Is Israel's wall evil?

Israel's wall is:

  • Fine.

    Votes: 20 66.7%
  • Evil.

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

The real Hebrews are arabs before , and the Romans accepted all. The hebews began out breeding since the time when the tribes moved about. There are no purebred Jews. Do you actually think the tribes of Palestine didn't fight one another, but they were all Canaanites because that is where they lived , in the land of Canaan.
Sure, cupcake.
Unfortunately for jerks like you we have the unbroken chain of writings of Jews from the 2nd Temple and onwards.
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
There are no such things as Palestinians unless you are talking about Jews whom The Romans called Palestinians.

There is no Genetic Group called "The Palestinians" So if you are talking about a Palestinian State, you are talking about a Jewish State.

The Palestinians are a Fictitious Group flying under a Fake Flag. They are a mixture of Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians. They are refugees that should return back to Jordan, Syria and Egypt.

They are nothing more than Pawns used by Anti-Semetic Jew Haters and Islamic Radicals to inflict pain on Israel.

You cannot create a two state solution out of a fictitious people. The Fictitious Palestinians should simply return to Jordan, Syria, or Egypt, and leave Israel for The Israelites.
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

The real Hebrews are arabs before , and the Romans accepted all. The hebews began out breeding since the time when the tribes moved about. There are no purebred Jews. Do you actually think the tribes of Palestine didn't fight one another, but they were all Canaanites because that is where they lived , in the land of Canaan.
Sure, cupcake.
Unfortunately for jerks like you we have the unbroken chain of writings of Jews from the 2nd Temple and onwards.
Do better.
There’s this pesky little thing called an unbroken chain of literature and all the bullshit Links can’t make thousands of commentaries disappear.
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

Yes. Let's follow the Romans' example.
Let us know when you go to Syria or Sudan on vacation.

This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

The real Hebrews are arabs before , and the Romans accepted all. The hebews began out breeding since the time when the tribes moved about. There are no purebred Jews. Do you actually think the tribes of Palestine didn't fight one another, but they were all Canaanites because that is where they lived , in the land of Canaan.
Sure, cupcake.
Unfortunately for jerks like you we have the unbroken chain of writings of Jews from the 2nd Temple and onwards.
The Canaanites were wiped out as a culture 3,700 years ago when they went to war with The Hebrews.

Are you claiming now that ALL Egyptians, Syrians, and Jordanians have "traces" of Cannanite DNA in them?
Cannanites are not Palestinians.

If you want to make the argument of DNA = Land....then consider that The Kingdom of Solomon which extends far beyond Israel's present borders.

And since the Israelite DNA occupied these lands for 1,000 of years, it is all the so called Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, and Egyptians that should vacate all the lands of The Solomon and Davidic Kingdoms and return this land back to it's rightful owner, Israel.

This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

Yes. Let's follow the Romans' example.
Let us know when you go to Syria or Sudan on vacation.

Because you believe they’re all bastions of peace.
10's of thousands of Palestinians have been killed by Israel since 1947.
Who attacked first?
That’s my promoting you to post, for the umpteenth time, your out of context, out of chronological order, revisionist history...

Who wouldn't attack someone declaring a Nation on their own lands?
It's not their land, moron. That has been proven a 1000 times in this forum already.

Uh, Actually I already proved on this forum 1,000 times that Arabs owned more land & made up more population before a bunch of Immigrant Yiddish speakers founded Israel by Terrorism.

Zionists are painfully retarded & morally bankrupt.
Jews must be really kewl.
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

why? The ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST -----is a big place. Abraham was not the only person who founded a community there
Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

Yes. Let's follow the Romans' example.
Let us know when you go to Syria or Sudan on vacation.

Because you believe they’re all bastions of peace.

Nope. Try again.
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

you should re-read the book
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

Yes. Let's follow the Romans' example.
Let us know when you go to Syria or Sudan on vacation.

Because you believe they’re all bastions of peace.

Nope. Try again.
Then your logic fails.
The Eastern hemisphere was redefined twice in the last with it.
Yes. Let's follow the Romans' example.
Let us know when you go to Syria or Sudan on vacation.

Because you believe they’re all bastions of peace.

Nope. Try again.
Then your logic fails.
The Eastern hemisphere was redefined twice in the last with it.

The Romans' failure to deal successfully with the "barbarians" (they tried the wall thing too) was key to their downfall. It would be wise to avoid their mistakes.
Who attacked first?
That’s my promoting you to post, for the umpteenth time, your out of context, out of chronological order, revisionist history...

Who wouldn't attack someone declaring a Nation on their own lands?
It's not their land, moron. That has been proven a 1000 times in this forum already.

Uh, Actually I already proved on this forum 1,000 times that Arabs owned more land & made up more population before a bunch of Immigrant Yiddish speakers founded Israel by Terrorism.

Zionists are painfully retarded & morally bankrupt.
Jews must be really kewl.
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

why? The ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST -----is a big place. Abraham was not the only person who founded a community there

Abraham's two sons "Isaac (Jew) and Ishmael (Arab) founded all the communities in The Middle East. By Rights Israel could claim the Entire Middle East as it's Kingdom since The Rightful Heir of Abraham's lands is Isaac.

What The Jealous Half Brother of Isaac is trying to do instead of live in peace with Isaac, is attempt to steal Isaac's birthright, when if Ishmael would simply live in peace with Isaac and honor the God of ABRAHAM, Ishmael's father, Ishmael would prosper FAR MORE, than he is now.

Instead, Ishmael and his children have chosen to worship the false god of allah, and they treat their women like cattle, and offer their children up as bloody sacrifices to that false god. His people live in bondage and oppression because they reject The One True Living God of their Father Abraham, and instead worship the father of lies, and cling to death as a dark sacrament.
Last edited:
Who wouldn't attack someone declaring a Nation on their own lands?
It's not their land, moron. That has been proven a 1000 times in this forum already.

Uh, Actually I already proved on this forum 1,000 times that Arabs owned more land & made up more population before a bunch of Immigrant Yiddish speakers founded Israel by Terrorism.

Zionists are painfully retarded & morally bankrupt.
Jews must be really kewl.
Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

why? The ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST -----is a big place. Abraham was not the only person who founded a community there

Abraham's two sons "Isaac (Jew) and Ishmael (Arab) founded all the communities in The Middle East. By Rights Israel could claim the Entire Middle East as it's Kingdom since The Rightful Heir of Abraham's lands is Isaac.

What The Jealous Half Brother of Isaac is trying to do instead of live in peace with Isaac, is attempt to steal Isaac's birthright, when if Ishmael would simply live in peace with Isaac and honor the God of ABRAHAM, he would prosper FAR MORE, than he is now.

Instead Ishmael and his children have chosen to worship the false god of allah, and treats his women like cattle, and offers his children up as bloody sacrifices to that false god.

no----the middle east is a big place which had lots of communities even during the time that Abraham set up in the land now called "Israel".
It is reasonable to say that the Isaac community is the only extant
community now living in the land called "Israel"---from THAT TIME.
It includes both the jews and the karaites. But the Middle east is a lot
bigger than the land called Israel
Let us know when you go to Syria or Sudan on vacation.

Because you believe they’re all bastions of peace.

Nope. Try again.
Then your logic fails.
The Eastern hemisphere was redefined twice in the last with it.

The Romans' failure to deal successfully with the "barbarians" (they tried the wall thing too) was key to their downfall. It would be wise to avoid their mistakes.
Rome building walls and defensive barriers extended their Empire for another 300 years. That is a fact. It was only when they quit maintaining these barriers and borders, and started absorbing foreign barbarians in to The Republic who would not assimilate in to Roman Culture that they started to diminish.
It's not their land, moron. That has been proven a 1000 times in this forum already.

Uh, Actually I already proved on this forum 1,000 times that Arabs owned more land & made up more population before a bunch of Immigrant Yiddish speakers founded Israel by Terrorism.

Zionists are painfully retarded & morally bankrupt.
Jews must be really kewl.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

why? The ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST -----is a big place. Abraham was not the only person who founded a community there

Abraham's two sons "Isaac (Jew) and Ishmael (Arab) founded all the communities in The Middle East. By Rights Israel could claim the Entire Middle East as it's Kingdom since The Rightful Heir of Abraham's lands is Isaac.

What The Jealous Half Brother of Isaac is trying to do instead of live in peace with Isaac, is attempt to steal Isaac's birthright, when if Ishmael would simply live in peace with Isaac and honor the God of ABRAHAM, he would prosper FAR MORE, than he is now.

Instead Ishmael and his children have chosen to worship the false god of allah, and treats his women like cattle, and offers his children up as bloody sacrifices to that false god.

no----the middle east is a big place which had lots of communities even during the time that Abraham set up in the land now called "Israel".
It is reasonable to say that the Isaac community is the only extant
community now living in the land called "Israel"---from THAT TIME.
It includes both the jews and the karaites. But the Middle east is a lot
bigger than the land called Israel
And Israel's claim to the land extends beyond it's present borders. In fact The Solomon and Davidic Kingdoms stretched far in to Syria, beyond Lebanon, in to Jordan, all the way to Iraq, and down towards Egypt and the Sinai. That is Israel's Promised Land, not this little sliver of land they live on now.

Just have the trespassers relocate back to their actual homelands and give Israel back The Davidic and Solomon Kingdom lands, and we'll call it a draw.
Let us know when you go to Syria or Sudan on vacation.

Because you believe they’re all bastions of peace.

Nope. Try again.
Then your logic fails.
The Eastern hemisphere was redefined twice in the last with it.

The Romans' failure to deal successfully with the "barbarians" (they tried the wall thing too) was key to their downfall. It would be wise to avoid their mistakes.
The “Barbarians” were cheap slave labor who rebelled.
It’s nice to know to approve of Comparative Advantage as opposed to cheap slaves.
But you already knew that.
10's of thousands of Palestinians have been killed by Israel since 1947.
Who attacked first?
That’s my promoting you to post, for the umpteenth time, your out of context, out of chronological order, revisionist history...

Who wouldn't attack someone declaring a Nation on their own lands?
It's not their land, moron. That has been proven a 1000 times in this forum already.

Uh, Actually I already proved on this forum 1,000 times that Arabs owned more land & made up more population before a bunch of Immigrant Yiddish speakers founded Israel by Terrorism.

Zionists are painfully retarded & morally bankrupt.

On another thread I brought up a source stating that Arabs owned nearly 10X more land than Jews had..

Leftist Jewish Cafe Owner in San Fran Told to Get Out for Supporting Israel

Also a source showing there were more Arabs than Jews in Palestine prior to Israel's creation.

Leftist Jewish Cafe Owner in San Fran Told to Get Out for Supporting Israel

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