Is Israel's wall evil?

Israel's wall is:

  • Fine.

    Votes: 20 66.7%
  • Evil.

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
There are no such things as Palestinians unless you are talking about Jews whom The Romans called Palestinians.

There is no Genetic Group called "The Palestinians" So if you are talking about a Palestinian State, you are talking about a Jewish State.

The Palestinians are a Fictitious Group flying under a Fake Flag. They are a mixture of Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians. They are refugees that should return back to Jordan, Syria and Egypt.

They are nothing more than Pawns used by Anti-Semetic Jew Haters and Islamic Radicals to inflict pain on Israel.

You cannot create a two state solution out of a fictitious people. The Fictitious Palestinians should simply return to Jordan, Syria, or Egypt, and leave Israel for The Israelites.

Brits like Jews tend to be very Black & White thinkers, generally incapable of out of the box thinking.

It doesn't really matter what the people were called that Israel killed, displaced, stole land from, and oppressed since 1947, the fact remains they are called the Palestinians now-a-days, and the Jews stole their Israel from them, and continue to do so with Settlements & continue to shoot into crowds of Palestinians massacring them.
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?
Is Israel's wall evil?

Is the one Barry and Michelle just built around their brand new big@ss house 'evil'?
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?

sobie dear. calm yourself and try to use your brain. Ashkenazi jews speak a language which reflects their ORIGIN and the places to
which they traveled and sojourned. Yiddish did not develop in Poland. It is a language that INCLUDES the original Hebrew forms
and developed in the RHINE VALLEY by jews who got to the RHINE VALLEY along with romans who migrated to places conquered by Rome------to wit THE RHINE VALLEY------from there they migrated to
the area which is today Poland. That migration is, very clearly, reflected in the LANGUAGE. As to EGYPTIANS-----they did not speak Arabic until arabs INVADED that land------like only ----about 1200 years ago. Arabic has nothing to do with the language of EGYPT------Cleopatra never heard of Arabic-----she spoke Egyptian----
after she gave up her native GREEK ----from Syria. Your entire post
-----is screwy. Egypt did do some war activity in what is ---today
Israel MILLENNIA ago-----but neither that land or Israel was ever
ARABIC speaking in ancient (ie like 3000 years ago) times
Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?

sobie dear. calm yourself and try to use your brain. Ashkenazi jews speak a language which reflects their ORIGIN and the places to
which they traveled and sojourned. Yiddish did not develop in Poland. It is a language that INCLUDES the original Hebrew forms
and developed in the RHINE VALLEY by jews who got to the RHINE VALLEY along with romans who migrated to places conquered by Rome------to wit THE RHINE VALLEY------from there they migrated to
the area which is today Poland. That migration is, very clearly, reflected in the LANGUAGE. As to EGYPTIANS-----they did not speak Arabic until arabs INVADED that land------like only ----about 1200 years ago. Arabic has nothing to do with the language of EGYPT------Cleopatra never heard of Arabic-----she spoke Egyptian----
after she gave up her native GREEK ----from Syria. Your entire post
-----is screwy. Egypt did do some war activity in what is ---today
Israel MILLENNIA ago-----but neither that land or Israel was ever
ARABIC speaking in ancient (ie like 3000 years ago) times

When did the region of Palestine speak Yiddish in ancient times?
The Hebrews in what Rome called The Homeland of Jews 'Palestine" spoke Ancient Hebrew at least 4,000 years before The Roman Empire ever came in to existence and 4,000 years before a Roman ever called Israel......Palestine.

Palestine is The Roman Word for Israel, and a Palestinian is The Roman Word for A Jew.

Many Scholars btw, call Ancient Hebrew the first written and spoken language.

If anyone has a right to so called Palestine it is The Hebrews, for Palestine was named for them.

What are the oldest languages on earth?


Once you start teaching The Unteachable, then they either accept the facts, or they live in a Delusional Denial. If they do not change their views, they are simply misguided fools, and you are then wasting your intellect on derelicts and miscreants.
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Obama has an 'EVIL' wall around his new home....


Note the 'EVIL' wall surrounding Nancy Pelosi's House....

According to snowflakes / Democrats, walls don't keep anyone out / don't work so we shouldn't have one.

Perhaps President Trump should accept the Democrats' offer of $1.3 Billion for the Southern Border Wall .... UNDER THE CONDITION THAT OBAMA, PELOSI, AND SCHUMER TEAR DOWN THE WALLS SURROUNDING THEIR OWN HOMES...



View attachment 238055

Obama has an 'EVIL' wall around his new home....

View attachment 238054

Note the 'EVIL' wall surrounding Nancy Pelosi's House....

According to snowflakes / Democrats, walls don't keep anyone out / don't work so we shouldn't have one.

Perhaps President Trump should accept the Democrats' offer of $1.3 Billion for the Southern Border Wall .... UNDER THE CONDITION THAT OBAMA, PELOSI, AND SCHUMER TEAR DOWN THE WALLS SURROUNDING THEIR OWN HOMES...

Sweet, good old President Obama, saving the tax payers millions, because clearly they don't need secret service protection while they are at home, I mean they have a wall for crying out loud. Foolproof.
Sweet, good old President Obama, saving the tax payers millions, because clearly they don't need secret service protection while they are at home, I mean they have a wall for crying out loud. Foolproof.
Remember, Democrats say walls don't work, so instead of SAVING tax payer dollars, Obama just wasted all that money of ours he spent on a wall.
This Moron thinks there are actually people called "Palestinians"

The only thing close to that is the term The Romans used for The Jewish Homeland of Israel, "Palestine".

There are no ethnic or genetic group called Palestinians unless your are referring to what The Romans called The Jews.

Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?
Now you’re just being stupid.
Is the name Palestine an accurate name for Israel?

Israel is often called Palestine which is a derogatory term used by her enemies in the past. There was never a Palestine and there is no such thing as Palestinian people until the conflict of our modern time. Israel is referred this by the Arabs because the Arabs want to insinuate they stole the land from them.

The Bible never uses the name of “Palestine”, but calls it the land “Judah” or “Israel”. Mt. 2:20-21: “Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead who sought the young child’s life. And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.

To understand this name we must look at some historical background. In Joel 3:4: “Indeed, what have you to do with Me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the coasts of Philistia?

The Philistines were not Middle Eastern or Arab. The Philistines are believed to be an Aegean people (from the Adriatic sea near Greece.) who, in the 12th Century BC, settled along the Mediterranean coast of what is called the Gaza Strip.

The Moslem/ Arabs in that area started calling themselves “Palestinians” nearly 40 years ago. “Palestinian” refers to people who live in Palestine: Arabs (“Arabic speaking peoples”), Bedouins, Druze, Christians, and Jews. No people or nation ever ruled as a sovereign national entity on this land there is no Palestinian language or culture in past history. Palestine, as a country does not presently exist. No Arab nation has their historical roots on the land and no one have claim to this territory other than the Jews. The Jewish rule of this land extended over a period of over 2000 years. Israel became a nation in the land in 1312 BC. God gave them the land in a covenant (Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20) and they lived there.

The Romans before they conquered Jerusalem had called Israel Judea. In 70 A.D. (almost 2000 years ago), the Roman army conquered ancient Israel and destroyed the second Jewish Temple (build under Herod), much of its Jewish population were either killed, captured as slaves, or fled. But in the centuries that followed many Jewish people continued to maintain ties to their homeland. In subsequent centuries, the Jews had returned to their land in small numbers always having a presence in the land. The Roman government issued a coin with the phrase “Judea Capta,” which means “Judea has been captured.”

After the second Jewish revolt under Bar Cochba (A.D. 132-135) it is said the Roman emperor Hadrian renamed the land of Israel and Judea as Palastina ('Palestine') after the ancient enemies of the Jews - the Philistines. Because of his hatred of the Jews, it was meant to be an insult to dishonor them and remove their history. Hadrian built Aelia Capitolina, in the area of the destroyed Temple and dedicated it to Jupiter-Zeus demonstrating the supremacy of the Roman deities in Judea. He then forbid the Jews from entering.

The land kept this name until 1948 when the British Government gave up its mandate to partition Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs. The majority of the land was given to the Arabs. However, the Arabs refused this offer as they wanted ALL of the land and attacked Israel. Today Palestine is used like it was from its inception-as an anti Jewish term.

The name Palestine was adopted by the Moslem residents of the Holy Land and used for their advantage. “Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel... “ (Zuheir Muhsin, late Military Department head of the PLO and member of its Executive Council, Dutch daily Trouw, March 1977).
Let us know when you go to Syria or Sudan on vacation.

Because you believe they’re all bastions of peace.

Nope. Try again.
Then your logic fails.
The Eastern hemisphere was redefined twice in the last with it.

The Romans' failure to deal successfully with the "barbarians" (they tried the wall thing too) was key to their downfall. It would be wise to avoid their mistakes.
"The wall thing" worked. The Visigoths didn't come through the wall, moron.
Palestinians are the ancient people who lived there for may years, if you will the Canaanites aka Hebrews. They never left, they stayed through thick and thin, till the British sent some mercenaries AKA some Poland, Russian and German Jews there to guard the Suez Canal. Which is why the Palestinians are Jews , Christians, and Muslims in their religious beliefs.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?
Now you’re just being stupid.

Why is it smart to think Yiddish German speakers are entilted to Israel, but stupid to think Egypt Arabic speakers have a right to Israel because Ancient Egypt was there before the Hebrews were?
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?

sobie dear. calm yourself and try to use your brain. Ashkenazi jews speak a language which reflects their ORIGIN and the places to
which they traveled and sojourned. Yiddish did not develop in Poland. It is a language that INCLUDES the original Hebrew forms
and developed in the RHINE VALLEY by jews who got to the RHINE VALLEY along with romans who migrated to places conquered by Rome------to wit THE RHINE VALLEY------from there they migrated to
the area which is today Poland. That migration is, very clearly, reflected in the LANGUAGE. As to EGYPTIANS-----they did not speak Arabic until arabs INVADED that land------like only ----about 1200 years ago. Arabic has nothing to do with the language of EGYPT------Cleopatra never heard of Arabic-----she spoke Egyptian----
after she gave up her native GREEK ----from Syria. Your entire post
-----is screwy. Egypt did do some war activity in what is ---today
Israel MILLENNIA ago-----but neither that land or Israel was ever
ARABIC speaking in ancient (ie like 3000 years ago) times

When did the region of Palestine speak Yiddish in ancient times?

since when did polacks speak English?. I got news for you----Jesus did not speak polish or latin and did not eat pig sausages. As to Arabic------it was introduced to both Egypt and Palestine by unwashed animals from the Arabian peninsula about 1200 years ago and today---the people of the place the romans renamed PALESTINA-----in the area called Israel----speak Hebrew and some Aramaic. Your post is infantile and the product of inebriation-------how long have polacks been drunk?
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?
Now you’re just being stupid.

Why is it smart to think Yiddish German speakers are entilted to Israel, but stupid to think Egypt Arabic speakers have a right to Israel because Ancient Egypt was there before the Hebrews were?

the people of ancient Egypt did not speak arabic
when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?
Now you’re just being stupid.

Why is it smart to think Yiddish German speakers are entilted to Israel, but stupid to think Egypt Arabic speakers have a right to Israel because Ancient Egypt was there before the Hebrews were?

the people of ancient Egypt did not speak arabic

The people of Ancient Israel didn't speak Yiddish, even so most of the founders of Modern Israel were in fact Yiddish speakers.
The Romans didn’t want the worthless, uneducated Arabs.

when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?
Now you’re just being stupid.

Why is it smart to think Yiddish German speakers are entilted to Israel, but stupid to think Egypt Arabic speakers have a right to Israel because Ancient Egypt was there before the Hebrews were?
Ask the UN.
And keep making it up as you go along.
You must think it’s cool that Muslims keep murdering each other as well as murdering Christians as long as those Christians aren’t Polish Catholics.
You are one autistic piece of shit.
when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?

sobie dear. calm yourself and try to use your brain. Ashkenazi jews speak a language which reflects their ORIGIN and the places to
which they traveled and sojourned. Yiddish did not develop in Poland. It is a language that INCLUDES the original Hebrew forms
and developed in the RHINE VALLEY by jews who got to the RHINE VALLEY along with romans who migrated to places conquered by Rome------to wit THE RHINE VALLEY------from there they migrated to
the area which is today Poland. That migration is, very clearly, reflected in the LANGUAGE. As to EGYPTIANS-----they did not speak Arabic until arabs INVADED that land------like only ----about 1200 years ago. Arabic has nothing to do with the language of EGYPT------Cleopatra never heard of Arabic-----she spoke Egyptian----
after she gave up her native GREEK ----from Syria. Your entire post
-----is screwy. Egypt did do some war activity in what is ---today
Israel MILLENNIA ago-----but neither that land or Israel was ever
ARABIC speaking in ancient (ie like 3000 years ago) times

When did the region of Palestine speak Yiddish in ancient times?

since when did polacks speak English?. I got news for you----Jesus did not speak polish or latin and did not eat pig sausages. As to Arabic------it was introduced to both Egypt and Palestine by unwashed animals from the Arabian peninsula about 1200 years ago and today---the people of the place the romans renamed PALESTINA-----in the area called Israel----speak Hebrew and some Aramaic. Your post is infantile and the product of inebriation-------how long have polacks been drunk?

You seem to be very rattled, that Ancient Israel didn't speak Yiddish.

Otherwise, your anti-Polish bashing is uncalled for, and off topic.
Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?

sobie dear. calm yourself and try to use your brain. Ashkenazi jews speak a language which reflects their ORIGIN and the places to
which they traveled and sojourned. Yiddish did not develop in Poland. It is a language that INCLUDES the original Hebrew forms
and developed in the RHINE VALLEY by jews who got to the RHINE VALLEY along with romans who migrated to places conquered by Rome------to wit THE RHINE VALLEY------from there they migrated to
the area which is today Poland. That migration is, very clearly, reflected in the LANGUAGE. As to EGYPTIANS-----they did not speak Arabic until arabs INVADED that land------like only ----about 1200 years ago. Arabic has nothing to do with the language of EGYPT------Cleopatra never heard of Arabic-----she spoke Egyptian----
after she gave up her native GREEK ----from Syria. Your entire post
-----is screwy. Egypt did do some war activity in what is ---today
Israel MILLENNIA ago-----but neither that land or Israel was ever
ARABIC speaking in ancient (ie like 3000 years ago) times

When did the region of Palestine speak Yiddish in ancient times?

since when did polacks speak English?. I got news for you----Jesus did not speak polish or latin and did not eat pig sausages. As to Arabic------it was introduced to both Egypt and Palestine by unwashed animals from the Arabian peninsula about 1200 years ago and today---the people of the place the romans renamed PALESTINA-----in the area called Israel----speak Hebrew and some Aramaic. Your post is infantile and the product of inebriation-------how long have polacks been drunk?

You seem to be very rattled, that Ancient Israel didn't speak Yiddish.

Otherwise, your anti-Polish bashing is uncalled for, and off topic.
You seem to be a hateful asshole.
when it comes to ORIGIN OF PEOPLES ---linguistics beat out DNA.
Linguistic studies have revealed that the ARAB BEDOUIN of Israel
are------simply, nomadic Bedouin who originated in ARABIA
As to the DNA thing------it turns out that both the Arabic and
Hebrew speaking people (jews) of Israel originate in the
LEVANT------- Try to cope----human beans---being the interactive beans that they are-------TEND TO CONJUGATE if they can get at
each other------thus all the people-----to wit the Levantine arabs and DA JOOS of the world are GENETICALLY related. Linguistically---
the arabs of Israel are------of the Arabian PENINSULA ----they are not
of the land mass called "PALESTINA" by Herodotus circa 500 BC.
Genetically AND Linguistically------all da jooos (joos being jews---they
tend to be MOBILE but end up marrying each other) are both genetically and linguistically------related. The Romans and the arabs
did INTERACT-----economically. Arabs provided the Romans with
sub-Saharan slaves and---to a lesser extent----spices from the
Orient. Jews were also suppliers of spices as were Persians

Being that The Arab and The Jew both share The DNA of Abraham (Issac the son of Abraham and Sarah, and Ishmael the son of Abraham and Hagar the Egyptian Handmaiden of Sarah) Then perhaps ALL of the Entire Middle East should be claimed by Israel.

Abraham is the father of The Jews and The Arabs, and there is no getting around that. Technically then, The Entire Middle East is "The Promised Land".

Egypt was in Israel before Jews.

If Yiddish speaking Ashkenazis claiming to be Hebrew Israelites can claim to Israel as their lands.

Why can't Arabic speaking Egyptians claiming to be Ancient Egyptians claim Israel as their lands?
Now you’re just being stupid.

Why is it smart to think Yiddish German speakers are entilted to Israel, but stupid to think Egypt Arabic speakers have a right to Israel because Ancient Egypt was there before the Hebrews were?
Ask the UN.
And keep making it up as you go along.
You must think it’s cool that Muslims keep murdering each other as well as murdering Christians as long as those Christians aren’t Polish Catholics.
You are one autistic piece of shit.

Making it up as you go along?

That sounds like Zionist propagandists, who state funny lies, like Israel was uninhabited, or that Palestinians all came in during the 6 Day War, or that Palestinians just magically appeared during the 6 Day War era.

I've been a critic of ISIS killing Christians, Muslims, and Yazidis, I've also been a critic of Saudi Arabia's Yemen Terror Famine, something we've not seen since Terror Famines around WW2 like Churchill's Terror Famine of 1943 the Bengali Famine, or the Holodomor Terror Famine of the 1932 - 1933.

But, Guess who aligned themselves on the side of ISIS?
None other than Israel.

Israel is also aligned with Saudi Arabia.

Gee, it sure looks like the Axis of Evil now-a-days isn't Iran, or North Korea.

But, rather the U.S.A, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

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