Is, is today NOVEMBER 8th!?!?!?!

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I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
just like last years Browns fans.
Well, we'll see. But as I pointed out in another thread, we're just seeing the same old movie play out: One party gets control, comically over-interprets its "mandate", and the other party comes roaring back.

How many times do we have to see this movie before either party gets it?
It'll work, this time.
Could be. I'd sure like to see these wild, insane swings end.

liberals went extinct under RR
leftist came out under Clinton
rinos took charge under bush
racist nutbars flourished under Obama
and now we have populist assholes running things

I'm stoked to see just how crazy this gets before we really start shooting each other over political party affiliation.
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Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.

She looks like Ann Coulter except for the hair color.
he's got nice hair, but the crazy eyes are a little off putting.
Well, at least this time around things are a bit different than usual, normally the President and his cadre of partisan pom-pom waivers will go humbly into "reassessment mode" after a wide off cycle election loss to try to figure out what needs to be adjusted for the mid-terms.

..... But not President Twitter, he comes out swinging the axe at members of his own party and blames the candidates for their lost elections.

Trump: Failed GOP Virginia governor candidate 'did not embrace me or what I stand for'

In other words Ed Gillespie lost because he didn't kiss the Royal Trumpian Ass long, deep and often enough.

I wonder if the Donald actually believes any of the bullshit he says or is it all just an act?

The one good thing I can say about Trump, he sure makes American Politics far more humorous.

LOL, that shit never gets old....

It's one of things I like about the dingbats on the left; when they don't get their way they like to make sure there are some video cameras around to record them going completely mental, The dingbats on the right however aren't nearly as much fun since they have a tendency to do it in private away from the cameras.
Well, at least this time around things are a bit different than usual, normally the President and his cadre of partisan pom-pom waivers will go humbly into "reassessment mode" after a wide off cycle election loss to try to figure out what needs to be adjusted for the mid-terms.

..... But not President Twitter, he comes out swinging the axe at members of his own party and blames the candidates for their lost elections.

Trump: Failed GOP Virginia governor candidate 'did not embrace me or what I stand for'

In other words Ed Gillespie lost because he didn't kiss the Royal Trumpian Ass long, deep and often enough.

I wonder if the Donald actually believes any of the bullshit he says or is it all just an act?

The one good thing I can say about Trump, he sure makes American Politics far more humorous.
It will never be boring.

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