Is, is today NOVEMBER 8th!?!?!?!

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Well, I have to admit, the nihilist in me is watching this like a kid playing a video game.
Is it an MMO? Where do I sign up for an account? and finally can my character be a really, really, really, really, REALLY evil Sorcerer bent on the destruction of the entire American Political System?

"I am the lucid dream...the monster in your nightmares...the fiend of a thousand faces...cower before my true form. Bow down before the God of Death!" -- Yogg-Saron, World of Warcraft

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

.@EdWGillespie will totally turn around the high crime and poor economic performance of VA. MS-13 and crime will be gone. Vote today, ASAP!

5:56 AM - Nov 7, 2017

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!

8:40 PM - Nov 7, 2017
I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
About what? Their identity politics working in New Jersey? Well, that is truly the one and only way they win any and every election. Right? You notice how the economy is thriving? You notice how they cannot bring that up? You wonder why?
Politics, obviously. Partisans are liars & hypocrites. Easiest question I'll get all day.

The fact remains, both parties are great at shooting themselves in the foot, and it's all playing out again.
Are you agreeing the economy is thriving under Trump?

Are you saying the democrats avoid that for obvious reasons?

IF you are, I agree.
Democrats may not ever in my lifetime take back all of the Governor-ships that have gone Republican over the past two decades, but the State legislators are going to GO BLUE in the next election or or two...
I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
they had a good night, they should. i wish one or the other party would stop the bickering bullshit and start working on putting an entire platform together that doesn't consist mainly of THEY SUCK in how they reference the other party.
I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
About what? Their identity politics working in New Jersey? Well, that is truly the one and only way they win any and every election. Right? You notice how the economy is thriving? You notice how they cannot bring that up? You wonder why?
Politics, obviously. Partisans are liars & hypocrites. Easiest question I'll get all day.

The fact remains, both parties are great at shooting themselves in the foot, and it's all playing out again.
Are you agreeing the economy is thriving under Trump?

Are you saying the democrats avoid that for obvious reasons?

IF you are, I agree.
"Thriving"? No, but the foundation is set and there have been many positive signs mixed with the negative signs.

If you want to assign that to Trump, great. Since it's my profession, I take this stuff a little more seriously, carefully and soberly.

And I'm saying that both ends of the spectrum hype facts that are in their favor and avoid those that are not, because they're dishonest and hypocritical. So if you want to assign that, in this case, to the Dems, then we agree. In this case.
Trump at 5:56 AM yesterday
.@EdWGillespie will totally turn around the high crime and poor economic performance of VA. MS-13 and crime will be gone. Vote today, ASAP!

5:56 AM - Nov 7, 2017

Trump at 8:40 PM later that same day
Ed Gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what I stand for. Don’t forget, Republicans won 4 out of 4 House seats, and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win, even bigger than before!

8:40 PM - Nov 7, 2017

Any questions Rubiola ?:badgrin:
what kind of grades did you get in HS math?
how did you manage to get yourself suspended from Trump University...what happened you maxed out your credit cards ...they throw you out for that Trump U
so you are so bad at numbers, you can't recall what you got.

so was it the remedial math class where you "got a passing grade" -wink wink-
I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
About what? Their identity politics working in New Jersey? Well, that is truly the one and only way they win any and every election. Right? You notice how the economy is thriving? You notice how they cannot bring that up? You wonder why?
Politics, obviously. Partisans are liars & hypocrites. Easiest question I'll get all day.

The fact remains, both parties are great at shooting themselves in the foot, and it's all playing out again.
Are you agreeing the economy is thriving under Trump?

Are you saying the democrats avoid that for obvious reasons?

IF you are, I agree.
"Thriving"? No, but the foundation is set and there have been many positive signs mixed with the negative signs.

If you want to assign that to Trump, great. Since it's my profession, I take this stuff a little more seriously, carefully and soberly.

And I'm saying that both ends of the spectrum hype facts that are in their favor and avoid those that are not, because they're dishonest and hypocritical. So if you want to assign that, in this case, to the Dems, then we agree. In this case.
The economy is NOT thriving under Trump?
I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
About what? Their identity politics working in New Jersey? Well, that is truly the one and only way they win any and every election. Right? You notice how the economy is thriving? You notice how they cannot bring that up? You wonder why?
Politics, obviously. Partisans are liars & hypocrites. Easiest question I'll get all day.

The fact remains, both parties are great at shooting themselves in the foot, and it's all playing out again.
Are you agreeing the economy is thriving under Trump?

Are you saying the democrats avoid that for obvious reasons?

IF you are, I agree.
"Thriving"? No, but the foundation is set and there have been many positive signs mixed with the negative signs.

If you want to assign that to Trump, great. Since it's my profession, I take this stuff a little more seriously, carefully and soberly.

And I'm saying that both ends of the spectrum hype facts that are in their favor and avoid those that are not, because they're dishonest and hypocritical. So if you want to assign that, in this case, to the Dems, then we agree. In this case.
The economy is NOT thriving under Trump?
What is your personal definition of the term "thriving"?
I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
they had a good night, they should. i wish one or the other party would stop the bickering bullshit and start working on putting an entire platform together that doesn't consist mainly of THEY SUCK in how they reference the other party.

Apparently you missed the fact that when the two Washington Crime Families stop their bickering and start working together is when the citizenry gets REALLY fucked.

As long as our true enemies are battling with each other the citizenry has a slim hope of going about their lives without government completely snuffing out their liberty and confiscating all of their property.
I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
they had a good night, they should. i wish one or the other party would stop the bickering bullshit and start working on putting an entire platform together that doesn't consist mainly of THEY SUCK in how they reference the other party.

Apparently you missed the fact that when the two Washington Crime Families stop their bickering and start working together is when the citizenry gets REALLY fucked.

As long as our true enemies are battling with each other the citizenry has a slim hope of going about their lives without government completely snuffing out their liberty and confiscating all of their property.
i've seen them work together.
i've now seen "this".

i prefer working together on what *we the people* want. if you want to accept it sucks and bitch go ahead. your right. just not me so have fun.
Well, we'll see. But as I pointed out in another thread, we're just seeing the same old movie play out: One party gets control, comically over-interprets its "mandate", and the other party comes roaring back.

How many times do we have to see this movie before either party gets it?

How long is it going to take for you to get the fact there is no real difference in the parties ... :dunno:

When the Democrats win ... Well they do what the Democrats want.
When the Republicans win ... They do a little less of what the Democrats want.

In either case ... They are all headed in the same direction.
They make it two separate parties to keep the public fighting ... And to establish an opposing party to blame their failures on.

Well, we'll see. But as I pointed out in another thread, we're just seeing the same old movie play out: One party gets control, comically over-interprets its "mandate", and the other party comes roaring back.

How many times do we have to see this movie before either party gets it?

How long is it going to take for you to get the fact there is no real difference in the parties ... :dunno:

When the Democrats win ... Well they do what the Democrats want.
When the Republicans win ... They do a little less of what the Democrats want.

In either case ... They are all headed in the same direction.
They make it two separate parties to keep the public fighting ... And to establish an opposing party to blame their failures on.

I say all the time that the two parties are very similar in their behaviors.

Look at the first line of my sig.
Sort of...


Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.

Lol, feel better snowflake?
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