Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Under our current understanding, gender issued dorm assignments make sense. Guys bunk with guys. But when guy = gay then gay guy gets to be housed with the sex he is most attracted too. The heterosexual is prohibited from sleeping in and living with the gender he is most attracted too.

Hate to break it to you Pops, but gay guys already bunk in the guy dorm and lesbians bunk in the female dorm. Been like that for years. And I'm speaking as the father of two college graduates.

That doesn't have anything to do with denying same-sex civil marriage.

They can, but the school doesn't assign that on a random basis.

They sure do. Most schools have a "matching program", if you don't fine your own roommate and they will randomly assign you to another unassigned person.

My daughter matched up with someone the summer before her freshman year. However the person she matched with ended up changing to a different school at the last minute. Therefore they randomly matched her to another unassigned individual.


Hate to break it to you WW. Just because theirs never been a civil suit, doesn't mean it ain't discrimination.

SSM is going to open up a whole lot of new "victim" doors.

The victim world could get mighty crowded.
Now imagine a delusion SO PROFOUND that there exist a denial that the sexual deviancy presenting as homosexuality is starkly different from other manifestations of sexual deviancy... Even as NAMBLA and the 62 other pedophile advocacy groups are comprised ENTIRELY... SOLEY BY HOMOSEXUALS.

Such is not even remotely deniable by people of reason... representing profound delusion.

Now the unreasonable people may ask "so what? Who's it harm?

And for the answer to that one need go NO FARTHER... That the homosexual priests who spent decades molesting thousands of little boys.

A policy which each and everyone of these professed sexual deviants engaged in this discussion wanted to set upon the Boy Scouts of America.

Which is all one really needs to know about these would-be "people"... To know that they are the manifestation of pure fuckin' evil.
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Under our current understanding, gender issued dorm assignments make sense. Guys bunk with guys. But when guy = gay then gay guy gets to be housed with the sex he is most attracted too. The heterosexual is prohibited from sleeping in and living with the gender he is most attracted too.

Hate to break it to you Pops, but gay guys already bunk in the guy dorm and lesbians bunk in the female dorm. Been like that for years. And I'm speaking as the father of two college graduates.

That doesn't have anything to do with denying same-sex civil marriage.

They can, but the school doesn't assign that on a random basis.

They sure do. Most schools have a "matching program", if you don't fine your own roommate and they will randomly assign you to another unassigned person.

My daughter matched up with someone the summer before her freshman year. However the person she matched with ended up changing to a different school at the last minute. Therefore they randomly matched her to another unassigned individual.


Hate to break it to you WW. Just because theirs never been a civil suit, doesn't mean it ain't discrimination.

SSM is going to open up a whole lot of new "victim" doors.

The victim world could get mighty crowded.

What the hell are you talking about?

You make a post implying that same-sex civil marriage will lead to gay guys being able to live in male college dorms.

The fact is that gay guys (along with straight guys) live in male college dorms and lesbians (along with straight women) live in female college dorms. That's the way it already is and SSCM will have no impact on that.

(As a matter of fact in the college my daughter went to gay guys, straight guys, lesbians, and straight women all lived in the same dorm. Males lived on the 1st and 3rd floors and women on the 2nd and 4th - all in the same dorm.)

Under our current understanding, gender issued dorm assignments make sense. Guys bunk with guys. But when guy = gay then gay guy gets to be housed with the sex he is most attracted too. The heterosexual is prohibited from sleeping in and living with the gender he is most attracted too.

Hate to break it to you Pops, but gay guys already bunk in the guy dorm and lesbians bunk in the female dorm. Been like that for years. And I'm speaking as the father of two college graduates.

That doesn't have anything to do with denying same-sex civil marriage.

They can, but the school doesn't assign that on a random basis.

They sure do. Most schools have a "matching program", if you don't fine your own roommate and they will randomly assign you to another unassigned person.

My daughter matched up with someone the summer before her freshman year. However the person she matched with ended up changing to a different school at the last minute. Therefore they randomly matched her to another unassigned individual.


Hate to break it to you WW. Just because theirs never been a civil suit, doesn't mean it ain't discrimination.

SSM is going to open up a whole lot of new "victim" doors.

The victim world could get mighty crowded.

What the hell are you talking about?

You make a post implying that same-sex civil marriage will lead to gay guys being able to live in male college dorms.

The fact is that gay guys (along with straight guys) live in male college dorms and lesbians (along with straight women) live in female college dorms. That's the way it already is and SSCM will have no impact on that.

(As a matter of fact in the college my daughter went to gay guys, straight guys, lesbians, and straight women all lived in the same dorm. Males lived on the 1st and 3rd floors and women on the 2nd and 4th - all in the same dorm.)


Your premise is all wrong. Re read my post
Yes, biology, anatomy and over 3000 years of human history. A union of two people of the same sex is not a marriage.

they should be able to legally commit to each other, but their union is not a marriage.

You are welcome to your doomed opinion.

I will instead argue for actual equality with my wife and I- rather than separate but equal.

why is it "separate" if the rights are equal. How does the word make it separate?

is a synagoge equal to a church or mosque? Just because they have different names does not make one better than the other.
You don't know why men are different than women?

duh, yeah. what does that have to do with this topic?
Sorry thought it was obvious. Here ya go:

male separate from female but with equal rights... separate but equal...

gay marriage separate from heterosexual marriage but with equal rights... separate but equal...

are you suggesting that men and women share public restrooms? Are you suggesting urinals for women in order to be equal? The more you post on this, the dumber you look.
Being a pervert isn't a constitutional protected right

Where does the Constitution say "... except gays ..."

where does the constitution use the words "gay marriage" ?

I notice you duck the question- where does the Constitution say 'except gays'?

what constitutional rights are not given to gays? answer: none.
What do you think this thread is about? Nothing? ROFL

you said 'constitutional rights'. marriage is not a constitutional right. If you think it is, quote the language from the constitution that uses the word 'marriage'
Under our current understanding, gender issued dorm assignments make sense. Guys bunk with guys. But when guy = gay then gay guy gets to be housed with the sex he is most attracted too. The heterosexual is prohibited from sleeping in and living with the gender he is most attracted too.

Hate to break it to you Pops, but gay guys already bunk in the guy dorm and lesbians bunk in the female dorm. Been like that for years. And I'm speaking as the father of two college graduates.

That doesn't have anything to do with denying same-sex civil marriage.

They can, but the school doesn't assign that on a random basis.

They sure do. Most schools have a "matching program", if you don't fine your own roommate and they will randomly assign you to another unassigned person.

My daughter matched up with someone the summer before her freshman year. However the person she matched with ended up changing to a different school at the last minute. Therefore they randomly matched her to another unassigned individual.


Hate to break it to you WW. Just because theirs never been a civil suit, doesn't mean it ain't discrimination.

SSM is going to open up a whole lot of new "victim" doors.

The victim world could get mighty crowded.

What the hell are you talking about?

You make a post implying that same-sex civil marriage will lead to gay guys being able to live in male college dorms.

The fact is that gay guys (along with straight guys) live in male college dorms and lesbians (along with straight women) live in female college dorms. That's the way it already is and SSCM will have no impact on that.

(As a matter of fact in the college my daughter went to gay guys, straight guys, lesbians, and straight women all lived in the same dorm. Males lived on the 1st and 3rd floors and women on the 2nd and 4th - all in the same dorm.)


what was the STD rate?
Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.
Now imagine a delusion SO PROFOUND that there exist a denial that the sexual deviancy presenting as homosexuality is starkly different from other manifestations of sexual deviancy... Even as NAMBLA and the 62 other pedophile advocacy groups are comprised ENTIRELY... SOLEY BY HOMOSEXUALS.

Such is not even remotely deniable by people of reason... representing profound delusion.

Now the unreasonable people may ask "so what? Who's it harm?

And for the answer to that one need go NO FARTHER... That the homosexual priests who spent decades molesting thousands of little boys.

A policy which each and everyone of these professed sexual deviants engaged in this discussion wanted to set upon the Boy Scouts of America.

Which is all one really needs to know about these would-be "people"... To know that they are the manifestation of pure fuckin' evil.
Actually those organizations you so meticulously investigated are comprised ENTIRELY....SOLEY by.....MEN.

What do you plan to suggest about that?
Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.

That is not what SCOTUS ruled. They may rule that was next month, and then you lefties can celebrate as the weddings of gays, siblings, parent/child, begin. same sex sibling marriage will happen once SSM becomes legal. It will be done for tax reasons, not sex, and there will be no way to prevent it.

SCOTUS previous rulings said that all american citizens have the rights under the 14th amendment to equal treatment, they did not mention gay marriage in that decision. Yes, it was implied but not specifically mentioned.

If you get the ruling you want in June will you STFU about this? I will accept that ruling even thought I think it will damage our society and that such issues should be decided by the people not judges.

The country is moving left socially, you may think that is good, I don't. Time will tell who is right.
Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

18 trillion in debt
half the country on some form of govt handout
deficit spending every year
no confidence in congress or the president
the mid east burning
radical islam killing thousands because or religion
more americans in poverty than ever before
hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities
racial violence in our cities

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

And here you are starting another thread about gay marriage. I'd be willing to bet $100 that this is not your last posting about gay marriage.
You are welcome to your doomed opinion.

I will instead argue for actual equality with my wife and I- rather than separate but equal.

why is it "separate" if the rights are equal. How does the word make it separate?

is a synagoge equal to a church or mosque? Just because they have different names does not make one better than the other.
You don't know why men are different than women?

duh, yeah. what does that have to do with this topic?
Sorry thought it was obvious. Here ya go:

male separate from female but with equal rights... separate but equal...

gay marriage separate from heterosexual marriage but with equal rights... separate but equal...

are you suggesting that men and women share public restrooms? Are you suggesting urinals for women in order to be equal? The more you post on this, the dumber you look.
What is wrong with that, with stalls? And as far as all know all homes have unisex bathrooms......
Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

18 trillion in debt
half the country on some form of govt handout
deficit spending every year
no confidence in congress or the president
the mid east burning
radical islam killing thousands because or religion
more americans in poverty than ever before
hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities
racial violence in our cities

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

And here you are starting another thread about gay marriage. I'd be willing to bet $100 that this is not your last posting about gay marriage.

I started this thread to try to understand why gay marriage is such a divisive issue in our country. I think the posts verify that people have very strong beliefs and opinions on this and that there does not seem to be any middle ground or compromise.

What I find very troublesome is the insistence from the left that a gay union be called a marriage. They claim that the issue is equal treatment under the law and that gay unions do not get the same "cash and prizes" (their words, not mine) that marriage couples get. Sanctioning gay civil unions would give them those rights and priviledges, but thats not good enough. They want the govt to mandate societal acceptance of a lifestyle that many consider abnormal or a perversion.

So what do civilized people do when they disagree about a societal norm? They vote and the majority view prevails. So lets vote, either via a referendum in every state or a constitutional amendment. Settle it once and for all. Would you accept the will of the people to settle this? I would.
why is it "separate" if the rights are equal. How does the word make it separate?

is a synagoge equal to a church or mosque? Just because they have different names does not make one better than the other.
You don't know why men are different than women?

duh, yeah. what does that have to do with this topic?
Sorry thought it was obvious. Here ya go:

male separate from female but with equal rights... separate but equal...

gay marriage separate from heterosexual marriage but with equal rights... separate but equal...

are you suggesting that men and women share public restrooms? Are you suggesting urinals for women in order to be equal? The more you post on this, the dumber you look.
What is wrong with that, with stalls? And as far as all know all homes have unisex bathrooms......

On both my ships I shared a head with the guys. Doors have these things called "locks" on them.

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