Is it Good for the USA to Take in 100,000 Muslim 'Refugees' Annually?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Why has there been no discussion with the US citizenry BEFORE making such a ridiculous commitment?

Will locals in the state these so-called refugees are put in, will the people of that state have a choice or is this more Obama Regime heavy handedness?

Why has the GOP not objected to this bullshit and tried to stop it? Because their corporate donors are twisting their arms to let Obama get away with it?

How can the feds screen these 'refugees' for ISIS members when it cant even keep itself from giving ISIS weapons repeatedly?

“The U.N. calls it ‘refugee resettlement’ — the Muslims call it hijra, migration,” said another speaker, Jim McMillan, a local businessman. “They don’t plan to assimilate, they don’t plan to take on our culture. They plan to change the way of American life.”

"The United States government has pledged to increase the number of worldwide refugees allowed in the country each year from 70,000 to 100,000 by the year 2017; earlier this month, the Obama administration said it would take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year. But the anger and anxiety here show just how hard this might be in some parts of the country."

This is demographic suicide for the American people.
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Why has there been no discussion with the US citizenry BEFORE making such a ridiculous commitment?

Will locals in the state these so-called refugees are put in, will the people of that state have a choice or is this more Obama Regime heavy handedness?

Why has the GOP not objected to this bullshit and tried to stop it? Because their corporate donors are twisting their arms to let Obama get away with it?

How can the feds screen these 'refugees' for ISIS members when it cant even keep itself from giving ISIS weapons repeatedly?

“The U.N. calls it ‘refugee resettlement’ — the Muslims call it hijra, migration,” said another speaker, Jim McMillan, a local businessman. “They don’t plan to assimilate, they don’t plan to take on our culture. They plan to change the way of American life.”

"The United States government has pledged to increase the number of worldwide refugees allowed in the country each year from 70,000 to 100,000 by the year 2017; earlier this month, the Obama administration said it would take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year. But the anger and anxiety here show just how hard this might be in some parts of the country."

This is demographic suicide for the American people.

I am sure the Mafia is not happy about it....
If we did, combined with the Hispanic immigrants, we'd have the population of China.

We take in refugees all the time.

We took in your ancestors.

It's not like you're qualified to pass judgement on others.

Yes, we are.

The fact that our ancestors moved here does not deny US the right to question is there muslims will be good for the US.
interesting times ahead . Check out Hungary's President Orban who is currently dealing with invading 'muslims' who are trying to get into Hungary . See Hungary to see whats headed to the USA . I oppose the population increase in the USA but then the fact that these invading refugees are 'muslim' makes their importation into the USA very worrisome .
Why has the GOP not objected to this bullshit and tried to stop it?.....

Because anti-religious bigotry and discrimination are not part of the GOP platform.

It is not bigotry or discrimination to point out that we do not need more unskilled and uneducated workers and that they will not not assimilate easily, if at all.

It is part of the Democrat Party's overall plan to replace the Negro.
Why has there been no discussion with the US citizenry BEFORE making such a ridiculous commitment?

Because to the current federal government, particularly the Obama administration, your input is neither requested nor desired.

Islam is diametrically opposed to the US Constitution. Muslim influence here is not a good thing.
Why has the GOP not objected to this bullshit and tried to stop it?.....

Because anti-religious bigotry and discrimination are not part of the GOP platform.

It is not bigotry or discrimination to point out that we do not need more unskilled and uneducated workers and that they will not not assimilate easily, if at all.

The 1840s called. They say they miss you and you still know nothing.
interesting times ahead . Check out Hungary's President Orban who is currently dealing with invading 'muslims' who are trying to get into Hungary . See Hungary to see whats headed to the USA . I oppose the population increase in the USA but then the fact that these invading refugees are 'muslim' makes their importation into the USA very worrisome .

Another illogical enemy of the Constitution.
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only good thing I see is that none of the cities I ever visit are mentioned .
Why has the GOP not objected to this bullshit and tried to stop it?.....

Because anti-religious bigotry and discrimination are not part of the GOP platform.

It is not bigotry or discrimination to point out that we do not need more unskilled and uneducated workers and that they will not not assimilate easily, if at all.

The 1840s called. They say they miss you and you still know nothing.

So, you think we DO need more unskilled and uneducated workers to compete in the 21st century world economy?

Or do you think that Traditional American Culture needs more Islam added to the mix to get reach the happy ever after of multicultural diversity living all in harmony with a unicorn in every garage?
interesting times ahead . Check out Hungary's President Orban who is currently dealing with invading 'muslims' who are trying to get into Hungary . See Hungary to see whats headed to the USA . I oppose the population increase in the USA but then the fact that these invading refugees are 'muslim' makes their importation into the USA very worrisome .

Another illogical enemy of the Constitution.

Nothing in the Constitution that says we have to ignore the fact that want to be immigrants are not going to fit in.

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