Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

I notice you duck the question- where does the Constitution say 'except gays'?

what constitutional rights are not given to gays? answer: none.

Exactly- homosexuals have the same right to marry one another as we all do- the difference is now they are getting their Constitutional protections.

There is no potential for a right to foment sexual deviance.

Your claim that sexual deviants have a right to marry because the sexually normal marry, is akin to claiming that the right to speak freely provides the right to use ones speech to mislead people.

Which ironically ... Is what you and your cult are doing.

Do you feel that you have a right to mislead people?

Is it your right to claim that sexual deviancy is sexual normality?

Is it my right to tell you who you can marry?

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman!

And in 37 states, the District of Columbia and many countries- the joining of one man and one man or the joining of one woman and one woman.
From the OP 13 days ago


Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

yet here Redfish is- still arguing why gays or lesbians should be denied marriage.

Raw... Unadulterated Evil.

Yes- every one of your posts is raw unadulterated Evil.
1612 posts in this thread- Redfish has contributed maybe 5%-10% of the posts- in the thread that Redfish said he was no longer going to focus on gay marriage.......

If Redfish actually stopped arguing about gay marriage, maybe then- well he wouldn't be so focused on it.
Yes... As I said in my first comment.

By not contesting this insanity people erroneously perceive that as acceptance.

Which answers Rush Limbaughs question from Monday: how can such a tiny minority come to be such a powerfully destructive force?

And that answer is found in the unholy trinity of evil itself: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

Think about it.

Mellinials have been repeatedly polled and have consistently reported that they believe that "Homosexuals make up 30-35% of the population".

When in reality, thus in truth homosexuals make up roughly 1-2% of the population. An infinitesimal minority...

But millenials get their education from who? Leftists.

And Leftists are liars. And this without exception... Because Left-think rests entirely in Relativism and Relativis rejects the objectivity that is essential to recognizing truth.

Who comprises the Media that creates everything from "The News" to entertainment?


Now we know that homosexuality is a mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. But what we are coming to find is that the disorder is Relativism and it presents in every form of evil. From sexual deviancy to socialism.

Liars like Lushbo are the reason its in the news. Keeping the phobe fools all up in arms over nothing keeps their flimsy little minds off of being screwed in the butt by the Rs they vote for.


Why the hysteria over only 4-5 of the population US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And in 37 states, the District of Columbia and many countries- the joining of one man and one man or the joining of one woman and one woman.

Deciet, FRAUD and Ignorance.

In all but a tiny fraction of those states laws which defend the natural standards of MAREIAGE were overturned through spurious reasoning by members of the homosexual cult who happen to sit upon the federal judiciary.

An infinitesimal number of people, illicitly using federal power to overturn The Law that was passed through legitimate legislative processes, by elected legislators who openly debated the bills over extending periods, who were elected by the VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE... Bills signed into law by governors who were also elected by the vast majority of the people.

Just look at how the evil that animate that would-be 'contributor' framed her response...

Implying that the majority of the people in the majority of the states VOTED to Tear away the natural standards of marriage.

It's a lie... Using false information designed to mislead YOU: the members of this August board.
1612 posts in this thread- Redfish has contributed maybe 5%-10% of the posts- in the thread that Redfish said he was no longer going to focus on gay marriage.......

If Redfish actually stopped arguing about gay marriage, maybe then- well he wouldn't be so focused on it.
Yes... As I said in my first comment.

By not contesting this insanity people erroneously perceive that as acceptance.

Which answers Rush Limbaughs question from Monday: how can such a tiny minority come to be such a powerfully destructive force?

And that answer is found in the unholy trinity of evil itself: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance.

Think about it.

Mellinials have been repeatedly polled and have consistently reported that they believe that "Homosexuals make up 30-35% of the population".

When in reality, thus in truth homosexuals make up roughly 1-2% of the population. An infinitesimal minority...

But millenials get their education from who? Leftists.

And Leftists are liars. And this without exception... Because Left-think rests entirely in Relativism and Relativis rejects the objectivity that is essential to recognizing truth.

Who comprises the Media that creates everything from "The News" to entertainment?


Now we know that homosexuality is a mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy. But what we are coming to find is that the disorder is Relativism and it presents in every form of evil. From sexual deviancy to socialism.

Liars like Lushbo are the reason its in the news. Keeping the phobe fools all up in arms over nothing keeps their flimsy little minds off of being screwed in the butt by the Rs they vote for.


Why the hysteria over only 4-5 of the population US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Deflection and obscurance.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
From the OP 13 days ago


Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

yet here Redfish is- still arguing why gays or lesbians should be denied marriage.

Raw... Unadulterated Evil.

Yes- every one of your posts is raw unadulterated Evil.
Another attempt to avoid the argument.

The reader should recognize the trend. They are incapable of debating the reality, this the facts.

Instead all that they are capable of doing is fleeing the debate.

We're winning friends. This is not the time to let up or otherwise fall victim to the rejection of "social liberalism" . That too is a lie.

They can no more defend socialism than they can the normalization of sexual deviancy.
Under our current understanding, gender issued dorm assignments make sense. Guys bunk with guys. But when guy = gay then gay guy gets to be housed with the sex he is most attracted too. The heterosexual is prohibited from sleeping in and living with the gender he is most attracted too.

Hate to break it to you Pops, but gay guys already bunk in the guy dorm and lesbians bunk in the female dorm. Been like that for years. And I'm speaking as the father of two college graduates.

That doesn't have anything to do with denying same-sex civil marriage.

They can, but the school doesn't assign that on a random basis.

They sure do. Most schools have a "matching program", if you don't fine your own roommate and they will randomly assign you to another unassigned person.

My daughter matched up with someone the summer before her freshman year. However the person she matched with ended up changing to a different school at the last minute. Therefore they randomly matched her to another unassigned individual.

From the OP 13 days ago


Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

yet here Redfish is- still arguing why gays or lesbians should be denied marriage.

Once again comes the cult of sexual deviancy to beg that people stop opposing them so that they can continue to forment deciet In their quest to normalize all forms of sexual deviancy... Most notably the legalization of the pursuit of children for sexual gratification.

Raw... Unadulterated Evil.
Which USMB members are you accusing of pedophilia?
From the OP 13 days ago


Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

yet here Redfish is- still arguing why gays or lesbians should be denied marriage.

Raw... Unadulterated Evil.

Yes- every one of your posts is raw unadulterated Evil.
Another attempt to avoid the argument.

You have no argument- you just spew raw unadulterated evil.
From the OP 13 days ago


Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

yet here Redfish is- still arguing why gays or lesbians should be denied marriage.

Raw... Unadulterated Evil.

Yes- every one of your posts is raw unadulterated Evil.
Another attempt to avoid the argument.

You have no argument- you just spew raw unadulterated evil.
Yet you are the one that has overtly avoided the argument I advanced... While I have never failed to engage and destroy everything you post which I find.

More Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance from those perpetrating the normalization of perversion.
From the OP 13 days ago


Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

yet here Redfish is- still arguing why gays or lesbians should be denied marriage.

Once again comes the cult of sexual deviancy to beg that people stop opposing them so that they can continue to forment deciet In their quest to normalize all forms of sexual deviancy... Most notably the legalization of the pursuit of children for sexual gratification.

Raw... Unadulterated Evil.
Which USMB members are you accusing of pedophilia?
He tried this before and was warned. Report him. Keys needs an enforced vacation.
Which USMB members are you accusing of pedophilia?


I say that Left-think is grounded in evil and PRESTO A Leftist shows up hoping to abuse the rules of the forum upon an innocent, to get rid of a proponent of natural law, so that those who reject natural law will appear more popular.

Much as the Leftist on the Federal Judiciary abused the rules of government, as a means to make it appear that approval for the normalization of sexual deviancy is more popular than it actually is.

Incredible how consistent evil is... Isn't it?

With that said, there is no distinction between the sexual deviancy of homosexuality and that of pedophilia, beyond opportunity and personal preference.

In reality, this in truth... Homosexuality is a result of sexual molestation of a child, which is perpetrated in a fun and enjoyable manner, which induces feelings of pleasure and acceptance.

This imprints the desire for please and acceptance from the same type of person that performed the molestation.

The individual who purpetrates the molestation is a sexual deviant without regard to whether or not they are a male molesting a male or a male molesting a female.

This has been reported. Keys is insinuating all his opponents are for pedophilia.
And in 37 states, the District of Columbia and many countries- the joining of one man and one man or the joining of one woman and one woman.

Deciet, FRAUD and Ignorance.

In all but a tiny fraction of those states laws which defend the natural standards of MAREIAGE were overturned through spurious reasoning by members of the homosexual cult who happen to sit upon the federal judiciary.

An infinitesimal number of people, illicitly using federal power to overturn The Law that was passed through legitimate legislative processes, by elected legislators who openly debated the bills over extending periods, who were elected by the VAST MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE... Bills signed into law by governors who were also elected by the vast majority of the people.

Just look at how the evil that animate that would-be 'contributor' framed her response...

Implying that the majority of the people in the majority of the states VOTED to Tear away the natural standards of marriage.

It's a lie... Using false information designed to mislead YOU: the members of this August board.
The "homosexual cult".......:haha:
Which USMB members are you accusing of pedophilia?


I say that Left-think is grounded in evil and PRESTO A Leftist shows up hoping to abuse the rules of the forum upon an innocent, to get rid of a proponent of natural law, so that those who reject natural law will appear more popular.

Much as the Leftist on the Federal Judiciary abused the rules of government, as a means to make it appear that approval for the normalization of sexual deviancy is more popular than it actually is.

Incredible how consistent evil is... Isn't it?

With that said, there is no distinction between the sexual deviancy of homosexuality and that of pedophilia, beyond opportunity and personal preference.

In reality, this in truth... Homosexuality is a result of sexual molestation of a child, which is perpetrated in a fun and enjoyable manner, which induces feelings of pleasure and acceptance.

This imprints the desire for please and acceptance from the same type of person that performed the molestation.

The individual who purpetrates the molestation is a sexual deviant without regard to whether or not they are a male molesting a male or a male molesting a female.
So, you are accusing us of being pedophiles. Interesting.
From the OP 13 days ago


Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.

yet here Redfish is- still arguing why gays or lesbians should be denied marriage.

Raw... Unadulterated Evil.

Yes- every one of your posts is raw unadulterated Evil.
Another attempt to avoid the argument.

You have no argument- you just spew raw unadulterated evil.
Yet you are the one that has overtly avoided the argument I advanced... While I have never failed to engage and destroy everything you post which I find.

More Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance from those perpetrating the normalization of perversion.
Just adorable, your imitation of Rudolph Hess, sitting in your little room scribbling and scribbling and scribbling for hours and hours, while the world ignores you, and here, well, we are kind enough, to a point, to tolerate your looniness.
Last edited:
Which USMB members are you accusing of pedophilia?


I say that Left-think is grounded in evil and PRESTO A Leftist shows up hoping to abuse the rules of the forum upon an innocent, to get rid of a proponent of natural law, so that those who reject natural law will appear more popular.

Much as the Leftist on the Federal Judiciary abused the rules of government, as a means to make it appear that approval for the normalization of sexual deviancy is more popular than it actually is.

Incredible how consistent evil is... Isn't it?

With that said, there is no distinction between the sexual deviancy of homosexuality and that of pedophilia, beyond opportunity and personal preference.

In reality, this in truth... Homosexuality is a result of sexual molestation of a child, which is perpetrated in a fun and enjoyable manner, which induces feelings of pleasure and acceptance.

This imprints the desire for please and acceptance from the same type of person that performed the molestation.

The individual who purpetrates the molestation is a sexual deviant without regard to whether or not they are a male molesting a male or a male molesting a female.
So, you are accusing us of being pedophiles. Interesting.
His writing has been reported. Let's see what happens.

Silhouette had to learn the hard way, too, I think. Or was it She Who Cannot Be Named Right Now.
So, you are accusing us of being pedophiles. Interesting.

I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I am stating as a medical fact that the mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy identifies both homosexual and the pedophilia. Both represent profound sociopathy wherein the subject presents with little control over their perverse sexual cravings... Indicating limited regard or respect for comporting their behavior with boundaries of societal mores, rules and laws.
Last edited:
Which USMB members are you accusing of pedophilia?


I say that Left-think is grounded in evil and PRESTO A Leftist shows up hoping to abuse the rules of the forum upon an innocent, to get rid of a proponent of natural law, so that those who reject natural law will appear more popular.

Much as the Leftist on the Federal Judiciary abused the rules of government, as a means to make it appear that approval for the normalization of sexual deviancy is more popular than it actually is.

Incredible how consistent evil is... Isn't it?

With that said, there is no distinction between the sexual deviancy of homosexuality and that of pedophilia, beyond opportunity and personal preference.

In reality, this in truth... Homosexuality is a result of sexual molestation of a child, which is perpetrated in a fun and enjoyable manner, which induces feelings of pleasure and acceptance.

This imprints the desire for please and acceptance from the same type of person that performed the molestation.

The individual who purpetrates the molestation is a sexual deviant without regard to whether or not they are a male molesting a male or a male molesting a female.
Where R My Keys is now doubling down on accusing Marriage Equality supporters of being pedophiles or supporters of pedophilia.


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