Is Growing Inequality Caused By Liberal Public Policies?

And that is so they can get the illegals to vote democrat........the long game......millions of new democrat voters and the democrats won't lose power again.......

But who brought the illegals in to start with.

Oh, that's right, it was rich people who didn't want to pay Americans a fair wage.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

So how do you explain those who started the race bare foot and with a sprained ankle yet they still manage to win?
Please give us quantification now vs then and some examples.
bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

So how do you explain those who started the race bare foot and with a sprained ankle yet they still manage to win?
Please give us quantification now vs then and some examples.

Ben Carson. Look up his history.
Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

Carson grew up in abject poverty with no father. Cain made it on his own, Gates invented something that the entire world wanted, so did Jobs, the entertainers and athletes did it by skill, talent, and hard work.

The ones who inherited wealth, increased their wealth by working. They created jobs and tax paying american workers.

The point is that american remains the best place to come from nothing and become something.

No it isn't. Your middle class is dwindling not growing. Ever since Saint Ronnie reformed your economy in the 1980's, and stopped enforcing anti-trust laws, wealth has been steadily flowing upward. Large corporations and the wealthiest individuals now control most of the wealth in the US.

No matter how hard people work today, they aren't getting ahead. They have to work longer and longer hours just to stay where they are. Moving up is difficult without capital or liquidity.

Conservatives complain about high corporate tax rates but only small businesses pay 35%. The average effective tax rates for large corporations is 11%.

The middle class is now heavily in debt as their wages are stagnating. US worker productivity is at an all-time high and yet workers are not benefitting from their labour.

It's not liberal policies that have done this but rather the conservative policies instituted by Reagan which are still in effect. And of course the endless wars.

Wrong, it started with FDR who happened to be a liberal democrat. Liberalism is a failed ideology.

Here's your chance, name a country where socialism, marxism, collectivism, communism or any other liberal idea has worked.
One, that is an assertion, so what. Two, give us examples. Three, give us numbers. Suggestion: please learn the definitions of the terms you are throwing around.
"And that is so they can get the illegals to vote democrat........the long game......millions of new democrat voters and the democrats won't lose power again......." Of course that is true: as true as business wants cheap labor so it can make beaucoup bucks.
Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

So how do you explain those who started the race bare foot and with a sprained ankle yet they still manage to win?
Please give us quantification now vs then and some examples.

Ben Carson. Look up his history.
Your exception proves the rule.
bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

So how do you explain those who started the race bare foot and with a sprained ankle yet they still manage to win?
Please give us quantification now vs then and some examples.

They're all around you. You live in the ghetto?
Hell,a buddy of mines son and daughter just graduated college a few years ago and both have good jobs.
I't could be because they both are conservatives ...unlike the parents. One of which works for the city mowing the grass at the airport. So he can get that gubbermit pension.
bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

Carson grew up in abject poverty with no father. Cain made it on his own, Gates invented something that the entire world wanted, so did Jobs, the entertainers and athletes did it by skill, talent, and hard work.

The ones who inherited wealth, increased their wealth by working. They created jobs and tax paying american workers.

The point is that american remains the best place to come from nothing and become something.
Not anymore. Student loan debt is the biggest obstacle at this moment to moving into the middle class. Only liberals want to fix that but the bankers and their republican partners have no interest.

Really? There's a movement on the left to curtail administrators in higher ed?

Where Universities Can Be Cut InsideHigherEd
A janitor can become a supervisor, then an owner of a janitorial service.

A person willing to work can make it without liberal policies that tell him/her that he/she is too dumb to make it without govt help.

A janitor can become a supervisor but he/she won't make enough money as a supervisor to save the capital needed to start a business. Those are the opportunities being lost.

Today's college grads are leaving school with so much debt that they're hobbled by having to repay student loans. You can't take business risks without capital and while carrying large debts.
A janitor can become a supervisor, then an owner of a janitorial service.

A person willing to work can make it without liberal policies that tell him/her that he/she is too dumb to make it without govt help.

A janitor can become a supervisor but he/she won't make enough money as a supervisor to save the capital needed to start a business. Those are the opportunities being lost.

Today's college grads are leaving school with so much debt that they're hobbled by having to repay student loans. You can't take business risks without capital and while carrying large debts.
Point 1--Unproven assertion
Point 2-Whose fault is that?
A janitor can become a supervisor, then an owner of a janitorial service.

A person willing to work can make it without liberal policies that tell him/her that he/she is too dumb to make it without govt help.

A janitor can become a supervisor but he/she won't make enough money as a supervisor to save the capital needed to start a business. Those are the opportunities being lost.

Today's college grads are leaving school with so much debt that they're hobbled by having to repay student loans. You can't take business risks without capital and while carrying large debts.

Not true, one of the reasons that janitorial services, landscaping, and scavaging are businesses that are attractive to those with ambitions on the lowest rungs of economic strata is the low start up costs and ability to do the work alone, until enough profit to hire others and expand.
A janitor can become a supervisor, then an owner of a janitorial service.

A person willing to work can make it without liberal policies that tell him/her that he/she is too dumb to make it without govt help.

A janitor can become a supervisor but he/she won't make enough money as a supervisor to save the capital needed to start a business. Those are the opportunities being lost.

Today's college grads are leaving school with so much debt that they're hobbled by having to repay student loans. You can't take business risks without capital and while carrying large debts.

Not true, one of the reasons that janitorial services, landscaping, and scavaging are businesses that are attractive to those with ambitions on the lowest rungs of economic strata is the low start up costs and ability to do the work alone, until enough profit to hire others and expand.
True. I had a customer with a huge rap sheet, mostly drug dealing. He wanted to turn his life around. He told me "You can't get a job but you can get a business license." And he did that, cleaning buildings. He was doing quite well.
A janitor can become a supervisor but he/she won't make enough money as a supervisor to save the capital needed to start a business. Those are the opportunities being lost.

Today's college grads are leaving school with so much debt that they're hobbled by having to repay student loans. You can't take business risks without capital and while carrying large debts.

There is no constant equation for success and you cannot apply your reasoning to every situation.

If you don't want to pay for college ... There is the GI Bill ... It works (been there done that).
You cannot take a "business risk" without risking something ... Simple as that ... It doesn't come all wrapped up in a bow.
How you get the capital is also a matter of choice ... Sell your car, live in low rent efficiency housing, eat Ramen Noodles ... Do whatever it takes.

As my father always said ... "Can't ... Never did anything!"

There will not be any summer jobs for youth if that youth must be paid $15.00 an hour.

Summer jobs for students have been in decline since the gov started bringing in illegals by the millions.
Lawn mowing? No more. MickyDs? Nope. Construction helper? Not a chance.
The gov has given away the jobs of our youth to foreigners,jack up wages to 15 bucks and our youth can forget about summer employment and job experience.

The government doesn't employ illegals, that would be businesses, the people you call job creators. Conservatives keep fighting high fines and jail for those employing illegals. Why is that?

If there was no work for illegals, they wouldn't come. If people employing illegals paid heavy fines, they'd stop doing it.
The government doesn't employ illegals, that would be businesses, the people you call job creators. Conservatives keep fighting high fines and jail for those employing illegals. Why is that?

If there was no work for illegals, they wouldn't come. If people employing illegals paid heavy fines, they'd stop doing it.

If the President says it is okay to be an illegal alien, stay here and work ... Then why should the employers object to employing them or be fined?

Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

So how do you explain those who started the race bare foot and with a sprained ankle yet they still manage to win?

You have 300,000,000 million people in your country. You've given us a handful of names of people who became mega-successful - fewer than 10. What about the other 299,999,990?

Your notions of public policy are only good for 5% of the people. What about the 95%?
A thought provoking story. The following sentence gets to the crux of the problem;

In order to do well in the world, young children—no matter how bright, no matter how capable—must learn essential skills. There are three places to learn them: at home, in school and on the job

A lot of youths are no longer able to get summer jobs where they learn needed skills. Schools fail to prepare students for the real world. And, single parent homes leave children with lack of guidance urging them to improve their lives.

But we hear the mantra of Economic Equality and demands to “do something about it.” So, just what are we expected to do? Continue the very policies that got us to this point?

Read the piece @ Is Growing Inequality Caused By Liberal Public Policies - Forbes
That's not thought provoking. That's ridiculous. When Obama has tried to increase funding for Technical schools and Jr. College when states like Texas and under Scott Walker, Wisconsin have cut billions from education? It's been so bad the court has had to step in.

Scott Walker aide defends 300 million cut to UW System Wsj

Judge Texas school finance system unconstitutional

Republicans finding new ways to screw this country every day.
bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

So how do you explain those who started the race bare foot and with a sprained ankle yet they still manage to win?

You have 300,000,000 million people in your country. You've given us a handful of names of people who became mega-successful - fewer than 10. What about the other 299,999,990?

Your notions of public policy are only good for 5% of the people. What about the 95%?
Most of them became moderately successful. In fact, anyone who finishes school, doesnt get pregnant, and avoids going to prison is very likely to end up middle class.

And Baltimore ranks third in the nation for the amount spent per student (over 15K/yr) , but their schools are such failures that the unemployment rate in the inner city is 40% (higher than during the Great Depression)...

The Democrats need to admit that their plan is a failure and support fixing what they already have first, since a kid that can't manage to read at a high school level has little chance of finishing college, even if tuition is free.

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