Zone1 Is It Blasphemy That I'm Seeing Biblical History Repeat Itself?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Jesus always told the truth and He was crucified on the cross and He predicted it too. Donald Trump always tells the truth and he is predicting his arrest tomorrow. Now I'm not saying that Donald Trump is Jesus as he isn't sinless in the slightest,.. but still, I just can't help but see the similarities. Especially since the so called crimes he was accused for apparently happened before he became president, so why would charges towards him just start being talked about now right after he announced his 2024 presidency?
Donald Trump always tells the truth
Jesus always told the truth and He was crucified on the cross and He predicted it too. Donald Trump always tells the truth and he is predicting his arrest tomorrow. Now I'm not saying that Donald Trump is Jesus as he isn't sinless in the slightest,.. but still, I just can't help but see the similarities. Especially since the so called crimes he was accused for apparently happened before he became president, so why would charges towards him just start being talked about now right after he announced his 2024 presidency?
It's all a ploy. If he's arrested, he predicted it, If he isn't, they're afraid of him. Donald Trump wins again! :spinner:
Jesus always told the truth and He was crucified on the cross and He predicted it too. Donald Trump always tells the truth and he is predicting his arrest tomorrow. Now I'm not saying that Donald Trump is Jesus as he isn't sinless in the slightest,.. but still, I just can't help but see the similarities. Especially since the so called crimes he was accused for apparently happened before he became president, so why would charges towards him just start being talked about now right after he announced his 2024 presidency?
so why would charges towards him just start being talked about now right after he announced his 2024 presidency?

erroneously they claim a president can not be charged with a crime while in office, the issue has been talked about when his affair was first reported - and the consequential payoff just prior to his election ...

declaring his candidacy is a ploy to prevent new litigation using the same logic as previously and used by people such as the o p to circumvent their criminal activity as was the point in delaying the charges the o p now criticizes.
what is that pesky verse....about idols and gods before your god? what was it....

I already said that Trump isn't Jesus and let's face it,.. he's arrogant and a loose cannon. However, I honestly don't believe that he's a criminal. That's the only thing that he has in common with Jesus.
Jesus always told the truth and He was crucified on the cross and He predicted it too. Donald Trump always tells the truth and he is predicting his arrest tomorrow. Now I'm not saying that Donald Trump is Jesus as he isn't sinless in the slightest,.. but still, I just can't help but see the similarities. Especially since the so called crimes he was accused for apparently happened before he became president, so why would charges towards him just start being talked about now right after he announced his 2024 presidency?
Yeah. The Romans crucified Christ because he got caught paying off pornstars. Biblical history repeats itself.
It's not about his actions per se and some ill founded belief in it being innocent, but rather the double standard when others engage in similar (or worse) actions with vastly different responses. That, along with the 24/7 pile-on is what generates the sympathy for him across the globe. Every time they go at him theg don't consider that they also put a spotlight on career politicians.
Supposedly Mark Twain said something like,"History doesn't repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes."

Although Jesus didn't live in Roman, but in Occupied Palestine, his people's conquerors were going through a turbulent period -- extreme inequality leading to repeated political turmoil in Rome: the Gracchi brothers, the "Cataline conspiracy", and finally Julius Caesar -- as the Roman Republic went through its death throes on the way to becoming the Roman Empire. And all this, despite a history of having triumphed militarily against powerful adversaries and being the known world's dominant military power.

And the Jews' God had not intervened to save them. Their priests could no longer credibly claim to be the trusted intermediaries to a benevolent Higher Power.

Things were unsettled. The Old Ways were no longer working. The times were ripe for a Savior. A charismatic Roman military man, for the Romans. A new prophet, for the Jews.

Inequality, unsettled times. Sound familiar?
I already said that Trump isn't Jesus and let's face it,.. he's arrogant and a loose cannon. However, I honestly don't believe that he's a criminal. That's the only thing that he has in common with Jesus.
If you don't see Trump as a con man you are not paying attention
Jesus always told the truth and He was crucified on the cross and He predicted it too. Donald Trump always tells the truth and he is predicting his arrest tomorrow. Now I'm not saying that Donald Trump is Jesus as he isn't sinless in the slightest,.. but still, I just can't help but see the similarities. Especially since the so called crimes he was accused for apparently happened before he became president, so why would charges towards him just start being talked about now right after he announced his 2024 presidency?

I assume you're being sarcastic.
We could find hundreds, if not thousands of lies Trump has told.
Is Trump a "con man"?

The answer depends on how you're using the word "con man".

If by that term you mean, someone who is less than personally honest ... who might cheat on his taxes ... who might sell you a used car without telling you about a major defect it had .. or might get you to invest in a company whose assets he exaggerated ... or tell a woman he's pursuing that his wife is going to divorce him soon, knowing it 's not true ... or denounce Bill Clinton for his sexual adventures, while himself having numerous affairs ...

... well, yes... it wouldn't suprise me if that were so. As you grow up, you realize that there are lots of people like that ... from small-fry car salesmen, to big Wall Street entrepreneurs.

And the world is not divided into Hollywood-style totally evil Con Men, on the one hand, and pure good completely open and honest Mother Teresa types on the other. The Christians call it Original Sin, Darwinians blame our selfish genes.

But if by "con man" you mean someone who claims to love his country and to be deeply alarmed by the direction it's taking ... but actually just plans to do like all previous Republican national politicians and trail along behind the Left as it systematically saws away at the foundations of America ... well, no.

The fanatical loyalty the man has comes from people thinking that, finally, here is a politician who is NOT conning them, whatever his personal romantic and financial life is like.

The analogy for the Left might be Mr Al Sharpton, whose followers are probably not under the impression that he's some sort of Martin Luther King saint. (Come to think of it, neither
was Dr King, who plagiarized his doctoral thesis, and preached Christian marital fidelity to his followers while carrying on numerous affairs).

You go to war with the generals you've got.

Sharpton & Hillary.jpg

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