Is, is today NOVEMBER 8th!?!?!?!

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Are the liberals going to do that crying thing today? LOL
Trump wipe out in yesterdays elections...sweet
1st transgender woman ever elected to a state legislature
Latinas elected for the first time to VA House of Delegates
First Asian American woman elected to VA House of Delegates
Young African American elected Lt Governor in VA
First African American woman elected Mayor of Charlotte, NC
Seattle elected its first lesbian mayor and openly gay school board member.
A Sikh American man was elected mayor of Hoboken, N.J.
An African-American transgender woman was elected to the Minneapolis city council.

Another antidote to Trumpism is the millenials vote...


Will Jordan @williamjordann

Whoa. Let's not lose sight of the youth vote here.

Dem margins in VA among 18-29 year olds:

McAuliffe +5
Clinton +18
Northam ... +39

10:42 PM - Nov 7, 2017

Lol, stupid snowflake.

This happens with every generation. I was a democrat when I was young. I voted for Jimmy Carter with my first vote. When we grow up and get smart, we vote conservative.
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Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.

She looks like Ann Coulter except for the hair color.
he's got nice hair, but the crazy eyes are a little off putting.

They could be twins.
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Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.
/—-/ What obstruction, you loon? You mean Russia hacking? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
This happens with every generation. I was a democrat when I was young. I voted for Jimmy Carter with my first vote. When we grow up and get smart, we vote conservative.
sure old timer you are right .. now change your depends there feller ....
so was it the remedial math class where you "got a passing grade" -wink wink-
Candidate for the "Snark Troll Tweet of the day "....Goddamn they are ruthless on the Internets

Bess Kalb @bessbell
Thoughts and prayers to all the Republican politicians who lost their seats today. We won't do anything to prevent it from happening again.

9:51 PM - Nov 7, 2017
you're in last place


Like the Cleveland Browns, that win only meant you didn't go winless.
I say all the time that the two parties are very similar in their behaviors.

Look at the first line of my sig.

The first line in your siggy speaks to a centrist view ... Which is what I identified as part of the problem.
Where the center is headed is still in one direction ... And it isn't towards protecting our liberties ... But establishing more governmental authority.

Well, we'll see. But as I pointed out in another thread, we're just seeing the same old movie play out: One party gets control, comically over-interprets its "mandate", and the other party comes roaring back.

How many times do we have to see this movie before either party gets it?

How long is it going to take for you to get the fact there is no real difference in the parties ... :dunno:

When the Democrats win ... Well they do what the Democrats want.
When the Republicans win ... They do a little less of what the Democrats want.

In either case ... They are all headed in the same direction.
They make it two separate parties to keep the public fighting ... And to establish an opposing party to blame their failures on.


You might try watching the Ways and Means on Cspan now. There are major differences.
Lol, stupid snowflake.

This happens with every generation. I was a democrat when I was young. I voted for Jimmy Carter with my first vote. When we grow up and get smart, we vote conservative.

Speak for yourself. I may have become more fiscally conservative but socially quite a bit more liberal.

Actually have libertarian leanings at present. My first vote was for Reagan in 1980.
Things changed drastically in one year; this was an early signal to the President, he is angry. anger is not a position. isn't good. (Warren too looks to be in perpetual state of disgust at but Sen. Warren.) Roem ran on TRANSPORTATION ISSUES. Her appointment on who gets to use which bathroom, and YOU SIN! Not issues, I bought the Roem ran on BEING transgender claim yesterday, not true.) Voters care about issues, not designation of sinner by candidates.
I say all the time that the two parties are very similar in their behaviors. Look at the first line of my sig.
The first line in your siggy speaks to a centrist view ... Which is what I identified as part of the problem. Where the center is headed is still in one direction ... And it isn't towards protecting our liberties ... But establishing more governmental authority.
If that's the case, it's incumbent on you and your "side" to convince us otherwise.

Those efforts will need to improve pretty quickly.
Things changed drastically in one year; this was an early signal to the President, he is angry. anger is not a position. isn't good. (Warren too looks to be in perpetual state of disgust at but Sen. Warren.) Roem ran on TRANSPORTATION ISSUES. Her appointment on who gets to use which bathroom, and YOU SIN! Not issues, I bought the Roem ran on BEING transgender claim yesterday, not true.) Voters care about issues, not designation of sinner by candidates.
I blame the Russians for all this. Don't you?
If that's the case, it's incumbent on you and your "side" to convince us otherwise.

Those efforts will need to improve pretty quickly.

No it isn't ... Because I don't have a "side" you could join ... And what I want doesn't involve sides in the first place.

I would prefer we stopped giving the government power over our lives ... Convincing you and others of that is useless.
You are more interested in trying to secure what you deem to be a better stance under government control.

I'll do what I can without your or the government's help.
You can be willing to compromise all your principles ... That is not something I am willing to do.

I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
they had a good night, they should. i wish one or the other party would stop the bickering bullshit and start working on putting an entire platform together that doesn't consist mainly of THEY SUCK in how they reference the other party.

Apparently you missed the fact that when the two Washington Crime Families stop their bickering and start working together is when the citizenry gets REALLY fucked.

As long as our true enemies are battling with each other the citizenry has a slim hope of going about their lives without government completely snuffing out their liberty and confiscating all of their property.
i've seen them work together.
i've now seen "this".

i prefer working together on what *we the people* want. if you want to accept it sucks and bitch go ahead. your right. just not me so have fun.

How in the heck do you define what *we the people* want? There is no *we the people*, there's just a bunch of self-interested tribes that want nothing more than to gather as many of the scraps from the table of that insatiable liberty and money eating beast that lives in Washington as possible and our elected boys & girls are more than happy to accommodate them as long as it means they can buy some votes with other peoples money. You get the two Crime Families together and what you end up with is one parties shitty "serving only our special interests" ideas combined with the other parties shitty "serving only our special interests" ideas becoming the law of the land.

Gridlock and latent animosity is the ONLY check that remains in place that's marginally effective from keeping the two self-serving Crime Families from getting together and going for an all out pillage of the citizenry.

The days of a political system that looked out for the best interests of the citizenry as whole without regard to political consequences ended long ago when we allowed two political parties to dominate our politics; this facilitated the creation of an apathetic citizenry that has been sleepwalking their votes in based on little more than branding,tribal loyalty and promises of goodies at other peoples expense.
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