 trillion in debt
half the country on some form of govt handout
deficit spending every year
no confidence in congress or the president
the mid east burning
radical islam killing thousands because or religion
more americans in poverty than ever before
hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities
racial violence in our cities

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

I would say it's maybe 25th or 26th.
A lot of words that said nothing. Are you calling your congresscritter to have them get rid of your FEDERAL protections?
Being a pervert isn't a constitutional protected right

Where does the Constitution say "... except gays ..."

where does the constitution use the words "gay marriage" ?

I notice you duck the question- where does the Constitution say 'except gays'?

what constitutional rights are not given to gays? answer: none.

Exactly- homosexuals have the same right to marry one another as we all do- the difference is now they are getting their Constitutional protections.
13 days after Redfish whined about all the focus on gay marriage and how he was no longer going to post on it- he continues to whine about gay marriage.

LOL......this thread is hilarious.

Now, what do people in a representative democracy do when they disagree about a societal issue? They, or their elected representatives, vote on it and the side getting the most votes prevails.

The will of the people should decide this. Will you accept the will of the people? I will, but I want the people to have their say on it.

We haven't done that for many issues.

Gun rights? The will of the people in states that want to limit gun rights- we don't rely upon the 'will of the people'- because Constitutional guarantees kick in.

The Right to marry someone regardless of their race? The will of the people that didn't want blacks and whites to marry was ignored- because Constitutional guarantees kick in.

Basically you are arguing that for this issue- and this issue only- we should ignore the right of Americans to go to court and ask for their Constitutional rights to be protected.
1612 posts in this thread- Redfish has contributed maybe 5%-10% of the posts- in the thread that Redfish said he was no longer going to focus on gay marriage.......

If Redfish actually stopped arguing about gay marriage, maybe then- well he wouldn't be so focused on it.
Being a pervert isn't a constitutional protected right

Where does the Constitution say "... except gays ..."

where does the constitution use the words "gay marriage" ?

I notice you duck the question- where does the Constitution say 'except gays'?

what constitutional rights are not given to gays? answer: none.

Exactly- homosexuals have the same right to marry one another as we all do- the difference is now they are getting their Constitutional protections.

There is no potential for a right to foment sexual deviance.

Your claim that sexual deviants have a right to marry because the sexually normal marry, is akin to claiming that the right to speak freely provides the right to use ones speech to mislead people.

Which ironically ... Is what you and your cult are doing.

Do you feel that you have a right to mislead people?

Is it your right to claim that sexual deviancy is sexual normality?
1612 posts in this thread- Redfish has contributed maybe 5%-10% of the posts- in the thread that Redfish said he was no longer going to focus on gay marriage.......

If Redfish actually stopped arguing about gay marriage, maybe then- well he wouldn't be so focused on it.

True that both he and pop are obsessed with taking away basic rights away from less than 5% of the population.

There's nothing new about same-sex marriage and its still no one's business but the consenting adults involved.
Where does the Constitution say "... except gays ..."

where does the constitution use the words "gay marriage" ?

I notice you duck the question- where does the Constitution say 'except gays'?

what constitutional rights are not given to gays? answer: none.

Exactly- homosexuals have the same right to marry one another as we all do- the difference is now they are getting their Constitutional protections.

There is no potential for a right to foment sexual deviance.

Your claim that sexual deviants have a right to marry because the sexually normal marry, is akin to claiming that the right to speak freely provides the right to use ones speech to mislead people.

Which ironically ... Is what you and your cult are doing.

Do you feel that you have a right to mislead people?

Is it your right to claim that sexual deviancy is sexual normality?

Is it my right to tell you who you can marry?
1612 posts in this thread- Redfish has contributed maybe 5%-10% of the posts- in the thread that Redfish said he was no longer going to focus on gay marriage.......

If Redfish actually stopped arguing about gay marriage, maybe then- well he wouldn't be so focused on it.
Yes... As I said in my first comment.

By not contesting this insanity people erroneously perceive that as acceptance.

Which answers Rush Limbaughs question from Monday: how can such a tiny minority come to be such a powerfully destructive force?

And that answer is found in the unholy trinity of evil itself: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

Think about it.

Mellinials have been repeatedly polled and have consistently reported that they believe that "Homosexuals make up 30-35% of the population".

When in reality, thus in truth homosexuals make up roughly 1-2% of the population. An infinitesimal minority...

But millenials get their education from who? Leftists.

And Leftists are liars. And this without exception... Because Left-think rests entirely in Relativism and Relativis rejects the objectivity that is essential to recognizing truth.

Who comprises the Media that creates everything from "The News" to entertainment?


Now we know that homosexuality is a mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. But what we are coming to find is that the disorder is Relativism and it presents in every form of evil. From sexual deviancy to socialism.
From the OP 13 days ago


Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

yet here Redfish is- still arguing why gays or lesbians should be denied marriage.
where does the constitution use the words "gay marriage" ?

I notice you duck the question- where does the Constitution say 'except gays'?

what constitutional rights are not given to gays? answer: none.

Exactly- homosexuals have the same right to marry one another as we all do- the difference is now they are getting their Constitutional protections.

There is no potential for a right to foment sexual deviance.

Your claim that sexual deviants have a right to marry because the sexually normal marry, is akin to claiming that the right to speak freely provides the right to use ones speech to mislead people.

Which ironically ... Is what you and your cult are doing.

Do you feel that you have a right to mislead people?

Is it your right to claim that sexual deviancy is sexual normality?

Is it my right to tell you who you can marry?

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman!
From the OP 13 days ago


Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

yet here Redfish is- still arguing why gays or lesbians should be denied marriage.

Once again comes the cult of sexual deviancy to beg that people stop opposing them so that they can continue to forment deciet In their quest to normalize all forms of sexual deviancy... Most notably the legalization of the pursuit of children for sexual gratification.

Raw... Unadulterated Evil.

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