Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

I said: is it discrimination to deny blind people the right to drive cars? .

Yes- it is legally justifiable discrimination.

Really a particularly idiotic comparison- since marriage is an actual right recognized by the Supreme Court, while driving is of course a privilage- not a right.

That being said- blind people are not denied the right to drive just because they are blind- people who cannot pass the vision test are not allowed to drive- just as people who cannot pass the driving test or the written test.

You still can't come up with an equivelent reason why homosexuals should not be able to marry.

Other than human biology and anatomy.

Nor can you come up with a valid reason why same sex siblings over the age of majority should not be allowed to marry. We have been waiting for that answer for several days.

BTW, incest is an act, not a method of cohabitation.
Are you saying marriage is nothing but co-habitation? Who's trying to redefine marriage now?

I was responding to your claim that same sex sibling marriage would be incest. If two sisters marry but never engage in sexual contact how can it be incest? Even if they did occaisionally engage in a mutual lick fest, would that be incest?
Incest is against the law, not lesbian sex acts.

Red, RMK has been reduced to a troll

He must know that SSM creates a paradox and is desperate to cast blame elsewhere. Can't blame the guy though.

And so his deflections continue.
Separate but equal isn't. You should have figured this out by now.

What matters more, the word marriage or the principle of equality, pick one.

So a university allowing gay students to bunk with members of the sex they find most attractive, randomly chosen, while excluding heterosexual students the same, is equality?

That's absurd

Where's the Justice, is that not seperate but equal?
What makes you think heteros don't bunk in college?

They can, but the school doesn't assign that on a random basis.
Some schools do. But no, they don't force you to "bunk" with someone that sees you as a sexual conquest. Co-ed dorms is old news.

Dorms yes, rooms, not so much
So you agree your argument was wrong.
Yes- it is legally justifiable discrimination.

Really a particularly idiotic comparison- since marriage is an actual right recognized by the Supreme Court, while driving is of course a privilage- not a right.

That being said- blind people are not denied the right to drive just because they are blind- people who cannot pass the vision test are not allowed to drive- just as people who cannot pass the driving test or the written test.

You still can't come up with an equivelent reason why homosexuals should not be able to marry.

Other than human biology and anatomy.

Nor can you come up with a valid reason why same sex siblings over the age of majority should not be allowed to marry. We have been waiting for that answer for several days.

BTW, incest is an act, not a method of cohabitation.
Are you saying marriage is nothing but co-habitation? Who's trying to redefine marriage now?

I was responding to your claim that same sex sibling marriage would be incest. If two sisters marry but never engage in sexual contact how can it be incest? Even if they did occaisionally engage in a mutual lick fest, would that be incest?
Incest is against the law, not lesbian sex acts.

Red, RMK has been reduced to a troll

He must know that SSM creates a paradox and is desperate to cast blame elsewhere. Can't blame the guy though.

And so his deflections continue.
I'm thinking paradox does not mean what you think it means.
Yes- it is legally justifiable discrimination.

Really a particularly idiotic comparison- since marriage is an actual right recognized by the Supreme Court, while driving is of course a privilage- not a right.

That being said- blind people are not denied the right to drive just because they are blind- people who cannot pass the vision test are not allowed to drive- just as people who cannot pass the driving test or the written test.

You still can't come up with an equivelent reason why homosexuals should not be able to marry.

Other than human biology and anatomy.

Nor can you come up with a valid reason why same sex siblings over the age of majority should not be allowed to marry. We have been waiting for that answer for several days.

BTW, incest is an act, not a method of cohabitation.
Are you saying marriage is nothing but co-habitation? Who's trying to redefine marriage now?

I was responding to your claim that same sex sibling marriage would be incest. If two sisters marry but never engage in sexual contact how can it be incest? Even if they did occaisionally engage in a mutual lick fest, would that be incest?
Incest is against the law, not lesbian sex acts.

Red, RMK has been reduced to a troll

He must know that SSM creates a paradox and is desperate to cast blame elsewhere. Can't blame the guy though.

And so his deflections continue.

Funny seeing a troll call another poster a troll.
Are you actually saying you want a law that blocks blind people from getting married? WTF is wrong with you?

How is stopping gays from getting married in a loving relationship between two consenting adults, the same as blind drivers heading out onto highways and slaughtering people?

Being bigoted against blacks is the same as being bigoted against gays. The only reason you got away with it in both cases was that they were minority groups that jerks like you could pick on.

I said: is it discrimination to deny blind people the right to drive cars? .

Yes- it is legally justifiable discrimination.

Really a particularly idiotic comparison- since marriage is an actual right recognized by the Supreme Court, while driving is of course a privilage- not a right.

That being said- blind people are not denied the right to drive just because they are blind- people who cannot pass the vision test are not allowed to drive- just as people who cannot pass the driving test or the written test.

You still can't come up with an equivelent reason why homosexuals should not be able to marry.

Other than human biology and anatomy.

So you think human biology and anatomy is a reason to deny marriage to homosexuals?


That is the best you can come up with?

No wonder your side keeps losing in courts.

Yes, biology, anatomy and over 3000 years of human history. A union of two people of the same sex is not a marriage.

they should be able to legally commit to each other, but their union is not a marriage.

You are welcome to your doomed opinion.

I will instead argue for actual equality with my wife and I- rather than separate but equal.
So you were not comparing gays to blind people, you were comparing marriage licences to driving licenses? You know the privilege of driving on public roads is not the same as the right to life and marriage right?

You know a civil union is not a marriage right?

So you admit that its all about the word and not about equality, rights, discrimination, or anything else. Its about using govt to force societal change to fit your minority views.

and you call that democracy?????
We don't live in a democracy, thank god, we live in a constitutional republic.

No, civil union is not the same as marriage. What makes you think civil union means marriage? There are thousands of different laws regarding marriage. Civil unions is not the same as marriage, because those thousands of laws regarding marriage do not apply.

The only government force that's been going on around here is majority groups pissing on minorities. Protecting a minority from a bully is not force, it's defense. Your argument is akin to saying a cop stopping a rape is force cause the rapist was stronger than his victim, so the victim deserved it.

the laws defining gay civil unions and man/woman marriage should be exactly the same, convey the same rights, and be recognized as equal in every way.

But thats not what you want is it?
Why two sets of laws one for civil unions and one for marriage that are the "same thing?" All this so you don't have to admit gays are "married?"

This is not about rights with you fools, its all about the word. your hypocrisy is noted.

Yeah- you seem pretty upset about a word.

Matter of fact- you seem to think that gay marriage is one of the most important issues in America- since you keep posting on the issue.
Other than human biology and anatomy.

Nor can you come up with a valid reason why same sex siblings over the age of majority should not be allowed to marry. We have been waiting for that answer for several days.

BTW, incest is an act, not a method of cohabitation.
Are you saying marriage is nothing but co-habitation? Who's trying to redefine marriage now?

I was responding to your claim that same sex sibling marriage would be incest. If two sisters marry but never engage in sexual contact how can it be incest? Even if they did occaisionally engage in a mutual lick fest, would that be incest?
Incest is against the law, not lesbian sex acts.

Red, RMK has been reduced to a troll

He must know that SSM creates a paradox and is desperate to cast blame elsewhere. Can't blame the guy though.

And so his deflections continue.

Funny seeing a troll call another poster a troll.

Or a troll defending a troll who's trolling.
Separate but equal isn't. You should have figured this out by now.

What matters more, the word marriage or the principle of equality, pick one.

So a university allowing gay students to bunk with members of the sex they find most attractive, randomly chosen, while excluding heterosexual students the same, is equality?

That's absurd

Where's the Justice, is that not seperate but equal?
What makes you think heteros don't bunk in college?

They can, but the school doesn't assign that on a random basis.
Some schools do. But no, they don't force you to "bunk" with someone that sees you as a sexual conquest. Co-ed dorms is old news.

Dorms yes, rooms, not so much

Could this be SpamPop's new bone? :lol:

The desperation is palatable.
your post is a study in contradictions. you first admit that marriage is not addressed in any of our founding documents, and then like most leftists, try to create something that you admit does not exist.

marriage is not a constitutional right, it is a permit issued by each state, not the federal government. The constitution leaves such things to the states, therefore, the voters of each should decide.

It is an issue for the federal government to decide on. If a same sex couple is married in one state, and they need to relocate to another state that doesn't recognize their marriage it's not fair for them. This is too difficult for the simpleton right wing mind to comprehend, but it's a very distinct possibility and it gives the federal government due cause to rule on it.

you gays need to grow the fuck up .

You bigots need to grow the fuck up and stop telling gay people that they can't get married.

And you moral busy bodies need to stop pushing your morality on others.
How can marriage equality directly effect you? How can it directly effect your community? Does your moral code trump all others? If so, why?

It doesn't... that's why I really don't care... I just am tired of hearing about this being the hot button topic of the decade... because it isn't.
It is an issue for the federal government to decide on. If a same sex couple is married in one state, and they need to relocate to another state that doesn't recognize their marriage it's not fair for them. This is too difficult for the simpleton right wing mind to comprehend, but it's a very distinct possibility and it gives the federal government due cause to rule on it.

you gays need to grow the fuck up .

You bigots need to grow the fuck up and stop telling gay people that they can't get married.

And you moral busy bodies need to stop pushing your morality on others.
How can marriage equality directly effect you? How can it directly effect your community? Does your moral code trump all others? If so, why?

It doesn't... that's why I really don't care... I just am tired of hearing about this being the hot button topic of the decade... because it isn't.

It isn't the hot button topic of the decade, but it IS one of the biggest civil rights issues of the decade. To gays and their allies, it is a very big, very important issue. Fortunately, we CAN address more than one issue at one time.
you gays need to grow the fuck up .

You bigots need to grow the fuck up and stop telling gay people that they can't get married.

And you moral busy bodies need to stop pushing your morality on others.
How can marriage equality directly effect you? How can it directly effect your community? Does your moral code trump all others? If so, why?

It doesn't... that's why I really don't care... I just am tired of hearing about this being the hot button topic of the decade... because it isn't.

It isn't the hot button topic of the decade, but it IS one of the biggest civil rights issues of the decade. To gays and their allies, it is a very big, very important issue. Fortunately, we CAN address more than one issue at one time.

Fair enough... personally, I don't see it as a civil rights issue. But whatev... I'd like it though if we could sensibly discuss something like, I dunno, $60,000,000,000,000 in unfunded liabilities?
you gays need to grow the fuck up .

You bigots need to grow the fuck up and stop telling gay people that they can't get married.

And you moral busy bodies need to stop pushing your morality on others.
How can marriage equality directly effect you? How can it directly effect your community? Does your moral code trump all others? If so, why?

It doesn't... that's why I really don't care... I just am tired of hearing about this being the hot button topic of the decade... because it isn't.

It isn't the hot button topic of the decade, but it IS one of the biggest civil rights issues of the decade. To gays and their allies, it is a very big, very important issue. Fortunately, we CAN address more than one issue at one time.
The only civil rights being violated is those who believe in the Christ
You bigots need to grow the fuck up and stop telling gay people that they can't get married.

And you moral busy bodies need to stop pushing your morality on others.
How can marriage equality directly effect you? How can it directly effect your community? Does your moral code trump all others? If so, why?

It doesn't... that's why I really don't care... I just am tired of hearing about this being the hot button topic of the decade... because it isn't.

It isn't the hot button topic of the decade, but it IS one of the biggest civil rights issues of the decade. To gays and their allies, it is a very big, very important issue. Fortunately, we CAN address more than one issue at one time.

Fair enough... personally, I don't see it as a civil rights issue. But whatev... I'd like it though if we could sensibly discuss something like, I dunno, $60,000,000,000,000 in unfunded liabilities?

Go for it- start a thread on that.

Don't be like Redfish- starting threads about not talking about gay marriage- and then spending days talking about gay marriage.
You bigots need to grow the fuck up and stop telling gay people that they can't get married.

And you moral busy bodies need to stop pushing your morality on others.
How can marriage equality directly effect you? How can it directly effect your community? Does your moral code trump all others? If so, why?

It doesn't... that's why I really don't care... I just am tired of hearing about this being the hot button topic of the decade... because it isn't.

It isn't the hot button topic of the decade, but it IS one of the biggest civil rights issues of the decade. To gays and their allies, it is a very big, very important issue. Fortunately, we CAN address more than one issue at one time.
The only civil rights being violated is those who believe in the Christ

By being protected against discrimination in Public Accommodation in all 50 states? How awful for you.
And you moral busy bodies need to stop pushing your morality on others.
How can marriage equality directly effect you? How can it directly effect your community? Does your moral code trump all others? If so, why?

It doesn't... that's why I really don't care... I just am tired of hearing about this being the hot button topic of the decade... because it isn't.

It isn't the hot button topic of the decade, but it IS one of the biggest civil rights issues of the decade. To gays and their allies, it is a very big, very important issue. Fortunately, we CAN address more than one issue at one time.
The only civil rights being violated is those who believe in the Christ

By being protected against discrimination in Public Accommodation in all 50 states? How awful for you.
Fascism is horrible for all you idiot. Go praise your government gods and maybe they won't slaughter you in Thier utopia
How can marriage equality directly effect you? How can it directly effect your community? Does your moral code trump all others? If so, why?

It doesn't... that's why I really don't care... I just am tired of hearing about this being the hot button topic of the decade... because it isn't.

It isn't the hot button topic of the decade, but it IS one of the biggest civil rights issues of the decade. To gays and their allies, it is a very big, very important issue. Fortunately, we CAN address more than one issue at one time.
The only civil rights being violated is those who believe in the Christ

By being protected against discrimination in Public Accommodation in all 50 states? How awful for you.
Fascism is horrible for all you idiot. Go praise your government gods and maybe they won't slaughter you in Thier utopia

A lot of words that said nothing. Are you calling your congresscritter to have them get rid of your FEDERAL protections?
So you admit that its all about the word and not about equality, rights, discrimination, or anything else. Its about using govt to force societal change to fit your minority views.

and you call that democracy?????
We don't live in a democracy, thank god, we live in a constitutional republic.

No, civil union is not the same as marriage. What makes you think civil union means marriage? There are thousands of different laws regarding marriage. Civil unions is not the same as marriage, because those thousands of laws regarding marriage do not apply.

The only government force that's been going on around here is majority groups pissing on minorities. Protecting a minority from a bully is not force, it's defense. Your argument is akin to saying a cop stopping a rape is force cause the rapist was stronger than his victim, so the victim deserved it.

the laws defining gay civil unions and man/woman marriage should be exactly the same, convey the same rights, and be recognized as equal in every way.

But thats not what you want is it?
Why two sets of laws one for civil unions and one for marriage that are the "same thing?" All this so you don't have to admit gays are "married?"

If a civil union gives you all of the rights, priviledges, and "cash and prizes" that married couples get, what is your objection?

I thought your crusade was for equal rights, but its not really is it? You want the govenment to mandate societal acceptance of your aberant lifestyle by calling your gay union a marriage.

This is not about rights with you fools, its all about the word. your hypocrisy is noted.
Why are you such an lying bitch?

Marriage is not about cash and prizes. A civil union is not a marriage. Why should government mandate that gay marriage is a civil union only?

If you want to change the thousands of laws in this country regarding marriage to state civil unions, by all means go ahead and do it. I'm not stopping you. That said, you can't deny gays the right to life, that would be against the constitution. Get over it.

cash and prizes is not my term-------it is one used by your comrades from the gay mafia every day. It is used as a justification for gay marriage.

Your words, not mine. But I am glad to see that you think it is bullshit.
It doesn't... that's why I really don't care... I just am tired of hearing about this being the hot button topic of the decade... because it isn't.

It isn't the hot button topic of the decade, but it IS one of the biggest civil rights issues of the decade. To gays and their allies, it is a very big, very important issue. Fortunately, we CAN address more than one issue at one time.
The only civil rights being violated is those who believe in the Christ

By being protected against discrimination in Public Accommodation in all 50 states? How awful for you.
Fascism is horrible for all you idiot. Go praise your government gods and maybe they won't slaughter you in Thier utopia

A lot of words that said nothing. Are you calling your congresscritter to have them get rid of your FEDERAL protections?
Being a pervert isn't a constitutional protected right
I said: is it discrimination to deny blind people the right to drive cars? .

Yes- it is legally justifiable discrimination.

Really a particularly idiotic comparison- since marriage is an actual right recognized by the Supreme Court, while driving is of course a privilage- not a right.

That being said- blind people are not denied the right to drive just because they are blind- people who cannot pass the vision test are not allowed to drive- just as people who cannot pass the driving test or the written test.

You still can't come up with an equivelent reason why homosexuals should not be able to marry.

Other than human biology and anatomy.

Nor can you come up with a valid reason why same sex siblings over the age of majority should not be allowed to marry. We have been waiting for that answer for several days.

BTW, incest is an act, not a method of cohabitation.
Are you saying marriage is nothing but co-habitation? Who's trying to redefine marriage now?

I was responding to your claim that same sex sibling marriage would be incest. If two sisters marry but never engage in sexual contact how can it be incest? Even if they did occaisionally engage in a mutual lick fest, would that be incest?
Incest is against the law, not lesbian sex acts.

LOL earlier you said that same sex sibling marriage was incest. Now its not. make up your mind.
So you admit that its all about the word and not about equality, rights, discrimination, or anything else. Its about using govt to force societal change to fit your minority views.

and you call that democracy?????
We don't live in a democracy, thank god, we live in a constitutional republic.

No, civil union is not the same as marriage. What makes you think civil union means marriage? There are thousands of different laws regarding marriage. Civil unions is not the same as marriage, because those thousands of laws regarding marriage do not apply.

The only government force that's been going on around here is majority groups pissing on minorities. Protecting a minority from a bully is not force, it's defense. Your argument is akin to saying a cop stopping a rape is force cause the rapist was stronger than his victim, so the victim deserved it.

the laws defining gay civil unions and man/woman marriage should be exactly the same, convey the same rights, and be recognized as equal in every way.

But thats not what you want is it?
Why two sets of laws one for civil unions and one for marriage that are the "same thing?" All this so you don't have to admit gays are "married?"

If a civil union gives you all of the rights, priviledges, and "cash and prizes" that married couples get, what is your objection?

I thought your crusade was for equal rights, but its not really is it? You want the govenment to mandate societal acceptance of your aberant lifestyle by calling your gay union a marriage.

This is not about rights with you fools, its all about the word. your hypocrisy is noted.
Why are you such an lying bitch?

Marriage is not about cash and prizes. A civil union is not a marriage. Why should government mandate that gay marriage is a civil union only?

If you want to change the thousands of laws in this country regarding marriage to state civil unions, by all means go ahead and do it. I'm not stopping you. That said, you can't deny gays the right to life, that would be against the constitution. Get over it.

It's not? What is it then? Specifically

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