Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Islam a religion of peace?

Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Islam a religion of peace?

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Hey dunmy what the fuck do you think your dummycrats with your president is doing right now? You are so gullible it is sickening

Well, to start with, he revoked Bush's giveaway to the rich. So there's that.

BUt discussing actually policy with you is kind of hard when your mind set doesn't evolve much beyond, "Negro Bad!"
Hey dunmy what the fuck do you think your dummycrats with your president is doing right now? You are so gullible it is sickening

Well, to start with, he revoked Bush's giveaway to the rich. So there's that.

BUt discussing actually policy with you is kind of hard when your mind set doesn't evolve much beyond, "Negro Bad!"

Go ahead and show me where he said the racist comment, guy.
Hey dunmy what the fuck do you think your dummycrats with your president is doing right now? You are so gullible it is sickening

Well, to start with, he revoked Bush's giveaway to the rich. So there's that.

BUt discussing actually policy with you is kind of hard when your mind set doesn't evolve much beyond, "Negro Bad!"

Go ahead and show me where he said the racist comment, guy.
Did you expect something other then me being called a racist?
Hey dunmy what the fuck do you think your dummycrats with your president is doing right now? You are so gullible it is sickening

Well, to start with, he revoked Bush's giveaway to the rich. So there's that.

BUt discussing actually policy with you is kind of hard when your mind set doesn't evolve much beyond, "Negro Bad!"

Go ahead and show me where he said the racist comment, guy.
Did you expect something other then me being called a racist?
You're ignorant and hateful.
Hey dunmy what the fuck do you think your dummycrats with your president is doing right now? You are so gullible it is sickening

Well, to start with, he revoked Bush's giveaway to the rich. So there's that.

BUt discussing actually policy with you is kind of hard when your mind set doesn't evolve much beyond, "Negro Bad!"

Go ahead and show me where he said the racist comment, guy.
Did you expect something other then me being called a racist?
You're ignorant and hateful.
Just one more thing you are wrong about.
Religion of peace, my ass!

In my experience, there are five main types who make this claim: liberal white people who've never actually read it and are just trying to be inclusive, cultural Muslims who've never actually read it and just take their imam's or family's word that it's true and peaceful, actual Muslims who have read it and are lying for political reasons, actual Muslims who have read it and are telling the truth using their own definition of "peaceful"*, and politicians who know it's not but are lying about it for political reasons. I believe both Bush and Obama fall into the last category.

*Believe it or not, Islam is all about establishing world peace. Jihad is meant to establish world peace. The brainwashed kids burning caged children for God think they're doing it for world peace. Peace in Islam is the absence of struggle, which can only truly occur when there is no longer anything to struggle against. There will be peace when the Christians and Jews are slaves and the disbelievers slain. Until then, there can only be a state of war or a state of a temporary ceasefire, depending on the current strength of the Muslims.
Religion of peace, my ass!


again- compared to Christianity...

Deuteronomy 13:6-10
If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die.

2 Chronicles 15:13
Whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.

Mark 16:16
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
In my experience, there are five main types who make this claim: liberal white people who've never actually read it and are just trying to be inclusive, cultural Muslims who've never actually read it and just take their imam's or family's word that it's true and peaceful, actual Muslims who have read it and are lying for political reasons, actual Muslims who have read it and are telling the truth using their own definition of "peaceful"*, and politicians who know it's not but are lying about it for political reasons. I believe both Bush and Obama fall into the last category.

In my experience, most Muslims just want to get on with their lives and be left alone.

Maybe if we stop invading their countries, stopped bombing their children, and stop propping up the Zionist Scum that stole their land, we wouldn't have a problem with them.
In my experience, most Muslims just want to get on with their lives and be left alone.

Maybe if we stop invading their countries, stopped bombing their children, and stop propping up the Zionist Scum that stole their land, we wouldn't have a problem with them.
Most Muslims are about as practicing as most Christians. You can't really go off what the cultural "believers" who ignore all the inconvenient rules and just go to masjid on special occasions say about what Islam is actually about any more than you can go off Christmas-and-Easter Christians' explanations of Christian theology. You're obviously not going to accept what the ones dedicating their entire lives and deaths to it, such as IS, say it's about. All that's really left is to read what the Qur'an itself has to say about what Islam is supposed to be.

I would recommend the ahadith too, but you might not want to delve into that until you have enough Islamic knowledge to make sense of the chains of narration and get a good sense of the probability of authenticity each has. I would also suggest you look up who started our first overseas war and why. Their diplomat's comments to Thomas Jefferson justifying the cause are particularly interesting. A couple other interesting historical events you should know about, just as kind of a Basic Intro to Islamic History kind of thing, would be the Wars of Apostasy and the problems with the Kharijites. You may not think so, though. None of this really meshes well with Democratic/liberal talking points.
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Religion of peace, my ass!


again- compared to Christianity...

Deuteronomy 13:6-10
If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die.

Mark 16:16
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Old Testament scrips are based upon a nation at war with everyone. They had to have a with us or against us mentality. The New Testament passage is talking about a spiritual matter.

Pretending the text of your Koran and the Bible are comparable is just shameless. The Koran is a putrid murderous vile p.o.s. And I don't fear going into a Chrisitian Nation; nor do Muslims. Yet, there's plenty of religion based violence in your Muslim shit holes. The proof is in the pudding. You'd choose to live in a Christian nation 10 times out of 10.
Most Muslims are about as practicing as most Christians. You can't really go off what the cultural "believers" who ignore all the inconvenient rules and just go to masjid on special occasions say about what Islam is actually about any more than you can go off Christmas-and-Easter Christians' explanations of Christian theology. You're obviously not going to accept what the ones dedicating their entire lives and deaths to it, such as IS, say it's about. All that's really left is to read what the Qur'an itself has to say about what Islam is supposed to be.

I think you are fluttering into "No True Scotsman" Territory here, dude.

I would recommend the ahadith too, but you might not want to delve into that until you have enough Islamic knowledge to make sense of the chains of narration and get a good sense of the probability of authenticity each has. I would also suggest you look up who started our first overseas war and why. Their diplomat's comments to Thomas Jefferson justifying the cause are particularly interesting. A couple other interesting historical events you should know about, just as kind of a Basic Intro to Islamic History kind of thing, would be the Wars of Apostasy and the problems with the Kharijites. You may not think so, though. None of this really meshes well with Democratic/liberal talking points.

Guy, I don't need to read that stuff.

I know exactly why we have a problem with Islam. We keep invading their countries, bombing their homes, trying to get their resources for our use without compensating them and of course, propping up a Zionist State on their holy land.

That's why we have a problem with them. Not because of some shit someone said to Thomas Jefferson when he wasn't raping his slave.
Old Testament scrips are based upon a nation at war with everyone. They had to have a with us or against us mentality. The New Testament passage is talking about a spiritual matter.

Pretending the text of your Koran and the Bible are comparable is just shameless. The Koran is a putrid murderous vile p.o.s. And I don't fear going into a Chrisitian Nation; nor do Muslims. Yet, there's plenty of religion based violence in your Muslim shit holes. The proof is in the pudding. You'd choose to live in a Christian nation 10 times out of 10.

I choose to live in a free secular country with separation of Church and State. Becuase somewhere along the line, we had an "enlightenment".

The Koran and the Bible both have their share of putrid verses advocating homophobia, intolerance, xenophobia, misogyny and racism.
Old Testament scrips are based upon a nation at war with everyone. They had to have a with us or against us mentality. The New Testament passage is talking about a spiritual matter.

Pretending the text of your Koran and the Bible are comparable is just shameless. The Koran is a putrid murderous vile p.o.s. And I don't fear going into a Chrisitian Nation; nor do Muslims. Yet, there's plenty of religion based violence in your Muslim shit holes. The proof is in the pudding. You'd choose to live in a Christian nation 10 times out of 10.

I choose to live in a free secular country with separation of Church and State. Becuase somewhere along the line, we had an "enlightenment".

The Koran and the Bible both have their share of putrid verses advocating homophobia, intolerance, xenophobia, misogyny and racism.

Don't make this argument about nonsense. There's no bishop in chief; never has been. This is about the merits of Islam vs. Chritianity. One is evil and the other is good.
Don't make this argument about nonsense. There's no bishop in chief; never has been. This is about the merits of Islam vs. Chritianity. One is evil and the other is good.

Most Islamic Countries, there isn't a Mullah in Chief, either.

Neither one of them are good or evil. People are good or evil. I've met Christians who just total evil assholes, and I've met Muslims who were the nicest folks in the world.
Don't make this argument about nonsense. There's no bishop in chief; never has been. This is about the merits of Islam vs. Chritianity. One is evil and the other is good.

Most Islamic Countries, there isn't a Mullah in Chief, either.

Neither one of them are good or evil. People are good or evil. I've met Christians who just total evil assholes, and I've met Muslims who were the nicest folks in the world.

Most Muslim countries are dictatorships or ran by a few select religious nutballs. You know that and I know that. I don't give a fuck who you've met. One religion is about peace and the other is about oppression and death.
Most Muslim countries are dictatorships or ran by a few select religious nutballs. You know that and I know that. I don't give a fuck who you've met. One religion is about peace and the other is about oppression and death.

Well, except not really.

IN fact, other than Iran, none of them really have "Religious nutballs" as leaders. They are generally a collection of monarchs and secular despots with the odd democracy mixed in.

Both religions are about getting you to quake in front of an imaginary Sky Pixie. One of them just got to "not paying much attention to that shit" first.
Most Muslim countries are dictatorships or ran by a few select religious nutballs. You know that and I know that. I don't give a fuck who you've met. One religion is about peace and the other is about oppression and death.

Well, except not really.

IN fact, other than Iran, none of them really have "Religious nutballs" as leaders. They are generally a collection of monarchs and secular despots with the odd democracy mixed in.

Both religions are about getting you to quake in front of an imaginary Sky Pixie. One of them just got to "not paying much attention to that shit" first.

I don't give a shit about your invalid views on Christianity. The reality is that Islam is a scourge; a murderous scourge upon humanity. It always has been and always will be. Meanwhile, no Christian nation is an off limits nation for a law abiding citizen. Only goons like you even pretend there's a comparison.

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