Is, is today NOVEMBER 8th!?!?!?!

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How in the heck do you define what *we the people* want? There is no *we the people*, there's just a bunch of self-interested tribes...
Yeah, and that may be the biggest obstacle of all. More and more of us are being sucked into narcissistic "groups" that absolutely refuse to give one damn inch. The Division Pimps have done their jobs well, and their ratings continue to be strong. We've allowed ourselves to be led down the wrong path.
I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
they had a good night, they should. i wish one or the other party would stop the bickering bullshit and start working on putting an entire platform together that doesn't consist mainly of THEY SUCK in how they reference the other party.

Apparently you missed the fact that when the two Washington Crime Families stop their bickering and start working together is when the citizenry gets REALLY fucked.

As long as our true enemies are battling with each other the citizenry has a slim hope of going about their lives without government completely snuffing out their liberty and confiscating all of their property.
i've seen them work together.
i've now seen "this".

i prefer working together on what *we the people* want. if you want to accept it sucks and bitch go ahead. your right. just not me so have fun.

How in the heck do you define what *we the people* want? There is no *we the people*, there's just a bunch of self-interested tribes that want nothing more than to gather as many of the scraps from the table of that insatiable liberty and money eating beast that lives in Washington as possible and our elected boys & girls are more than happy to accommodate them as long as it means they can buy some votes with other peoples money. You get the two Crime Families together and what you end up with is one parties shitty "serving only our special interests" ideas combined with the other parties shitty "serving only our special interests" ideas becoming the law of the land.

Gridlock and latent animosity is the ONLY check that remains in place that's marginally effective from keeping the two self-serving Crime Families from getting together and going for an all out pillage of the citizenry.

The days of a political system that looked out for the best interests of the citizenry as whole without regard to political consequences ended long ago when we allowed two political parties to dominate our politics; this facilitated the creation of an apathetic citizenry that has been sleepwalking their votes in based on little more than branding,tribal loyalty and promises of goodies at other peoples expense.

your first sentence kinda sums up what "we the people" seem to want right now. to be tribal and me against you. we "look" for fights vs. understanding from the other side and that changes the entire way we look at and deal with things.

when *we the people* cut that shit out they will too, for the most part. we put them there to do what we want and if we don't know what we want or can't come together on common goals, we the people get this shit.

pretty simple really to see it. changing it, near impossible because many don't see it this way. they *do* see it as a personal battle.

i don't.
How in the heck do you define what *we the people* want? There is no *we the people*, there's just a bunch of self-interested tribes...
Yeah, and that may be the biggest obstacle of all. More and more of us are being sucked into narcissistic "groups" that absolutely refuse to give one damn inch. The Division Pimps have done their jobs well, and their ratings continue to be strong. We've allowed ourselves to be led down the wrong path.
looks like others see what i see also. i can't change anyone but me so that's why i tend to just ignore people who bitch 24x7 and or are some form of a troll.
if not for Obama race tensions would be much much much lower
you are right if he had not insisted in coming into this world with Black skin there would have been less trouble...same as Jackie Robinson in baseball...before Jackie Robinson all was well ..after him the Negroes insisted on coming into the League ...awful ..its white genocide really
Sort of...


Danica Roem

Tuesday was a big night for Democrats.

Virginia elected its first openly transgender state lawmaker on Tuesday, voting Democrat Danica Roem into the state’s House of Delegates. She unseated Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, the Republican who introduced the “bathroom bill” that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice.

“No matter what you look like, where you come from, how you worship, who you love, how you identify or any other inherent identifier that you have, you should be celebrated because of who you are, not despite it,” Roem said on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

More: Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day
Thanks I'll

America inches forward in spite of NaziCon obstruction.
This is how degenerency advances......" No matter how you worship or who you love"??????? pedos,...and every other pervert must be celebrated eh..........I don't think so.....
Gridlock and latent animosity is the ONLY check that remains in place that's marginally effective from keeping the two self-serving Crime Families from getting together and going for an all out pillage of the citizenry.

Under the Constitution ... Governing was intended to be difficult ... That's why they added the checks and balances.
They gave us the opportunity for opposing views to derail legislation ... With the intent to provide us with more sustainable legislation.

It was never intended to turn the federal government into a clearing house for tax supported goodies.

This is what is going on today Trump err s today

Voters Send a Message to Trump
November 8, 2017 at 7:24 am EST
Politico: “This one was for Donald Trump. Exit polls revealed an unmistakable anti-Trump backlash Tuesday, as Democrats won resounding victories in governors races in Virginia and New Jersey. Majorities of voters in both states disapproved of the job Trump is doing as president, with significant numbers of voters in each state saying Trump was a reason for their vote. And far more of those voters said they made their choice to oppose Trump than to support him.”

“What is unusual about Tuesday night is the extent to which the two races were about Trump. And the stark results cast fresh doubt on the health of Republican majorities in the House and Senate, in addition to gubernatorial races in next year’s midterm elections.”

Mike Allen: “Top Republicans were stunned by the severity of the shellacking, and worry that it will endanger both tax reform and the House majority.”
I'm pretty sure the Democrats are feeling much, much better today.
they had a good night, they should. i wish one or the other party would stop the bickering bullshit and start working on putting an entire platform together that doesn't consist mainly of THEY SUCK in how they reference the other party.

Apparently you missed the fact that when the two Washington Crime Families stop their bickering and start working together is when the citizenry gets REALLY fucked.

As long as our true enemies are battling with each other the citizenry has a slim hope of going about their lives without government completely snuffing out their liberty and confiscating all of their property.
i've seen them work together.
i've now seen "this".

i prefer working together on what *we the people* want. if you want to accept it sucks and bitch go ahead. your right. just not me so have fun.

How in the heck do you define what *we the people* want? There is no *we the people*, there's just a bunch of self-interested tribes that want nothing more than to gather as many of the scraps from the table of that insatiable liberty and money eating beast that lives in Washington as possible and our elected boys & girls are more than happy to accommodate them as long as it means they can buy some votes with other peoples money. You get the two Crime Families together and what you end up with is one parties shitty "serving only our special interests" ideas combined with the other parties shitty "serving only our special interests" ideas becoming the law of the land.

Gridlock and latent animosity is the ONLY check that remains in place that's marginally effective from keeping the two self-serving Crime Families from getting together and going for an all out pillage of the citizenry.

The days of a political system that looked out for the best interests of the citizenry as whole without regard to political consequences ended long ago when we allowed two political parties to dominate our politics; this facilitated the creation of an apathetic citizenry that has been sleepwalking their votes in based on little more than branding,tribal loyalty and promises of goodies at other peoples expense.

your first sentence kinda sums up what "we the people" seem to want right now. to be tribal and me against you. we "look" for fights vs. understanding from the other side and that changes the entire way we look at and deal with things.

... and do you have any theories as to why that is?

The founders did and they attempted to frame a federal government with implicitly and explicitly limited authority to what they saw as functions beneficial to the entirety of the citizenry (i.e. no patronage) to keep that from happening.

Unfortunately thanks in large part to the dominance of the duopoly and the attendant apathy of the citizenry those limitations have been blown completely out of the water and what we have is a pillage machine in Washington that has taken upon itself the power to pass out goodies to one "tribe" at another "tribes" expense, thus creating a heated competition for government goodies among the "tribes" (classic "divide and conquer" strategy on the part of the political parties).

The citizenry as a whole doesn't ever know what's in it's aggregate best interests, each citizen only knows or thinks he/she knows what's in his/her OWN best interests and the two Crime Families play upon that to secure, expand and maintain their power. The only cure is severely restricted central government power limited to those functions that are beneficial to ALL citizens EQUALLY (aka "The General Welfare") and that isn't in the best interests of the two parties, when the two of them "work together" it just results in the system moving faster in the opposite direction.
if not for Obama race tensions would be much much much lower
you are right if he had not insisted in coming into this world with Black skin there would have been less trouble...same as Jackie Robinson in baseball...before Jackie Robinson all was well ..after him the Negroes insisted on coming into the League ...awful ..its white genocide really
idiotic lies on top of idiotic lies.

obamas racism and race baiting have been pointed out to you hundreds if not thousands of times.

you know I'm right, and you can't stand it.
they had a good night, they should. i wish one or the other party would stop the bickering bullshit and start working on putting an entire platform together that doesn't consist mainly of THEY SUCK in how they reference the other party.

Apparently you missed the fact that when the two Washington Crime Families stop their bickering and start working together is when the citizenry gets REALLY fucked.

As long as our true enemies are battling with each other the citizenry has a slim hope of going about their lives without government completely snuffing out their liberty and confiscating all of their property.
i've seen them work together.
i've now seen "this".

i prefer working together on what *we the people* want. if you want to accept it sucks and bitch go ahead. your right. just not me so have fun.

How in the heck do you define what *we the people* want? There is no *we the people*, there's just a bunch of self-interested tribes that want nothing more than to gather as many of the scraps from the table of that insatiable liberty and money eating beast that lives in Washington as possible and our elected boys & girls are more than happy to accommodate them as long as it means they can buy some votes with other peoples money. You get the two Crime Families together and what you end up with is one parties shitty "serving only our special interests" ideas combined with the other parties shitty "serving only our special interests" ideas becoming the law of the land.

Gridlock and latent animosity is the ONLY check that remains in place that's marginally effective from keeping the two self-serving Crime Families from getting together and going for an all out pillage of the citizenry.

The days of a political system that looked out for the best interests of the citizenry as whole without regard to political consequences ended long ago when we allowed two political parties to dominate our politics; this facilitated the creation of an apathetic citizenry that has been sleepwalking their votes in based on little more than branding,tribal loyalty and promises of goodies at other peoples expense.

your first sentence kinda sums up what "we the people" seem to want right now. to be tribal and me against you. we "look" for fights vs. understanding from the other side and that changes the entire way we look at and deal with things.

... and do you have any theories as to why that is?

The founders did and they attempted to frame a federal government with implicitly and explicitly limited authority to what they saw as functions beneficial to the entirety of the citizenry (i.e. no patronage) to keep that from happening.

Unfortunately thanks in large part to the dominance of the duopoly and the attendant apathy of the citizenry those limitations have been blown completely out of the water and what we have is a pillage machine in Washington that has taken upon itself the power to pass out goodies to one "tribe" at another "tribes" expense, thus creating a heated competition for government goodies among the "tribes" (classic "divide and conquer" strategy on the part of the political parties).

The citizenry as a whole doesn't ever know what's in it's aggregate best interests, each citizen only knows or thinks he/she knows what's in his/her OWN best interests and the two Crime Families play upon that to secure, expand and maintain their power. The only cure is severely restricted central government power limited to those functions that are beneficial to ALL citizens EQUALLY (aka "The General Welfare") and that isn't in the best interests of the two parties, when the two of them "work together" it just results in the system moving faster in the opposite direction.
gonna be hard to have a "good" discussion with you if your mind is made up on crime families being R and D and that's life, deal with it.

if that is your stance, great. not mine.

we've been around 240+ years and not all of them have been divisive now have they? last time it was almost this bad was late 60s, early 70s and we worked through that one. this is just a shining example of us as a country at our worst. whether we survive this or not is still up to us.
Perhaps it has escaped your notice but morons constantly praise Obama's policies.

Well, I DID help you get off that fence you like to "think" others believe you sit on.....

How was the economy under Obama in 2016???.........LOL
gonna be hard to have a "good" discussion with you if your mind is made up on crime families being R and D and that's life, deal with it.
It's not "hard" if you have a reason & evidence based argument for an opposing viewpoint, so far you haven't tried very hard to formulate one.

we've been around 240+ years and not all of them have been divisive now have they? last time it was almost this bad was late 60s, early 70s and we worked through that one. this is just a shining example of us as a country at our worst. whether we survive this or not is still up to us.
Your optimism is admirable, however given that we have entered an era unlike any that has come before particularly with respect to financial risks, expansion of central government power and the sophistication of the public opinion manipulation apparatus I fear it is misplaced and might warrant some reevaluation.
Good point...........Shouldn't you morons be giving Obama's policies praises?

Perhaps it has escaped your notice but morons constantly praise Obama's policies.

Here is what America thinks of the Orangegutan today a year from the election that Trump lost in popular vote by 3 million

Woman Fired For Flipping Off Trumps Motorcade Receives 453,673 Job Offers
Woman Fired For Flipping Off Trump’s Motorcade Receives 453,673 Job Offers

Juli Briskman, the 50-year-old mother of two who cycled her way into America’s heart, won’t be out of work for long
Good point...........Shouldn't you morons be giving Obama's policies praises?

Perhaps it has escaped your notice but morons constantly praise Obama's policies.

Here is what America thinks of the Orangegutan today a year from the election that Trump lost in popular vote by 3 million

Woman Fired For Flipping Off Trumps Motorcade Receives 453,673 Job Offers
Woman Fired For Flipping Off Trump’s Motorcade Receives 453,673 Job Offers

Juli Briskman, the 50-year-old mother of two who cycled her way into America’s heart, won’t be out of work for long

LOL...........I love it.....

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